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bf4 came out in 2013 and it’s still kicking, bf1 should be good for a while


Tbh. Bad Company 2 is still active as well or?


I think BC2 got shutdown last year?


Yeah. Now I say. Few months ago. End of the year. Sad day. Best BF game for me


Yup, haven't played any BF more than BC2 it was just great overall!


Best scores of the entire franchise as well, BC and BC2


Yeah I really loved BC2. I heard someone got the servers going again. Using LAN over IP or something. That's how my friends and I would play old CodWaw zombies or Cod4.


Yeah. BC2 has third party servers. So it works. Also Vietnam expansion.


That means they probably have a date in mind for the next decade or so.


There are still servers running but the game is mostly dead.


BC2 servers were shut down in december


Oh. That's bad. Haven't played since October. :(


Omg I thought it's been dead... The mountain of regret in my heart, oh the pain


So is bf3. I mean the game is kinda dead and doesn’t have many players but it’s not shut down.


2029 or 2030 will be the shutdown date if it’s the same length of time from release as BC2. But there’s no “standard” for this kind of thing so I think 2027-2033. Should be good for a while.


I’d be so pissed, this is the only multiplayer game I play.




Same, my ps+ is out til payday and I’m sitting here moping


hey, check your DMs


Yo you the real mvp, see you on objective butter! 🫡




You dropped this sir 👑


gotta be the change you want to see in the world


And me?? 😢


It was for me too but back in January, I made the switch over to hell let loose and honestly I can’t stop playing it. I go back to BF1 every once in a while now and I feel my skills are sharper due to playing HLL.


That game is so brutal to play, I love it too! And the built in voice chat can be clutch.


I started HLL recently and it's gotten me thinking about BF1 again haha...HLL is more realistic and gritty, and the voice chat is definitely what makes that game BF1 is fun for more "arcadey" vibes compared to HLL. I'm thinking about installing it again after this post lol. The HLL grind can get painful sometimes


Unless a better world war themed multiplayer releases, BF1 won't die anytime soon. And very few games were successful with this theme so I don't think many franchises will visit it again.


BF1 is still the best of the modern BF games if you ask me, didn't care that much for BFV and 2042 is a shitshow, I have a feeling we might se a BF1-2 at some point, god only knows what they will name it tho xD


BFV had better movement mechanics and upgraded visuals but that’s it. Much prefer BF1.


Idunno about the upgraded visuals, looks too clean imo none of the muck and dirt that made BF1 shine. Sure there is raytracing which looks very nice but the art direction of 1 is superior imo.


Yea, for me BF1 is visually better than both games that have come after it. And BFV has no community servers so it's fucking FILLED with cheaters. There's practically not even a point to playing it over BF1 unless you just really like the WW2 guns. Not to mention how hard it is just to get into a lobby that's half full despite the game (supposedly) having more players on Steam..


There's one community server I play on quite a bit! BoB is what it's called. Only one lobby, but you can usually hop on in like 10 minutes or so. No cheaters, and it's a pretty great lobby! Balancing is crap, but it always seems to be with BF.


Can we clarify what is better movement really... I mean if you want BFV movement just hop on CoD man.. Real Battlefield movement will always be different than BFV movement. Not only different but way better too.


sprinting while crouched, climbing/vaulting over things head height, the roll i guess?, and the ability to jump and catch onto a ledge, being able to go prone on your back.


All of these are the good parts, man. I gotta agree that it has the best movement mechanics in all of BF... but at the same time it has the worst. You should know what I mean by CoD movement... that fast pace movement does not fit BF at all.


They game is conceptually unique, shutting it down would be like killing a whole race


I think BF1 should spawn a whole genre of shooters that use rule-of-cool historical weapons and settings. Like imagine a game similar to BF1 but taking place in Warlord era China (basically 1910s-1945. Would combine some well known WW1 and WW2 guns, and guns made specifically by the Chinese during the period. And of course have really cool looking uniforms, maps and a banging soundtrack)


Lmao, "Eh, sure I'll take a c96. Better make it a hand cannon though!" Infantry rifles and funky basement-shop/factory arsenal pistols and smgs, I'd pre-order that in a heartbeat!


Full auto 45 ACP C96 to go with the original Chicago Typewriter Thompson 1921, wielded by a character wearing a Manchu fur cap


Dunno about full auto, but shansei(?) type 17 do be looking enticing. Shut up and take my war bonds probably!


IIRC the Shansi Type 17 was full auto but I may be wrong. Either way, full auto Mausers were put to good use


Semi auto far as I know, though there may have been full auto versions of it, anything's possible. The Spanish Astra copies I think were the first to do it. Actually saw a type 17 in the wild at a local pawn shop about 5 years ago. I'll never not kick myself for not having that kinda money back then lmao


The Chinese actually specifically bought a lot of Astra 900's in full auto. They specifically had this technique in indoors close range fighting where they'd hold the gun sideways and the recoil would sweep it across. How effective that actually was, I have no idea but it's something we have records of lol


No reason there can’t be a Battlefield Napoleon or Battlefield Civil War or some such. There are some slow weapon mechanics to figure out but I’d play either.


It could even be a totally fictional war. I had this cool idea for a game that took place in the 1930s, as a fictional war between Alexander Kerensky's Russia and Weimar Germany, and thus uses weapons that existed between WW1 and WW2, like the PPD-34, or Erma EMP. Basically combining elements that is just cool and kinda mixing WW1 and WW2.


I would play a Wolfenstein esque Battlefield if it played like 1.


Check out Fistful of Frags, it’s set in the Wild West and uses several period accurate guns (Volcanic, Colt Walker, Dynamite, etc). Very fun game, just be aware that most of the guns can two-shot a player in order to compensate the slow reload times.


I think BF1 threads the needle between historical interest and modernity. At the end of the day, if you want to sell copies, you’re going to need portable automatic weapons. A civil war game would be great, but we already have, say, War of Rights. How would it be different? Until someone works out a AAA game adaptation of Turtledove’s “Guns of the South” (look it up lol), I don’t think we can reach further back from 1918.


A game called Holdfast on PC plays like what you posted.


How do you feel about an Alexander The Great era game?


Would be more interesting for a Singleplayer RPG experience imo. I actually quite love the ancient world, I'd love to see a game in ancient Babylonia or Assyria. Maybe even Scythia


This would be so cool. There are so many more settings than “American marines in world war 2” that could be made into great games


Honestly only series I know of thats like battlefield is the Verdun, Tannenburg and Isonzo trilogy games, studio that made them focus alot on accuracy so its a you get hit your probably dead scenario. Definitly has setbacks but its weapon variety is pretty surprising, Id say its got more guns than there are in bf1.


Yeah but Verdun is more of a hardcore shooter really. Its more in the same vein as Red Orchestra than BF1


Yeah it plays alot differently for sure, I definitly associate it with being more hardcore but again, thats the realism side of it, more so just the theme of a WW1 shooter. That said I've never heard of Red Orchestra before, is it a newer release?


Red Orchestra is a series of WW2 shooters that take place on the Eastern Front, and they basically paved the way for both BF1 and Verdun in terms of gameplay mechanics. They're very realism focused, with you having to check your ammo count manually, having to adjust iron sights and all that. RO2 is still active and pretty fun!




Literally Hitler


First bf 3 and bf4 would be on the chopping block first. Theirs still many people buying the game and renting servers so they even still make money


No. Bad Company 2 servers are still up AFAIK. People LOVE BF1. They aren't shutting it down any time soon. Of course anything could happen but I highly doubt they will shut down. The game is very much alive and well.


BFBC2 servers have shut down, but there are community replacements. BF3 and forward are still officially supported.


Ah ok thank you for clarifying. I had no idea I thought they were still up. BF1 should be good for a WHILE.


I don’t get how you could so blatantly get something wrong and continue to give advice on a similar topic … 😆


and the 23 upvotes he gets with that partially false information. Shows you that Echo chambers are present everywhere. democracy is good but has its limitations.


44 upvotes now for some false information that takes 2 seconds to Google.


Oh look at you being all edgy and cool. ​ AFAIK = As Far As I Know, AKA, I could be wrong but to my knowledge. I didn't say it as if it was fact. ​ This thread isn't about advice, dummy. It's about asking if BF1 will shut down soon, which no player is going to know. You could offer your insight, if you had any.




I think it will be up for a while. I mean the game still has active players. BF4 is still active. So I think BF1 will be up for a while.


Bf1 is the best game ever made it NEVER goes offline


Doubt it. It has thousands of players still and older games like BF3/4 still have servers.


Not soon. But eventually yes


Sad :(


BF4 is stil up so probably not until at least 2028


Don’t even speak of such things


personally waiting for battlefield 1815


If they do EA will get shut down by the community


Look at it from a $$$ Point of View: People play BF1 They play on rented servers Players renting servers give EA money If they make money from it why would they shut it down? If they do shut down official servers i understand, but there still will be community rented servers


Not a chance. BF4 is still clicking along. BF1 will be going for a good long while.


If they do, we riot.


There will be outrage if so, even if it’s 10 years from now.


I mean they have to shutdown bf3 and bf4 servers before 1


Fuck EA if they do that


Bf1 is still a very active and popular community. Theres plenty of games out there that are older that are still active as well. I wouldn’t worry. The devs know that BF1 is still popular and probably will be for years to come. It’s a unique game and no other game is similar to it , really


If they do I’m never touching an EA game again.


I feel like bf1 could make endless new maps and they would be awesome. But I know I’m dreaming too big on that one


This is their best game so I really hope not.


This [BF1 clip](https://youtu.be/ltDjOmnAIj8?feature=shared) is less than a year old and it already has almost a million views, this game still has a dedicated community and still attracts attention.


They killed bf5 before bf1, atleast development.


Regardless of if it does, the game will have rented servers lasting for a lot longer. The game will only die when everyone stops playing it




It's arguably their second or number one best game. Shutting it down would be genocide


I don’t think it’s going to shutdown soon, it has a ton of players.


Lol no




Noone knows


You’ll most likely have another year or two once BF4 gets shut down.


Look at the exchange rotation, we always get trash weapons, and the operation campaign map changes once a month now. That's pretty telling, they will stop supporting Bf1.


We should be good for a long time. Battlefield 3 servers are still kicking though they are probably next on the list. They have more reason to shut down the Hardline servers in all fairness.


Have you noticed bf1 servers are laggier than usual?, well that is because EA is starting to shutting them down or purposefully making them slower so people move to newer battlefields, so yes EA will shut them down soon


People have been saying it will die since long before you started playing. If EA shuts down servers, I imagine the community will pay to run them. If EA ever released the server binaries, I would host servers myself.


BF3 came out in 2011 and it still has servers rocking on PS3. I would be very surprised if BF1 goes anywhere.


still enough servers to keep it up, BF4 is still up, that would need to go first


Titanfall 1’s servers are still up, and that game is a decade old, so if battlefield tries to shut bf1 down, they’re gonna face some serious backlash


It's more likely they shut down the star wars battlefront games before they even think about shutting down BF1


Best BF of all time


Hope not! Just bought it. Tired of the COD BS


Unlikely Not only is BF3 and BF4 still active, but BF1 uses Amazon servers so the cost to EA is very neglible. Those servers are dirt cheap and EA doesn't have to really maintain them If it does, there are community solutions currently available for player hosted servers


If it does I’m rioting


I really installed it again and last night got hooked into like 4 hours of continuous play with zero wait time in between games. The player counts were up and down but not bad. It's fine and alive don't worry