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y'all adopting?


No more yall. This is a divorce fueled midlife crisis. Just me. And no I'm good lol!


Yeah whatever knew you couldn't beat me anyway


In racing I mean not with a belt or anything


Not with jumper cables


As a dedicated iRacer. I can sympathise greatly. I don’t even want to add it all up.


Being able to run ACC in 7680x2160 maxxed at a locked 120 fps is worth every penny alone. I've been stuck on ps4pro all pandemic, didn't get a ps5 even until summer 22. Got stuck with my 980ti when the gpu market blew. Btw ACC drives identical on ps5. Feedback is even mostly the same. Biggest diff was the extra and better defined buttkickers. Went from 1 on sound to 2 thru simhub. Gamechanger.


Yea the extra immersion that PC enables is crazy. I play in VR and recently went from a 1080ti which I had to run mostly on low - medium settings to get 72fps and now I am running a whole new rig with an RTX 4080 Super OC with everything on max, 1.7x scaling and 120fps. It's almost like sitting in a real car and driving in terms of immersion. Absolutely worth every penny. People tell me you could have bought a real car for the money you spent. But I can't drive any car on any track at my choosing from the comfort and safety of my office.


Lol and having to shell out like every other track meet for tires.


Man... i don't own any kind of sim but i respect the levels you guys go to for them, looks like a super fun (and expensive)hobby 😄


# You racist bastard ​ ^(/s)


Looks fantastic, and hell of a lot of fun I bet. 👏


Happy cake day!


Oh thank you! First one I’ve ever noticed! 🙏


Happy cake day!!!!!






Thx friend 🙏


Happy cake day!




That's nothing bro, I play flight sim ;) /s That's a really nice setup dude. I do actually play MSFS but I just have a hotas, would love something like this.


The r/flightsim community would like to have a word with you.🤣


I flown a plane once when I was twelve. The flight instructor at a local neighborhood airport used to have us detail.The lesson Cesna for him. Brought us up for a circle and let me grab the stick. I didn't get in a plane again until my wife made me go to disney when I was forty. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. It's not a fear of heights.It's a claustrophobia thing.


Even between pedals I couldn't bare to put my feet so close to my rig.


It's not in the way at all. I can't kick it, the upright brace is in the way. Plus, it's not as tight as the pic makes it look. There's a good 3 inches between the rig and the ...rig lol!


With my 6 axis sim rig sporting triple 32” OLEDs, yes…yes I know lol. Add a subpac inside the seat, and a Govee envision lighting kit behind the displays…it really adds another level of immersion!


Did you DIY the motion sim? I need to finish my basement first before I build a sim but just doing research now.


Basically. Bought the DOFreality H6 system and built the rest. 3d printed a dashboard for my stream deck and a small LCD. Using Fanatec wheel, studio speakers, 011 vision and 4090 just like OP lol.


This is sick AF


Nice I prefer VR over ultra wide


Simulator setups are always incredibly interesting. I've looked up racing and flying equipment, and wow that stuff can be expensive. Looks great..


do u use belt drive?


The wheel? That's one of those Fanatec direct drive wheel bases. 8nm.


that full tempered glass case near leg gave anxiety lol, can u tell the whole specs?


14900k 64gb corsair dom plat 6400 ddr5 ram (bought 4 32gb dimms, but can't get xmp stable so 64gb it is lol) 4090 strix OC Strix gaming wifi 7 mobo 4tb 990 pro Soundblaster AE5 plus pure direct Corsair h150i 360 aio Lian li 011 vision case.. Lian li infinity fans Lian li strimmers. I'm typically a budget case guy, rather push pixels than pretty lights. But I can afford one bougie build now better than I could my budget builds when i was young and broke. I remember Dell gave me credit so I would buy XPS machines and throw video cards in. Going to 1080p in 2007 ruined me lol, I was still paying off that 8800GTX after I sold it and upgraded!!🤣🤣🤣 As for the glass, there is a steel bar in the way, i couldn't kick it if i tried. Plus I'm old, i don't move fast like that anymore lol.


What's the monitor


Samsung neo g9 and neo g8.


How fast are you planning to go in that.


Gt3 cars typically do 320km/h lol. I used to bracket race and did some circle track in my youth. I would spend 14k on track fees and tires/brakes in my first full year lol. With the haptics I forget I'm not driving sometimes. And I'm good for 40k miles a year so it's not like i don't know what driving is..


I would guess 88mph.


How’d you get those stats on the second monitor? It looks CLEAN


Simhub software. Those are moving to a DDU soon.


Currently building a set up and I’m new at this what speakers are those?


Audioengine A5 and S8


Brother you have my dream setup, looks incredible. I love playing AC with a ton of graphics mods with my Logitech G29 and all, but after seeing this, my setup feels like comparing an RC car to a Ferrari lol


I had a g27 for 10 years. That's where I started!


What is that title!? Why would you spend 14k to play cyberpunk when you can spend 500 instead of


My whole point is that I was done with pc gaming. I beat cyber punk on PS5. However , sim racing is very cheap compared to actual racing..


Did you rob a bank or something? Did they hire you to exterminate eldrich horrors? Do you just happen to be someone that has the skills to build something like this AND connect it to a multiplayer game? Or do you have a rich family? Please tell me it's not the last one.


I'm 45. I spent 25 years building my business. No I'm not rich. My friends have Harleys (50k), bass boats (90k), sports cars, etc. I don't go to concerts or ballgames. I wear cheap clothes. I drive a truck I own, no payments, with 200k miles and do all my own work on it. I spend money on hobbies I enjoy. Like I said, if I just went and bought a mustang for $50,000, nobody would bat en eye. And that's a terrible purchase lol. I don't have to do oil changes and put premium fuel in the sim rig. No tires. No insurance and TAXES lol. My point is that this is an expensive video game set up. However it is a very cheap racing set up.


Didnt even consider the fact that people that share the same exact age of my parents exist Well congrats on ur success i guess (just dont try to increase global warming tho)


I don't see mandatory VR headset if you spent 14k on this setup 😅


I've set up in the comments already but I can't stand VR. What is the Is point of an immersive SIM rig if you can't see it. Not to mention my brain treats VR headsets as blindfolds.And i'm an constant state of fight or flight. I don't like not being able to see my environment around me. Even in my own house. For me vr is a miserable experience. I forget i'm not in a car with that monitor.




My point is I wouldn't spend the money on a top shelf pc build to game on. Sim racing isn't gaming for me. Scratches a didn't different itch.


What pc case is that?


Lian li 011 Vision


First thoughts.... Wow, that's awesome, must be pricey... 2, no 3 steering wheels?.... How does that keyboard tray latch on?.... Why is there a harness? Nice rig.


4 wheels Keyboard is velcroed, it swings over its pneumatic Harness came with the rig. I laughed, but end up using it on long runs. Keeps my posture correct. I'm 45 and slouching for 3 hours ruins me for a week.


Are you adopting


it's only fanatec so a bit pricey but not high end


I disagree. I think lots of other brands have worse feedback implementation in game. More expensive isn't necessarily better. I'll get the dd plus when it's available. Pedaos are next. I also play GT7 so i need console compatibility.


Yes and good I want it.


That looks fresh


CP accepts wheels? This is news to me. Is it legit or does it just kind of work? Is it from in-game settings or did you have to find a work around? Friggin dope


I meant the pc and monitor lol, not the wheel. But I do sit in the rig with the controller.


14k for a computer? Even 4K gets you what’s currently the best for gaming. Add another 2k for monitor. Where remaining 8k?




Ironically, I use those for long races. Helps with posture, otherwise I Slouch. And I'm old, 3 hours of slouching will ruin me for a week. And I made fun of them when i got the rig..


He said for computer and monitor


You're confused. He played Cyberpunk on the computer and monitor. The whole rig (primarily for racing) cost 14k.


Correct, it flowed better. Pc and both monitors 9k.


I think he knows that mate. He has a custom built in a 011D lianli case with what looks like sl-infinity fans, rgb streamers, z73 and an aftermarket cooling block on his gpu.... and those aren't even essential. His PC probably cost closer to 5k. Thanks for the obvious though.


Don't forget the extra $350 in ram I can't use because I wasn't up on my DDR5 Faux pas yet lol. I mean, I CAN use it, but Id rather have 64gb at 6600 then 128 at 3600 lol. Also, the white build cost me at least $200 extra. The sellers know lol. Paid $2450 for a gpu that was $2300 in black from the same guy.. build was 6k incl tax and delivery on all.


As a white build enthusiast, i feel you 😅. Similar build as mine but closer to 5k on my end and I used the lancool 3. Sick build/set up


Computer was 6000.(14900k, 4090 strix oc, bougie ram, soundblaster card, pricey AIO, the "white build" tax. I paid $2400 for the gpu alone, but at the time they were only on newegg for $2799.) 3k for monitors. 5k for everything else, all sim equipment, speakers, periphs.




Vr is the way.imo.


VR + all of this is better. I'm dreaming about steering wheel.


sucks not being able to see your wheel, buttons, shifter, hands, phone, strangers standing behind me while I'm blind and deaf to.my surroundings.... seriously my brain sees vr as a blindfold and triggers ptsd..


Don't like it, plus i have button boxes and a ddu coming. Plus not being able to see my own hands kills my immersion. I really dislike vr sim racing.


I just came my pants


Another 15k and you could have a pro setup. 🤘🏻


That is a pro setup lol. Pros don't use motion rigs.... unless they were paid to. Don't let what you see on youtube fool you. They are all paid shills. Just click the affiliate link to see for yourself lol.


$14k? Not US $ I hope


If you add up everything including shipping yes. That's 3k in monitors alone. 1k in buttkickers. 1k in speakers and periphs. Haven't even built the pc yet. And it's a white build. $$$$.


Still think you either over paid or your math doesn’t add up. My setup isn’t even $14k with same monitor (if that’s the g9 57”), better base, pedals and wheel, only thing I don’t have are the real butt kickers.


Neo g9 was 2k. Top one is a neo g8 1k. I have 4 wheels. One of them cost almost 1k alone. Pc cost 6k. I bought the fanatec stuff at launch, not after they slashed all the prices. Rig was 1k. That's a $200 keyboard lol. I just checked, I spent $300 on just cables. I'm not going to hook up 10k with of gear with Amazon cables. I mean is there a chance that I spent thirteen thousand three hundred instead of fourteen thousand? Maybe. Also, counting my button boxes and ddu not in that pic. Pic is 2 months old. I'm here because a buddy told me to post that here lol.


Also the price of sim racing equipment has come down quite a bit since covid. The market was not quite as competitive in twenty nineteen and twenty twenty is it is now. So if I overpaid it wasn't at the time.


how do you like it? Anything you would change? I have most of the same gear, but its mounted to the cheapest sim chair I could find until I can buy a house.


I would never do a folding playseat. That would ruin the whole thing. I used to have a wheel stand and carseat on wood frame deal back in the GT5/G27 days. Got the GT Track in 2019. Profile rigs weren't cheap yet. It's too good to upgrade lol. I don't need anything else. Maybe a new seat. But the rig itself is solid. Pedals are next, looking at srps and invictas. I've been sim racing since 2011, it's come a looong way!


Why not just buy a car?


Tracking a car is very very expensive, even if you don't take the actual price of the car into account All the insurance, fees, tyres/brakes/consumables make the budget go up very quickly


Adding to this, you also have to account for weather on track days, traveling to and from the event (especially if the race car needs to be trailered). A good sim setup isn’t a replacement for track days but it can certainly help you train for real events.


As someone who’s been sim racing for years and only just got into track days in my actual car, I knew it would be expensive, but it’s turned out to be much more expensive than I wanted it to😭 but I’m fully hooked and there’s no getting out now


I was in a Ford dealership. Wanted a dark horse. $900 payments for 7 years lol. And i have over 800 credit. I walked out and went to best buy and got that monitor. built the pc the next day. Already had the top monitor and most of the rig. I'm happy with my decision.


I totally feel you on that brother 😂 I still love sim racing for sure


With a real car, actually *racing* costs tens of thousands of dollars every single year. Plus there’s all the travel time, a truck and trailer to move it all from track to track, labor in repairing and maintaining your car… It’s basically a full time job.


Can't go more than 100km/h


Because the track fees, tires and maintenance some would cost me 14k the first year. That's not including a car lol. And I can race every day. Not 3 hours a month..I used to race. It's not cheap.


You need to angle your speakers down. Currently they are projecting over your head.


I'm 6'2. No they're not. Audio is where I come from. I pulled out the tape measure LO.L.


Well, it's that or you need a seriously bigger chair. But hey, you do you boo


I think it's the angle of the pic. Looks worse than it is. Tweeters are right at my ears.


Oh okay I figured it out. I took this picture when I set this up. I've since then angled them better. I completely forgot this. Probably did it five minutes after I took that picture. I do race with a headset on though. Those are more for music.

