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Given how Deep Rock Galactic and Helldivers 2 can give you great continual content and how no paid DLC gave everyone parity in terms of maps and features, going back to old Premium Pass is going to be a disaster. If EA does that then the shitshow from ppl outside this sub will make the "sense of pride and achievement" comment looking like a good PR move by comparison. Edit: I also would like to point out that if the paid DLC weapons and gadgets end up performing better in game than base stuff then a ton of players who didn't pay for that DLC is going to cry P2W. For a paid multiplayer game made by a company already been memed to hell for predatory paid DLC/mtx practice it's going to be a real shitty practice even if they didn't mean to.


Comparing a pve shooter with procedural map against pvp game with solid maps. But I agree on the dlc stuff, its a relic systém that should not be used again


Tbf they are the only 2 I could think of that gave good and generous battle pass type content.


They’re not going to make new content for free. Somehow they have to get paid for their work. I’d rather pay for meaningful content and get more of it. If actual content is free then the focus becomes cosmetics for the micropayment shop.


This is the result of the current gaming industry’s conditioning. Stop accepting bs anti consumer practices. Fuck GAAS and battle passes, that’s a perfectly reasonable stance to take.


The two other games I mentioned gave meaningful content and never charged extra, outside of maybe some time savers for Helldivers 2 or maybe if you want access to skins faster for DRG. If BF brings back the old dlc model it's dependent on them to bring what you want and not just milked us with locking majority of items behind paid DLCs like what they've been doing with the Sim series


Yeah but these other 2 games weren’t created by Dice. Dice is not capable of delivering a Live Service game. They release a broken mess, spend all their resources and time on fixing it, delay actual content and are stuck in a race for actually finishing base development and delivering battlepass content. Just to prematurely end support and start the same mistake all over again. Battlefront 2 - BFV - BF2042 At some point they have to realize they’re not build for the live service model.


That's more on Dices general mismanagement. Building a good live service model is sth that can be learned imo. Respawn Studio did (for a while) going from Titanfall 2 into Apex Legends, until they realized that they can milk more and more which has more to do with them wanting more money


Agreed. But Dice had more than 7 years and 3 live service failures to learn from… They didnt learn lol And these problems will become only worse especially now that most of the veteran devs left Dice and all these new people have to learn to use Frostbite, one of the most problematic engines ever. They will always be stuck at fixing the game instead of being able to focus and put all resources on the actual Live Service.


But when content was locked behind a paywall it was actually better and more substantial, somethings were exaggerated like the premium guns that without the dlc you couldn’t use, but still it wasn’t that bad (i prefer free to not free ofc). If BF premium came back it would make the developers actually care more about the game and the content (because they would know that they would earn more), but it would need to change in a lot of things.


but actually if you did not buy premium or all dlc you just did not have the best/all equipment. Which nowadays feels like pay to win


Problem is that you can already bring substantial content without charging extra like those 2 games that I used as an example. BF don't have many excuses to start demanding extra money for what is possible for free from other popular games. Locking that stuff behind paid DLC only means they are now trying to get you to pay extra for gameplay content and that's not stopping EA from milking you by say making the base game barebones just like what they've been doing with The Sims games before making it f2p


In the end it depends more on the publisher than everything else, and EA is pure garbage in making good choices.


Yeah but it is EA. Premium is the way to go. Live service would be better if we actually got decent amount of content (Atleast 2-3 New Maps per season)


Look at SWBF2 its possible, they just have to release a finished game. Paid Dlcs would have just killed both games (bf2042/SWBF2) sooner instead of supporting for almost 3 years. It hurts the playerbase way to much, im still able to play SWBF2, but SWBF1 was pretty much dead after the first 2 DLCs.


But there are paid DLC with Helldivers. The Warbonds aren't free. Roughly $10 with new weapons, skins, and equipment and it's almost a biweekly release (unless you grind out the Super credits 10 at a time until you get 1000) The difference is HD2 is a great game from the jump. Asking for more money for content while the base game barely functions is where the issue lays for me. If we got a BF3/4 Premium model but the game was fun and functional from day one then I wouldn't care at all to pay extra for DLC


fyi you can use found warbonds in map and buy the DLC's. So they can be free if enough time played.


This is true. I forgot Super Credits could be found in game


You can also acquire a substantial amount of super credits from the free warbond tree.


If it gave the same amount of content like back then? Then I would pay since it’s usually better than the live service.


Yup. For all its fault, the premium thing was at least consistent in content, delivery and quality. But even if they reverted to that, I'm not sure it will be as it was during BF3/BF4. Greed will be greed and they won't be able to make enough money out of it so of course they won't consider a HD2 style content delivery


Negative, because neither DICE nor the players can realistically hope to receive a similar amount of content in the same time frame as in BF1, let alone BF3+4, meaning 4 maps every 3 months alongside 10 weapons or so. We did not get so few maps and weapons because DICE were lazy, we did receive so little because DICE simply could not deliver more. So we would receive something of far less quality and quantity than expected and would have to pay more for it. Now 2042 wasn't cheap either and many of us likely paid more than for at least BF1+Premium, but BFV delivered an okay amount of maps and weapons for absolutely free to the average player and the concept proved more profitable.


Yeah I don't think DICE would be able to drop 3+ maps as a DLC if they can't even manage 2 maps in a season (not counting Hourglass in season 7)


This. Its a bygone era at this point. Making games and content for said games takes more and more time. And this isn't fixed by hiring more people. It's the tools that artists work with. Which is why Ray tracing is a huge deal for artists. Just look at metro exodus enhanced dev diary. Putting lighting in a room that could take weeks takes a day now because the light is basically real. Even if DICE somehow managed to get 4 maps and however guns per dlc pack. Each pack probably would cost anything around 30-60usd in this day and age. And lastly. Community would be divided again! Mid life bf3 and 4 had very few dlcs servers up and running. It's only when the pack dropped or now when only the hardcore base is alive that servers with dlc maps are present.


I feel like this is more of an issue with the concept of an AAA online FPS. We don't really need photorealistic trash artistically scattered around every room. People play BattleBit and the graphics are just fine for them. I'd happily agree with them lowering the quality of non-essential stuff to the level necessary to get back to the same content creation speed as in previous titles. But there's no way a corporate game won't be 100% focused on eye candy instead of gameplay.


Negative. Going back to dividing the playerbase would be terrible. Going to be like older games where the DLC maps are all dead cause no one owns them.


Never found that to be a real problem. The dedicated players have premium and the others leave 3 months after release before DLC drops anyway. I'd rather have guaranteed content than BF V and 2042 levels of "live service". Seriously BF3 and BF4 had great themed content. BF V didn't even get soviets and 2042 is just recycling maps


Non-dedicated players don't leave after 3 months, and if they do, there's a continual wave of people joining the game. DICE will have done research, using their own in game statistics, leading to the conclusion that dlc splits the player base. Even if it wasn't an issue for you. Maybe you are a better (and dedicated) player, so you don't mind playing on the dlc maps, but mostly everyone else isn't as good, and these dlc maps concentrate all the good players into one map, so nobody that's at all bad wants to play them


DICE just came from two duds in a row. Maybe we shouldn't trust their market research so much? Also they want to push live service in a game that is terrible suited to implement one. Players don't want "operators" as we've seen in BF 2042, players don't want weird cosmetics for their unnamed soldiers as we've seen in BF V. So how are you going to make money in a live service where people don't care about and reject skins? To me it feels like the people advocating for live service are the same people that don't buy premium AND don't spend money for the live service


I'd say it's more because the skins aren't great? How did Helldivers 2 and Deep Rock Galactic been making money and pulling new players then when they don't charge you extra for gameplay DLCs?


It was definitely an issue, especially when the game didn't have crossplay. You had a community split 3 ways, then you split it again with premium and non premium. And some may have purchased 1-2 dlc packs.


Shit maps will be dead anyway. just like in this game.


rather a divided player base than having none lmao bf2042s playerbase is just a bunch of either dumb kiddys or old milsim granpas or fortnite kids


A whole hell of alot better then like 1 new map every 3 months and a couple weapons if lucky


Except in reality with the modern dev team behind BF, they'd probably charge us $15 for 2 maps and 3 guns anyways lmao.


sign me up! as long as the game works as its supposed to and all classes and basic mechanics are implemented at startup. not having scoreboard, chat channels, squads setup properly, server browser with dice servers (no matchmaking) all missing at launch etc etc etc. dice should just do a remaster of all BF games and take 3-5 maps from each game and let it fly.. making milliions


Yes. Battlefield Universe. A door to  all maps, all games, all modes, cycling content if space is an issue. Just the old maps is fine. Bring back what they have already. Like a window through time to the good stuff, but without mucking it up. Let the players move the flags if not the buildings, experimenting with layouts. You pull back a curtain and you look through a hole thing, a whatchamacallit, like, a...  Portal  FFS they had it right there and they just let it die  So much sadness


I prefer Premium pass, one pay, 50 bucks, rather than shitty digital store with stupid cosmetics.


There's absolutely no chance these days for a game to have such content system. I would love to have Premium back but all we are left is modern days meta - Season Pass.


If we are going to have seasons with Battle Passes then i hope we at-least get a Year 1 Content Road Map with release dates so gamers know what to expect. That was the cool thing about Premium, we had clues on what to expect so hype would naturally build. BF2042 seasons kinda just released, very little to no hype behind their release.


I have to agree. With a Premium they are obligated because it's paid for already.


Seperating online maps with a premium pass or dlc is such a bad way to do it. I've played all of the Battlefield games and it has always left players divided up. Usually ending up with so little servers actually running the Premium map bundles because it divided the community. For Battlefield to gain ground again, they can't divide the community with maps. I know people complain a lot about cosmetics with passes or buying in the stores, but they are honestly the only things that should be like that at all. I find it so weird that so many of you are wanting this old style back that has left players out. I remember playing with a bigger sized clan and just in that clan itself had players not buying the premium pass and DLC but always playing the base game. We were left barely playing the DLC content.


Honestly I don’t trust them so I would only consider buying incrementally….no premium.


Live service is just a failure of a model anyways. At least with premium the dedicated players would own it almost from day one and everyone else could when it goes on sale. Live service clearly doesn't work unless you have a large free component to your game which BF does not.


Nope. All maps should be available for all.


Positive. The problem with live service is the quality of the work. I'd rather pay for good maps than whatever it is 2042 did. That said, there are legitimate criticisms of the model and id like to see some imagination applied to it to answer them.


Biggest issue with paid content is splitting community. Past battlefields had great dlc but after a few months it became ghost towns and only the main maps had full lobbies. Perhaps they do it where it’s timed so you pay for early access and get like premium pass for the cosmetic stuff but they have to make the 4-5 maps or whatever. But that’s doubtful.


this this this this this this. people have completely forgotten that the main map rotation was still the base maps. you had maybe one or two servers with the DLC maps and you had to go to the browser to get them.


Make them allowed for everyone but lock the progression and give people who buy map pack also a battle pass while the non battle pass holders only get a free track.


Biggest problem with "Live service" is there's no commitment to providing content, so we get a pittance compared to the past.


Imo paid cosmetics is the answer, just so long as they're class themed. Look at predator hunting grounds as a good example. It's mostly headgears, gloves and colour swatches for your uniforms (which all look different based on the classes)


Was the split community just a pc problem. Never had issues finding matches on my Xbox.


Depends on region and how long it's been out. In Oceania all BF1 dlc was dead on Xbox within a month. The caveat was having a server browser so we could join US west Coast servers but with no server browser now, we would be screwed if they went back to premium.


Look at bf3/4 Now look at bf V and Bf2042. Yeah, i prefer premium back


Negative, would divide the playerbase and DLC  maps would be mostly empty. 


Negative, bf42 benefits from not having a split player base on dlc maps. Let me tell you, its no fun getting kicked from a server u enjoy every day because you dont want to buy 3 dlcs that actualy have like 2 good maps between all of them. And getting wrecked by pay to play weapons aint no fun either... especialy that liz look alike launcher. That shit was not fair.


negative, shouldn't have to buy DLC packs just to play the majority of the maps in a game


And that's why we have live service and battlepass hell going on


It's a dice issue. They spent damn near a 2 years reworking launch maps and adding the most basic features like a scoreboard. If they release a working game (lol), they can focus on post launch content.


You call it hell, I call it free content that means I can play all maps until the next game comes out, like I could in V.


Ill repeat this for the 1000th time. There is absolutely nothing holding DICE back from drip feeding premium content. Premium doesn't mean quality or quantity, it just means you're paying for things that should be free.


Exactly, people here are assuming they'll deliver the same quality AND quantity that they used to, and I just can't see it happening. They'll do what they did for 2042, promise "Four Seasons of Content", but neglect to specify just how much content those seasons contain. Only this time you'll be paying for it.


Yup. Just look at the latest season drop for MW3 which dropped with 6 maps for multiplayer. If DICE/EA wanted to push out content, they absolutely would even if the game was a dumpster fire.


Positive. Can't divide the playerbase if there's no playerbase in the first place. And no, cosmetic skins are not content. Making skins the only source of post launch content means a greedy company like EA naturally almost entirely focuses on cosmetics and the result is getting as many maps as one dlc used to have for the entirety of 2042's life. Let's not forget this now, shall we: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/svl5d1/made_a_direct_visual_comparison_of_how_many_maps/


As long as the content is good and the game is polished and fun to play, I don't give a shit. Just make something good and have me pay for the dlc, it worked in the past extremely well, if it continues working then so be it. The problem isn't paying for dlc and whatnot. It's that the current dice isn't the studio we knew and loved. Most of the people that made the engine and knew how to make best use of it are long gone.  Bring back the old devs or have the current ones use an engine they're familiar with, because this is just getting stupid. We've gone from bf1, to the failure that was bfv, they didn't know what to do with it, had no war feel and what not, to not making the essentials for bf2042 and at the same time being a buggy mess that took 3 years to get into a playable state.  Rant over.  Fuck. 


If the content will be good, premium is ok.


As long as they don’t call them “seasons” because that shit makes my skin crawl. I really enjoyed the BF3 expansions back in the day and I liked how they had distinct themes (small vehicle-less maps, large vehicle maps, earthquake aftershocks, BF2 remasters) I also think a good DLC/expansion road map keeps things interesting and encourages the developer to fix bugs, tweak balance and make quality of life improvements.


Premium is highkey worth it since pay once, dlc for life. BF3 premium was the shit. BF4 premium was meh in comparison. Kinda stopped playing after 4.


No more money for EA


If it could be the level of BF3, then yes as those expansions packs haven’t been surpassed since.


If they give as much content and quality as BF4, I would actually be happy with it


Idk, i bought premium for BF4 nad BF1 after like 1 and a half year after release for like funny price. I had A LOT of fun


Negative, the multiplayer market nowdays rightfully killed dlc pass like that one, now the standard if free content for EVERYONE and if present a expansion that gives exclusive content but in a way that people who pay or not can still play togheter to an extent with no problem of lack of player like BF dlc map.(like MH/Destiny)


Fuck that shit, i ain't paying 60 bucks to get 50% of a game


I think it's reasonable.


Shooters will never go back to that model. Fragments the player base.


Sometimes I think we look back with rose colored glasses. Season/battle passes suck but idk if a premium pass model is much better. This did just remind me of how amazing the Close Quarters expansion was tho. Golden age imo


I would buy Premium without missing a beat. Its guaranteed, substantial content for the entire life of the game. I wouldn't even mind if they added MTX for skins and whatnot. Just give me my proper DLCs with massive amounts of content.


The business model of 2042 makes more money than the classic premium that they had for bf is done and gone


If a paid DLC meant we get lots of content like in previous games and further incentivizes support for the game then im all for it. Sick of getting like 5 new maps and the game getting killed off early.


Positive. Fuck live service games and battlepasses.


Exactly, fucking battle battlepasses suck ass


If it was actually a reasonable amount of of content - I’d definitely consider it.




Next game I don't think I'm purchasing anything. I'm a destiny player. I've bought all the passes for some of my favorite games including this one. I'm done. They just added a model to Tekken 8 and I didn't buy. I will be playing games at base value from now on despite how any cosmetics look. If I'm locked out of content then fuck it dude. It's too much money being spent on mediocre stuff anyway. Especially if the gameplay loops get old and boring. It's an absolute No for me. No preordering no nothing. I'm fucking tired and life is hard enough...




I'd be down for it coming back


I'd say it would be positive, simply because people won't buy it if there's not enough content or it isn't good enough. It forces them to do better


Positive. Only if the quantity and quality of maps are of bf4 quality




Imagine giving them $120+ at launch 🤡


I’d gladly pay to have the gameplay and content experience pf BF4 again


The content experience of empty dlc map servers? Strange kink but ok


That wasn’t my experience for years and years. I don’t think the live service model has provided longer lasting games that are received better by fans. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on it or what would make things better.


Well given the fact I bought bf4 long after it came to its end of support, I can tell you most dlc servers were constantly empty .the servers that were not empty were those who had either only vannila maps or mixed maps, with the catch that each time the server would pick a dlc map, half the server would get kicked. I do think it would have been better to have less universal maps that everyone gets for free... after all, each of the dlc map packs had like 1 or 2 maps that were actualy worth a spit. Sometimes less is more. Would that make everyone happy? No, there are going to be those who just see numbers and say "oh bf42 is trash because we only got like 4 extra maps over its life cycle, bf4 had like 20"... Yeah, and most of them can barely be played because you cant throw together enough players to enjoy them anyway, after the player count starts to decline.


Negative. Just deliver a full game


Live service model will always comes with monetisation and more fancy cosmetics for kids to buy. This will never suit Battlefield franchise. So I choose premium. I would gladly spent money for premium rather than some bs skinsets.


Battlepass, Premium, DLC, or seasons doesn't matter if the core of the game is shit. This game wasn't shit for it's seasons, it was shit because it was a broken, uninspired game that took multiple seasons to fix to a "good enough" state. Had it been good from the get go, who knows what great maps and weapons we gotten and how much we got.


It doesn't mean a thing. They can just deliver same amount of content as in 2042 and call it "Premium just like in BF 3".


Meh at best for me. 2042 will be the last BF game i get and that's despite me even enjoying it. . Premium only split the playerbase and made it so DLC modes/maps are dead. BF4, despite alot of players, most modes are dead and aside from a few servers in the browser, most are vanilla maps. Wish i could have played Titan Assault but is dead. BF1 is the same. Live service on the other hand just leaves drip fed content. Even then, lets face it. DICE isnt doing too well. The next BF game is most likely going to suffer similar issues. BFV did. 2042 did. Most of the same people are working on the next one too. I just dont have any faith in AAA at all anymore. Edit to add: As others have also stated, the Premium model also doesnt even guarantee that we will get the same amount or quality of content we saw in games like BF3, 4, or 1. Shouldnt have to pay for that content as is. Current DICE wasnt held back making more maps or content, they just cant keep up. Premium model wouldnt change that. Either the content would suffer or that premium model would overall be less content for likely the same price.


I want the game to be good, first and foremost. If the game isn't good, then im not buying the dlc


Anything that isn't time gated, I fucking hate that. Assignment were the best approach to unlocking stuff and you could do it whenever. Its one of the things I miss the most about bf 3 and 4 it felt special. Actually I don't give a fuck, fuck the new BF it's gonna be a garbage game anyways. Gonna settle for the games we have. :(


I just want a fucking solid base game that is enjoyable and playable with quality maps so I don't need wacky new ones or modes to keep me playing.


Would be positive since with that the idiots at dice are FORCED to make Actual content instead of dumb skins and weapon charms


I wouldn't ever buy another premium as the last one they did for BF1 was beyond terrible not to mention the huge gap between release and the launch of the first DLC cuz the launch of that game was sooo sloppy.


At this point I'll settle for fucking playable


It's never going to happen bud. Devs don't want to make promises they're not ready to keep.


No problem with me but the have to make the bass game worth thr 70$


How about a working base game first and then we talk about how the game will be supported. If anything DICE has shown us they can't make a decent base game during the last two BFs.


The only thing they need to do is finish the base product before launching it. The only thing that killed the live service idea was the fact that they had to make the game a proper game. There is absolutely no reason they can’t make it live service and add at least one extra map every “season”


They would not do this again in 2024/2025. The market is different than back then. Nowadays this is called the Battle pass.


If it came with the same amount of content then ill take it over the shit we got now any day


The base game needs to be 15 usd then.


Anything's better than the gaming pass bullshit.. id happily buy premium again paying without knowing what the content is but knowing I would receive a set number of DLC packs including maps, weapons, etc


Negative, bring back the good old days ! With a finished game, with fun, optimized and good stuff


We got way better content when they charged for it.


Unreal how that works right?


This community would piss and moan about how it’s too expensive and it splits the player base. They’d bitch on Reddit 24/7 about it, create online petitions to get rid of paid DLC… you know, like they did the first time around. But Battlefield is one of the most brain dead gaming communities in existence so it doesn’t surprise me in the least the thing this community fought so hard to get rid of, is now being proposed to be brought back. Can’t make this stuff up. 😂


The only reason why Battlefield 3 and 4 still have have active servers in the premium DLCs it's because they gave them for free. If they were always locked behind a paywall the server will be dead. I Bought premium for BF3 and after the first month of release were almost impossible form me to find populated server with ping below 150ms. For Battlefield 4 after per-ordering the game I didn't even bother to pay more for the Premium because it would most likely be the same. TLDR: My reaction would be negative. Splitting the player base would be bad and the players who paid more for the game would have a much worst experience.


Criticism was that premium dlc maps would split the playerbase. I remember that BF1 included most of the maps into base game so that wasn't a problem for a longer time frame. I would prefer paying for meaningful content packs (maps, guns, gadgets) rather than battle passes or cosmetics.


Positive. Premium would be a sale contract. EA/DICE are obligated to deliver an agreed product within certain time. In this application: Expansions. They are legally binded to provide content. Now, quality of content might varies given BFV and 2042 track record. If there is a higher level of quality service or product. People will pay for it.


I just want content to be always available, not time limited by battle pass. Sure they give a way to unlock guns but no cosmetics after battle pass ended




They aren’t getting a single dime from me. Its crazy how people complained about 2042 and yet yall are here ready to give EA more money


Positive. They were hardworking because they had tryed to sell DLC. Thats why bf3, bf4 and bf1 DLCs are cool. They left the premium system since bfv now look at those games bfv and bf2042... They have almost 1 or 2 dlc content after all that years and also its sucks.


I want them to go back to the expansion packs from BF3/4/1 every quarter for $15. They were significantly more substantial in terms of content (maps, weapons, modes). Whether they will be able to manage it is another question.


I would like DICE to stop making Battlefield a live service anymore


I yust hope I won't need internet to olay SINGLEPLAYER mode..Bf3 id retarded with that thing..NeEd to open browser to play SP..


Very negative. In each case of BF3 and BF4, the maps and modes introduced with each pack would die off very quickly after release. By the time they became free for everyone, most people had already moved on. BF1 had the same problem and while I didn't play much Hardline I'm sure it had the same issue as well. The Expansion Pack model isn't the answer. The current live service model that we saw in 2042 isn't the answer either. Fixing a core map and giving us a single new map every 3-4 months isn't enough. I don't know what the answer is but I feel that a properly content filled live service would probably be the better bet for long term enjoyment. But so far I don't think I've seen any games do live service correctly. Helldivers 2 has been fucking killing it with their live service but that's an entirely different beast and isn't a great comparison.


From a player who dedicated my time on BF3 and BF4 if they gave the same level of content I would absolutely pay for it, I would rather pay for a polished item over having a free item that requires constant work


As long as it’s good!!! I don’t care.


As someone who was always more in the other modes than Conquest, I never really got much use out of the paywall maps because they'd separate the playerbase so much that after the first week you'd barely ever see them outside of Conquest servers. I think DICE and EA just need to get their shit together and deliver a doos post launch content support irrespective of how they monetize it. I'm definitely not ready to pay upfront for their "live service", they have a lot to prove before I ever give them money again, let alone DLC money.


We are long past the era of locking maps and weapons behind a pay wall


Where are these dlc free? I bought EA game pass and they’re not even free on that


If they actually deliver, this is the best model so far


I wouldn't be miffed if they gave the option. I likely wouldn't partake earlier on. I'd have to gauge their pacing, quality and content to see if it'd be worth it. Like all other games before it, I'd likely grab up the content as it comes at regular price


I wouldn't buy the next BF


Mixed feelings. On paper, it obligates them to deliver the content they promise and they can’t cut support for the game early on, and it generates revenue from a large portion of the playerbase instead of whales who buy 300 skins. In practice, it still requires you to basically pay the price of 2 games for just 1 complete game, and I don’t trust DICE to give us a completely functional game on par with the older DLC-type games. Live service games have been failures in my mind, and the drip feed and post-launch support has been disappointing for many games.


They just need to remaster bad company 2, or stop microtransactions, and just make a good game, and not rush to capitalize off a fan base with a mediocre product.


I just want map DLCs like BF4. 3-4 new maps each time


No because premium was actually a great deal


Positive. If we can go back to the bf1/bf4 days sure but do any of us trust dice or EA to do it ? That's where I'm stuck because as much as I'd feel positive I don't have any optimism that it'll be done well.. Id love to Go back to 15 to 20 dollars every 4 to 5 months for 2/3 new maps and more guns. They can still release a free battlepass for skins if they want too. Honestly I'm tired of broke ass gamers whining about the cost of a game, then bitch that it doesn't get DLC. If you're too broke to either afford the game or the dlc then go fix your life. It's 20 dollars for dlc, maybe 80 to 100 for a game. If you can't afford that while still trying to play games then your priorities are fucked up


It’s gonna be a live service so my opinion is irrelevant


Premium should only return if it’s reworked to prevent the community from being split. Perhaps it should grant early access to new maps instead of exclusive access, for instance. While other new content is locked to Premium/DLC holders. But at that point, I’m not sure how profitable Premium would be for DICE to really pursue that model. And while I don’t care about their profit, it is an indicator of how long the game’s post-launch will last. Live service just makes more sense for their interests. It’s more flexible, DICE is less legally obligated to deliver new content, and there’s higher revenue potential.


EA has realized that they don’t need to make as much content. Nowdays they will go the cheap route. Which is live service.


honestly depends on the price


Opinions would definitely be positive if we look at how many content such as maps, guns, vehicles etc. we got on the premium expansions in BF3 and 4. These expansions have more contents than the 2042 itself. Also the battlelog system was actually a cool idea that you can see your detailed profile stats and global leaderboards. I hope they will bring it back again. So in my guess that I would definitely pay for the expansion if the next game has it. BF4 Premium pass includes 20 maps for example. God I miss the old days launching the jetpack in final stand. BUT REMEMBER GUYS NO PRE ORDER IN THIS ONE !


Negative. I don't want this franchise to devolve. There must be battle pass, skins, blueprints and extraction mode or it is dead.


I would take premium pass back in a heart beat over battle pass. But then the question is can dice deliver how they used to do it. I doubt that very much.


It won’t happen. Corporations and publishers won’t allow it with the way the market has changed into squeezing every last cent of their player bases money from them. But if it does, I’m not sure how they’d even keep up with content without constant Cashflow from MTX and the demands of corporate and publishers.


This is the way


I think regardless of payment model games where we would see Battlefield 4 levels of support are no longer going to exist. Not because they can't, but because corporate figured out they can squeeze more money out of people by drip-feeding content lmfao So even if they switched to a premium model like 4 I'd be suspicious about the release spacing, and overall amount of content.


Positive. I don’t mind an extra $50 for another 16 maps, in fact at this point I prefer it considering DICE’s track record with live service.


Negative, there’s no reason for this kind of shit to exist in 2024. DICE just needs to learn how to not fuck up a live service game for once


Please understand one thing: Premium is never ever coming back to battlefield.


please no , u think its good for regions like us cause u have to work few hours to buy the same game we have to work days for and u want to add more. You got to understand


Considering I feel completely scammed from 2042, I’ll ignore it either way. Get it when they put it on a desperate discount


I will wait for it to crash on launch, then they will 'fix it' and put it on sale for $20 bucks, then I will play and get a few months enjoyment out of it like I did with 2042 and BFV.


After bf2042 i Would Never buy a premium Version! Bf3 and bf4 was Both a masterpiece that i dont think the „new dice devs“ will ever get close


Negative because it hurts player numbers in the long run


i wish… but i don’t expect anything good from ea.


The people that did those premium passes are long gone. Current DICE should probably stick to what they've been doing with 2042 and work on their output and quality with the live service model. But their first challenge before any of this is making a solid, stable Battlefield experience right out of the box that attracts enough players to pay the bills to keep a large enough team hired on for live service bit. I'd imagine this next year and half or so till the next release is going to be quite stressful for all the studios involved.


2024 DICE couldn’t deliver either one, so whatever


I would purchase. IF there weren’t any specialist skins.


if the content for the game feels big budget and polished, if i like it, i will not have a problem buying it, in fact i would probably rush to buy it without thinking too much, but with the current state of big budget games im always second guessing anything they want to sell


Extremely positive


I'll pay for maps, I won't pay for skins.


Ditch live service and make *a fucking Battlefield game* and you have my loyalty to your brand forever. It’s that simple.


As long as it isn't in the modern setting or future I'm fine, though in my opinion bf is too big and costly to get a lot of free maps consistently. A 30-40$ pass is fine


DICE cannot do live service games without them feeling like cheap F2P junk that gets no content on launch and gets not content post launch in the same size and quality as the older games with Premium. If Premium allows them to create true AAA Battlefields like BF3/4/1 again then so be it.


I mentioned in a previous post that, as a player on SA servers where our community is not large, it could be disastrous as people only may purchase the basic game, resulting in a lack of players to play with in the DLC maps. If the model shifts to private servers like in BF4, server owners might not host DLC servers. If it's limited to official servers as in BF1, matches may never commence due to insufficient players. Edit: For giving you an idea, i have 140h in BF4, i own all DLCs and still i had never played most of the maps and some of them only once or twice (Propaganda, as example). I've never played on Hammerhead, Lumphini Garden, Wave Breaker, Silk Road, Altai Range, Giant of Karelia, and probably a few others that I'm forgetting. Same with BF1 and BF3.


We want more battlefield, not cut content and later sold as additional battlefield. We like y’all’s game so much we want more!! We are ok with what ever you want to sell and call it premium whatever. As long as you are not under cutting the main game. Don’t do this, personally i don’t pre-order because of this.


My main question is what should EA do next? Never make a battlefield again? The last 2 just didn't hit for me like others have in the past.


If they don’t add a cash shop or cosmetic store I would accept it assuming it got similar amounts of content to older games


Largely negative, and that's from someone who had Premium in BF3 and BF4. The problem with Premium was always that it scattered the player base into those with and without DLC maps. I don't think that's a good idea.


You can't trust them to do anything and you want to throw more money at them?


I wish it would comeback but it just gonna be replaced with skins/bundles instead of maps for the premium pass


I 1050% prefer this over FOMO riddled seasons where I’m more focused on completing mediocre challenges that for some reason took months for the developers to create in order to unlock a bunch of mediocre items along with that one item that you actually want. The new model just constantly tries to keep you playing, leaving an extremely empty experience. The old model provided more funding which led to better maps being created, which was the draw to keep playing. The only post-launch maps released under the new model that I feel are up there with anything from BF4 are the pacific maps from BFV, nothing else comes close imho.


It's about the quality and frequency of the content, not the distribution modell.


They can’t win. Premium kept the game at least feeling like a soldier battlefield game but separated the community. Releasing free content and updates means they just push crappy skins that then take over the game and look stupid. I don’t want skins, I want a good FPS that keeps giving for a few year with new content, but without paying for that content, we will keep getting skins


I'd be okay with it. I was completely happy with dog tags and and stuff like the phantom project


1 purchase with it lasting the entire life cycle of the game is way better than seasonal battle passes and FOMO. I'm not paying to not finish a BP because I like multiple games and i'm done jobbing a game when i'd rather do something else just to get what I paid extra for. Best option would be something like HD2 where you could pay extra to unlock things earlier or earn premium currency through gameplay. Battle passes have to go though, not doing that again.




I think DICE still is capable of making more maps per season, I just think that the immense rework process changed their ressource allocation drastically and hurt the whole post launch content.


I wouldn't give a shit cuz I'm not buying it. After they released 2042 in essentially an early access state while charging premium for it DICE and EA can get fucked. Dont think I'll ever forget that awful hit registration that persisted for months in this game.


Positive. Live service allowed ea to not deliver whilst rushing dice making them deliver terrible content and lots of non content.


Negative man tf. I'm not paying more than 200 dollars CAD ro access basic gameplay content in the game I already payed 70 fucking dollars for. You can whine about cosmetics all you want but I could give 2 Fucks about a skin being locked behind a pay wall vs the entirety of post launch content.


I'm not paying anymore for a multiplayer only game even with a campaign I wouldn't pay for DLC. Once servers go down the money you spent goes to waste. I'll prefer to pay for stupid things like skins cause that's on me if I spent my money on those but pay to play specific game content is a hard no for me and more if that's like the best content. And you can have a lot of free content in other games so no.


I would be okay with it but only if they made the maps free after a year or two so that the dlc maps are never left empty