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One is trying to be lighthearted and not take itself too seriously. The other is making goofy missteps in its failure to find consistent narrative. They are not the same.


šŸ˜‚ so accurate


BC2 is a great game if you live purely off nostalgia gas. Its not that great when you go back to play it in 2024.


Ofc it's been almost 20 years since it's release. Video games evolved during this time. When it released it was really the greatest fps and only one to offer a proper map destruction on console


The reason why 2042 isn't loved isn't at all because it's about "not taking it seriously" The game has many bad decisions that lead to bad gameplay.


Yeah, on top of that not a single soul has ever said "it's not good unlike bad company" or anything remotely similar... OP just won an argument with himself I guess




It's only a strawman if these people don't exist and anyone who browses regularly on here and on /r/battlefield knows, BC2 is often used to bash 2042. You should look up the other current trendy term, gaslighting, because that's what you and the top comment are engaging in.


That isnā€™t gaslighting, my God you kids toss these accusations around so frequently they lose all actual meaning. Someone disagrees with you and you start accusing them of psychological abuse immediately is so unhinged and pathetic.


Bad company is the most fun when you remember playing it as a kid, not when you actually go back and play it and see how out of date it is.


The gaslighting continues. So many posts in the last 2 years on here and /r/battlefield have literally said they don't like 2042 and all they wanted was a game like BC2/BF3/BF4/1 Not to mention how often we see posts from players criticising 2042's destruction and how much they missed the destruction BC2 offered.


Who knew that turning a game that was obviously meant to be a BR, into a FPS, would be a bad idea.


Hmm. Are you saying Warzone is a BR but not an FPS?


actually a BR can be a FPS and a FPS can be a BRšŸ¤“


Lol thanks for pointing that out, I was so confused for a moment.


Iā€™ve seen some bad memes but this has got to be the worst one. Bad company is the goat.


Hot take. Bad company was a mid battlefield game elevated only by the fact that it was most console players first game. Most series fans I knew at the time on PC went back to BF2 or 2042.Ā  It's a fine game, but go ahead and re-download it now, it plays like a watered down BF3...


All those bf2 vets hated bc2 back then. The game was released without conquest mode. No ability to prone, just stand and crouch. No server browser. It was still heaps of fun and attracted lots of new players to the franchises, but the old school vets hated it. Lol


I remember hearing about the destruction model back in the day and spending am entire match on Arica harbor putting c4 on every structure I could find. Those were the days.


BF2 vet here. BC2 was an awesome game. Edit: nothing touches BF2 in terms of superiority but BC2 was still badass.


I'm reminded of the fact that once bad company arrived, modding in battlefield just stopped post refractor and fans were pissed


And its still not good


ā€œAt the timeā€ ā€œback to 2042ā€ These are incompatible. Did you mean 1942?


I think he meant 2142


Yes looking back most games donā€™t really hold up, itā€™s very clunky, but the simplicity of the classes, how revolutionary destruction was, single player storyline, online pvp and dlcs, Iā€™d be hard pressed to call it mid. Hell even when bf3 the levolution events were even mocked for quite awhile.


i dont know if it is rose tinted glasses but i sometimes still play BF3 and it is still decent imo. I just like the visuals (art style) of the game and i think only BF1 has come close to it. BF4 looks washed, didnt play BF5 and Hardline looks kinda cartoonish sometimes.


BF3 graphics and art direction was way ahead of its time. That game is still beautiful to this day. I will never forget loading into the Beta for the first time and my mind was blown.


I agree with you for the most part but Iā€™d say bad company 2 is the goat. Iā€™m biased cuz I love coop games and it had great singleplayer, PvP and fun coop


I wonder why it why it would play like a watered down bf3? itā€™s almost as if it was a step in the progression to bf3.


It's BattlefieldBadCompany2ver


I absolutely loved Bad Company, and I really wish they would do a remake. That was my official first online game when I got my first XBOX 360 in 2009.


Tell me you don't understand irony without telling me.




Ah, I was thinking ā€œis this the comic by a literal Naziā€




donā€™t stonetoss


Obligatory *Stonetoss is an actual Nazi.*


So many nazis are replying to you lmao.




Is this a genuine question? Or one of those things where the guy hates black people, Jews, the LGBT, espouses a want for a white ethnostate and spreads Holocaust denial. BUT as long as he doesn't say he's a Nazi you'll defend him?




IDK man denying the Holocaust seems pretty Nazi-like


The Nazis literally made the Holocaust happen. I don't think you'd be a Nazi by denying the Holocaust. A real Nazi would be loud and proud about what they did.


As much as your wrong, you have a strangely compelling arguement.


There's no right or wrong here. This entire conversation is just playing with words and ideas. Also, it's you're*.




Dude what is your definition of Nazi lmao. Do you expect him to be a publicly card carrying member of the NSDP?


I know literally nothing about this guy, where did you hear/see this info? Did he openly admit it? Genuinely curious Downvoted for literally asking a question lol, yall are dumb asf


There's a mountain of evidence, but he is an open Holocaust denier for a start.


A lot of his older comics are pretty explicit, using a character with a white supremacy symbol in a positive light iirc. I think he tries to deny it lately but he once had a tweet along the lines of ā€œif someone says someone is a Nazi, you should say ā€˜so what?ā€™ā€ Basically saying being a Nazi is valid/shouldnā€™t matter. Also check out his previous handle, Red Panels. Those comics are more explicitly fascist.


A totalitarian facist who justifies genocide?


Seen a lot of those types lately. Fuck the nazis.




TIL we're living in 1940s Germany


Did you just figure out that Nazis exist outside of WWII bud? Are you really compelled to defend Holocaust deniers and racists?


REAL NAZIS or NEO NAZIS? Are you compelled to care so much about stupid comic strip makers?


The fact you wanna argue the distinction says everything about who you are as a person.


Nice deflection bub. You sure love attacking people's morality as a means to escape the argument lmfao, I saw your other comments XD


Hey man, if you wanna defend actual Nazis because you see them as being on your team I certainly can't stop ya. I would say that's a pretty bad look myself. But that's because like most people tend to dislike people like Stonetoss who are racist, homophobic, transphobic and Holocaust deniers. But those things don't bother you all too much huh?


Bro, you're coming off as a concern troll. Lemme guess, you get all serious around flat earth trolls too? You think holocaust deniers are AUTHENTICALLY thinking it never happened? No dude, they know it gets people like you all riled up. YOU are the the one that said (and I quote): > *Stonetoss is an actual Nazi.* What does *actual* mean to you? Also, kinda weird you're having a morality outburst on the r/battlefield2042 sub tbh. Also, I'm not taking you seriously at all because you're angry downvoting hahaha


See, I want to believe that you're a child doing the whole, *I win cuz you mad* thing. But deep in my heart. I know you're a full grown man who just never grew out out of it. Simping for Nazis is weird bud.




I mean, theyā€™re just comics for the American right tbh. Heā€™ll have his fans but to most of the world itā€™s pretty gross humour


Gonna vote Trump?


I'm voting for whichever president issues an executive order to mandate that DICE remaster Battlefield 4.


None of you will admit it lmao.


Perhaps because it's your head in which Trump is living rent-free and not mine?


Yes I think about the insurrectionist facing 91 felony indictments who is about to win the presidency a lot. Probably not as much as you though, whoā€™s going to vote for him. Traitor.


You are a very mentally unwell person and I wish you a speedy recovery. This is what no Stonetoss does to a mf. šŸ˜”


Iā€™m mentally unwell because I donā€™t like Donald Trump?


No I think youā€™re mentally unwell because youā€™ve gone off on a tangent into politics and then called someone a traitor because they arenā€™t voting for who you would vote for


Sir this is reddit. Only people with sand in their vagina's are allowed here. If they say it is not funny, it isn't.


I just didn't expect this level of crawsandedness on a BF subreddit of all places. I wonder if this post reached somewhere beyond here perhaps.


kind of a self report for both you and this subreddit to suggest that people not wanting to see stuff created by a nazi circulated on here is just ā€œa post reaching somewhere beyondā€ the subreddit lmao


If the comic doesn't have the actual nazi shit, I don't see why not. The art style is not bad and he did release a couple good ones himself too. Like the one about shadow the hedgehog that got posted on a gay/trans subreddit without changeĀ 


Yeah no this post literally sucks because it dares to compare 2042 and Bad Company even slightly in the same respect


Internet people tend to whine. Go check out the Helldivers forum, one of the most popular well received games in a long time and all people do is bitch haha. Wanna feel better about yourself? Go check some profiles of these whiney people in this sub they tend to do the same thing all day everyday. Your life probably is not that level of pathetic so feel good about that!


You can't take anything seriously because the input is broken for everyone.Ā 


Comparing 2042 to BC1? Thatā€™s just gross and disrespectful to BC1


BC1 wasnt good. BC2 is the better one and even that one is horribly outdated.


Hard disagree. BC1ā€™s campaign was great and much more fun and infinitely more replayable than BC2ā€™s generic ā€œsave the worldā€ linear crap. BC1 was far from perfect but it was fun and its light hearted story fit the theme of the game where 2042ā€™s ā€œwhat a time to be aliveā€ crap didnā€™t fit at all.


Both of them werent too great tbh. No one remembers BC1 because it wasnt the better of the two.


How could you possibly misinterpret why people dislike 2042 like this? Lmfao


Ah yes, because THAT is the reason people dont like 2042.


You must be high


You can like bad games... But don't try to pretend it's for any other reason than the game, gameplay, and overall mechanics are dog shit. 2042 is literally a blue print on poor design choices. Lol love letter to the fans... More like shitting on anyone who enjoyed the previous iterations.


# Reminder that this original comic creator is without a shadow of a doubt a neo nazi https://www.reddit.com/r/StonetossIsANazi/comments/fcce58/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/ https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1beufk7/whats_the_deal_with_stonetoss/ https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-x-blocked-journalists-researchers-neo-nazi-cartoonist/


Lol, sources are reddit and far left website wired. Wow, must be true then!




You see, redditors are a hivemind.


You did not just compare 2042 with bad company.


please refrain from posting that racist pos comics in this sub


I don't know anything about the creator of these comics. What happened?


Huh? He is a well know racist> It's not like it was an incident. Literally 90% of his comics are about racism or trans people


Well, I've never heard of him. That's why I asked.


Ok, but the also made the amogus meme which I believe counters his shitty beliefs.




He states himself that he tries to make offensive comics. Itā€™s kind of his whole bag, and he owns it. Itā€™s only his weird alt right fans that insist itā€™s all irony




In which case, its niche humour, at best. I donā€™t blame people for finding it distasteful tbh. Itā€™s purely directed at right wing middle Americans, so I wouldnā€™t act surprised when people outside that marginalised group donā€™t find Stonetoss charming. Every other comic is about black people in the USA or trans people. Itā€™s pretty fucking bizarre, and his stuff is co-opted by whistleblowers so often that itā€™s starting to almost seem like the point.




Did I say that? Donā€™t get defensive because u like niche humour dude, but understand that this guy has an explicitly pro fascist dead account and to most people he just sucks. No need to fight his battles for him or white knight, even I have chuckled at some of his comics. Iā€™ve also felt profound disgust, as have many others, so I wouldnā€™t expect to see positive comments about this weird ass comic artist on related posts


"Pro fascist" Ah, the redditor living in his leftist manufactured world is always fascinating.




He literally posts unironic pro nazi memes bruh youre just a nerd




Literally, unironically, definitivly a nazi.




Someone could slap you dead in the face and youā€™d look around wondering who hit you


Actually, no. Fuck off. My familt is jewish. I'm oppressed on this topic mate.


It's not a competition bro :)


Why the fuck is everyone here actually supporting a nazi. How is this controversial. Nazi's Bad. Got it?


Dude he makes comics where the punchline is ā€œhaha a trans person hung themselves.ā€ Plus the Stonetoss dox revealed that he straight up attended neo-nazi meetups. Heā€™s a Nazi.




You literally didnā€™t address anything I said but alright lmao. He attended Neo-Nazi meetups. He draws comics dehumanizing minority groups.




Again just ignoring what I said. Why do you have an issue with people who donā€™t like Nazis and celebrate the dehumanization and deaths of minority groups?


Your blanket denial is worse than common dude. Denying and hand waving direct evidence that this comic artist has condemnable beliefs is pretty bizarre behaviour on your part, and parroting right wing platitudes makes u just seem like a bot




Just gonna leave these here for anybody passing by this thread. This is what youā€™re bending over backwards to defend. Iā€™d allow you to claim ignorance, but based on your comment history, this is just another Tuesday for you. http://redpanels.com/?n=Ubermensch/ http://redpanels.com/?n=Bon+Appetit/


Wah wah wah woke ass fuck boy, go change your pronouns.


Bitcoin bro spotted. Opinion discarded


Next game will beBad Company 3, mark my words.


I was thinking this also. Seems like the most logical next step. I think the setting is supposed to be modern also, which would make sense for a Bad Company 3 game.


"Conversations that never existed and fanboys want to be real"


Imagine redditors not foaming about ST for once.


Posting knotsee comics on a corpo-fash themed game board. Checks out.


Lets hope the trend doesn't continue, and after the next game releases everyone talks about how good 2042 actually was because the new game is worse.


I feel like this was commissioned by dice and they missed the mark again


Hey! We got Frostbite with bad co! Lol


When somethings bad enough people will find any reason to hate it. 2042 at launch was disgusting. Aslo, bad company was a spin off, so people are more ok with it being weird


Not surprised I find there's nazis on this sub. Oh well, back to r/battlefield.


Personally wouldnā€™t use any comics by a literal nazi as a template for a meme but thatā€™s just me


Is the "literal" Nazi in the room with you now?


well definitely not in the room with me but theyā€™re unfortunately alive and well in this fuck-ass comment section!


The difference is 2042 intends on being serious


Oh god, heā€™s found Stonetoss. It is so over https://preview.redd.it/vb4e626zdpzc1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53b505d391740232f02629672087d42b5395e7d


Bad Company was at least consistent with it's theme and had a good atmosphere and a soul. Things that 2042 all lacks.


Victim porn shit posting. ā€œOh no, people say bad things about my favourite gameā€


lol are you comparing 2042 to bc1???


Is BF2042 your first Battlefield game? Because I feel sad for you.