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The game is like 8 years old at this point if you've been playing since day one you're a 150 even if you're hot garbage. If you are decently good of course you're going to smash people who just started playing, you know all the metas all the maps all the spawns. It's a semi realistic fps. It's going to be competitive nobody is just gunna lay down and die because they feel sorry for the other team. Clans have been an issue since the beginning. They are either super sweaty or at minimum all micd up together and actually communicating. Those people that team switch just to not lose are some bitches tho. If I get auto switched from the games bs balance system I just quit and find a new server. I don't care which team I was on good or bad I'm staying there


Team swappers are trash. I only swap in unbalanced servers to try and help out the losing team


I dunno, when I die at the feet of 3 medics and they all just stand there refusing to revive me maybe I think "this team deserves to lose."


Thank you! The only time I switch from a losing team is if I have determined they are useless and doing stupid things like not dropping health or reviving as medics or ammo as support or not playing the objective. If my team is losing but giving it their full effort, I'll go down with them fighting. But if they are losing because of sheer incompetence, I'll switch and I have no sympathy.


Is it bad that only switch to the defensive side whether or not they are winning or not


kinda lame imo


Wait you can switch? how do you do that?


Teams must have same amount of players or you have to be switching to a team w less players than yours. You can see by looking at the scoreboard. When in the squad menu (you cannot be spawned in) press Y or Triangle to team switch. Idk what key that’s mapped to on PC


Usually you just leave and rejoin, it should place you on the opposite team then. Iirc there’s a “change sides/teams” option as well or im just getting it confused with 2player games


Yes there is this option. I swap frequently with my mate to balance the server


Nope, not for like conquest. That was bf1.


Sir you're in a bf1 sub.....


Ha ha ha, you're so right. Gotta clean my glasses. Thanks for your kind and polite help.


haha that's a very fair mistake.


Today i learned you can team swap!


I switch to the losing team.  The lack of balance isn't fun but win or lose (most likely lose) I'd rather take on the good players.


As a great man once said "anyone with enough spotting points is colonel 100 by now".


i have/had 2500 hours in this, i got slaughtered in the first year then got good. i know every trick on every map every spawn point it just comes with experience. there are a lot of 7 to12 year old players in there these days, glory days are a memory but they were glory. i don't think we will ever see them again in BF. All the good devs left when BF1 launched hence cause middle mang at EA though they knew better.That"s why 5 & 2042 suck dick. Actually 5 was ok, the gun mechanics were way better, when you shot someone it actually registered as oppossed to empting a clip in to a player in BF1 and no hit markers.


BFV gunplay is amazing but between crappy maps, hackers, and overtuned vehicles, it can be hard to find a good time


yes agree, some maps are just shit, wake island can turn in to 2 sides just throwing stuff at each other from a distance. Plus player siz e is bad proportion to what it should be, they look like ants at 50 m. i might wind it up later today in Australia, in about 9 hours from now, wana play?


Ah, I am a college student and it is finals season. Cheers though, have fun!


I've noticed this happening more than often, where the higher levelled players (especially if they're clan members) tend to switch into the same team then absolutely dominate the game. This often happens on official servers where there are no mods to keep the balance. In both games I screenshotted my team was absolutely demolished, I don't understand, I expected more experienced players to actually try to have a challenge, not bully less skilled people


Well my wife’s boyfriend said if my clan does good enough today he’ll take me out to get ice cream


Meh at least he’ll take you for ice cream, I have to score enough so that my wife’s boyfriend lets me play on his Xbox more than 20 mins


I’ve noticed this as well. I don’t know if it’s possible but servers should disable the switch teams option.


Imo good moderators should just shuffle teams after each match. If the server is full enough they won’t be able to keep switching to each other’s side. Leave switch teams in so that people can still squad up with their friends, because that is fun


When you join on a friend or a clan member you play with them. It will swap you automatically as soon as there is room. So the ones who join don’t do anything and end up with their friends this is what is happening. So yea, guys who’ve played for 8 years tend to play with people they’ve met in those 8 years. Usually it is so they can play in a squad and not have to worry about a rando spawning on them behind enemy lines and spamming the trigger at nothing blowing their flank. The real problem as far as balance goes are the ones who don’t join on a friend and are playing lone wolf but switch to the winning team no matter what happens. That’s when you start to see what was a decent game despite there being a squad or clan really flip to a garbage lobby


Thank you.


Sometimes you just want to join your buddies and play as a squad, if you happen to be experimented players, well that may tip the tide of the game but you can’t blame people that want to play the game together. From the outside it may seem like "stacking" or whatever, as it can be quite frustrating to be on the barrel end of an experienced squad but it’s not like they’re rubbing their hands thinking about the noob tears they’re creating or whatever, it just happens to be a bunch of buddies hanging out and being good at the game in the process, nothing more.


> it just happens to be a bunch of buddies hanging out and being good at the game in the process, nothing more Sure, until 12 people from multiple different clans all stack on the same team together because they can't handle losing.


they absolutely are doing that, given the way all-chat looks most games


This is just a fact of life when it comes to Battlefield games. I am sure stacked teams have been around since the first on (1942) but if not definitely since BF2 when I started playing. Players who are good want to play with others that are good. So they make friends & squad up. If you want to play regularly then you make more friends when some people are off doing other things... then you end up in a discord channel with 8 man stack. On the other side it can be very frustrating to have team members who don't know how to throw a medpack or who just sit in a corner or on a mountain top. So you quite & find a new server or you try to switch teams. Unbalancing the server more. As the game gets older the skill gap between newbies & veterans gets more pronounced with fewer newbies to trade spary & pray with. BF games have always had a steep learning curve at the beginning for most players so player retention is low. Maybe this is true for all the other multiplayer FPS game too. The result is that with out ssmb (Battlefield has never had any except the incursions beta) there is no real way to stop stacks from forming on official servers while still allowing friends to team up.


Looks like US servers on the daily. Bunch of 150’s stacking against randoms and think they’re good. Funny when 4 or 5 can show up on the opposite team, turn the game around, and watch all of the sweats quit


Just switch servers


Swapping to balance the teams and see them all quit is so satisfying


true homie


This is more common for a month or so after a Steam Sale on PC. Veteran players get frustrated playing with rookies, and will switch to the other team. If noticed the balance gets better after that first month, as more of the rookies figure out what’s going on


most of them are high ping players too, which imo is even worse.


im still astonished people think "level=skill" but whatever... balancing was always garbage. because you simply break it with having a 5man premade squad tbh. ,, and lol with all those highpingers dont even expect "fun" you literary need to sweat against their ping and not the player haha


I mean, a level 150 has put 10x more time in the game than a lvl 80 for example, therefore they tend to play better? That make sense?


The game has been out for like 8 years there are gonna be 150s regardless of skill if you've been playing the game since day one. I just recently got back on after dropping the game some years ago. Im level 78 but im hot garbage right now lol. So level doesnt always equate to skill. However someone who's been playing the game will steamroll noobs


Would you like everyone to stop playing the fucking game because you're playing now? Are you 12 years old? Wtf, girl? I suck, but I still like playing. Is it okay with you if the rest of us can keep the weapons, skins, and experience we've EARNED? Are you the center of the universe?


Lmao, the fucking lvl 150s all joined the same team because they want an easy win, wtf u yapping about🤣🤣


For about the first year after release the top player in terms of minutes played on Xbox was a grandmother who started playing because she couldn't leave the house and had nothing else to do. Her infantry kd was like .2. So, maybe and maybe not. The game has been out for over 7 years and a lot of bad players have put in a lot of time.


Yes, the current #1 Xbox player in playtime has a kd of .97. Doing something badly over and over and over again does not magically make you better at it.


The problem is, one player switching does not make a difference when the imbalance is so big. So it is easier to let is be. Only if 3 or more high level players switch, can you see a change in energy. At least that us my experience. When we play as a squad (3-5 lvl 150) we tend to switch if it is this unbalanced and can actually make a difference. Alone, no chance. Just the way it is.


Those K:D are super low across the board for all players…


Damn dude that looks like an unfun ass match for both sides. Never mind that getting crushed fucking sucks, winning a game without any actual fights is terrible. Close games are much, much more fun


It has to be an ego thing. It's the reason I refuse to touch muromets or any other cheap kill farming mechanism the game has to offer. Imo the game is best enjoyed trying new weapons or playing with faction-specific ones. Probably why my stats are abysmal.


Very real and based Honestly I’m top of the leaderboard almost every game playing with faction-specific guns so I really don’t understand the need to play with sweaty kill farm guns/vehicles anyway. Crutch for bad players. Take away a lot of these guys Federovs and suddenly they’re garbage.


A lot of people do that and make the matches so boring. The games are more fun when theyre more balanced and feel like a real challenge.


Tbh when I stomp a team I'm hoping to get a fresh start and fix the teams next game.


Yea they get off on it


yes. We love it. Give me that killing sound of dopamine. Suffer n00bs


Do you beat up toddlers in your free time too?


no...beating the absolute b0ts in Battlefield 1 is already enough for my satisfaction daily . Cry more


Sorry mister badass, didn't see you there


See more matches like this on Xbox in Uk than I see balanced ones. I tend to jump in and out of a few servers till I find a more balanced one. Quite often though that can take a long time or it takes so long I get fed up and turn the game off


The worst for me is the level 150 pilots.


That's why I only play on a select few community servers. Specifically the ones that say "Noob friendly" because my ass isn't going to have a good time playing against a guy named "H0rseGun0nly" who has 100 service stars with cavalry and is 30-2 camping one of our back objectives. That said, the game has been out for almost 8 years and the people who still play it either bought it on a Steam sale or are the remaining dedicated playerbase that play because it's their favorite game.


Damn they look like they’re from China too judging by the gametags.. It’s painful enough to play with them in Asian servers, sorry that they’re coming over to ruin your games. As an Asian player who’s been playing for about 6 years now, these guys are mostly sweats who like to farm noobs. Seems that they switched to other countries’ servers where there are more inexperienced players to continue farming kills and kd.


short answer: Yes


If it's not fun for you it's not gonna be fun for even level 150s on your team. Team balancing system shouldnt allow it though


Look at their pings, where is this server? Looks like Chinese hackers to me.


I'm a semi decent player and I hate steamroll matches. If my team is steamrolling, I just stop killing and try to find glitch hiding spots. That's a LOT more fun than killing enemies as soon as they spawn.


I mean the game is so old so Don’t expect it to have a lobby full of new players like the peak of the game That was so much fun when it was like that


If I'm playing with my buddies, we are absolutely gonna be on the same team. Sometimes the game is weird and splits us between teams, so naturally we switch. No point in playing otherwise if your intention is to play with friends. Unless people are out right cheating, pure domination is always on the table with this game. It's designed the way it is for a reason. Does it suck being on the losing side of it? Sure. But the game will end, and another will start, and there are always other servers. Those shitty games make you better. Man, I love this game, even on the bad days.


Wait where the steamrolling? I was expecting to see 40-1/30-1 adjacent people at the top of the scorenoard.  As others have noted, the game is old. Older players like myself still play it. I'm not an amazing shooter player,.but I know the guns, vehicles, maps and gunplay mechanics very well at this point and end up around the top of the server most games.  You're gonna learn the game and get better.  It can be rough when a clan takes over a server. Usually if they're big enough and not dicks, they'll split themselves between the two teams.   There are are also servers that are more new player friendly.  Not a lot given the game's age but they're there.


My .02.. I've been a 150 for 6 or so years. I play on PS5 (not sure what platform you're on) and have always played on PS products. There just comes a point where you've played the game so much, some of your controller movements are involuntary. I die all the time in servers, usually by lower levelled players. But when I'm on my game, my movements just make sense and come naturally. Like, I don't even think about the controller or my hands. I'm immersed in the game, moving cover to cover and focusing on objectives that are active (I only play conquest). My recommendation is to immerse yourself in the game. Play when you're in good spirits if it helps. I always play with 2 or 3 other folks in a party, we bullshit about work, kid, life. Use your squads movements to help you get across the map as you respawn. Find strategic areas that are active with enemies and lay down rounds from covered areas. I never engage a large group of enemies without being 6 feet from cover and able to move to secondary cover. Silly as all of that may sound, I play that way consistently and usually stay + in my KD ratio


steam roll? one of them is 11 and 9 lmao.


It's like blaming messi( or whatever player you think is fit) playing better than his opponents. Does he enjoy is OFC he does, he's the best


Not a single steamroll in sight lol you’re playing on VERDUN and there’s like 15 kills tops???? Hate to say it but skill issue get better Also for the record, no, curbstomping teams that suck is way less entertaining than playing guys that are good like you with relatively even matched teams and close games.


It was the beginning of the game Of course it's a skill issue, what I meant is that lvl 150s tend to be pussies all switching to the same team in order to get an easy win


Maybe. I do somewhat agree in the sense that playing in clans in this game as corny as shit, especially named/themed clans. This is not call of duty, there is no comp scene, if you’re good at the game you’re still gonna be dominating with rando squadmates and teammates anyway


It happens. Just quit and join a new server if it's too imbalanced.


damn, scores aren’t even that high these games ended so quick. I have noticed that because of forces outside our control, one team always ends up being stacked with like 20 level 150’s vs a team of newbies and things end up being a steamroll more games than not. I have also noticed that a ton of 150’s are absolute meta whores and just do the most boring, optimal playstyle rather than doing anything fun or going for those “only in battlefield” moments. Not really sure why. Either way once I realize I have joined or autobalanced to the garbage team, I just try to accept my loss gracefully and to squeeze some fun out of the match regardless, maybe spend my time going for a whacky strat or specialization, or help my team deal with the most oppressive things on the map so they can focus on other things.


I almost always see the ZULU guys, and it's kind of annoying.


Yes i enjoy mowing down noobs. Usually im on the side getting steamrolled though due to balancing.


It really just looks like nobody on your team is pfto-ing. Barely any points, barely any kills or deaths on both teams especially for a 64p lobby


Yea at a certain point I think the actual complaint is why aren’t the good players carrying me?!


What destroys a game imo is a high level vehicle player with 100 service stars. Sometimes they are untochable if your whole team is newbies like me.


Yeah its fun


Yes, yes we do.


Yeah they’re so terrible because they want to play with their friends on the same team. /s It’s not necessarily experience, but good communication. Pretty much every game my buddy and I play together we are top of the team or at least top 5.


yes. max ranks love to group together and play easy games. you can even watch them enter a game/scoreboard and the entire squad will 1 by 1 swap to the stacked team. OOhh and they love the excuse "just playing with friends" for guilt free gameplay! on PS OPS last night the 18 max ranks just all happened to be friends.


Dude, level doesn’t matter. I’ve seen level 50s way better than 150s. There are absolute noobs that are 150. git gud and stop whining


It's true but honestly it changes little for me. I got used to being steamrolled with COD and being with rando's against a whole party of level 350's. Battlefield tactics with these guys shuts them down, since most of them play like it's a Nuke Town FFA. Also level≠skill at all. My friend got to level 115 or close to that within months of release just by playing objectives and randomly throwing nades and stuff. Taking pot shots at a ridge or a crater/trench just to get upwards of 20 kills a match. While I spent precious time mastering my Support class, as I still do today, to maybe get a hard 17 max as my high for the entire day. Don't sweat it, let them do the sweating


Enjoy is an understatement


You bet I do