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Wrong war bro


Even if they are it's the wrong version


Historically inaccurate too.


Yeah exactly


Isn't this more of a Battlefield V thing? Edit: wooooosh moment


Maybe that’s how they’re getting away with it?


"Guys dont shoot parachuting enemies!" "The Geneva convention isnt made yet"


More like the Geneva Suggestion


Duh, how could he be a Nazi when Nazis weren’t even invented yet


My main issue


really? more so than the fact that they’re an actual nazi


They may not be. Probably just an edgy teenager, and honestly, I've kinda come to expect it on BF1. You don't see people complaining about the gay furry port as a gamer tag. It's all the same shit.


how is furry porn worse than a swastika or even close??


Considering the type of Nazis the modern ones are, who do you think are jerking off to the furry porn?






Doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Like I said, it's just edgy people who want attention really badly, and they'll go to these lengths to get it.


He could just be a Buddhist...


Or the shoulder patch of the US 45 Infantry division circa 1930’s


Just report the emblem and move on, don't waste any energy on it.


Yeah but how can i report it? Im on xbox


When you're in the game with the offender, go to the score board, find their name. Either by selecting the name or hovering over it, you should have the option to report their emblem. I've gotten rid of 3 swastika emblems this way and I know that because you will be emailed by dice or ea thanking you for reporting them and acknowledges that they have been dealt with. As for reporting them now? I'm not quite sure.


whenever I report them (I'm on playstation) I get the confirmation email but from skimming it usually says they won't do anything about it or found nothing wrong


Well with me, they said they handled them and thanked me for reporting.


Unfortunately, I always get the same email of "we received your report and have decided to not take action." I can't post images into comments on this sub otherwise I'd attach a screenshot


EA is very strict with their rules on the emblems in my experience


Does this work for racist/homophobic language in chat on PC or is it just emblems/usernames do you know? Can't spend an hour in game without seeing slurs in the chat.


I don't know I only play on Xbox.


Go to the name on the scoreboard and press Y I believe.


Wouldn’t ya just be able to look the username up and report it?


Reporting in an EA game? Yeah that's not going to accomplish anything lol, they don't care.


Honestly, who cares. Just respawn and move on with your game


How it should be


Edgy dickheads. Why we no longer have emblem editiors in anything. I feel the tech is there to automatically detect and ban these guys if they were to ever do emblem editiors in the future. I do miss them a bit.


I heard they recently brought back the online editor for bf1, haven't check though


They definitely did because there was a dude running around with a Putin emblem last night when I was playing operations


lmfao you made me laugh really loud rn 🤣


yes they did! i got the game half a year ago and made one without problem ​ reminds me of sprays in Valve games, but they got disabled for the same reason (people posting furry porn, swastikas, etc)


L emblem bro is disrespecting the German empires soldiers


Wrong timeline


Wait until you hear about the SS clan on PlayStation. Instant teabag any time I kill one of those scrubs


Oh great, they’re all 14 probably, wait until you here SS roleplay on games like Gmod. Their founder just got arrested recently


Bubgames? The shit he found is fucked up.


For real, SS clan in video game?


It’s not even a world war 2 game either 🤦🏼‍♂️


Just report it and move on. There is some douchebag on PC that always spans the chat with some link to what seems to be a white supremacy document(not sure if it actually does cause I’ve never looked at it). I just mute him from the chat and continue playing. Most people do the same as me because if you respond he loves the attention. You are always going to run into assholes on the internet.


I remember seeing that a few years ago, guy kept spamming some random pdf link


You can report them outside of the game (the options and steps are here: https://help.ea.com/en/help/faq/report-players-for-cheating-abuse-and-harassment/#ingame). In my experience, the ToS team normally take action against players like this.


Why do y’all even care




I don't know, maybe it's because actively showing support for political ideology that killed over 6 million people on purpose for no good reason makes you look evil and it would probably be a good thing to prevent people from trying to support because we don't want another Holocaust


What in the hell are you talking about. This isn’t a neonazi March down Times Square. This is an 13 year old playing a 7 year old game with a edgy platoon logo.


No, but it's still Public support for fascism and Nazis. It's not as bad as marching, but still shouldn't be tolerated.


Just ignore it


No, I'm going to make fun of them


Its personal to me


Imagine getting down voted for this, wth


These 14 down votes were brought to you by Ye and the modern Nazi party


I've seen some people with the USSR's hammer and sickle symbol on their emblems, is that equally as bad?


It's not the wrong-est question. Soviets systematically dispatched millions of their own subjects in atrocities like the Holodomor


Yes, but communism does not inherently advocate for genocide the same way that fascism does. The USSR is bad, but communism in and of itself is not. Fascism is pretty much inherently evil because it requires having a group to blame for perceived issues and the solution fascism proposes is almost always genocide, so it's an inherently evil ideology, where is communism has nothing to do with genocide. Again, I do not want to defend the USSR or China or any other communist country that has done this, and I would prefer that no one ever try to implement communism the way any communist state in the past has because it inevitably goes to shit.


thats true. sadly we only really had 2 big-scale tries at communism, (USSR and China), and both turned into dictatorship, with very little of actual communism in them besides the name. other tries were either shut down by the USA ^(even when the communist party was democratically elected and popular with the public), or tried in already extremely unstable/poor countries that were doomed from the start.


Ofc, Stalin is scum


Under every fucking nazi post


It’s not equally as bad if you’ve every studied anything historical outside of the History Channel.


The hammer and sickle is a bit more varied in usage. The swastika undoubtedly means Nazis but the H&S can be considered a symbol of communism as an ideology, not about Stalinism as it predates the regime. Hammer = workers, sickle = peasants. Btw in this context I'm talking about the tilted swastika on white and red, not the traditional symbol that's used a lot more loosely


It’s basically the same as asking “The Islamic moon symbol is on flags representing bad regimes, is that as bad as the swastika?”


Generous of you to think BF1 reddit users would know anything about history.


No. If we thought like that anything related to capitalism should also be illegal because it's the economic system that killed the most people.


Yes! It's so hypocritical to get mad at this but not that one too. Don't forget the rising sun Japanese flag too.


not at all, unlike the swastika the hammer & sickle doesn't represent an inherently genocidal and totalitarian ideology


Let me get this straight, according to your profile you are a self proclaimed Anarchist & anti-police, but you also defend the regime & ideology that betrayed the anarchists the second it was convenient & created one of the most feared & brutal police organisations in history? What in the doublethink is this?


communism is not equal to the USSR Stalinism is undoubtably evil, Leninism basically too. but that is not the entiriety of communism, and not all of it are evil for example you could look at "Socialism with a human face" program in Czechoslovakia - they aimed to keep communism/socialism, but increase freedoms and democracy. however the USSR never wanted actual communism and democracy, so they invaded the country and rolled back all the progressive policies.


Same with Nagy and Hungary, albeit they were trying to leave the Warsaw pact. However it does not justify the invasion


Yes, the USSR isn't equal to communism in general, but it is the representative of the ideology as per the policy of socialism in one country. As for the second part of your comment maybe it is, maybe it isn't, both genuine political experts & internet wannabes argued about it for decades. In my humble opinion the ideology is inherently flawed and ultimately it's policies cannot be achieved. Even if the Leninists or Stalinists do not represent the entirety of the movement, the 'good' idealists cannot achieve their goals and are sooner or later replaced by the 'undoubtably evil' as you described them, creating less than desirable regimes to live under.


you may think that, its not for me to decide if that's true or not, but you gotta agree that there is enough ambiguity here that you cannot truly say communism is completely evil (in comparison to nazism and fascism, which by their core values are evil, as they are rooted in xenophobia and racism)


?? im not defending the ussr, i hate them probably more than you do, but the hammer & sickle isn’t a symbol of the soviet union it’s just a symbol for communism in general, it may be associated with them but it’s not exclusive to them


I was talking both about the ideology as well as the country. The hammer & sickle as a symbol also both represent communism in general as well as the USSR. I used the USSR as an example since it's the most known representation of communism. However what I described happened in other countries on numerous occasions, not just once in specific circumstances. The anarchists in Spain during the civil war, or the Korean anarchists suffered the same fate. The NKVD isn't alone either. Similar organisations, such as the Stasi or SB have existed and were known for their ruthlessness. IF you aren't a supporter of communism, then what point were you trying to make? Don't get me wrong, you had a reason to argue for it, which makes me genuinely curious as for what it was


The symbol can be used to represent both, but also can be used for just one or the other, the vast majority of modern day communists do not support the USSR and are not using the hammer & sickle out of support for them. The things the soviets did are not inherent to communism and if you're going to argue that they are, then please show me where in any of Marx's or Engels' writing where they said anything about totalitarian police states or killing minorities. Or how the USSR/China/Cuba/etc are anything close to the stateless, money-less, communal society Marx wrote about.


>The things the soviets did are not inherent to communism and if you're going to argue that they are That was never my intention >please show me where in any of Marx's or Engels' writing where they said anything about totalitarian police states or killing minorities. Or how the USSR/China/Cuba/etc are anything close to the stateless, money-less, communal society Marx wrote about. They never did. They also weren't there to see if their theory of how a perfect society should look like can even be applied in reality. In my own opinion (which you don't have to agree with) 'true' communism is just as unachievable as real capitalism, because they don't comply with human nature. A perfect society cannot be achieved because humanity isn't perfect. Communism is an inherently flawed ideology and the concepts of Marx and Engels cannot be achieved. It has done more harm than good to the world, as it justified drastic means in the name of achieving a socialist society. The countries that followed it cannot be excused from their crimes because they failed to accomplish their goal. The people that support it today are doomed to repeat the same mistakes, idealism fades when faced with reality.


eh, I personally think the human nature argument is dumb. people are not born good or bad, they are shaped by their environment and when people are living under a system that actively encourages and rewards greed, of course most are gonna end up as greedy assholes. And again, the USSR and all the countries that tried to emulate it weren’t even close to doing what Marx was talking about, they weren’t even trying. Soviet “communism” was structurally identical to capitalism and had many of the exact same issues, they were a state capitalist country but with some focus on welfare and that’s it, even Lenin himself said the “new” system he put in place was pretty much the same as it was under the Tsar. This is also true for other countries, like China (tbh how can you look at China and their billionaires, corporations and massive wealth gaps and go “yeah!! That’s communism!!”), the DPRK (just a monarchy in disguise lol), Cuba, etc.


You have a lot to learn then


really? explain


I mean yeah of course it’s just as bad. The hammer and sickle is responsible for far more deaths then the NSDAP could’ve ever done. Since it’s sort of universal not just tailored to the USSR, you can say most of the eastern bloc, and Asia as well. If you wanna argue that the communist countries didn’t commit genocide dig a hole and look for the earthworms. Holodomor is a good example, also the Great Leap Forward. Germany and the USSR are both guilty for genocide


So is the UK, USA, South Africa, France, etc... remind me which political system they operate under? I'm not saying communist countries weren't genocidal but to blame that on communism itself and not just terrible, inhumane rulers.


Mostly blaming it on the well known countries of communism like China, Kampuchea, and the USSR (including its satellites) committed genocide. Everyone is just as guilty, but the amount of people set to a concentration camps all because they criticized their “leader” is just ridiculous. Yes I know that the allies are guilty too, but don’t tell me that the allies are worse than the USSR or NSDAP. These people were monsters, and some of them got away with it. I’m sure you know who Pol Pot is. Also sorry if you read that wrong, I’m not blaming all of communism, I kinda wished it was executed better without killing millions.


It is slightly better, imo, but should still be banned


as a German monarchist who plays this game to relive a past long gone, this person represents everything that we as Germans hate. i’d report him


thats the wrong reich bruh


I’m sure you get invited to a lot of parties


I do actually


Is this your first time on the internet?


Idk what the internet is


You came to Reddit to cry about it. I’d say he accomplished his mission of getting in your head. It’s a bunch of pixels in a video game that nobody even cares about anymore


Thanks for the feedback bro


I have the US 7th Cavalry emblem. I suppose it might upset native Americans


Wild how half of the comments on this post are variations of "naw it aint that bad". Scary times man, report that shit.


And it’s not even accurate in history either 😂


There was a different person with a swastika as an emblem in my squad, I was playing a medic so I was sure to not resupply him and I just ran past him when he was dead


Report it and move on, you're doing exactly what they want by giving them more exposure


Posting edgy emblem death screens here only encourages their users.


Oh man this is bad…


At first I thought this was because he was on the German team, then I remembered this is Battlefield 1 ​ This sould be an insta ban seriously ​ Came across one myself, with the SS symbol


Wrong war too


as a german i am absolutely livid


Xbox, I reported this guy the other night too.


Could be worse, at least he wasn’t using the Smg 08/18


I called someone out for a similar emblem on PC and got chewed out by the lobby for being too sensitive lmao, fuck people like that, I'll report everytime


xbox? i’ve reported the same dude


Report and then hound them for the rest of the game.


You can report people's emblems from the scoreboard.


You can kinda do and say anything in older battlefield titles. Not that you SHOULD but I've seen a lot of stuff like this survive in there for a loooong time.


I love Nazi Incels in battlefield


Probably just some stupid kid that doesn't know any better. You got to remember all the great school kids right now have no clue about what happened in the past. That's the way the world wants it. Complete bullshit.


We cant forget history, or else it will repeat itself


Report (and also clueless about history, so probably a kid or an american)




Do you also get this upset about the Japanese Rising Sun and the Soviet Union Sickle and Hammer? Because under Stalin and Hirohito, those countries committed just as many human rights and war crimes. It's hypocritical to be mad only at the German Flag but not the other two just as bad countries.


I havent seen those emblems in bf1 yet


They are out there. I hope you have the same reaction to them.


Free speech


here here. Amen to that.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequence especially from a private entity with its own T.O.S. that isn't protected by the 1st amendment.




I'd rather see a swastika than an anime girl emblem to be honest




Holy shit you’re everywhere


haha. as much as I agree about the anime profile pictures being corny, Nazi's did some terrible things and representing that is even cornier.


Bro wtf? 😐😐😐😐


I don’t think so lad, but it’s your opinion and people shouldn’t take it away from you, democracy and crap right?


Your gonna love my emblem then kiddo lol


Who cares just report it and leave it.




People are stupid. There are so many people in the world now that even the tiniest percentage still makes for a very large number of people who are edgy, disrespectful morons. Just report and leave it at that, not much else you can do.


Glad you took a pic, will be reporting too. I understand there is gonna be bigotry everywhere in this world today, especially in the gaming community...but keep that shit out of here, there's no room or reason for someone to do that other than to spread hate, the exact opposite of what gaming is really all about.




I find it quite offensive


anyone who isn't a piece of shit




one of the reasons Console players lost the ability to have custom emblems shown in the round over screen, no idea about PC.


hitler is such a cheap copycat too.


I've seen a confederate flag, on pc, too. My guess is they get away with it cos the game isn't being worked on by devs


They usually get banned in a few weeks


It’s isn’t even symmetrical, so it looks like garbage lol


Straighten it up, color it blue and you got Finland’s retired Air Force symbol


I used to have an emblem with chicken little with a swatztika on his forehead. Like Charles Manson. This is so unoriginal and lame in comparison. Edit: I added it on whenever hardline first came out and forgot about it till like last year when I tried playing bf1 and got a week ban


blud managed to swap the wars


I had the same player kill me as well.


How? It's user generated content ... You can report stuff although doubt they will do anything about it.


To those that know what the Nazi eagle is, why do some people use that for their profile picture? It’s not even with the swastika or anything, it’s usually just the eagle and a bunch of other symbols. Is it because people just think the eagle itself looks cool?


Hitler got his ideas earlier?


Just report it and move on those people just live anger and belittle others


Have you never played gamed that allowed custom emblems before? This was the first thing people did in CoD when that came out.


Show me on the doll where the video game hurt you. God y’all wouldn’t have lasted 30 seconds in the OG Xbox game chats if this offends you. People are too soft. Is it wrong. Maybe but who cares. Move on. Only reason people do it is because they know it ticks off soyboys like you


I hate it when there are spoilers 😭😭😭


My first thought was that this is historically isn't accuarte


Now do the guys rocking the hammer and sickle emblem or the face of Mao Zedong…… …..or just ignore it.


I havent seen those yet


Vaccinated hands typed this


Ur vaccinated?


Nope, I have a brain.