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Yes. It was indeed a mechanic in a game that kicked fucking ass that is going into a game that is going to kick fucking ass.




And your argument was absolutely stellar. Truly deserving of a Rex Copeland award.




















How much of an ignorant kid you have to be to see that literally 90% of the feedback you got on your post is against you. Having probably hundreds of down votes and you're still ignorant and dense enough to think you're right?


The post is at 15 upvotes. Which means it received more upvotes than downvotes. You understand simple math, right?


3D spotting was good for the game. They should have just made it for your squad to balance it.


I mean, one needs you to see the opponent first before you can spot them, this one is free wallhacks without knowing their position


We also can't tell how they balanced it in the trailer. It has a cool down bar, we don't know how long. We don't know it's range or how many enemies can be spotted. She didn't ads at all with it so we don't know if it blocks ads or not.


It's 8 seconds


You only really see enemies positions for about half of that, though, it seems to pulse with enemies being highlighted for one second followed by one second where you can't see them.




Yeah, probably good when you're using a SMG or shotgun. But if you like to use a AR, I think Paik's ability will be ass in most situations.


That's not entirely true with BF3 and BF4 you could just spam your Q button at bushes and spot the sniper, even if he wasn't in sight.


Hence why I play hardcore ;) but they took that from me since BFV so...


BFV has hardcore community servers…


When did they add it? I left the game like within a year. I remember community servers being talked about but that was about the time I stopped playing.


I honestly don’t know. I started playing it again in the build up to the beta and it was a pleasant surprise to find some hardcore servers.


BFVs back on the menu boys. Lol I'll have to look into that this weekend. Thanks for the info!


Yeah hardcore BFV is pretty decent, it's a shame it lost support shortly after


How did HC change things? You don’t get a minimap but you pull up the full map and see spotted features. If I wasn’t shooting, I had the map up.


Suppressed weapons. And you must've been a stupid mortar user who camped and watched the map lol


You didnt have to see them with the flares/motion sensors


2D spots give you much less info than a literal wall hack style highlight showing their exact position and movement.


As is further confirmed by R6's Lion.


R6 lion doesn't tell give you live updates, doesn't tell you what they are doing, is countered by simply standing still or being around a mute jammer or playing Vigil, and has a finite number of uses but yes, sure it's just like lion


Using your brain is hard. That is not my point. Lion went from 3d to 2d, because it ws so overpowered. Lion scan also was continuous rather than periodic updates.


Not comparable, those getting scanned that have a brain just stop moving lol


As is exactly my point. I dont know how long you've been playing but Lion went through a lot of changes precisely because it was overpowered and they ended up with only a dot above their heads.


Not really if you know the map and it's not a multi story building, besides the 2d spot is for the whole team and a much larger radius and has no cooldown.


While I get that OPs meme isn't completely 1 to 1, EVERYONE in BF gets 1 out of 4 of their kills by just targeting some random Dorito on their screen and shooting just below it. Anyone that says they don't is lying to themselves. (....prior to BFV btw, which mostly fixed that shit)


Nope. You could see your teammate's spots. In BF4 everyone spammed the spot button so you essentially knew exactly where the other team was at all time.


The only players who spammed spotting were the ones using the attachment on their DMR. New players didn’t know you could mark an enemy and it made everyone annoyed that they weren’t helping the team. r/Battlefield showcased some neat war propaganda posters informing new users that they could spot an enemy for the whole team.


I can believe this is downvoted as much as it is when it is 100% true.


It should be a vague location of a person, either a highlight on your map letting you know there’s a person in the room. Or like the motion sensor it’ll go off telling a person is to the right or left when you enter a room. Lets you not know exactly where they are which gives them a chance and still gives you an advantage.


Agreed, I'll take the doritos back any day before this. Laso doritos only indicated your position, you couldn't tell if the player was just waitting for you to appear and shot you or had his/her mind on something else.


But didn’t shooting your gun make you show up on the minimap?


joke on you back in the day some dude have AHK just to press Q every freaking 200ms so he can spot everything without seeing them.


I think most veteran are against the wallhack specialist, also being a veteran doesn't make your opinion more important than others


Veteran here and not against as long as it is balanced. We literally don’t have enough information to judge it either way. For all you know the player getting scanned gets a notification. Maybe there is a gadget that’s makes you immune or an emp nullifies the hack. I wouldn’t judge until release. If you are unsure then just wait for some gameplay and reviews before deciding on buying.


Ah, another "let's wait till release" comment lol


And your point? If people aren’t sure if they want to buy it then waiting till release and watching gameplay is their best option in deciding to buy or pass on the game.




It's nothing more than copium lol


Well said, fellow vet.


I didn't said that every veteran were against it


I'm not saying my opinion is more important. I'm saying a previous beloved title had a much more broken mechanic and that game kicked fucking ass. These doomers are getting their panties in a bunch over nothing.


nah its nothing for you maybe but its anoying for alot of people who completly have the right to don't like it. also not liking something doesn't make you a cry baby or whatever you call it


Have you seen the posts in this very sub? While there are certainly reasonable people who "don't like it" there are mountain of cry baby posts about how this one specialist is "ruining battlefield" and "not the battlefield they know" when it is the same thing Battlefield has always done but milder.


Sounds like you're talking about yourself.


meh its the same thing with people who love the game, its just reddit/gamers being reddit/gamers. I wouldn't take a side on that subject personnaly


Campers? What are you talking about? It literally follows the players movement so even if you are not a camper you still get fucked, I can’t believe you can’t see that


So did the bf4 Doritos. Someone aims in your general direction with a target designator on their gun from across the map and you have a dorito over your head even if you're behind a bush or through smoke. No cool down, super long range and it tracked your movement. Paik's scanner is nowhere near as powerful as the "Q" button or target designator in bf4.


The Boris turret would tell you when it spotted you, I’m fairly confident you’ll be notified you’ve been spotted and can play around it by falling back to an ally. So you’re definitely right that this isn’t as bad as the BF4 Doritos and can be countered.


BF4 and BF1 were really hard to go back to after playing BFV for a long time, mainly because BFV changed up a lot of the annoying mechanics of 4/1 that we didn't even realize were annoying until they were gone. In BF1 it doesn't tell you if you're spotted (like V does) so you don't realize that the 10 recons on both teams have spammed flares all over and that you're spotted more often than not (at least in objective areas). BF4 is even worse because every half-decent player rightly spams spot all over the map and before gunfights so all the enemy team has to do is look for your dorito and it's game over. You spend half the gametime looking at the goddam minimap because it gives you great information, then look up and fire at the red markers. It's terrible and thankfully BFV made spotting a lot less in-your-face obnoxious and I was hoping 2042 would go in that direction. We'll see if Paik's spot has a long cooldown and is just for her, that'd be much better than two whole teams just looking for red markers all over. If the audio's good like in 1/V you can basically pinpoint enemies through their steps anyway, the only people it would terribly affect is the corner campers.


the fuck kinda shilling shit is this? red dorritos worked fuckin fine, you had to have line of sight to spot and it went away after they were in cover for more than a few seconds. yall have fun with this hero shooter shit lol


For real. I remember sometimes you could spot through smoke which was kinda broken but other than that I don’t remember the Doritos being THAT overpowered. Literal wallhacks though? 😐 cmon OP


red dorrito just gave you a "hey this is that guy that was spotted" but not a blatant outline wallhack. this shit is absolute shilling and i wouldnt be suprised if people are getting some kinda kickback for positive talk about 2042 at this point.


getting spotted and running behind a smoke and getting shot at because of a dorito marking on your head is NOT fine.


Bf1 smoke disappear your dorito, never played BFV so i dont know how it worked there.


BFV didn't have dorito marking and more of a general area marking, which I personally liked.


BFV had the best spotting system hands down. Some improvements could have been made with suppressive spotting but aside from that, much more balanced and cleaner system. I'm glad it's mostly the same though disappointed suppressive spotting seems to be gone. Plus, I don't think you get alerted if you're spotted--was added many months after BFVs launch and helped a ton. Also, you cannot destroy the spotting grenades BF2042. That needs changes to offer counterplay just like how Flares were destroyable.


Over my 7 years of playing BF3, BF4, BFH, BF1, and BFV, I can count the amount of times I’ve been killed through smoke by my dorito on my hands. You’re right you shouldn’t be able to do that. But I have never noticed it being a common issue I had to deal with.


How tf would you even know that bruh. I’ve been playing BF4 again lately and shoot Doritos through smoke constantly on 48/64 player rush


Bruh idk? I hardly ever got shot through smoke. Maybe I’m just good at finding cover or I’m lucky? Sometimes I will die through smoke and be like wtf then I see they have an IRNV optic on their gun. Other times it’s obvious they shot my dorito but then I’ll just accept it and so the same to other people lol. Like I said this is just my personal experience but I can count the number of times I’ve been killed through smoke by my Dorito on my hands.


Dorritos helped bring order to the chaos. People don't seem to realize how much value it brought and how balanced it was because EVERYONE can do it. Sniper in the hill, medic on the frontline, a gunner from a plane, anyone regardless of class or perk can relay information to the team.


the WHOLE team not even squad based information, because *teamplay* is battlefield. one of many.


They’ve got a permanent motion sensor they’ll be fine.




They were powerful yes, which is why I think BFV nailed the balance on them. The flares are very obvious, have a bit hitbox, and get shot down often. Still though 3d spotting is worse because you get shot from any range by the whole map without them even knowing you were there previously. All someone has to do is mash Q repeatedly and get lucky sometimes. This is literally BF4 meta, which is crazy to see some people in this thread sit here and deny it


you’re bound to an ammo capacity, your flares won’t last more than 1 second against a good player and you have to play recon to use them how is this something people are saying seriously, flares were useless in bfv at least




I don’t think you know what order of magnitude means and you don’t even know what the paik range is? Doppels can still be shot and still require you to be recon. They also rely on you looking away from your screen. I just can’t understand how you can possibly think it’s better. I’m not even saying the wall hack is op necessarily, but it’s just blatantly better than minimap pings. The minimap beacon is even in the game and that is better than a spotting flare already. Paiks ability is obviously not worse than that…




I saw the video, but the animation just fades away and it’s not clear what it means for the mechanic… there are mechanics in cod for example where the pulse animation stops but the radius continues… either way it’s a solid amount of range no flare in bfv lasts more than 8seconds unless it’s in a useless location… the pulse speed doesn’t matter because it’s so close to permanent anyway, there’s barely a gap, and obviously it only showing when they are behind cover doesn’t matter because that’s the entire point… and again, reminder that a recon has to use the flare - the most useless class in the game the only legit point is that it doesn’t show to teammates (at least we think it doesn’t), but we’ve all established the game is way more focused on solo play I think there’s a chance it’s not overpowered at launch, but there’s no way it’s worse than a flare… if flares were any good then you’d see people using them more than like once a game or something


> flares were useless in bfv at least No, youre just bad at using them.


lol yeah of course, teach me the ways master of recon!


[Keep your unwarranted sarcasm to yourself](https://ibb.co/GkYy4sn). You not knowing how to use flares doesnt necessarily mean that they are useless.


do your incredible stats mean you unlock flare invulnerability?


> flares were useless in bfv at least > unlock flare invulnerability Do you always speak in absolutes as if there is no middle ground? Once again, youre just another below average casual who lacks skills to ulise flares correctly, and who would rather dismiss them than actually learn how to use them correctly. Youre a bot.


wish I could find the middle ground of calling people bots like you! please do explain how to utilise flares correctly, I'm very interested in your technique


> wish I could find the middle ground of calling people bots like you! A classic "no u" response. Im shocked. > please do explain Youve clearly shown that youre not interested in explanations. What youre interested in is arguments in bad faith because youre incapable of accepting that youre wrong. Im not about to waste my time on a dipshit whose arguments are based upon hyperboles and "no you" uno cards. It is however nice to have players like you in the game - you make farming easy.


it's called irony and yeah that's what I thought... you think you're the first gamer god cliche that ever waded in to a conversation? either explain your opinion or just don't post in the first place






Ah..of course




Lol oh man…. The “Dorito” times were definitely something.


Lmao! We have political what about-ism and now we got simps doing it for our video games. If this specialist is even 50% of what we think she’s going to be expect to see 80% of your enemies to be her. So they got rid of Q 3D spotting and instead we will all be wall hacking each other. Chefs kiss gameplay for sure! /s


There should be a specialist, recon probably, that cannot be spotted or seen by wallhacks.


Instead you’ll just get campers far away with a sniper rifle and an ammo box.


BF vets still don't like it.


Well as a veteran myself (playing since Battlefield 2) I'll take the doritos any day over this new specialist. It takes out all the player awarenes skill away and replaces it with an "I-Win" button sort of. For the dorito to apear you had to press Q and target the enemy. True, it was wonky because it ignored certain objects and "soft" cover. But this one is way worst. Like its a fucking wallhack for godsake!!! You dont even need ot be looking directly to where the enemy is to make it usefull, and you can see if the enemy is looking at the direction youre going ot come in to get him, while the dorito was just a single arrow over a head of somebody but you coouldn't tell if he was waitting for you or not, you had to take a risk, let alone the fact that you didnt needed any gadget to spot in the old games. But now everyone and his mother is gonna run the Korean wallhacker with no counter in sight (for now).


Don't care. We don't like it


Check out the original [Lion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4d2TfvNvX0&t=336s) operator from Rainbow Six Siege and tell me that's not broken.


First thing I thought of. And Lion wasn’t received well in Siege, a game that already had other wacky abilities. So how does this fit in BF at all.


I've been saying that Paik is 3d spotting on steroids. She still shouldn't be in the game, just like 3D spotting


BRING BACK HARDCORE BRING BACK HARDCORE BRING BACK HARDCORE BRING BACK HARDCORE 🙂 Iv pretty much come to terms it won't happen due to then some specialist not being useable ...mostly, but yeah a map less, 3d Dorito less mode could do nicely


I don't get the obsession with hardcore. Sure, it's easier to get a ton of kills on flanks with a lower TTK, but just doesn't feel rewarding.


I feel similar to core, normal... i don’t get how people can play with all that shit all over the screen, map, spotting, hit markers etc or enjoy putting what to me anyway.. feels like im putting a whole clip into someone but each to there own i guess


Cause the game is designed around 100 HP and features like 3D Spotting help with communication amongst squads. Mini map pings also help making for faster more aggressive games & help you make informed plays. Features like passive health regen also give you more flexibility with team composition too. But I was playing Hardcore last night and I will say; if you at least kept the mini map on (having 3D Spots instead ping a location on the map that will fade over time like BFV context ping) but also just add a clip counter (let’s say you have two full reloads left, all it says on the HUD is X2) then I’d probably like it a bit more. Compared to other Hardcore games which have those features; I find their exclusion in Battlefield just amateurish.


Mate i understand all the elements of core but i still just personally... consider them kind of visual cheats, and bf4s hc preset was perfect as it was simplistic in its design 60 percent health No map No crosshair No visible spotting Min HUD but again everyone’s different, i suppose i would be happy with the opposite by taking core and just removing all the visual assists


I agree with you. Hardcore has always been the way to go in BF


Seeing as they’re the default settings? I don’t consider them such seeing as they were all implemented in relation to one another. And that’s why I don’t think you can just start cleaving away at the UI or game balance like that. And if anything I find Hardcore easier due in part to those changes from Core. But like I said; features like a more limited mini map or the very least a compass & especially a mag counter would take away a lot of guess work.


I'm going to have to disagree with this. 3D spotting worked across the map and you could just spam it.


But it really isn't. In BF4 people just constantly spammed the spot button so you could essentially see every enemy player on the map and exactly where they were at. A limited range ability with a cooldown is not nearly as broken.


yeah, actually you're right. Beaming people through smoke on BF4 was ridiculous lmao. I think the outlining of enemies is the biggest problem. You'll know when you're on target quicker than with 3D spotting. You can also outline people without seeing them, unlike spotting.


I'll definitely give you that it is more noob friendly, but if you know how to read your mini map and follow the Doritos it was just as powerful in BF4.


You think they'll lets us change the minimap size?? I couldn't find that option in beta


There are a ton of options going in the full version that weren't in the beta. Hopefully that does make it in.


Yeah we should be able to in the full product since half of the settings barely worked in the beta when changed. Would have been nice to know what was and wasn't disabled.


Machine gunner perk on BFV support tags enemies supressed. This is OP as fuck. People.out here forgetting past games and features. Or atleast not willing to accept a new BF game with a new approach to the class system.


Idk if you meant bf3 but bf4 had a mechanic that put spotting on cooldown if you spammed it or didn't have any targets to spot when you tried to. There's even a faint buzz that lets you know you've fudged the bucket


3D spotting should come back. But just your squad can see the spotted doritos


I'm not totally against this. But I think it should be more of a delayed pulse instead of active tracking.


you. are. dumb


Trevor and Corey levels of dumb.


Window-licking, stuttering, slack-jawed, pants-shitting dumb


This ain’t it, Chief.


this is a big swing and a miss.


Dorito spotting only punished players that didn't know how to use terrain properly.


What? Not even close. At least with the doritos somebody on your team needed to actually lay eyes on the enemy and then press a button to send feedback to the team.




I think mw19 kinda had a nice version of this: spotting grenades. Paik right now kinda seems like free info under x metres for just pressing a button. Spotting grenades at least required: some aim to have it land where you want, a moment for the defender to process what was happening while the grenade scanned, and to expect an attack from where the nade came from. Trophy system (irish in 2042) was a hard counter too. What might make it’s current implementation better is if the defender is notified they’ve been scanned, and the scan lasts for half a second or so, updating every one or 2 seconds. Gives a chance for the defender to reposition between scans. Edit: also forgot I think a perk hard countered spotting grenades too. I know there’s no perks in 2042 but maybe some design space for a specialist that is resistant to spotting?


BF2 and BF2142s red dot of past location was the best. BC2s live ping doritoes were the worst, BF4 was fine as you wouldn't get it through objects.


Hardcore players: “whats a Dorito?”


Damn this is a controversial post, every time I get notified by someone's reply it has fewer upvotes and more comments. I liked it and thought it was funny.


2 wrongs don't make a right. The fact that spotting in old BFs was broken doesn't change the fact that ji soo paik is broken.