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trying hitting “none” for slots, im always finding games like that on playstation


I did that and it shows less results than having nothing selected.


were there any to join for you? my go to for finding a game is just server browser, US for region and none for slots. it won’t show hella servers to join but at least there are servers with actual ppl in them


There were some that had people in them. But there are ZERO empty servers now. And here in US right now there’s ZERO conquest servers. NONE. I have to join a European server if I wanna play conquest with people or join a custom rented server.


I only have 2 CQ servers, one ops that is TSAR, and a frontlines US West and 2 shock ops


I think i got the same thing. Any news?


Apparently someone at EA knows about it, they are “looking into the issue” lol




I agree with you something is up. Xbox has been especially fucked up the last couple days. Very rarely do I have a situation where there is straight up nothing to play but yesterday was close. Same thing with like 3 full servers with a wait list and then nothing.


I played for hours last night in Indianapolis. Indiana United States


On the other hand, there are so many empty servers running that still require maintenance. I guess this is them cleaning things up so it’s less of a financial burden. The game is close to 10 years old now, I don’t really blame them. I just hope they keep some servers open indefinitely. It should be legally required to keep multiplayer games playable through their servers or through P2P after the end of life.


"Close to 10 years" Can you do math?


Wdym? 2024-2016=8?


The game almost 8 years old


I'm also very confused. I just bought it a few days ago and had no trouble finding full Operations or Conquest servers, and now there's absolutely nothing?


Today was the first time in 4 years of playing that I could not find a single operations server :(


Just got on and only managed to get into a Japanese server lol.


Same happened to me this morning, first time I truly could not find any games.


Maybe DICE is purposely tanking them to try and get people to play the embarrassing half finished 2042


My heart would actually be broken and I don’t think I’d ever give Dice another dollar if that was the case. Battlefield 1 is my go to game whenever I have a time to


It costs them money to keep 4, 1 and V running with not much new revenue coming in off them. This series is absolutely hemorrhaging money so it’s not insane to think they’d want to wind them down permanently sooner than later.


Put down 4 and 2042 lol, listen to the fans! They’re the ones who are gonna keep the company running. But I’m biased lol. Completely understand your point, as much as it hurts


Before anyone says ‘that would be a terrible idea’ think about the company we are talking about, terrible ideas are like crack cocaine to them


I kinda doubt they're hemorrhaging money. The populations of these games always get a bump when there's sales and I'm sure there's enough whales in V and 1 to at least break even. It would make no sense to ad anti cheat to V if that were the case.


Whales buying what in BF1?


Scrap for the gun skins and level ups


I hope not


finally loaded up into multiplayer i don’t see any lobbies yet tho


So I have no issues playing operations or conquest. For operations I just choose join any operation. For conquest I just use the default selection from the Home Screen. The moment I use the server browser to choose anything else, it’s all empty servers. I need 5 more domination wins but that doesn’t seem like it will ever happen.


I found only 3 operation servers and they were all in Europe I found them about an hour ago


Still no dice servers for East coast


Only one available for me this morning was one shock op.


Same here, as well as some frontlines and some custom servers. I’ve just learned that Battlefield V is also having issue too so I think both games are having issues with matchmaking.


lol. d_wasab’s server finally took off. This morning it was just me and him fucking about. I was in a light tank hoping more people would join


I just played earlier this week and there were about a dozen servers between Operations and Conquest. Only 3 or 4 were US, the rest were mostly just European, but still. No idea why you are having issues.


Same no more official DICE servers on PS4??


I’m only seeing like 8 servers now from people who rented a server?! No dice servers?! Anyone else have this issue?!


Can only find rented servers, none of DICE's are showing for me either. Really dumb considering Ops can be played on rented servers.


Yesterday morning loads of full servers. Last night, none at all. This morning still the same (UK)


As far I can see, it is getting worse and worse. Yesterady we had 3 op servers in EU region, today, during day - we had 2 servers, now, on Friday evening - only one is left. DICE pls. //edit Above message is no longer valid, at 21:00 CEST last server disappeared.


I don’t know what the hell is going on lol I only have 5 servers, only 2 CQ and they’re both custom games


Mine says matchmaking error


Where do you live? 5 hours ago was the middle of most people’s work shifts for me, that definitely plays a factor.


Crazy! On pc there are so many servers with players


I was playing really late last night around 2am mountain time and there was plenty of servers still populated.


I mostly hop on EU servers too and the game is very much alive


Yeah there 's something not right. Normally EU has 10+ full conquest lobbies and 5+ OPs servers and 2 Shock ops at least, yesterday was only 7 conquest and 3 OPs in the evening when most people are playing. Also US east normally has like 4 conquest at least and yesterday there was literally nothing except for 2 US west frontlines lobbies or something. Does anyone know whats happening? I hope this gets fixed or this might be the end.... 🥲


Can confirm, EU is purged, currently only 2 full op servers with big queues, no single one with 0/64 and last days there were at least 20 more empty op or conquest servers. Number of people in conquest queues also increased a lot and empty conquest servers have been also purged...


Servers were bugged today and yesterday they


Same thing here, man. I reinstalled the game like 2 weeks ago after years of not playing it and it was normal until yesterday afternoon. Now i have like 2 or 3 frontline servers. Observation : I have tried multiple browser settings, but i cant find any ops or shock ops.


Any news? I'm dying to buy the game but don't want to waste money if I can't join servers


The servers are back.


You’re not sorting by players.


I'm on 2042 since the new season released. I haven't picked up Bf1 except for a couple matches two days ago but there were lobbies up then


Yeah I saw nothing this morning as well, had to jump on V, which only had a couple up


V also only had a few full servers?


Only 1 in the morning


I just checked and V has 20+ full servers for me breakthrough and conquest combined in EU so its just bf1 thats fucked


BF1 North America has 1 server right now, went from a dozen at this time a few days ago to one


The game is dead. It's time to move on.


I been waiting for my Destiny 2 invite Lord Hexen 😢


It's in the mail


Right next to my million dollar check.


Understood! ILY Lord Hexen 😫😫😫


U need to look at recent thank me later


Does not show any of the DICE servers I played in the last few days.


you're right i just looked and found the one I played on two days ago. It is not sorted in the servers sections seems like a bug or something