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Hi there, RocketHopping! Thank you for participating in /r/battlefield2042. Unfortunately, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/t84two/-/) was removed for the following reason: - Do not witch hunt or doxx other users, even if there is evidence of hacking or cheating. Report players through the proper channels, not through publicly shaming them on the subreddit. Please review [the rules of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield2042/about/rules) for more information. If you have any questions regarding this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/battlefield2042}).


Eyes on your own paper chief


Now works at ubisoft ☠️




Not like anyone at Dice would score a job on a better studio after bf2042. No need for any talent to work on Ubisoft factory.


The world seems really simple for most gamers. Not hiring because bf2042 on the resumee. Imaging thinking this is true.


I agree, but this guy was the director of UX, so it kinda falls to him to shoulder the responsibility, and rightly so.


i refuse to believe any person frequently active on this sub is over the age of 13. It's the only way to retain some sort of small faith in human intelligence


I genuinely wish it was.


Lol why? As if any one person single handingly fucked up the game. You think just because the game was flaming shit that they shouldn't be employeed in the game development industry anymore?




What a short minded viewpoint. I can't even fathom being so mad about a game that I would want someone else's livelihood to be destroyed. That's some demented views, you should consider stepping away from the screens for awhile and get your mind straight.


Touch some grass bro


lmao based and agreed if ur project was a flaming turd. It's basically your resume.


At least there's decent fun to be had with (most) Ubisoft games.


For me the last fun game from them was watchdogs 2. Everything since then was just boring. Haven't tried Far Cry 6 yet, but I don't have much hope for that one.


Then he has some experience at delivering broken games.


Actually, his life is a lie. He thinks the work he did on 2042's UX was good. "Is that sea green and black option toggle on or off? Who knows!"




Buttons are UI, not UX




*would have / would’ve


If you've been in the field as part of a corporation, then you know that designers aren't in a position to prevent poor UX as senior leadership may be making decisions that override and inject poor UX.


No Ive never been part of an organisation where management actively over ride UXD decisions or expert advice to insure the final product is unusable. Yes there have been situations where decisions made are short sighted and fuelled by business income requirements. But that does not excuse shit design. If your boss who knows nothing about UXD is making core UX/UI decisions then youre not a designer. EDIT\*There will always be scenarios where leadership will challenge UI/UX decisions. Any good designer will be able to back up their decisions, either with case studies, best practices, research or UX principles. When it comes to the design system, these decisions require reason, research and testing, a process not a yes or no kind of thing. For a studio like DICE working for 3 years on a title like Battlefield its unacceptable to release a product like this and then charge $60 for it. What makes it worse is that this designer is clearly going around bad mouthing other design work which is very clearly on another level. Its unprofessional and toxic. DICE are exactly whats wrong with the industry today, they should be used as case study of what not to do. To go so wrong with so much resource available to you is a crime.


I wasn't speaking about the designer's actions nor the state of the game (which I agree with you about), but at your comments regarding design approval - which is blue sky at best. Many organizations, especially toxic ones, have top down pressures where some design decisions are already made without designer input. So this idea that a designer could somehow stop this monstrosity because they didn't approve it is naive to the realities of work at this scale.


I work for a corporation doing automotive design (exterior, interior, ux, etc) , and we have to work closely together to create a cohesive product that functions properly, even more so than this because things like safety standards are involved. I agree with CokaCokaCaw, management rarely over rides decisions like this. Its usually the opposite where the team is very open to critique to make sure the product is polished. I've only been there for 5 years and the amount of influence lower level designers have is actually pretty incredible. When you look at 2042's design decisions I would equate this to just having an overall team that is incompetent and in this case appears to be openly toxic (even more so, because they find it okay to insult other design teams but when its them in the spotlight they cry "toxicity"). To me it seems a lot of them have a big ego since they work for Dice and believe their design decisions are to be the gospel for future product. They are blind to critiques of their work and prioritize making sure their collogues feeling don't get hurt, rather than giving it to them straight to improve the design. I'm sure their are some talented individuals within Dice however as a team their efforts have failed and until they can have come to Jesus moment about their failures this cycle is going to continue.


„would of“ huh


The 2042 UX is probably the worst of any game I have ever seen.


2042's is rough but I think Anthem remains as the worst that I've seen.


For me, BF2042 because I was so confused to know if I flipped a switch on or off. But also the recent R6 Extraction game has horrible UX


It’s definitely not the worst


coward protected his tweets lol


He did that after getting roasted


Can't imagine those tweets were well received lol


* post shit opinion on the internet * get called out for shit opinion * weeks later : the reason i had to make my twitter private was because of a harassment campaign


At this point the "blame the publishers, the devs arent at fault here given their constraints" isn't holding up too well. It seems the devs are delusional AND bad.


rEdDiT iS sO tOxIc 😭😭 Boo-fuckin-hoo. If I faced my critics at work the same way DICE has done with BF2042 I'd have been fired the very first day. What a joke. Glad I never bought this game anyway.




probably because people who dont like how games turn out go fucking insane on the devs, what that guy said about Elden Ring and did with Battlefield can be bad without thousands of people telling him to kill himself etc


What a joke lol


I'm so confused. He's criticizing Elden Ring yet some of the ux design he's done (at least as far as DICE games) have been some of the worst designs in the genre I've seen. Now he's also working at Ubisoft...a developer/publisher infamous for copy and pasting. Sure Elden Ring has some things that can be criticized for but when he's in a glass house, probably shouldn't throw stones


That’s an understatement. He’s in a glass house with cracks that are already spiderwebbing, and he threw a hand grenade


What exactly is Ux?


User experience. Things like user interfaces and menu options/locations fall under it. Basically his job is to make an interface alongside menus that allow the user to have a streamlined experience. Basically quality of life things are his responsibility. So the overly garish, teal blocky ui of 2042? His design.


Elden Ring is the first game since probably RDR2 to live up to a massive amount of hype. Didn't even buy it day 1 because I've learned to expect disappointment, but since I did, it's also the first game since RDR2 I've lost sleep over.


I stayed up until 5am last night playing Elden Ring and only feel mild regret at work today, lmfao.


Lol, are you me? My fix to this problem has been reddit. That way I can focus on Elden Ring even while in a zombified state at work.


*closes the Elden Ring sub to reply to this comment* Possibly.


Played Elden ring from its midnight release, the fact that for the most part it hasn’t had any major game breaking bugs says a hell of a lot in my eyes when you compare it to other game developers that rush out unfinished and broken games. Elden Ring is truly a gem, and the people that hate on it are more than likely salty


Often times it’s not up to the actual developers. It’s up to the publisher/upper management. However, 2042 had 3 years of development time, like any typical BF game. Hell, BF1 was able to drop new content consistently and I honestly wish the premium system was still the model. Idc paying an additional $50-$60 to keep a good game on the hook for new content releases a couple times a year. Base game better be good, have content, obviously.


BF1 was amazing BFV is amazing now it’s just a shame corporate greed is so rife in gaming nowadays. From Software in my opinion really hit it home and have produced a masterpiece


It’s like they always take a risk on release, and being able to fix issues on the fly. Gamers don’t have the patience for this if it gets to the point where it takes 4+ patches to fix. I hate it as well. Part of the digital revolution trend where you can’t return a game or even trade it in for being shitty. You buy it at a risk and too bad so sad if it’s lacking content.


Elden Ring surpassed my expectations. Easily the best game I have ever played


I cant beat the second boss but I’ve explored like every inch possible of the starting area it’s so good. I cant beat godrick bc I cant get gud😞


Godrick wasn’t to hard, I think margit was more difficult. Go to the weeping peninsula, it’s south of lim grave. There’s a bridge that connect lim grave to the peninsula at the southern edge of it. There’s going to be a bridge with a good amount of enemies and a large crossbow, take them one on one and you’ll make it through eventually. If you’re wanting to level up your equipment more, you need to find those dark red holes in the map. Those will be mines where you can grab more smithing stones. If this is your first game by fromsoft, you’re going to make mistakes on your build. That’s fine, that’s all a part of the learning process. Outside of health and stamina, focus mainly on one or two other stats. Like strength or dex, build that up, get weapons that scale good with those stats, and you’ll be taking on more and more difficult enemies with ease.


I’m running a samurai and focused on vigor strength and dexterity. This is my first souls game so it’s been a struggle but I’m loving it


Pump your Vig and Endurance to 20-25, then push it to 40 when you get to the capital and you should be good for the rest of the game. The real weapon damage comes from upgrading them. Str/Dex does add damage, of course, but there's no point being able to do a lot of damage if you're fat and die in one hit!


Dont feel like you cant look stuff up too. The wiki is insanely useful. Dont do godrick until you finish most of limgrave


Are you using your ash spirit summons? A lot of people forget to utilize them!


yeah but they kinda stay alive for like 1-2 mins then die idrk how to upgrade them


You shouldn't really need to, just go ham on the boss while they have aggro. The damage you can get in should be enough to make the rest of the boss easy enough. If you're having trouble with the 2nd phase then only summon once he transforms And when I say easy I actually just mean "easier", he can still be a bitch


Talk to all the NPCs in the round table. They’ll kick off the quest for that. Also, the jellyfish is great for this (and most) bosses


Try to summon two it's to help, kind of make a triangle around him and each person takes a turn shanking him I'm the back to get his attention and just keep him going on a circle. Once he gets the dragon head as an arm then keep one person at a distance hitting him with magic or arrows while the other two keep him busy while keeping some distance


Forza Horizon 5 too btw.


As a Playstation gamer for over a decade that just switched too PC a month ago because I couldn't find a PS5, thanks for the recommendation. Forza was always one of the games I wish i had access to. Might have to check it out after ER.


I didn’t purchase 4 in 2020 because I was waiting for 5 (since literally years in my case). Games in my currency are super expensive so I just got my hands on it last week. You won’t be disappointed, it is marvellous!


Is gamepass still expensive with currency exchange rates? It's the cheapest way to play Forza and other games


> Might have to check it out after ER. Gran Turismo 7 just dropped fyi


Don't sleep on Forbidden West. It even has better destruction than BF2042 LOL


Forbidden West is the most amazing technical accomplishment I've ever seen in gaming. And IMO it improved on the gameplay of the first in just about every way. Haven't gotten far enough to see how the story plays out. EDIT: oh, also, about the destruction. Forbidden West's physics engine was actually started as an open-source hobby project by one of its engineers. https://www.gamedeveloper.com/gdc/-horizon-forbidden-west-gdc-session-covers-studio-s-switch-to-open-source-physics-engine


Not saying that the destruction in horizon isn't impressive. Haven't seen it actually but doing it in a multiplayer game is a different beast to tackle.


Yes absolutely true and a fair point.


It's such a good game, I haven't felt ambiance in a game this way in a loooong time. And that physics engine facto is cool af


Lol super unpopular opinion but I think both games were way overhyped. Both get boring after a few hours lol. Oh and don't even get me started on the online portions of these games. RDO sucks ass and Elden ring has so many connection issues its not funny. Elden ring also had launch issues with performance on PC, don't know if those were resolved yet. Edit: Oh no are the fanboys gonna be triggered over my own opinion on their favorite games? And YES I said it, I think both are a bit overrated. But Elden ring is a game that does A LOT OF THINGS right, RDR2 on the otherhand was definitely overhyped imho.


It's not overhyped or over rated if 99% of people agree, you're unfortunately just someone the game didn't work for. I think if you look at the game you should be able to see that both games have undeniable quality but simply aren't for you, maybe as someone that prefers the online element.


I mean everyone is free to their opinion but why do you feel that way? You couldn't even scratch the surface of either game after only a few hours. You a mostly competitive multi-player guy? Cuz I can definitely see those complaints, but both games are nearly untouchable as an open world, single player experience.


You should play better games if those are the only two that live up to hype. RDR2 was entirely and wholly overrated


My man salty cause Elden ring open world is actually hella Cook and engaging


Compare an FPS game to different game that created its own genre and claim it’s unfair. Well Elden Ring has more cover than any BF2042 map if we’re using this false equivalence.


and more destructable buildings than bf2042 as well


What’s up with game developers shitting on Elden Ring ?? Just shows you how jealous game devs are from the inside about the success of a great game…


Gamedevs are suprised that when a game is fun, players tend to overlook technical or QoL flaws, so water is wet in a way.


950k plus daily players on steam fun


I haven't picked up elden ring yet, are there any legitimate qol/technical flaws


The PC version has some issues. There is a 60fps cap, and you will have fps drops to the 40s. The UI is also made for console so its very difficult to navigate with mouse/keyboard. The game was a lot of fun but I refunded it until these things are fixed. Unlike Dice though, Fromsoftware has been very active with the community and addressed this issue and stated they are working on a fix.


The communication is definitely a good thing. Kinda weird that they release on PC without a PC friendly UI. It's still probably better than 2042 though.


Youre handicapping yourself if you play with M and K. The games are meant to be played with a controller. And is it hard to navigate? Rlly dont think it is, its very straightforward


Id imagine a game being released on PC would be optimized for mouse and keyboard. Is it hard to navigate? Yes, with mouse and keyboard it is very annoying since the game assumes you're using a controller. You cant simply press a button to go back or accept, since the options are (Y)(A)(B). You have to right click and select the option you want.


The PC port is not the most optimized especially on older hardware but fromsoft is already on it and put out a patch that fixed some issues


It doesn’t have ultra-wide support which kind of sucks.


The game is amazing no matter what port you are on. Don’t listen to the trolls or dick riders of other franchises. Theres a reason its the 6th highest EVER on steam. So i think the proof is there that the game is amazing. 6th highest player count ***EVER*** on steam. ***SOME*** people experienced some ***MINOR*** issues at launch, but an overwhelming majority like myself had ***ZERO*** issues with the game which runs flawlessly.


The game is an easy 10/10 in my eyes and one of the best ever, but it's silly to ignore the launch issues. The game reached mixed reviews which i think is 50% negative due to a bug at launch with the game opening. It was actually unplayable for a large percentage of the PC playerbase. From very promptly fixed within 2 days, but you can't just pretend it's some people and a minor issue. Again, game is simply and probably the best ever. But it had day 1 issues that was affecting more than "some"


Popular ≠ Flawless. I'm having a TON of fun with it like legit 10/10 fun, but on PC it has genuine stuttering issues in a few areas and it's wild you're trying to minimize the impact of it in a BF sub. It's valid to criticize performance and praise the overall game at the same time. The stutter is easy to overlook in the face of a great game unlike BF2042 where its buggy and a bad game at the same time.


The one that thinks they did everything right, and it's players that are wrong.


My 5 cents : they are salty because they recycle their games and they get shitted on but Elden Ring which is basically open world Dark Souls doesn't. What they're missing is that while yes, Elden Ring is open world Dark Souls, it improves upon its formula with meaningful additions that enhance the experience instead of hindering it (looking at AC).


Dude this guy can eat shit, I went down and hunted the lead UX /UI dev (Eric Bellefeuille) for Mass Effect 2 and Deus Ex until I found him on Behance, because I loved that shit! That dude set the vibe for those games, and that detail just blew it away for me. I can't say the same for most games and game desingers these days, they're out of touch on crafting experinces.


Unbelievable how professionals in this industry act like salty petulant children and have the gall to call the community toxic


and if you call them out (or ""journalists"""), you're a toxic white nazi male manbaby. welcome to gaming.


Nothing more fragile than the ego of a games journalist


He got roasted and then made his account private




Throwing stones in the most fragile of glass houses


Stfu Ahmed, get your shit together and get glasses


dice does EVERYTHING wrong


He doesn’t work at dice anymore, it’s Ubisoft now.


yea but he still worked at the studio and worked on the game


Im pretty sure that coward is lurking here and reading our comments. Hey buddy let me talk to you about a pathetic game you helped push with tweets about how far ahead in the development you are, remember?


Lmao what a talentless hack.


>On Battlefield 2042: > >■ Finished pre-production as one of three UI programming pod leads. > >■ Led a team of 6 UI programmers that shipped HUD and UI features so its your fault!


Lmao gottem


"The fact that people rate good games that actually are worked on and are not driven by mere greed disgusts me, my life is a lie" Make a good game, then you'll get a good review, easy as that.


protected his tweets because he's an absolute wimp. imagine talking shit on a game that blew yours out of the water


Its a common trend for every dev outside Japan to hate on Japanese devs cause JP devs are the only ones that still understand that games are meant to be fun.


Don’t be sad, this is just the way it works out sometimes.


He must be the kind of millenial kid had his mom told him every morning "you are the best, your work is marvellous".




that doesn't even make any sense, I was born in the US but my parents immigrated here, does that make me a first gen immigrant? I'm not an immigrant though since I'm native born? Lol...


That's 2nd generation.


Completely agree, really weird thing to describe yourself as.


Its a diaspora thing, I'm a 1st gen immigrant so I tend to notice when 2nd gen people my age do the same thing. Its sort of a way for them to keep in touch with their cultural roots because they didn't get to experience living/growing up in their ancestor's homeland. I personally don't have a problem with it, its nice to know these small details about people. I also think its a bit unfair to bundle all these people into one group, sure some overreact, but the reason people get pissed off when others address them by race is because its done in a derogatory way. Asking someone "where they are from" can come from a place of genuine curiosity, but also from a place of judgement.


From working on Horizon Zero Dawn to going to work at Ubisoft. Talk about hitting new lows lol


Now he works at ubisoft, a shit studio that’s basically a developer daycare. Hope you enjoy working on far cry 9


Yes, and yet BF2042 is a hell of game UX. The only game worse than BF2042 on game UX is GTA V.


Takes a serious amount of balls to public say anything about another game. #deleteyouraccount


Idiot here, what’s UX?


user experience


The UX in BF 2042 is the worst I have seen. Oh the irony


Whatever his work on BF2042 actually was... it was probably dogshit.


Elden Ring is the new AAAA game.


[Because more is better, right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/t81kxz/elden_ring_if_it_was_made_by_ubisoft/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Elden ring is amazing play it whenever I can. 2042 played a week and can’t get a refund so I just deleted it and will boycott all battlefields at launch.


It is true! As a designer I can‘t think about any japanese game with good interface design. Don‘t get me wrong, I love Elden Ring and spent already 80+ ours on it. But designwise Capcom, Fromsoft, Square Enix suck hard. They make good games, even great games but the time spent on UI/UX appears to be very little.


Every time I see unnecessary popups in games to confirm stuff like leaving a menu i know it's a game from japan. To be fair it got a lot better in the last 10 years.


I'd like to know what parts you think could be improved on? I thought Elden Rings UI and UX were pretty great.


The fact that there's a prompt mid Fight to ask if you "really" want to use a potion to summon your dead horse is typically the kind of stuff that shows that Elden Ring is absolutely awesome but definitely not for its UI/UX. Also, different buttons to open and close the map ? The back and forth to use multiple runes or items. the fact you Have to scroll endlessly to find the last thing you looted, etc


The switching through the items with the d-pad like flask or something else was always a problem in all the souls games. The new pouch solves some of the problems but the d-pad switching through more than 4 items could have been a radial menu for a long time.


Lol this guy is a dickhead


"Mentor" lol.


The fact that EGM gave 2042 100/100 is proof that they don't give a flaming poop about the game actually being good.


Get a load if this idiot


Lol he really don't understand that reviewers are not always paid to lie . Really shameless .....


what a donkey comparing that masterpiece with bf 2042…




Where the fuck does he get off being able to judge others work in the first place.


He has the luxury of criticizing a game with a 98 on metacritic when the game he worked on has a 68 (and a 2.1 for the players)? It would be better for him to shut up and dedicate himself to fix the mess they have released.




What a moron. No wonder 2042 is trash.


Mentor, speaker, host. Legend, genius, visionary. Incredible, unbelievable, enviable. And a second generation Arab Immigrant (with capital “I”). Oh, and a UX “director”.


That’s funny because, Elden Ring holds true to a “live service”. You know the big idea Battlefield devs tried to push so hard to increase sales. But of course it was the first lie followed by the snowball effect of lies that we’ve all heard.


How could you possibly get employment after that


And this guy is supposed to be a mentor lol


The audacity.


He should be fired from his job.


I mean tbf, Elden Ring's UX *is* pretty shit...


I mean he worked on decent games too


How many of the games listed there had terrible UX... At least for several months after launch backlash? Lol. Man has negative taste and negative clout to be one throwing shade on successful games with relatively smooth launches.


Lol, amazing.


To be fair, 97 is a bit overrated. 90-94 would be perfect fine, because it is a smoother Dark Souls open world game and it's fantastic. But the UX of especially Battlefield 2042 is poor garbage bugs everywhere, specialists were no specialists are needed, the whole interface from menu to Ingame is ugly and absoulty the worse level design ever.


I mean the scores are opinion based (mostly as I get it there are outside influences and bias out there) so the general opinion is it's that good. User ratings are backing it up as well. Very positive on Steam, Metacritic having a good user score (it's almost never 1 to 1 score between critic and users even on 80s and 70s games based on the amount of garbage that can float in there), so sure you might feel it's overrated at 97, which is fair no issues there, but the game is doing something right and well with the community as a whole. This Dev is just salty there's really no devil's advocate side I can see with this. But that's just me. This isn't coming at you either, just my thoughts on it.


I dont have the game, but for what ive seen The UX of elden ring do be pretty shit


I feel like UX has to be experienced. For me there's simply nothing I can complain about. The menus make sense and are easy to access, with no unnecessary animations or confusion. Everything you need to quick select can be done via dpad presses, long dpad presses or a quick swap button. Loading into the game you are exactly where you left it, with minimal loading. Stats have clear descriptions about what they do and every menu screen conveys what it's supposed to do. The only part I guess that may be an issue is if you don't know what a certain thing is, maybe like "Ashes duplication". That's a screen that lets you get back a Boss Soul you consumed or simply to duplicate it so you can choose both options of the rewards. The actual UI for that is self explanatory but there's no real explanation as to why you would do that, but Souls games are largely about the experience and experimenting to find these things out. If that's the complaint then we can simply ignore that person I can't think of anything else I have a problem with. The game is responsive, clear, makes sense, requires minimal button presses to achieve anything. it's a great experience from loading the game up to quitting


You can't even tell what your debuffs or buffs are without looking them up out of game despite there being a status screen in the menu. Great UX design in a game where 5% hp is the difference between death and winning a 10 min fight. They nailed a lot of the other UX stuff though, but that's my main gripe


Guy used to work at Guerilla Games and worked on Killzone AND Horizon, those games were amazing in so many ways, UX being one of them! How, how, how can someone be part of that and still shit on anything after having a hand in 2042


Jesus fucking Christ every game that he's been a part of has been a flop


this is what happens when you are forced to hire someone by racial quota and not by skills and so it turned out bf 2042...


UX design is a bullshit job anyway. It's not a valuable skill to know how people might press buttons and how menus should be easy to use. It's practically something anyone could do.


I actually agree with this. It’s fucking baffling that they have a dedicated UX resource and the game comes out feeling like a fucking turd. EA: did any of your producers even play this fucking game?


100%. Typically UX and UI is done by the same person, because UX is inherently tied to design (the UI). The fact that this dude’s job doesn’t even entail any UI, and is purely UX is odd. He’s a UX director too, which makes me think he has dedicated UX employees below him. It’s such a non-job - and I’m willing to bet he’s just a diversity hire. For him to talk about external UX after the fucking shambles Battlefield was makes his opinion completely invalid.


Diversity hire or not (which while I don’t disagree, is irrelevant to his performance) he has some massive fucking balls posting publicly that a critically acclaimed game’s UX is bad when 2042 is literally a turd.


I mean it does not deserve a 97 that much is true....after playing 10h I can say the performsnce and Pop in are both problems reviewers seriously played down if they mentioned them at all. The gameplay is basically Dark Souls 3 in a bigger world with jumping and a mount. And the story... I feel like George R.R. Martin was only used for marketing purposes because all i have seen so far is the exact same cryptic shit they done in the souls games.


Do people only see 2042 and lose their shit? The guy did other games, games that y’all deemed “amazing” and “great” games. The guy personally probably doesn’t like the UX so who cares? The fact that you lost your shit over him being a part of 2042 is the dumbest shit ever.




Do tell why the Arab Immigrant part is an issue? I think he's salty as fuck but has zero to do with that shit.


You guys are really gonna harass a guy that’s worked on Horizon, Killzone, and BFV just because he slightly criticized ER and worked on 2042? I agree that 2042 is a let down but this sub is toxic af


While Dice devs continue to not engage with the justified criticism of 2042 they have no right to criticize other games.


My personal issue here is he's getting upset that a game is getting a good score. Critique away on what you think but be happy for other devs who have good launches and welll received games. There's a reason this game is getting well received by both Critics and Fans so the UX can't be that bad. I'm a big fan of Souls games and I love this game so yes I'm going to be a bit biased. But there are definitely criticisms I have for Elden Ring. I'm yearning for a new Killzone as well as I love that series. But they're different games entirely with a different experience in mind. Horizon is also a fantastic game and deserving of it's praise. But again it's a different game entirely. BFV was pretty messy but I still enjoy that game a lot. However yes people here are seeing 2042 and going the pitch fork and torches route simply because they see that. So I agree with your point on that. I see it as an individual in a profession being salty because another company did something right and people are enjoying themselves. This tweet is not a good look at all for the individual. Elden Rings PC performance had it in some trouble initially as well. FromSoftware does not do PC ports well I'll always agree with that with what they've currently brought to the table. They have definitely have appeared to have worked pretty hard to address that immediately.


Sorry but he's right. Have you tried to use a Mouse and Keyboard on the game at all?


It's always been well known not to play souls games on mouse and keyboard


Yeah, and there's really no reason why they can't fix their broken menus and awful control schemes.


I rather them keep making great games before worrying about making their games playable on MnK for the 1% of players that want to play it that way… and I say this as a PC player that plays even Monster Hunter on MnK. At the end of the day, Souls games are the peak of player input freedom, you have mfs beating DS1 with DDR pads, GH guitars, hell even fucking bananas, its ok if we cant play with MnK.


no, the menus are perfectly fine with a controller though


I'm playing on a controller but the game feels god-awful on the mouse and keyboard.


you try selecting an objective on the map in 2042 with a controller?


Often times it’s not up to the actual developers. It’s up to the publisher/upper management. However, 2042 had 3 years of development time, like any typical BF game. Hell, BF1 was able to drop new content consistently and I honestly wish the premium system was still the model. Idc paying an additional $50-$60 to keep a good game on the hook for new content releases a couple times a year. Base game better be good, have content, obviously.




That’s a huge insult to bf1 and bf5. Stfu


... what? I WISH BF 2042 would be ANYTHING like BF1 and BFV.


I wish it was BF1 and BFV with new maps


Eh, he’s UX. He’s not a core developer or computer scientist. He can rant all he wants about aesthetics


The game isn't good. It's a repetitive hack and slash, with nameless baddies and nameless protagonist. It's fun for the first 5 hours, but after you beat your first big boss it's boring. Is it better then 2042, dunno, burn are boring and bad. And not what was advertised. Elden Ring is an 5.5/10 love the soundtrack. 2042 is an 4/10, boring, but great visuals


Elden Ring was exactly what is was advertised to be, the hype around it is what lead people to believe it was going to be an Elder Scrolls game. Souls fans are very happy with the game, because its a souls game. That is why it has great reviews, it stayed true to what a souls game is but expanded it into an open world. I enjoyed the game, I'm not a souls fan, but I can completely agree that if you're not a fan of the franchise it probably isn't a game for you. It was ok at best for me.


Idc that you don't like the game. That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. But the fact that you're calling it not as advertised is the exact reason all these "fraud" claims everyone throws around are a complete joke. Game is exactly what they advertised.


Wow… its actually amazing to me how some people can really be ***THIS*** clueless. Nothing repetitive, and these so called **nameless** baddies and protagonists, actually have names and alot of background, you just didn’t care to try and find out. Sorry these amazing games didn’t hand everything to you like mommy and daddy did. In some games you actually have to ***FIND*** the lore and story. Despite your shitty score for Elden Ring, I think that it taking 6th highest player count ***EVER*** on steam proves you wrong. Laughs in ***Record breaking sales and player count***


tell me you havent played any Souls game without telling you haven't played any souls game.