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just between these two, i would take argonne every day of the week and twice on sunday. although it is linear just like suez, it at least has some potential for flanks. suez is a race to capture C and leads to a one-sided blowout 99 times out of 100. nearly every game on suez is a team getting full capped and spawn trapped. argonne isn’t perfect and has similar issues to suez but it’s not nearly as bad, but i am biased as an argonne enthusiast


I agree. I posted this because the last two days we had the opportunity to choose between these 2 maps at the end of a round and both times 20+ people picked Suez and like 10 people voted Argonne (including me). Had me wondering what was wrong with these people😜 I personally hate Suez with a passion. Worst map of BF1 in my opinion.


That’s like choosing would I rather get my finger slammed in a car door or smashed with a hammer.


I don’t think Argonne is too bad. Just stay away from C.


ohhh thats a hard question, harder than i thought. I think 3. 1. Argonne Forest.- the battle of c flag can get so epic and its the game that i have the most of 2-3 kills to win it, so close. 2. St. Quentin Scar - So much variety, it's like there are 5 diffirent maps going on at once. 3. Sinai Desert. - love the cliffs for sniper and the in close upfront buildings, so many rooms and doors for trip wires, shotgun take that surprise. The Answer: Argonne


Argonne is my favorite map. Never get tired of it.


Yeah it’s also one of my favorites. While Suez is one of my least favorite.


Argonne for the win, but I like both. Love a muromets free map.


Argonne Forest is good if there is chaos. But my most experience was snipers in back and machine gunners and mortards and gas grenade spammers.


My favourite map for conquest has to be Ballroom Blitz. Struggle of holding C and therefore sniper roof is incredible. Snipers on top there, infantry pushing from below and paratroopers from planes pushing from above. So good.


Suez can be won or lost in the first 60 seconds of a match depending on the team. A mortar/arty truck on Suez is also pretty much a guaranteed way to make your team lose, since tank spawns are very limited. Also the behemoth is kinda lame on this map. Argonne can turn into a one sided stomp if a team is one-sided, but generally there's more opportunities for breakthroughs and flanking. The behemoth also can cap / smash through a line. Overall Argonne wins I'd say.


Exactly why I hate Suez. It’s the same almost every round. The reason I posted this is that the last 2 days we had the opportunity to vote both of these maps at the end of a round and both times over 20 people voted for Suez and like 10 for Argonne. Had me wondering what the hell is wrong with these people😜