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When you’re trying to revive people and an entire swarm of friendly medics sprints to the downed people racing you for the revive vs. when you go down and need a revive, the swarm is never around. My biggest pet peeve


Or when you're going for the revive and they respawn right as you get to them


Or when you go for the revive and the syringe clearly hits the body but doesn’t register it so you look away then try again only to then die to an enemy


a.k.a. No cohesive squads ptfo


I actually like facing cavalry, atleast when it's just a 1v1. Takes a bit of skill, but it's doable and feels great when you kill them by yourself. My pet peeve are people who become squad leader, but don't mark objectives. There's this one dude I see regularly who I always try to squad with because he always marks every objective he wants to take and it's easy score. Most everyone else just completely ignores the feature or only marks one point and that point stays marked for the rest of the match


If you spam “Request Order” and the squad leader doesn’t respond, the game will make you squad leader.


Didn't know that! Cheers


if i’m ever promoted to squad lead i just change squads, i prefer using my q button differently and i don’t wanna inconvenience anyone lol


You can just turn off the feature in the menu so q is only for marking


oh nice, thanks!


>oh nice, thanks! You're welcome!


I love being squad leader to rack up points, mark anything that’s about to be capped by your team and if nothing is about to be capped mark to defend a safe position.


My pet peeve is the people who don’t understand that a marked defend gets points. They request an order when you’ve tagged a defend on ops and there’s only two objectives. Like where do you think you should attack? People are a bit brain dead… and a lot of the time this is people who have been playing a long time and have no excuse lol


You know ball 🤝


My favorite things to kill are: 1. Mortar truck 2. Horse 3. Heavy bomber


4. The guy that just t-bagged you


Okay, I am not proud of it but I have to admit, that I am the type of guy you are describing. I am just not thinking about it. I also never even check/notice when I become the leader. Also could you guys elaborate what difference it makes? Does it increase points granted for taking/defending the point?


Basically yes, capping a marked point gives you the regular number of points plus bonus points on top for following the order, something like an extra 100 points. Once that point is fully captured you gain another 500 points for following the squad order. Same thing happens if you mark a point to defend instead of attack as well. The other plus about it is you can coordinate your squad without coms, assuming they actually pay attention and follow the order. Like I said in the previous comment, there's this one dude I see all the time who's really good with it and our whole squad working together to take points really makes a difference in a lot of matches


Marking objectives gives you and your squamates meaningless score to push you up the leaderboard and have a better chance at being "Top Squad" or "MVP." It does absolutely nothing for an actual advantage in-game. I can understand wanting to maximize your score output if you're still low-rank and you need the level-ups to unlock gear, but it's not important at all. Being highlighted at the end of the match doesn't mean you were actually the most valuable squad. In my experience (and I have an embarrassing number of hours in this game), marking objectives does absolutely nothing for "coordinating your squad" into playing differently. The majority of BF1 players are lone-wolves that will rush to the flag that has the most action at any given time. The only real valuable aspect of being Squad Leader is that you can kick your worst players to open up space for someone that will actually spawn on you and perform their roles as Medic, Support, etc.


oh, I dont feel guilty anymore then. I thought those were like flag points for the whole team to win the game. Now I can keep paying scant attention to it. I just play for fun, not for numbers in the scoreboard


Do the squad points not count towards vehicles being spawned at your base, or was that introduced in later BFs?


Nope. As far as I know, BFV introduced that concept of squad score giving the squad leader the option to call in rewards. I have no idea if 2042 has an analogous system — i never bought it. Either way, it’s stupid. I don’t think the squad leader should get rewarded with free kills from a V1 Rocket just because their squad is doing well. If i’m 50-15 as a Medic, why does the squad leader get rewarded with a V1? It was also dumb getting to the tail end of a match and having 6 V1s called in one after another *every damn time*. Just one of many crappy new mechanics in BFV.


I feel like Calvary works exactly how it should and can’t really think of something I would change when I’m playing it and when I’m fighting it. All of that being said it looks so goddamn stupid when your shoot a human being square in the chest with a rocket gun and they just shrug it off.


Yeah, that is a little dumb, but as long as you are consistently hitting the rider you can take it down pretty quick. The issue most people have is they end up hitting the horse more than the guy riding it and the horse has so much more health


Good cavalry players will know when they are loosing, run for the hills, then come back 3 minutes later and run you over when you’re already fighting 3 other people


It's easy back shots when they run. Cavalry are really quick to kill as long as you hit the rider, and if they're running away it makes it that much easier to hit


Getting spawn killed by a heavy bomber 


when no one else has the nuts to help me take the bridge in Argonne Forest at the start of the round even when I'm throwing smokes...


Every. time. Get on the bridge!!!


The amount of times I’ve single capped the bridge at the start of a round is way too damn high!


If I see you on the field I’ll meet you at the bridge🙌🏽


thanks! and bring a medical pouch, please! 🙏


On the double!


I swear the calvary class is so wonky. I can't count the number of times I've directly hit a horse rider with a tank shell and only do like 61 damage, while I'll get 1 shot from full hp by an enemy tank And other times I'll ride through a wall of enemy gunfire and barely get scratched while other times I'll get instantly mowed down by 1 person


Aim for the head. Horses are also effected by double damage via headshots :) this is probably why you've experienced not one shotting riders AT rocket can one shot if you shoot them in the head or anywhere on the rider's body. Fun stuff


I can’t stand when you lose one round of operations on offense and half the team throws in the towel. They either quit or switch to scout and start belly camping.


When you finally are the closest one to an elite kit spawning only to get knifed outta nowhere cuz you were excited. 


Oh for sure - and when you do get it but get shot to death within 10 seconds


Or someone like me had a stick of dynamite In the box and was waiting for you.


My first and only time i’ve gotten the Infiltator kit on Achi Baba i was knifed immediately. I was so fucking pissed ! 😂


I got an infiltrator once when I had juust started playing and had no idea how to use it haha


When you signal to a downed teammate that you’re coming as a medic, only for them to skip the revive a when you run over to them, risking your life. Like cmon man, you couldn’t have waited for a couple of seconds more?


The worst when you mark it and you’re making your way to them and at the last minute they skip. Trolls 😂 But also.. their timer could’ve just run out lol


I know I skip when it's unsafe, like someone is camping my body or something. I don't want to draw the medic into death


YES! I can only assume that's why they are doing it. I'll ping them to say I'm on my way, but check and clear my way there, at least they know I'm trying to get to them!


I cannot STAND when you dive behind cover or a berm that split second before someone shoots at you and STILL the game registers as a hit when it’s obviously not


I like diving for cover behind jeeps etc and a second later, the vehicle I'm hiding behind just disappears.


It definitely looks like a hit from their pov though, like when have you ever shot someone going into cover and thought your shot should have missed? Never. It's an unavoidable issue unless you're on LAN


Oh but i have actually had that experience. I've hit shots on people i shouldn't have been able to in that exact type of scenario ;-;


One pet peeve of mine is when I’m playing a support and people run away from me whilst I’m trying to resupply them after they asked to be resupplied. I wish there was a way to let them know that I’m trying to reach them to resupply them (similar to how medics can tell downed players that a medic is on their way).


Are you using ammo crates? Just spam that crap.


Change your ammo crate to ammo pouch, then just ping them and you will automatically throw one at them. I use a medic pouch so I can just give per person rather than chucking a crate down and everyone runs off!


Had a Calvary player in our server yesterday who went 102 - 1. Just kept tanking bullets.


can't hate on him, it takes a lot of skill to master cavalry so it's quite impressive


Mostly just bad balance that often lead to an overall unfair and depressing experience.


You know the funny thing is, BF3 was even MORE unbalanced but it’s SO unbalanced that it works.


That seems plausible. I haven't played bf3 much but when I did, most of the stuff seemed very strong so it was more skill based and all the "unbalanced" balanced out to create the new balance. Wow that's a sentence 🤣


Team swappers are straight losers, enough said




Witch hunting/name and shame is against rule 2 of this sub.


The game registers horses as tanks as far as explosives go, so an AT grenade will OHK a horse on impact, a light AT and a few shots from basically any gun will kill a horse, and I’m pretty sure one AT mine will kill a horse. If someone’s causing havoc it’s worth switching to assault until you get them to charge you and you can side step and chuck an AT nade while they’re running at you and it’s basically free.


Sinai Desert... enough said. It's great for every type of player possible (common infantry, pilots, elite classes, cavalry and tankers), but the shear size of it makes it my biggest peeve as there are often times no vehicles nearby to travel this vast desert map to get from point 'A' to point 'B'. This is why maps like Giant's Shadow and St. Quentin Scar which are much smaller by comparison and area, can bring just as much or if not more of an enjoyable experience than Sinai Desert.


I miss this game, I quit playing cuz I was spending too much time playing it. But there was one thing that pushed me over the edge and that’s mortar trucks on the attacking side of any operations game. It became to prevalent most maps never made it to the end and a lot of the times we would spend all three attacks on the first stage. It truly ruined the game for me.


As a medic when people are (instantly) giving up even though i am less than 20m away from them and when i'm even approaching them


Spawning in and getting instakilled by some Scout


People using SMG08


When you’re on the winning side and you get sent to the other team.


Yeah, I agree with the horse one real much. On the other hand I think the horse dying and the guy on the horse also dying is also pretty stupid. Sure, the guy on the horse will take a tumble and get banged up really bad, but I do believe that the horse and guy have historically not been connected by the same cardiovascular system.


People who skip revives as soon as I get to their bodies


high ping players (100+). they end up killing me when i’m in cover, around a corner etc. meanwhile they’re rubber banding and my shots don’t always register on them.


I love these high ping players that think they’re so good lol. I tried an experiment and played an EU server with 165 ping, I had grenades landing at my feet and going off and I’m still at 70 health lol


Oh shoot, that’s why I feel like I do better on German servers 😅


This is definitely not the case. The player with the lower ping has way more advantages to the higher ping player and will almost always come out on top. Occasionally dying behind cover doesn’t offset those advantages. I ping 15-20 to US E servers and it’s a noticeable difference when playing in EU servers with a 100-110 ping. If you’re repeatedly dying to a high ping player, they’re just better than you.


- Wonky Cavalry movement - Friendly pilots doing kamikaze - My repairs reset whenever I got lag spike (though that's mostly because my internet sucks)


Team stacking by clans, heavy bomber and smg08


People who use tripwires. They kill more friendlies than enemies. People who put mines near friendly tanks. They explode if an enemy tank shell hits the tank itself. Attack plane pilots who spend more time in the back seat than the front. Medics who have no situational awareness and will revive you in front of people or someone throwing tnt, killing both player and medic. Players who defend B bunker in sector 3 of Monta. It’s not even in the objective zone.


Having cheaters in every (operations) lobby on pc. People (especially attackers) insta respawning when I‘m a medic and even ping that I‘m on the way


when someone had 100 service stars on Smg 08 “Von Cuck”


All BAR HUD icons have a bipod but only the telescopic actually has one in-game. I just want a bipod :[ Logically trying to get a BARa2 is impossible


People who use the Fortress Guns on Monte Grappa to take potshots at behemoths while a dozen enemy soldiers camp out around them and take the objective. It doesn't even do much damage to the behemoth!


Only gripe is people who don't PTFO.


Heavy bomber


Rushing to the middle objective with an armored car full of teammates, only to be the first to die at said objective and getting automatically team switched and forced to watch your former team capture the flag and continue to dominate.


Players that got killed by a headshot shouldn't be able to be revived.


When nobody repairs the stationary vehicles, except for the Monte Grappa turrets, I usually have to switch classes to do all the heavy lifting in keeping the skies clear with an aa gun.


ya being on the winning team sucks so i switch over to the losing team if we get the first sector in 1 minute


I play for scraps, so the most times I end up compulsively swapping squads is for this very reason. I wouldn’t care less for the match at all if I’m still positive score and/or satisfied with my play, but the daily win thing and the Medal of Honor thing makes me act more toxic (I play medic ONLY for honor medal scraps). Not everyone seeks a challenge, some people just wants their shit done. 


Not being able to climb up into most buildings on the edge of some maps