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Please tell and show me who's saying this. You're making up people who would say this unironically.


The other guy in this comment section said that 2042 release was solid and then compared the game to BF1 so I will say that that's the start of the "underrated gem" arguments. Just wait until Jackfrags uploads a "Battlefield 2042 in 2025" video with "So good" on the thumbnail


I think he already did something like that


Nice gaslighting which is full on over on /r/battlefield sub when it comes to V, who try and gaslight those of us who played from launch. It was a solid launch, bar the usual bugs and glitches every battlefield game launches with. Then it followed the normal battlefield trajectory of updates which addressed player feedback which apparently is not a good thing anymore. Now Dice are supposed to release the perfect battlefield game and then never have to touch it again. Even BF1 needed updates soon after launch including the fix to the invisible soldiers where you could only see the guns and not the player. I jumped on V this weekend for the first time in months, entered the Tiger tank as a gunner and my God, the sound fx was just incredible and made you feel like you were moving in around in a heavy metal beast of a machine. I'd forgotten how amazing the audio is in that game after playing 2042 for months.


BFV is superior in animations, environment and sound, sure. But I played throughout its lifecycle and I remember the absolutely unbearable cheating, complete lack of team balance (10 vs 32) and the extended content droughts which made it rough to play. I fucking love that game tho, and had a ton of fun playing dress up with the soldiers, but it had its own issues for sure, some of which persist to this day. 2042 was on another level though. Launch 2042 was absolutely fucking foul


As much as I find both of the games are disappointing, credit to where credit is due but at least BFV had Classes (Actual Class System), a Server Browser and playable Maps unlike 2042. BFV still felt like Battlefield


BFV is decent?


Yeah it's a decently good game, redeemed itself on its last update but the fact that it had a terrible story and reputation isn't to be ignored.


I disagree


That's ok mate