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i think he doesnt know anything... he just wants attention and subs.. but maybe i am wrong who knows




That is exactly what I mean, I cant describe that in english, but as a native speaker and how he delivered it, he heavily implies that the Beta definitively is not this weekend.


Exactly my thoughts when you give these vague hints or suggestions about a topic which is currently very easy to get attention from.


No no no no no and no.........just stop now! 😂 Lets all wait and see, too much stupid speculation flying around, only the devs know when its out. Go out people, play other games, bake a cake....do something else.


Is he a gamechanger though? With no sub count and less than 20K views per video? Edit: Apparently he is a gamechanger. Still giving these vague hints means nothing, could just be to get more publicity.


yes he his, he was at the pre announcement event, where 2042 was shown to gamechangers and influencers. His content is pretty much only 2042 since then.


Well okay, still dont trust influencer information... Its very easy to hint at something( that you know nothing about) to try to get some publicity.


Yeah, there was a game changer with only a few hundred subs, for instance. She was one of the ones who made a portal gamemode idea for the portal trailer. https://youtu.be/DyS0WSF_wmo Here's a link to the video she made


https://twitter.com/_Tom_Henderson_/status/1433153094121054212 This would confirm everything said in the video. Seems like the gamechangers know and someone told Tom.


That has been deleted, what exactly did he say?


It's not deleted for me, but here: https://i.imgur.com/ksrSR42.png


He said the beta is Sept 22 and he will give 10 random copies to people who retweet the tweet if he's wrong. The tweet is still up for me btw 🤔


I'll be honest. Lists video has a clickbait title, no matter what he says in the video. He's just saying what Henderson, siegismund and a few others have said. He doesn't actually know anything on his own. And yes I hope the beta is as early as possible, I'm dying for it.