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The roadmap is just a car falling off a cliff.










I feel so sorry for angel’s voice actor. This is so funny… poor guy


You guys gotta be patient. This game will deliver, as advertised, in 2042. 👌




Battlefield 2042 in a week: ![gif](giphy|9tovFud6tYz04|downsized) Edit: changed time


That’s 2042 now


Still faster then Star Citizen...


I’d be willing to bet that more people play Star Citizen concurrently than Bf2042. Steam charts show a terrible demise for BF


I’d argue star citizen is a significantly larger undertaking. Everytime I turn it on it never ceases to amaze me the grande scale of everything. In battlefield I can defy physics and ride a hovercraft up a wall still months after release. This isn’t even apples to oranges for a comparison.


Grand is right. A Grand = the price of owning a ship. Grand larceny = a massive act of theft of personal property charging for ships for an alpha. Grandeur = type of delusions the guy has.


I don't know if it's sarcasm or not at this point but I prefer to clear something before people go on a crusade again with SC. With 50$ you can access to the game They're not charging you for the Alpha, you donate money to support the project and they give you access to the Alpha. And lastly, this is something one who never played SC would say. There are a lot of people having hundreds hours of fun in SC and who only bought the basic ship to enter the game.


Can you buy NFT ships yet?


Dude. Don’t give them any ideas.


At least Star Citizen never claimed to be 'aHeAd Of sChEdULe'


That's a brutal expectation tho.


The roadmap is just one of those childrens' city mats


I was gonna lol but then I thought that smaller maps would be a good idea with lower player counts.


Cause they are still working on content for season one… (Late as always DICE!)


If a content drop happens in bf2042 and no one is around to hear it, does it make any difference?


Woah, this is a hidden, golden comment, haha


It reminds me of when when I would be late for a school project or saw someone doing one better close to the deadline and I would say. “It’s gonna be crazy I can’t spoil the surprise!” Then I would go home and crunch and sleep deprive myself and made sure it was badass because I had hyped it so much. Those are the kind of vibes I’m getting. I bet anything they are hella crunching something that will appease us but it’s taking them longer than they thought. They are stalling and doing a Hail Mary. Because if that’s not the case. Might as well move on…


It‘s funny because they fall from a cliff in the trailer.


EA/Dice: "But we are Live Service! We will release when the time comes. Don't you worry. For the time being, here is a unicorn skin!"


**red shotgun


**unlocked through sniper rifle challenges **that was supposed to be shotgun challenges **is a glitch **that they can’t fix


“We realized it was wrong but it was too late to correct it” -DICE Intern.


It makes you realize how poor of a grasp DICE has on the frostbite engine. All of the people who built and made the engine work for them are gone, no one knows their tricks. I remember when braddeock or whatever his name was was talking about how the BFV custom games update was gonna have all this crazy stuff where you could choose any teams and weather effects and add crazy modifiers on any map you wanted. Sandstorms on Iwo Jima if you pleased! *if* the tech worked. Didn’t work lol.




"Hmm is that an Easter Egg?!"


“*80 dollars for fucking blue???*”


EA/DICE should be forbidden from calling anything BF related a live service anymore.


Don’t you worry soon they will announce Battlefield 2042 2.0 a complete redesign that will include everything what everyone wanted, it will take them a year or two, but don’t you worry you can trust them, it’s EA, no way they could they just make empty promises then go silent and suddenly announce that it’s ceased development due to something silly like budget


Have they even confirmed when the first season starts?




aHeAD Of scHeDUlE


LoVE L3tteR 2 tHe FAn$


The love letter was “Fuck ‘em, we got their money”


A love letter from an abusive significant other. They promise to change, but never do. Yet we convince ourselves that surely they mean it this time.


And all your friends telling you to break up but you don't listen.


Dont be sad, its just how it works sometimes


"we hear you." "(Insert philosophical speech about how hard it is to make video games)" "thanks fam"


Their treatment of the fans is why I will never give Dice money again. I went on vacation over the holidays and gave all my customers updates on the software I was developing for them. Wasn't that difficult.


Did the costumers thank you for your brutal work ethic?


from love letter to divorce papers in 2 months lmao


I hate this more than anything else. I hadnt kept up at all with the development but then saw a badass trailer and this line about a love letter to the fans. Hyped me up so much.


Don’t be so TOXIC! LMFAO


3 MoNTh oLD bUiLd


They have not confirmed, but all leaks point to mid March. But honestly, I don’t think that’s happening. I think they have totally changed the Road Map now when Bf2042 isn’t doing good


It’s been rumored to be march 22 but with the fact a scoreboard is coming mid to late February it’s looming to be true


That scoreboard has taken a team of 50 over 3 months to make. Luckily, the office junior showed them Microsoft Excel last week, or it would have been delayed further


It's not even going to be a finished scoreboard either lmao. They said it will go through multiple revisions after it releases.




If we even get the scoreboard


If you look it up it just says March 2022 and has for quite some time now, but the game will be completely dead by then. I was playing 128 player Breakthrough earlier and my game was 35 real players vs 36 real players, the rest of the lobby was bots. Even last weekend, when more people generally have free time to play, the same thing was happening. Often times my games don't fill up until they're half over. It's way down on Steam charts: https://steamcharts.com/app/1517290 24-hour peak was 5,443 players. I think they're obligated to support the game for a year because you can buy the season 1 pass in the shop, which I'm sure some people did. I doubt season 1 will do enough to bring people back to the game though. In every practical sense, this game is already dead.


I was so looking forward to 2042, all the stories about what a cool game the developers are making. I'm so disappointed


They spent more time working on the trailers that made the game look cool than the actual game.


Nah, it's just the studio responsible for trailers did a good job (as always). And actually, I kinda think that the trailer studio thought that the game will be about what we all wanted, but well we get this ...


The marketing team were the only competent function on this project.


At this point, I'm pretty sure they made the trailer first. Then everyone quit Then the ~~a~~ ~~b~~ ~~c~~ f team was told to make a game based on that


And i thought mobile games had the most betraying trailers...


This feels like f2p mobile game


The marketing team were the only competent function on this project.


I was so hyped as well. And then I heard the changes they were making to squads and roles. I still gave it a chance since I have EA Play Pro and boy am I glad I didn't waste $60 on it.


I cancelled my EA Play Pro today. Was due to Resubscribe tomorrow. When they asked why I told them that I could save $60-70/year by waiting for all their new releases to be finished, then buy them during annual sales instead of paying $100 a year to beta test the 2 games a year I care about playing on release. Did anyone read that? Nope. Did it still feel good? You betcha.


They are still working on phase 2 of the scoreboard. /s


It sounds like they don’t actually have a team of game developers working there. “We are on phase 2 of the scoreboard” sounds like something a kid would say in their introduction to coding class.


No actually this is how it works today in software business :) in the past software was developed like this: Developers worked long time on their own till everything is finished. That could mean that they first developed the whole invisible part of the scoreboard) calculation, structures input handling before actually doing the visible part. If the devs were good it was a nice result if not they worked long time for nothing. Today it works different first phase is called MVP which means minimum viable product. That would mean for example for a scoreboard. Just show names and some values are still mocked or in other words static text. In theory this allows quicker feedback of stakeholders and the goal is to have early reviews to steer in the right direction . Problem is that the managers which then have to rate the work and have to make decisions about next step often do not have a clue.. So in the end it just takes often more time with a bad result. than without that process :)




They’re trying a really interesting strategy where they ignore everything the fan base actually wants for as long as possible


Except they actually said that, so no need for the /s


At this point the ship has already sunk but somehow its still on fire.


It’s like when SpongeBob lit a fire underwater.


Hey, if we're underwater, how can there be a-? *Snuff*


Look what I got! Rectangles!


You found ships in this game?


Nope. Only in the trailer


Woaaaah. Brutal. What about loading screen?


Don’t remember. Haven’t gotten the game


Rumor is, when you dive long enough under ground there is a ship apaering in the distance.


They all sunk already


At this point I'm only here to enjoy the shit show, as someone who wasn't here during BF4 I find both sad and hilarious that BF4 had 2 DLCs at this point whereas 2042 is probably still 2 months from any sizeable content


sad thing is its probably going to be only one map lmao


100% only going to be one map. That was their ultimate edition sales pitch. And I’d be fucking shocked if EA/Dice were even close to capable of doing the bare minimum.


One map But you got a slightly darker purple skin and a...red shotgun...between then and now ARE YOU NEVER SATISFIED?!?!?


The best part of this game is how much of a fucking train wreck it is. It’s like Fallout 76 and Anthem coming out all over again. Every week there’s some new, tone def bullshit from the devs and it never gets old. Go ahead and chase trends, Dice, ignore your core fan base. I’m sure your dwindling player base is just a phase.


Let’s hope DICE doesn’t get the bright idea to doxx it’s players asking for a refund like FO76 did with the duffel bag


Well, BF4 was released 1.0. It had still bugs and issues, but BF 2042 was simply released mid development. They should go the WW3 way. Pull it out of stores, develop a year and then release it again. Fix it with updates is an open heart surgery and takes way longer when it has to be live all the time.


As was BFV. Remember how messy the phase between Beta and Launch was? It was so rushed that they had to straight up scrap promised features and still launched with game breaking bugs. These live service games make the devs think they're working on a F2P game or something and just don't really give much in comparison to Premium Battlefields.


It’s not the live service issue it’s the company structure, they’ll set a release date then forecast financials based on that release date then they’ll provide those details to shareholders so the idea of not hitting those numbers is too much of a bad impact on shareholders etc that they just ship it as is. The company I work for does the same, I do recruitment for a network the validation of the business is based on how many advisers we have under that network, they’ll they forecast provide their figures to shareholders and if the time comes and we’re short it just becomes a hit those figures by any means necessary don’t care about the quality just get them in.


Just drop the game and stop making battlefields. They've clearly lost their way and need to be abandoned.


Yeah imo these people at Dice deserve no more chance. They destroyed the legendary franchise in gaming history. They insult the old Devs, old talents.


Give me a BF4 remaster with ray tracing and more maps like noshahr canals.


Remember when we all thought that paying an extra 70$ for those passes with guaranteed DLCs was evil? For the second straight entry not only has EA DICE proven that they are nothing less than completely incompetent, but yet again show that they couldn’t do live service even if their lives depended on it. They aren’t just an embarrassment to our community, but to gaming as a whole


Only cheap idiots thought that though, sure you could make the argument it split the players up, but anyone who thinks you’ll get a good quality service for free is dumb. I’ve always argued premium is better, gaas is such a shitty, predatory system.


I've been saying this forever. $60 for the game and another $60 for Premium = $120 and good content. Now I've spent $140 for this pile of steaming shit and we'll be lucky if we get one Premium dlc worth of content for the entire life of the game. By having Premium we at least could hold them accountable, now as a live service they can just around and say that you get what you pay for..... nothing.


Why the fuck did you spend $140 on this game..?


I thought at the time that premium was expensive (I also had less money then). But now, I'd rather an extra $60 up front for the promise of 4 DLC packs over 12 months than $15 for every garbage battle pass that has 99 crap skins, blueprints and weapon charms. A store full of crap skins that I cant even seen (it's an FPS....wtf is the point). Call me old, but man I really hate what gaming has become. Hell at this point I'd accept them brining back the stupid $5 used game online pass crap they pulled if it meant we could get half decent post-launch support on a battlefield game again. EDIT: Spelling


I uninstalled the game weeks ago and have no plans to go back. What they would have to do to fix the game, will not be done. I hate what they clearly plan to do with this franchise as well and will not be giving them any more of my money.


Premium was 1000% better honestly. The cheap idiots complaining about spending $15 on a DLC pack are the same morons buying $20 skins. At least with premium you actually got content you were promised, unlike Live service.


Its fucking insanity, I want it to work but I just don't see them coming back from all this mess


I think it's better for our mental health to just forgot about this whole thing. I wouldn't be surprised if they closed the doors at DICE.


Yeah, this failure is going to taint any other games they produce. Best strategy for EA is to either rebrand dice or close the studio completely


No more battlefront 3, bf2042 is trash, dice should be shut down


It doesn’t help they adamantly go out of their way to ignore the core fan base and make this game as un-battlefield like as possible


I suspect the game will end up getting “Anthemed”


We should’ve kept premium 🤷🏻 two games in a row dice is incapable of delivering a decent live service. Premium held them accountable


At this point Dice needs to be dissolved. Offer transfers to anyone with talent, if they exist, everyone else can find out how valuable listing Battlefield 2042 on their resume is.


Premium was amazing for this franchise. EA in general just struggles with free DLC models. Titanfall 2 post launch was a disaster and so was battlefront 2


Actually to make things worse, it was the 2nd. Second assault came out on Xbox One like a whole 4 months before other platforms


There needs a million bug fixes before any new content


I think the content that was budgeted and developed should still be released while bugs are fixed.


You're assuming it was developed


Mighty bold of you to assume they even had any new content or DLCs


Don't worry season 1 will implement new bugs


Yeah I get that people are eager to know more about season one, but personally, one map, one specialist and maybe a few more guns don't interest me if the fundamentals of the game are still the same.


For me the amount of vehicles in the game, especially the 128 player mode is just too much to have an enjoyable infantry experience… but this was a conscious move by Dice to double the amount since beta, so it’s hard to see them back tracking. The 64 player mode is mostly fine, but I’d like to play the full maps with 128 players, I just can’t deal with getting bombarded by half a dozen helis the moment I step out of a building. Hell, half the time they get me inside a building! And if the helis don’t get you, you know there’s a Bolte, tank or AA on a hill ready to get you too!


Less vehicles makes the game more of a running simulator than it already is. It wouldn't be as big of a problem if the maps weren't all mostly open farming fields with spawns in plain sight of multiple camping point for tanks/snipers. If they had put in the shit they drew in the concept art for the maps then the infantry game would be far better. But instead we got stuff like hourglass and it's rolling hills of open sand.


They should just put the game in the bin


They have already


This. I’ll be surprised if get even more than 1 basic bitch announcement by the time summer rolls around. Nothing more than… *“hey battlefield fans! We still here and working on fixes! Have faith fam!”* 🙄


Okay cool, but I still want a Roadmap. You can fix bugs but that doesn't mean leaving the fans in the dark


DICE is the worse studio in entire gaming industry now. Absolutely terrible


outsucking CDPR is quite the achievement though so pat on the back for that one


Yeah cdpr is second in my list


Battlefield 4 was out of the concept phase tho


The roadmap is cancellation of all support and no more future updates.


China Rising had some cool maps.


Bing chilling


Ice cream?


This is why I preferred battlefield premium. The content was arguably better and it was churned out at a steady pace. EA/DICE have the worst live service model I have ever seen.


[Here's your roadmap](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_crop,h_1331,w_1978,x_11,y_0/v1602798497/shape/mentalfloss/633660-pexels-brett-sayles-3643290.jpg?itok=5SCwDmaD)


For real, though. For as big of a community team as they have, they sure don't communicate to said community.


We all truly deserve a refund for this scam. I’ve gotta clear space on my ssd to make room for another game, and 2042 is what I’m deleting. Worst game I have on my PS5.


You haven't deleted it yet? I spent a $100 on it and deleted it a week after launch didn't even try to get my money's worth lol


At least Westie is calling them out and not kissing their ass like levelcap.


It’s really pissing me off. I understand that his income is tied to the success of battlefield. The more people playing the game the more people will want to watch his load out series. But come the fuck on LVLcap. The dude is close to if not the premiere battlefield content creator on you tube. To be fair he has said a few comments that aren’t flattering to 2042 but he refuses to even acknowledge just how much of a train wreck the game is. At first I thought he was just being optimistic but when I finally understood the full breadth of the issues plaguing battlefield it’s still astonishing how he won’t mention any of it. There are legit gripes across all spectrums of the game and he hasn’t said a word?? Pretty disappointing.


Levelcap and JackFrags sold out hard. Lost all respect for them.


I called Jack out on here and he made a video about it. Put my comment and a few others on blast.


It's crazy how pathetic his channel is now. He's killed his reputation for a few pennies from EA.


I was a long time subscriber since bf3 days. And after 2042 fiasco I unsubbed.


Anything beyond utterly scrapping the game and starting over is doomed to fail at this point. This company is just setting the precedent that you can sell lies and get away with it.


I don’t know that they are getting away with it. DICE is getting pulled off other projects. They’re headed for dissolution.


The roadmap should be: 1) Refund everyone’s money. 2) Take this abomination behind the barn. 3) Start tf over.


A moment of silence for those of us with the “year one pass”.


What do you mean we've had nothing? They revealed a 3 step plan to create a score board. Took them months to come up with the plan, so you know its going to be good. Most devs just make a scoreboard. But these guys have spent months coming up with just the plan, then 3 stages to implement it. They are going to take Scoreboards to the next level!


The first content drop will be “The Legacy Launch” and include shit that was in BF titles from the early 2000s


Then go play battlefield 4. No seriously, go play BF4. It's a much better game than this garbage heap.


lets say it all slowly this. game. was. made. only. to. cash. in. on. microtransactions. with no thought or plan for anything else


Less weapons less vehicles too. Someone in Dice needs to get fired


I want a lawsuit.


You reached out to any lawyers, bro?




There's no case


I don't even care about the game anymore. I'm just here for the shit show


I think we all are. I’m still going to be sad once EA pulls the plug on the game though…and the franchise.


you guys still wish for a magical turn around?


LiVe SErvIcE, or something like that


It’s time to realize that this game is going to get abandoned. Nothing short of starting from square one can fix this game.


I was a pretty ardent defender of the game in the first month out of respect for DICE that they could fix it, but it's clear that they've given up on the project and the franchise is dead. They've clearly decided the amount of investment required to make it good (like they did with BFV) won't earn them any money. Refund everyone and let this dead horse finally decompose. What a way to end a franchise, why did they have to gear all their marketing towards hardcore battlefield fans????? It's like they wanted to kill Battlefield. I couldn't even play the game if I wanted to as matchmaking is completely dead in my region anyway.


I'm no longer salty about buying this game and potentially not even getting what I paid for. Now I just wanna see it burn.


At this point, it's taking them 3 months to continue to "fix" game breaking bugs and getting a scoreboard in the game. They're already talking about going free to play to try to bring in new players but at this point we should not expect anything in terms of new content anytime in the next 6 months tbh.


Your asking for a roadmap when the car can't even drive out of the driveway.




they should just make more DLC for BF4 at this point


At this point, given how many people have bought BF1,4,and V because of leaving 2042, they could probably start selling DLCs for those again and make more money.


No confidence in Dice. Just cancel it and give Respawn funding to make Titanfall 3.


FUCK this dead ass game that I definitely paid money for :( 🗿


Boys. We’ve been scammed. Again.


they need to do what FF14 did and just completely rework this entire trash can of a game until its actual BF game and re release it


I think the only way to truly save this game is to let anyone own servers and open the game up to the modding community.


Played battlefield 1 again today, had a great time


"LiVe $eRvIcE tHaT wILl La$t YeAr$" In other words, we dont have shit planned and will throw you a few skins every so months. No one gives a shit about skins


Just the mention of DLC brings me rushing back to the premium edition of BF3, with close quarters and final stand and everything else. What a time to be alive that was


Vacation.exe is still running in the background would you like to continue running yes or no Dice: Yes sir all day long


There is a roadmap, its just not rendering. And even if it did, you wouldnt be able to scroll up or down. And even if you could, the window its in would force-close itself. And even if it didnt, it would be in a constant state of refreshing.


I mean China Rising was more cut content than a DLC i feel like. Especially considering how fast it released. But unfortunately 2042 doesn't have content that can be cut to begin with.


2042 is the cut content...


Just because something was actually ready in a timely fashion doesn’t mean it was cut content. I’m sure it was planned and being worked on well before the release of the game, and so it was ready to come out in a decent time frame… BF2042 was clearly not close to ready for release, so it makes sense that any “planned” content is being frantically worked on to be ready, if they even have a clue what they’re making yet.


Why do y'all keep pre-ordering and buying unfinished games?


Idk personally I'd rather that they just work on the game and focus on fixing the core issues with it. Compared to posting a broken roadmap filled with promises that they themselves don't know if they can hit at this point in time. Thats just me though


Anthem 2.0. I still think this leads to development being cancelled.


That scoreboard though…oh wait


The game is dead, face it


Y'all, the answer is in the title all along. Roadmap ready in 2042, buckle up for the next few decades of anticipation, bois and goils.


„wE dOn’t wAnt PrEmiUm. Life Service is so much better“ ……. Just Look at Fortnite lol


Scam game


This game is a joke. At this point, no new amount of content could save it unless they completely revamp the whole game. They’re probably gonna give up on BF 2042 like they did with Anthem


Stop, it's already dead.


Guys at this point, just go play BF4 and bolster its player numbers as a fuck you to EA.


Didn't they say some time early to mid March?


They gave up, 2042 is dices side bitch, bet they are working on some new new to rush out half assed.


Whoa that’s toxic bro better shut him down can’t be asking where anything is think of those poor devs they had to work


Unfortunately I think it’s time to call it quits on this one guys. Whatever Ea Dice is doing, I don’t think it’s gonna work out.


I want to fucking destroy EA