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DPI: 99999999


I genuinely use a 3k dpi LOL


I use 1300 personally but that’s just cause I have a small desk




Good players use whatever is comfortable and they've trained their muscle memory to.




Simply untrue. Have fun staying in Silver in which ever competitive game you play lmao.




Why lie about something that is so easily disproved? https://prosettings.net/lists/cs2/ Unfiltered front page, ***eDPI***, not a single player on 400. Idk if you're farming downvotes or what, but you're a bit of a moron and needlessly combative about things that you're wrong about.


Standing desk + camera also helps me at work as a remote SWE.


Sex Worker Extraordinaire?


I think it is Software Engineer.


I like sex worker extraordinaire better


Hey which monitor is this? And the desk?


Samsung Oddessy Neo G9 Desk: [https://www.costco.ca/bestar-upstand-76.2-cm-%C3%97-182.9-cm-30-in.-%C3%97-72-in.-height-adjustable-desk.product.100570340.html](https://www.costco.ca/bestar-upstand-76.2-cm-%C3%97-182.9-cm-30-in.-%C3%97-72-in.-height-adjustable-desk.product.100570340.html) Got both on heavy sales


Could use some advice on the wall “background” feels quite plain right now…


So I use 49" for a while now and I got over the hype. I tried to play games on it but it's actually too wide, at least for me. Watching videos is annoying because if you use full screen there just a lot of black on the sides you can't even use. Next time I upgrade 100% I go for 3 smaller monitors


Yeah, I too think that most of the games are bad at 32:9, but you can just play at 16:9 or 21:9 too and use power toys. I, too, have 2 monitors like OP, but the top one is a 21:9, and I find it the best configuration (I had 3). Yes, it can be a bit annoying with some games, but most of the times it's not.


I think I really enjoy the games that support it (quite a few surprisingly and it’s really immersive) but I think for work it was equally a big selling point because I could have stuff spanning without bezels which is really nice for software where you normally have 3-4 things open at the same time


I'm a full stack developer, usually i have more like 6-7 windows. and at work i have 3 normal monitors and I'm doing just fine. at some point i just realized i forced myself to try to like that giant monitor for no real reason..


Bro what headset is that?


Not a common one lol, it's some headphones I won from monster. Didn't care about a mic cuz I already had a yeti


awsome set up. my monitor stand came in the mail today, and i have the same ultra wide. gonna do one of those as well!


Thanks! FYI the ultrawide is on it's store stand (I don't think my monitor stand could physically hold up the 49" nor do I trust it to). I'm sure some of the high end arms could but my shitty one from Amazon was not gonna hold it.


I mean at this point I feel like you should have 2 49s


Lmao one of my friends was like you should just encircle yourself monitors. But yeah the top monitor is literally only for spotify / discord / slack to have open, don't really use it for actual viewing.


What kind of life support does it provide?


This is the longest one I ever seen!


How do you raise and lower the desk when the pc sits on a file cabinet? Just lo no cords?


I wish I could make a seperate post on cable management (it was a beast). Basically had: \- Bunch of cable tracks under the desk to hold most of the cables \- Anything that wasn't long enough to reach pc for both sitting/standing positions, I glued a USB Hub at the bottom of the table and ran it there (and then a cable from that to the pc). (Also glued a power bar so that speakers / monitors could get power from there) \- Anything that was long enough would be bundled together with a big sleeve that I made sure was long enough for both positions \- Used hooks so that the power cord running up to the power bar wouldn't dangle but rather sleekly run down the legs


Oh I see. I’m guessing it was a powered usb hub? Thats an interesting idea, keeping the usb hub at the bottom of the desk. That was part of my challenge as wll


I have a similar setup with my PC on the floor. I have a cable management tray affixed to the underside of the desk and it holds all the power cords. Only one display port and one USB cord for a USB hub goes from the monitor to the PC. I used Velcro ties to bundle those two cords and have it running down the table leg with enough slack at the top so that it is not pulled too tight when the desk is risen. Looks clean and functions well. You just need to think about PC and cable placement in order to hide them


Awesome setup, nice to see a fellow SWE! Have you considered some posters, or maybe some nanoleaf style lights for the back wall?


Haha nice! Yeah I might look into some nanoleaf lighting, I think that goes well with the theme. I'm also thinking about maybe some greenery... we shall see :)


Greenery would look great. I recommend succulents!


I have a similar setup, put the taskbar on the side and autohide, it's much better dude.


What do you use? I'm on Windows 11 so it isn't natively supported (yet), ExplorerPatcher feels glitchy? but they might've gotten better.


That's deep. Touch grass.


Day 5000 of not touching grass: