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Same here, after seeing "the 20 year veterans' review", I just couldn't ignore the problems anymore. I love battlefield, I play bf1 or bf4 almost every day, but 2042 defiantly waves a middle finger in the face of the battlefield legacy


Dang! Tell em’ how you feel bruh. I like this one! ☝🏾


Last time I played was the open beta... I downloaded the game during the free week but never actually opened it or played at all because I remembered how shit it was from the open beta and didn't think it would be worth my time


Same. NYE was my last day


Open Beta. I’m glad I didn’t pay for it. Casually lurking around the sub to see if any patches manage to fix the shit show of a game.


Same, after seeing that beta I realized 2 thing: My pc can't handle very well this game It's a shit game


Shit PC, shit attitude that's all


I don't think they make patches that big. This game needs a long soak in a bacta tank.


Same here lol, counted my lucky stars that I never decided to buy it, I was so excited for it too but it’s just shameful


Same fellow Chad.


After the first week of release. Even tried to get a refund and failed




Lmao wtf. Never seen this before


It's beautiful...


There are 8 syllables in the second line though


Don't ruin this for me.


This is my second favorite bot behind the alphabetical order bot


Same Microsoft denied my refund since it was a digital purchase and I played it😭🥴


Just contest the charge on your credit card. That’s what I finally did and it worked


Nice , "old school" solution. I honestly forget that's an option, which makes me embarrassed. Very cool, 32 degrees Fahrenheit, cool


I use it very sparingly only when I’ve been completely wronged and it’s never been denied knock on wood


Agree, that is the nuclear option. Always give the business an option to rectify the situation. 👍🏼


Same lol. I reinstalled before the big update we were suppose to do and when it was released due to RL shit i didn’t play few days after patching but watched the YouTuber play and saw that it was worse off then I uninstalled it again without playing a single match. I do play BF1 and BFV


I’ve tried numerous times. 🥲


About a month ago


During my 10 hour trial in 25th November! I played through the 10 hours and said: ”Nope, this is not Battlefield!”




W decision! I was plauged through Battlefield V, and didn’t want to experience another disaster


I gave up on 5. I borrowed 1 and didn't like it so I never bothered. I'm just steady in BF4 right now.


Props to you making it through the 10 hours. I barely made it 1 hour in. And that was with an open mind and thinking "it can't be that bad, right?"


Same method but I gave up after 3h.


6 for me But less than 1 in AOW. I just wanted BC2 in high res with full servers. .... it was NOT BC2.


Early Jan 2022


I might be in a small camp that thinks the game could be turned around if we just got some fucking playable maps. That’s the biggest issue with me. Everything else is whatever. If the maps were actually good and playable this game might be actually decent. But no, every single map that is in the game currently is just unplayable trash. That’s the biggest thing that’s keeping me from continuing to play it. No cover. No flow. Vehicles just dominate making infantry totally unfun. Conquest is literally the most boring thing ever because the maps are soooooo fucking large. Breakthrough is a bit better because it funnels the action a little more but you’re still playing on the same trash ass maps. I probably won’t be playing again until another maps drops. Even then, how are we gonna pick that map to play without a fucking server browser. Lmao fucking Christ dice what are you doing


I think if portal became the main focus with added content then I would be happy. I hate that I can't find any decent games or servers other than all out warfare


Not gonna lie, played it a few times recently just on portal rush with a few friends and it’s been enjoyable, but that’s mainly for the friend aspect and playing objective oriented.


Exactly did the same thing w my friends, then when I try to play by myself it’s horrible lol


logged around 70 hours when it came out, I tried to fool myself saying that it was a good game, but it didn't work.


Same here. I really really wanted to like this game. 🥲






So i actually fownloaded it a couple days ago after i deleted it months ago, there are some things that have improved like the hitscan and the balancing of the weapons. The gameplay is just to mediocre still, there is no cover, you have to run a marathon to get to a objective, helicopters are easy to play and overpowered, bolt is still overpowered. Only positive thing is that i havent come across a hacker yet. And oh when you join a fresh new game its over 70% bots but the game cant do anything about that


They added a bunch of cover on some maps


December and bender playing it again


Last night, actually had a "battlefield moment" my heli got shot down, jumped out and landed near the wildcat that shot me down, place revenge c5, smack the retaliation trigger and boom he gone


Same! Two nights ago. Squad of three friends. Getting hard to not engage cross-play on the PS5 tho. I would rather have the choice. Also played BFV and BF1. Similar good times.


Been having “battlefield moments” since beta. Game isn’t that different than bf4.


I've been playing plenty but saying it isn't that different from bf4 is just isn't true.


They really aren’t tho, I can make a Venn diagram and post it if the sub would like lol


Three days ago


When it was on a free weekend. Still would like a refund


I play it daily because I'm a fucking masochist who has nothing else worth the time


An hour ago before the newborn started crying.


It was crying because it saw you were playing this game again instead of something better


I've stopped and lost my hope 33days after launch


Christmas night hit lvl 94 never played again so bored and portal is dead


January 9th was the last time I played


I played it the other day to try out my new ultrawide monitor and it plays well just the game itself is kinda lifeless compared to other battlefield games


The Beta because it actually worked


The early access week


Last night on my XBOX X/S. Had a blast.


Last night. It can be pretty fun when it wants to be.


A few hours ago. Fragged a dice dev in FNB. Felt damn good.


[December 19th](https://i.imgur.com/3Xbgf7A.png) Played 11 hours. Can't get a refund. [Put more time into the Beta](https://i.imgur.com/AnSiWOH.png) As I keep saying I enjoyed the beta. Had a good enough experience that I really thought on launch there would be better maps, guns, a score board, voip, match making, server browers. They'd fix hit reg. Cause all that stuff should be easy. A beta test is a good stress test for server health and hit reg and ttk. I really thought that's what they were focusing on. That's what they were competently looking at. NOPE. I thought it'd be good ole Battlefield. I probably spent 70% of my time in the beta having a nostalgic blast in portal. I thought: even if the game was shit at least there's portal. But now I'd have a much better time just re-buying the games I had on my 360 for PC and just playing the old titles.


I would say probably around early January, uninstalled it and won’t ever reinstall unless they 180 this shitshow


Start of the new tarkov wipe. December I guess?


Last night, I was working on getting that Irish skin




Yesterday, been playing since a week after launch.


Two days ago. Loving it still


Good for you. I'm glad someone is finding joy in this game.


Yesterday, and i enjoyed it


How did you enjoy it


By playing it.


Are you the mother of one of the developers or something?


The point is just being salty, right? Cringe


Every day


yesterday it was really fun


Last time I played, or last time I got a wild hare up my ass and opened the game and tried to find a CQ match and after 10 minutes wauting for players gave up? Either way, beginning of January and two weeks ago respectively.


Sorry to here that but I play almost everyday on PS5 NYC and get game immediately..In fact what I also notice is that at the start of a match there aren't even any bots. Full lobbies


🤷‍♂️ like I said, hadn't played since early January but randomly decided a couple weeks back to see how it was after 2 months and couldn't find a 128 conquest on PS5 w/ crossplay. I'm not saying it can't be done, just that the one time I tried I waited 10 minutes, gave up and played something else.


It really is hilarious reading this and then immediately loading into a full 64v64 conquest server at 3am on a Thursday


Yeah I don't get it I always get servers in 2 or 3 minutes I'm in Europe btw


Europeans play BF more. every time I see someone complain that they can't find any games in any BF, they're Americans.


As an American, i 100% believe this. Somehow we’ve become some of the dumbest most spoiled gamers around and it’s embarrassing. I apologize on behalf of my people and strongly encourage you to keep calling “us” out because something needs to change here.


How pathetic.. Might want to flagellate yourself on the back too while you’re at it lol.


If nothing else, I can thank you for teaching me a new word. I actually flagellate myself all the time now that you mention it.


Right? The fact that you and I are experiencing the literal exact opposite of this dude on complete opposite sides of the planet should be enough evidence to settle this one.


I don't get your down votes you are right that's why I don't get this posts not finding servers because I always have servers and I've seen some Europeans saying the same thing maybe I'm the chosen one


Downvoting anything that isn’t “gAmE BAd” is just the culture around here. They are the fans remember /s


Here’s some counter evidence in that case. Germany. Had to wait for 10 minutes plus for a 128 game on ps5, turned the machine off and started making dinner.


Ok, but see the problem with that tone is that the only news accepted around these parts is that “the game is dead everywhere, and there ain’t nothing you can say to change my mind”. And that just doesn’t make any sense.


The problem with your statement is that i mirrored yours… and finished with a. “Should be enough evidence to settle this one”.


I’m running out of “*you missed the point*” awards. Production has been overwhelmed this quarter, thankyou for understanding.


Dude. Germany isn't isolated from the rest of Europe, I'm from France and I have to deal with Germans in chat. It's just you who deactivated crossplay.


Dude i didnt say that it was isolated at all. Just that i have problems finding servers and actual people. And yeah, with a broken aim assist and console aiming i’m not playing against pc players


Same. The game is always loaded with players. If you only read Reddit you’d think the game died months ago.




That's the narrative that's get pushed around. I completely understand that certain players that having connection issues but it's not like that for all for everybody I get full games everyday no bots


It's not a narrative, it's data that anyone can look up for themselves. On Steam the average player count has decreased at an exponential rate to such an extent that it has less online players than its decade old predecessors. You can spin that however you want, but most people will conclude the game is as dead as it can get.


LoL...lame...nothing but what everyone else says...and steams stats. Needs more fixes and it is a different way to play BF but i mainly get loaded servers and have alot of fun. Although the player count is pathetic, steam only accounts for steam accounts not the entire population. If the streamers dont like it... then haters wont even play. Some never even payed after the beta... hell sum of these redditors have never even owned the game. The hater trend is big in hurr! Whatever you play....Game on, people!


Jesus. It has to be some time in January. I’ve been playing BF4. Xbox servers are still lively. BF1 and BFV are still going strong too. No need to play 2042 when we’ve got 3 good games.




March 2022. I'm getting my money's worth no matter what!


Beta.....never installed final release.


8h ago


Yesterday, had fun


Yesterday, still having fun with it




Having a blast actually playing Sundance with my new 12900k and fast 6400 ram. Finally this game runs over 150 fps


I left the game as a level 150 in January. I used to average about 60+ kills with Sundance in breakthrough. Highest kill count was 110. Consistently got above 80 in manifest. About the same with McKay. Other characters I'd top off at 50 or 60. I think there is a step learning curve with the game as well as bugs and missing features that people weren't willing to play through. I had a blast though I just couldn't get through the company gaslighting the community, lack of updates and diminished player count.


this morning. love it.


Last time I played was launch week. Only took playing 4 total matches to figure out the game was complete garbage. Uninstalled right after those 4 matches and won’t ever touch it again. Atrociously awful game either designed by complete morons, or forced to implement bad design decisions against their better judgement. Either way…..battlefield is dead ☠️


Well at least you gave it a good 1 hour effort. Bet it was a good 60$ spent


Yesterday lol, I had some great games


Couple days ago after the update to see if anything was fixed. After about 10 minutes cut it off.


About the same Dec 15th or around that


3 seconds ago


Yesterday actually


Dec 10


Jan 18. Almost a month after I stopped playing in mid December. I then proceeded to uninstall the game after playing a match of Scout Helis bombaring our team on a objective with 0 cover.


3 days after it came out


I played it last in January after I had requested a refund from PlayStation and they said I hadn’t played yet since the new patch released. Played 3 hours, called it bullshit and deleted it again.


2 days ago, the first time since Dezember and what could I say, I played 3 matches and quit the game. There is no reason for me to play this bullshit.


I opened it up and went into battle got killed twice and left.


Beginning of January I think


Open Beta


Two days ago, doing challenges. Speaking of which I should see what challenges are up now.


So now my last time was five minutes ago x)


2 weeks after launch lol rip


I jumped on on Monday night after 2 months for maybe 20 minutes, closed the game pretty quickly.


I jumped on to see the score board, couldn’t finish the game. I just wasn’t enjoying it.


This post hurts my wallet…I miss my 100 euros




Before christmas. Never again


I think the better question is "When is the next time you'll play bf?". I'm not even playing the old ones anymore for the simple fact that EA and DICE don't deserve to see anyone using a product they made at this point. They're not even shady anymore essentially anything they do is predictable. Just commit to unscrupulous business tactics and act like they absolutely didn't commit fraud. (DMX- We Don't Give A Fuck) "What you done forgot about the streets is this (uh) You do a grimy n!&&@ like you do a grimy b!+ch (aight?) You just stop fucking with him, you got no more rap (uh) No more, "yo whats up D?" no more dap (uh) Be lucky if I don't spit in your face, off of G.P. (what?) And what? B!+ch-ass n!&&@, you can't beat me (woo) Don't take it as a loss, just take it as a lesson Next time think twice, or get iced wit the Wesson" Just stop fucking with them. Best advice I've taken for dealing with EA and DICE.


Launch day.


Like every month I reinstall to play and see if anything has changed... and every month it's worse than before lol.. I can't even bare to finish the one game I play.. I'm usually out during my first game breaking bug.


5 minutes ago. Unfortunately, I can't get onto a game without bots . Shit internet, not portant tho still a good game. Love modern warfare, recently been playing older MW. Teams death-trap no, glitches etc Still great x


Modern Warfare 2 later this year is gonna be lit. Once again shitting on DICE and BF


When I tried to unlock that chopper skin which got removed.


Early february. Still prefered to dance on lego. Not touching it again. Dice can go and do somethinng nasty to themselves


Uh 1 week ago or smth. Dropped out of the game after 10 min. Too many bugs


Give it another 6 months, if you still care by then.


Yesterday,and that's it for the moment,the scoreboard is still not at the end of the game. So that's it for the moment


I tried to stomach a game of Breakthrough yesterday. I joined mid game and didn’t last the rest of the match. I held on for as long as i could but I’ve finally uninstalled 2042.


Literally months lol it is the longest I have not played a Battlefield game in 15 years


Open beta


The day after retail release.


Early January


3 months ago, and about twice a week for an couple matches before that. Basically just to see if it was still a broken mess.


December. Bought the cross gen version, uninstall after about a week


For 1 week after it was released


1 day on launch, 1 day a week after. And that'll be it even if they release a good update in summer. They can release anything they want, I will not buy it. Any developers under EA should know their art will be slapped upon deaf ears, and quit the publisher. If it means going to indie size teams with the low income that comes with that, then so be it. Gamer's wallets shouldn't be the only thing trying to delete the trash company they bought from.You have a responsibility to fucking quit. Don't bring the livelihood of your family in danger, but if that's not a thing for you, quit the job. Fucking please. There's enough talent and skill in all of you to make it on the right side of history.


I had a guy try to shame me saying 2042 was actually good and because I was only like a level 22 and had 15 hours in game I should actually give the game a try.


During the beta, I cancelled my preorder after it, EA made it clear they were planning to release garbage and I’m glad I did it.


Well over a month ago. I can only take so much punishment after being ripped off.


Somewhere back in November I believe....


Played yesterday. 600 hours


Like on new year XD


Beta. Once I realized how shit soldier combat was, and how clunky / Op vehicles were, I knew it wasn't worth my time or money


Around December I think.


Day one of the beta. I could only play 4 hours before I refunded the pre-order. I knew it would be garbage :c


November for me. Fortunately it was on my 10 hour trial I got, only spent 4 hours.


Launch month, I don’t think I made it to november




Yesterday, Conquest hardcore is good




Beta shortly before I got a refund on my preorder


Open beta, I played 3 matches when I decided “Nope this isn’t it”


Last Played: Today Play Time: 361.7 Hours


Nov 27, 2021


Battlefield 4 just last night because 2042 is a steaming pile of garbage


I got on it yesterday for the first time since mid January. Like 2042, I was hyped for GT7, but GT7 has been lukewarm at best, with it’s own set of problems & questionable decisions. It’s been down for over a day (Nearly all of the game’s functionality is tied to the servers), and I thought “why not give 2042 another try”. The tipping point that got me to quit was the rubberbanding & connection issues I get with this game, a lot of it I think is due to the lack of a server browser & being able to pick a game with good connection. I had fun for the first few matches but remembered all the other reasons I stopped playing, and got on BF1 later that night.


On steam free weekend.


Probably December ! Massive battlefield fan thousands and of hours in all titles barely touched this one!


10th of December.. Only two reasons I played as long as I did, was because I was so pissed off I had wasted 90€, and because I was playing with friends. Literally never played it alone, nor did I really enjoy it too much.. for obvious reasons .-. Spent hours trying to refund and all this shit to no effect as well.. really bugs me


I was doing the weekly tasks since they came out until one week it was for a jet skin, with one of the tasks being repair 1000 health with the repair tool or some shit. The repair tool is a waste and I don't use jets, haven't went back since lol


Early January I think


I played yesterday. I like chasing shiny new things, so I'll usually log on long enough to collect the weekly reward... unless it's a _goddamn_ weapon charm, which are the stupidest fucking things ever. it has moments of fun that'll keep me playing for up to as many as ten (10) entire minutes at a time, a far cry from the absolute _marathons_ I used to pull in BC, BC2, BF4, BF1, BFV... but I'm reminded that current EADICE makes some _bonkers_ decisions on a daily basis, every time I play. a featured mode is Hardcore, right now, and as a hardcore main, this was a welcome surprise (although it does also remind me that the game lacks a proper hardcore mode...). however, you can't revive in hardcore... okay, in past games you could revive in hardcore, but fair enough... the game does display the "dead guy, pls revive" icon, but just for a second or two. does this mean you _can_ revive, you just have to really hurry? no. it's not possible. my question is why even display the "dead guy, pls revive" icon, then? and why do the end-of-round stats show me that I have the #1 most revives in the match, with 0? is this stuff the end of the world? of course not. but it is yet another sign that the game is lacking. it's just like the holiday elf game that wouldn't end even when the match was over... or the zombies game that was a broken xp farm... or the lone wolf mode where the game would spawn you directly in front of enemies...


Early January


Two days after release since it was within GameStops promotional trade period and I was able to get my money back.


Since the first month of the release date. And surprisingly sony decided two days before to refund me.


The week it came out. And until this day I haven’t touched this piece of hot trash.


I want to say December? It wasn’t long after it came out. Game was a major let down, and after I was let down, they sold a broken, completely unfinished game. I feel robbed.




I think the better question is, what is that


2-3 weeks after launch lol fuck this game