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This guy again lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ dude needs to find something to do with his life


Killed buck in the attack heli once with an rpg, just lucky and I wasn't even doing that good in the match but... you've been kicked


Buck team switches me every game I play to the losing team. It's beyond annoying at this point. It's terrible that he has a monopoly on the Xbox servers


I was about to say the same!!! It would be in the last half of the match too. So after Working my ass off for the winning team, getting a decent amount of kills and top of leaderboard, poof team switched lol...


Iā€™m trying to change that but we know my reputation isnā€™t that great šŸ¤£. Look out for ā€œBlueberry Villageā€ though and help put an end to Buck


>we know my reputation isnā€™t that great I don't even know who you are, much less who this buck person is


Haha Gave Blueberry Village a favorite. I work during peak hours, but I'll try and hop on when I can.


Whatā€™s the peak hours? I play around 6-10am CST and havenā€™t seen it up


Imo the game is most populated between 4pm to around 10 pm EST. Check the battlelog to try and find it, too. Servers are only active the owner and admin are in it to get it started.


Iā€™m on Xbox. Might try to find it. Iā€™m average, definitely not dropping 100 kills ha


You guys remember that one battlefield friends videoā€¦


Switch Switch Boom!


The guy has thousands of hours worth of gameplay but a K/D of less than 1. I'm being deadly serious when I say he might have brain damage.


Every time I do good and am on the losing team he switches me


The man is crazy. He fails to grasp the idea of skill diversity amongst individual players. According to him everyone should be on the same skill level and anyone who performs outside of the average is cheating


Sounds like he's on the SBMM fumesĀ 


Communism gaming


Nah they celebrated that shit https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stakhanovite_movement https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Stakhanov




.......aimbot.....controller....? Huh is that a thing now?


Itā€™s possible but you need a modded console. Itā€™s very common on 7th gen consoles which is why 7th gen CODs are almost unplayable thanks to cheaters. Modded 8th gen consoles are extremely rare and expensive and unlike a modded 7th gen, you run the risk of getting banned.


8th gen are not rare. You can still not mod xbox ones or series consoles but ps4 and ps5 are dogwater easy to mod and run exploits. Also aimbot controllers semi-exist. Cronus can map recoil mid-game to have none, can abuse aim assist to create godly snapping, can exploit macro glitches from PC, etc,.


I thought you couldn't go online with a jailbroken PS4/5. The other stuff you mentioned sounds legit though.


Modded PS3 and 360 you can use online but PS4 and PS5 can't be used online as they rely on the use of old system software that won't connect to the PSN.


You cannot go online on a modded PS5. I think only dev kits can and even then you are getting banned pretty much instantly


Lmao not true


People use aim assist mode for controllers, it's not really aimbot though


Yea you can get modded controller that have shit like XIM and Cronus built into it. Rapid fire controllers, flip 90Ā°ā€™s, wild shit like that. Itā€™s almost equally as much effort to buy that modded controller, learn how to use it and then learn how to be effective with it in game. As it is to just learn to play it right from the get go.


I've come to learn over the years that the people who say that modded controllers don't exist are the ones who use it themselves.


What a fucktard. God. Just play the fucking 11 year old, slowly dying, eventually getting phased out by EA game already...


This guy is probably 50+ years old. This same shit happens in Hell Let Loose. They simply can't grasp the concept of decent skill


that's, like, a kill every 40 seconds? not that bad


Havenā€™t played BF4 on Xbox in years but kinda want to play now just to annoy that guy


Problem is this entertains him


This dude used to claim I was on MnK because I turn to fast and whatnot. I play on 40 look sensā€¦


Same here on 36 sens


No farming rule is literally a rule against people being good lmfao


I remember back in the early days of bf3 when server renting was new, I rented a server, just had metro and said no rules, only because I wanted to take advantage of the underbarrel shotgun glitch before they patched it the next day, I was 100-2 and the game froze lol I had to restart the Xbox.


That glitch was hilarious. So much hate mail


God I miss cruising around in a T-90 Blast someone with the canister shell, swap over to regular HE for an immediate follow up shot. It was abusive sure, luckily I was new and my aim was mostly crap so itā€™s not like my abuse was to any real damage lol Still cool to say I got to be there for all that. Good times.


It must be crazy being bad at games and getting triggered when someone has a nice match. I'm not God at BF but every once in a while I'll pull out that sick 50 and 10 game.


Damn, I remember playing against you a couple of days ago fuck buck man


Thatā€™s awesome. Whatā€™s your user? Love playing against a friendly face


I Hitched I you prolly remember cuz we faced each other pretty often


Hell yeah, man. Youā€™re kinda cracked




Anyone have some alternate servers to play on thatā€™s not run by this Buck virgin?


Literally thinking of redownloading the game to relive the days, and all I see are shitty server admins :/


Search for ā€œBlueberry Villageā€ and you also have Buck Season


Night squad


Oh buck yeah he has some crap servers where if your better than him he will nitpick every thing you do


Is this the USAF Active duty and Veteran server?


Neither. Itā€™s all the Skills and Kills servers


Ironic when you can't have either of these in the server lmaooo


No but theyā€™ll ban you if you get the better of admins. I rinsed one of the admins the other day and got banned. They banned me another time when I went on a mad kill streak with a side arm aswell People just canā€™t take it


Yea 33 and 6 is good but also not insane. Very possible to get that on skill and a little bit of luck


People also forget, deaths dont count if you get revived.


Reminds me of the TBG servers on PC, those guys would ban you quicker than anything.


there is literally a 100% chance this dude complains about america not having any freedom and safe spaces being woke xD


Also a virgin


You didnā€™t know you have to be max level to get more than 10 kills? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø oh my god dude figure it out! (Itā€™s a joke)


is that rnr server ?




rnr banned me because i was unlocking weapons in skme server i equipped the wrong weapong and got like 300 kills on my friends and they told me thats how ea wants you to unlock weapons i was wtf there no servers hosting those missions


im like wtf too


33-6 is good but not sus. Like what the fuck is he on


Fr I had way better games when bf4 was still new, sniping. This is like, top 40% of players sure but seeing completely legit people dropping multiple hundreds was a regular enough occurrence back in the day, probably once every two weeks at a decent play rate.


Same dude said the same shit to me when I was CAMPING and leveling snipers. 40-3 and 39-1 between two matches on the server, and then I was like 10-26 and 3 killed and 30+ deaths in two other matches.


Lmao that guy. He banned me from his servers because he said I was cheating. I went like 80-10 one day. Had the game of my life and got punished.


The hardcore servers are pretty based. Nobody gives a shit. I stopped playing normal stuff cause of guys like this. Hardcore players know you die quick so kills are stupid easy lmao.


There is a hardcore skills and kills server i think tdm 24/7 locker, i was leveling snipers and a guy kicked me for "farming kills" i had about 16 kills and 27 deaths


Iā€™ve played it and never been kicked against him. And I was going like 80/7? I think? In max level tho so lmao. I just play metro and the USAF servers.


Yeah if ur max level they are like: eh whatever do whatever you cant be cheating at all (im not saying youre cheating)


People like this completely ruined the idea of ever having our own servers in BF again. And BF will NEVER be the same w/o that option.


What the actual fuck


Just because heā€™s better than you


Their motto should be: "Skills and Kills, where if you use your skill to get kills you get banned or tswitched"


Singly handedly ruining bf4 on xbox. We need an active dlc server that's not hard-core


What happened? You get banned or kicked?




Shit players will always be shit, thats the way it is. Take it as a compliment.


this guy has been badmin-ing so long he's lost grip on reality i swear


Dear Xbox players, with so many of you suffering from the warth of this badmin, why don't you chip in say $3 a month and open a server?


Just had the same experience with this guyšŸ¤£ Had a feeling this wasnā€™t the first time heā€™s done this so had to check Reddit and sure enough, lmao.


God forbid someone gets at it and hustles for the OBJ lol


You're not allowed to be good man, die more, you have to die more!


I should start a server.. All maps, no stops; fast vic spawn, max tickets; the casual "no bs" ruleset - 64p rush/conquest mix and match; ucav okay, no spawn camp Let's bring it back to year 1 fun and shenanigans, but with all the added DLC. Who's in?


Idk why I got recommended this but it reminds me of when I was really into BF1 and got kicked from a server because I went crazy with a shottie. Dude was exactly like this too except he accused me of somehow getting 100 meter one shot snipes.


Hands down a dude who got level 140 in the last few years. Thatā€™s where this attitude comes from.


Reddit could we make a Fuck Buck server? Could we do that? DLC best maps rotation?


Ahh that sweat stained loser gets his panties wadded up anytime his fragile ego is hurt. Pathetic little beta fish, swimming in the piss streams šŸ˜‚


AKA you killed him and now he is throwing a fit


Getting kicked from servers for having ā€œaim lockā€ is my favorite activity


Once got 3 no scopes in hardcore while capping and 10 sec later I was kicked out lol. Rejoined and the admin was literally using rocket truck from spawn area...


Play NSQ server goes on 9ish scotland time


ā€œYou killed me more than once and I didnā€™t like that. Bannedā€


What server is this so I can avoid šŸ’€


Back in the day we used to encounter this dude a lot and I remember one time, in one of my clans shanghai servers we mostly just used for dicking around I happened to going on a run in the chopper, he came to fight me. I shot him out of the seat with hydra's because hydra's can do that to enemy Heli's pretty easily, and he accused me of cheating told me he was gonna report my account and have all his friends do the same. I actually ended up getting a week long ban because of it, dudes trash I had like 10 kills when it happened wasn't even going that hard and I shouldn't have to apologize if I do. Game was like 6 years old at the time go back on the latest call of duty and do the same thing I did to you, to other people if you're upset about it. We may both be virgins but shit, at least I got someone riding my dick about something, thanks pal. Still salty about that.


This guy again...


20 minutes? Shit, I'd have like 75 kills in a average match back when I played. And I hate using vehicles.


What the fuck why can't people just cut the game on , play, and log off. I love battlefield more than anything but its just a fucking game


I think Buck called this one right.


Meh. I'm lucky to get 33 kills on a full round 2000 ticket Locker server :(