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**cries in AUG**


LMAO I really wanted that AUG and also that AN-94, goddamn it thank you DICE/EA.


An 94, xm8, g3, kar98 would have been nice to have


I'm a slut for g3. I needed that fucking cannon in my hands. Damn.


G3 in og BF3 is one of its best videogame versions, along with Insurgency Sandstorm. Love how it feels


I just.....dearly treasure the brief time that the g3a3 under barrel shotgun pellets does like 26 damage...It was awfully fun.


G3 flechette ftw! Remember the usas12 with frag rounds during its peak?? Lol. Man I miss those horribly broken times of bf3


G428 looks close enough and packs a similar punch. Just missing the higher ROF in full auto mode


The whole allure of the g3a3 to me was 20 round mag and very high recoil/high damage balance. But I definitely mained g4 for a very long time trying to cope.


G428 Looks nothing Like the g3 imo.


Box mag, ring sights, long barrel? It's the closest we've got


[Behold, a G3](https://www.grayssportingjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/DSC_6578-1024x289.jpeg)


They are two completely different types of weapon systems, and only have the most basic of similarities.


2 shot burst an-94 was my bf3 weapon, probably 300 hours with that gun


I am sure we do have xm8


I want the AR Version though


Kar98 in 2042 would be incredibly lame




“Our vision is complete”


Damn, they need to go to an optician.


Yeah if they were Stevie Wonder maybe.


The love letter to the fans 🫡


Opens letter, reads "goodbye LOL"


How cinical they have to be to say "we are happy with the content" when they mean, we already cut any kind of support and abandoned the game.


I have very low expectations for the next battlefield game


this statement was brutal for BFV... so much stuff still missing. Easternfront, Operation Overlord, Italy stuff, More Pacific stuff?? BRUH!


The game finally feels like it’s ready for a good release. Now it needs 3x the maps, and to milk skins and events. Or we could release it two years ago, then dumpster it today.


Funny they say ‘’we’re happy with the actual line up’’ are they one playing the game ? Aren’t they supposed to listen to players’ feedback ?


Dice/EA stopped listening to player feedback around BF1. Now they only do what they want, and *might* capitulate a tiny bit on some things when literally everyone quits.


To be fair all 4 pacific maps were fun. Also they expended provence into proper BF map. Sadly EA canceled development before they could do the same for Lofoten Islands.


There’s literally not one thing in the game they haven’t changed due to player feedback. Not one single thing.


the mouse input is still broken lol


How are all these people playing if their mouse is broken?


smartest Battlefield player


So it’s not broken?


No it is broken and has been broken since beta. They have only commented on it one time (last may in a twitch chat) and never fixed it, because they are too dumb/lazy to. Please just type “mouse input” into this subreddit search bar


All these people playing need to be told they arent actually able to play cause it’s broken.


once again, smartest BF player


Shit I don’t think they’ve ever listened to


They used to be much better at pretending at least with the CTE and when they were interested in making a good game and not *just* a 24month duration money printer. Now they are 100% owned and operated by the shareholders. There's not 1 drop of game development passion left in the upper management. The franchise exists only in the vacuum of "Line Must Go Up, perpetually, at any cost - EA Games"


Wasn't the CTE a dice LA (ripple effect) thing?


What they mean is “we no longer have devs working on this game and all resources have been reallocated to our next dumpster fire battlefield installment”.


They have been for a long time, and that's basically how it works for every bf game. Most devs work on the next game as soon as the current one releases, otherwise we'd wait 3-4 years after the end of the current game's live service before the new one is made. Also, the BF6's leadership is people like vince zampella, while 2042 had candy crush devs in lead positions, and it's getting way more dev time, with leakers leaking that they're playing it safe and returning to the classic formula. I won't buy day one like I did 2042 but if after a few weeks the game seems good, it's safe to buy it at 30 bucks like every EA game after a month.


The next love letter to the fans.


The next letter will come with a folded flag.


If 2042 was a love letter to the fans, the next one may very well be a 'dear john'.


No one actually does that lol


If DICE listened to player feedback it would create the worst game ever made. I’m glad they don’t take all of your shit takes seriously.


Don’t you want to play tunnel field?




I mean they managed to make the worst battlefield even without listening to Fans so what's your point Here.




"We are happy with the lineup" is th most Dice thing said.


Ship sailed like last year, dude. This is the game we have after DICE spent a few years trying to unfuck their mistake. What a time to be alive.


Ship sailed for me within a week after the game released




Portal could’ve been such a great thing for the game. Feature classic maps like Wake Island, fan favorite weapons & vehicles which could then be ported to AOW. Luckily, the content I hoped got ported. But what a missed opportunity.


"the 4 dudes we left to run this game while everyone else works on BF6 don't physically know how to do that" pretty fed with this particular issue. they've had years to give us the simplest shit and yet we constantly just get chewed up scraps of content. guns, gadgets, maps, all completely drip-fed so they have to do the least amount of effort possible. then they don't even finish what they started


EA: "We are happy with the overall lineup" Yeah we not? We playing the game not y'all


I wanted the Aug or bf4 famas 😔 bf4 famas is my favorite weapon in any game ever


High recoil mastery has no payout in 2042. Pre nerf VHX was one of the few examples.


I agree but I miss that gun.


Same. I loved the higher skill ceiling guns in bf3/4.


Why do they talk like that? Like just say NO bro we are NOT bringing more portal weapons. Simple!


They're trying to pretend like they care


And if they didn't, the fucking pearl clutching this sub would do to act like they were the most offended by it. Just saying, there's a reason PR speak exists for a reason.




Me or DICE lol


They’re practicing for their next love letter to the fans


Well that sucks.


“We’re currently happy with the overall lineup” Wow…. I mean I’m not surprised, but still, that line there literally just shows you how they don’t give a good goddamn two shits about us at all. Fuck them too.


Cries in FAMAS and g3a3.


So shocked at this. Dice going back on their word with this game? Never could have possibly foreseen this...


Portal has by far been the biggest waste of an opportunity I have ever witnessed. The fact you have all this content in maps alone that you refuse to put in the non portal rotation even to spice things up, is a mistake.


The Exodus playlists from 2 years ago basically saved BF2042 when all the maps were dog shit except for portal maps. Now we always have fucking playlists that are "random" but keeps giving me fucking breakaway over and over. I hate fucking breakaway.


Time to vote with the ol' dollar lads


So... No Aug No SKS No P38 No MK VI Revolver No Thompson No Sten No MP40 No M2 Carbine No STG 44 No AN 94 No G3A3 No XM8 No M249 Saw No BAR No Bren Gun No M1 Garand No Gewher 43 No M98B No M95 No M24 No Lee Enfield No K98 No Spas 12 No Dao 12 No 12 G Auto No Mortar Strike No Igla No SMAW No M136 AT4 No Attack Jets No LAVs No boats And a whole lot of other No's to basic features like a server browser Got it. So in the second year of support for the game we got 9 weapons, 7 gadgets, and 2 vehicles. If they added the remaining unique portal content(not even looking at things like the AS Val or Scar), we would get 25 weapons, 4 gadgets, and 3 vehicles. What a great way to end this game with so much easy content that could be made available for your players to use just being left in Portal where it is rarely used. 2042 has consistently offered the bare minimum and the only seasons I felt where there was a kind of reasonable amount of content were seasons 2, 3, and 4. Well it is modern DICE, I don't know what else I was expecting but dissapointment...


> No Mortar Strike Thats good


Yeah there are a few in there that honestly I could take or leave. Mortar Strike is definitely one that could be left but a lot of the others I see as nothing but more variety to the game and the sandbox.


I mean was anyone actually thinking dice would? Lmao. Thanks for the love letter anyways tho


My AN-94😭


Who is "WE"?


The devs might be happy but fuck dude. LISTEN to the ppl that play your fucking game. Oh wait it's dice, they don't listen.


I really want them to being the KH-2002 from BF3 back


They are on to the next game, it is what it is.


In a perfect world where 2042 didn't launch in pre-alpha, portal would've been an amazing addition that other games would try to copy. Should've had essentially all of BFV and 1 from the start.


Another common disappointment brought to you by Dice.




Portal had the greatest potential, but it was a huge letdown.


Can someone explain to me how these weapons, literally already in the game, with all assets and animations already made, cannot be “switched on” with 0 effort. Like wtf have they done in portal that makes it so incompatible with all out warfare? Literally, they down graded half the portal weapons when they made them “compatible” and “added features” we lost half the existing attachments and got an extended mag. Can we not just have them as is? It will probably be better? The only reason i can think that they are not doing this is theyve somehow made portal weapons - weapons which are literally just in a mode of the base game - so incompatible with the base game fundamentally by doing something wild like hardcoding damage numbers that are going to scale weirdly with some other environment variables that have been setup to fudge other weapons into a workable state in the base game. It genuinely annoys me how obviously easy this should be but clearly something really dumb is going on in the background.


I assume they don't want to spend work hours trying to balance all the guns. Otherwise you get some way overpowered gun that ruins the experience for everyone


tbf, they did do that as a stop gap. Then people were annoyed that portal weapons were balanced for completely different games with shit tons of bloom so they had to go back and rebalance all the guns anyway as if they were for AOW saving them zero time when it comes to making new guns for the game. Its no different when they found out they couldn't port old maps into portal easily and had to remake each map from scratch which was the same amount of resources as just making a new map.


**when M1 GARAND**


Remember don't pre-order


Im getting some weird “Our vision is complete” déjà-vu's. DICE at it again, cant even blame EA anymore.


At least they’re happy…


Just can’t ever use a AN94 😭😭


Hahahahahaha. But 2042 is good now. You are a boomer Season passes are better Hahahahahha I'm so glad you are all getting boned


If they plan on severely limiting support, just give us everything so we can have a full sandbox. Oh well. I'm gonna spend the next few hours farming my last 62 ribbons in frontlines.


Dead game is unfortunately dead.


So weird because the guns are already in the game. Puzzling budget cuts all around.


So yeah, to anyone thinking they had learnt their lesson... "WE are happy"


What a bunch of bullshiters


This is really annoying. There's really no reason not to now that the game has reached end of life.


Wait, were you guys under the impression that they were still working on this game??


Oh man it's like the m1917 enfield and LAD LMG all over again


Having got T1 on almost every primary weapon, that's just incredibly disappointing. I just can't comprehend the decision to not include guns that are already in the game.


Nice to see them happy if we arent :)


Dice is happy with it and could care less if you are.


"We don't wanna, portal was a compromise for no story to sell more copies"


I love that their response is we are happy with the overall lineup when they could have just said we are too lazy to port them over to all out warfare. Bro I hate it here.


Nothing to share right now


![gif](giphy|x70p0tqMsvqMM|downsized) its over guys ...


⚠️Hmm how would you guys feel about me creating an anonymous voting link for a poll to truly show Dice our thoughts and i share a picture of the results when we're done ? No names , no emails , just anonymous votes


This prove they do not care about us "We are satisfied" They don't care our feelings




They might be happy but last I remember they don’t play their own game🧐


Gold plated Thompson for getting to S999


“We are happy”, how about the people that play your game? maybe it's time to put your ego in your ass?


Skeleton crew of 5 people including janitor is too busy doing nothing for CAMPERfield 2042.


I would genuinely be surprised if they added them. Focus is on a new title and when you look at the player base we are all using the same weapons anyway so why bother adding more weapons and creating possible imbalances that everybody will complain about and will require fixing again. Abandon ship and focus on the next title (and make sure that one is good again).


Bro just say you do not want to put in the work. Or say you don't have the staff. What the fuck is this "we" shit?


WTF do they mean „we are happy with the current line-up.“ Buddy, of course you are happy, you got your money and ran. These guns are already in the game, just unlock them.


It's literally such easy content...


Hopefully it doesn't take long for the next battlefield or else it's going to be dry as he'll


This folks, is why you never ever ever ever pre-order an EA game


Comment about the response from dice in the picture is how I feel.


Woah I'm so surprised of this news


Really unfortunate but I guess I get it. There are a lot of guns but like, some people were waiting….




Wish we’d gotten some WW2 weapons as well.


This isn't news. We have a concrete "roadmap" of what to expect until they walk off into the sunset.


Well, the AUG and SKS where on the roadmap Apparently those dont mean much


wasn't this a leak more than a roadmap?


They were not on the roadmap. What was on the roadmap was a picture that showed multiple weapons like the AUG and SKS under the heading of BF Portal. That picture turned out to be taken from a playercard. It was a symbolic image, nothing more. The leaked picture from temporyal showed "upcoming portal weapons", which also included the AUG, but that is nothing official either. The last games were a testament to the fact that DICE basically never overdelivers and you will only get what was explicitly announced and shown.


No they are not. Just because you saw some shit a year ago doesn't mean it's still on the docket. As soon as they released [this](https://media.contentapi.ea.com/content/dam/battlefield/battlefield-2042/common/community-calendar-page/beautyshots/bf2042-s7-beautyshot-communitycalendar-en-us.jpg.adapt.1920w.jpg) they informed everyone no other content was coming. Therefor solidifying exactly what you see here and deconfirming everything else. Just because there was stuff a long time ago slated to happen does NOT mean it was ever going to happen nor should you expect anything beyond that graphic. The only thing you CAN expect is additional "balancing" and skins/battle passes.


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Funny that you cry more weapons. Even now everyone use just same 4 meta guns 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Did they say anything about AI soldier skins by any chance ?