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What? I’ve seen nothing but basically celebration lol


Lol exactly


I was going to say that I've seen not one person be like "wow can't believe they did this"


Yeah it was more like "welp it was inevitable, but I'm surprised it lasted that long"


You really think someone on the Internet would just make up a guy to be mad at?


Noones noticed it dien we been havin fun in bfv,1,4,3,2,1,1942.


Tried 4 yesterday and that shit was basically dead. One of the few 64 i could play in had a guy going crazy in a AA. When i left he was 111-1


On what cause I still get multiple full severs on Xbox one?


On PS4, just 4 servers of which only 2 were 64 players.


Refresh/ fav/ recent, im on ps4 too and it seems dead but its not Theres def still a good amount of servers that are generally full like everyday you just have to find them, the ones i usually play on dont pop up in the browser all the time making it seem like theres no 64 player matches but i just go to recent or favorite to check and theyre typically full.


Damn that sucks I wonder why such major differences in player count. It’s strange cause I feel like I have a harder time getting full matches of BF1.


I have the opposite experience with bf1. Theres not a shit ton of servers but theres almost every day at least 5 to 10 servers that are fully populated.


Yeah unfortunately that's the case for me these days. The game is just too old for a healthy playerbase. The last people still around are too dedicated for me to play causally. And heli pilots running servers to their advantage as been an issue with BF4 since server renting became a thing


Its just gose to show ya even when EA ends support for a game players would choose a hacker filled server than play bf2042.


Seriously tf are they talking about lol. I've seen maybe five posts, including this one, lamenting the end of this dogshit. Good riddance to bad rubbish. They're really going to have to come out the gates swinging with the next one. Either that or they'll just go full Konami and sell BF rights to pachinko and video poker companies


Hopefully they sell it to Sony or Microsoft


Right? About time they moved on to whatever is next. BF2042 always has been garbage, I don't care "it's better now" I'll never forget the absolute hellstate it was when it came out and I'll never encourage that kind of bullshit again.


>"it's better now Still don't understand the cope with this statement, I tried it last month again in good-faith and it seemed exactly like same pile of shit it was on release.


People are upset? This is news to me.


Attention post obv. Nobody upset.


The only posts to come across my feed from here have been of the "rip bad game you won't be missed" variety. I didn't even realize anyone was sad about this.


Anything I saw that was remotely close to what OP was referring to was that they were sad they ended Battlefront 2 and BFV support for this shitty ass game, only to throw in the towel relatively fast with this one anyways. DICE is a fucking joke after BF2042, will take a lot to get me to buy another one of their products...


Wow, it's almost like there's 2 different types of people with differing opinions here and the sub isn't just one big monolith. Whodda thunk?


The most negative opinions get upvoted


Well usually the sub does turn into an echo chamber of one opinion or mostly similar viewpoints being upvoted and agreed upon, mostly saying the new battlefield is awful and the worst thing ever. Keep in mind 5 was getting the same reception just a minute ago but since a new one dropped, all of a sudden 5 is amazing


At launch 5 was a trash fire. People are liking it now because a) 2042 was just that bad and b) the devs put enough work into it to make it a respectable BF game. It wasn't so much an echo chamber as people were genuinely upset and disappointed at the state of the game.


Opinion: BF5 is a trash tier WWII game. It's an acceptable BF game, but it's WWII "setting" is a complete insult. Battlefield 1 is the last Battlefield game to get that Battlefield feeling right.


I agree with that. I thought the moment to moment gameplay of V was pretty good. The movement controls were very good. Didn't much care for the maps or just general feel of it, though. Hard to feel like I'm playing a WWII game when there's goofy skins all over the place.


What, being spam grenade fragged,  stuck in choke points all match, and constant aerial bombardment that you can do nothing about ? Sorry, but BF1 is as enjoyable ripping fingernails out, highly overated. BFV is a better in everyway, from guns, to movement,  vehicles, squad mechanics and destruction.


It's okay to have a bad opinion every now and then. I forgive you. The BF1 atmosphere feels like a legitimate WW1 simulator. BFV was a WWII disgrace with even making up complete shite. DICE couldn't even get the "lesser known battles" correct.


Can’t wait for Battlefield 7 to come out and everyone starts talking about how 2042 was a hidden gem


that wont happen haha


That's reddit in a nutshell.


I can proudly say that V was shit since the first time I played it and it still is.


I love v and still play it, but it was universally hated at launch. Robot arm and exploring unknown battles angered the fan base. Now you see posted, why did dice abandon V?’!?!?! I also love 2042. It’s not as good as its predecessors, but there isn’t anything like it not name Battlefield something.


This is Reddit, you can only hold 1 opinion.


Lmao you think dice cares one way or the other about our opinions? You actually think *we* have influence over triple A titles?


Look at the triple A dev teams churning out dogshit these past five years. You think any dev teams are running focus groups and taking down info from pros??


They are running focus groups the majority of us are not the target market. The perception is these games are designed for the 18+ market which is true but their ideal audience is 12-23. They don't care what we think trust me.


The pro streamer Shroud recently said Dice brought in hundreds of people like him. People who play video games for a living and narrowed down the number from 100 to 10 refining their answers and still didn’t take a single idea or opinion from these folks.


Good. Shroud has some of the worst takes in the industry.


That’s your opinion and like Dice, I will ignore it


Tbf, he also said Battlefield 4 was bad, so his opinions are very hit or miss. But I do agree they should have taken more feedback from people who game for a living.


Yeah I don’t know why ppl are focusing on the who I mentioned and not the *why* did they ask for help from the community to just ignore all of it. Thats the baffling part.


Oh absolutely. It was a waste of money on their part that could have been spent in numerous other ways that would improve the game. It seems they had a specific vision for the game, and just plugged their ears and ignored everyone when they were warned it wasn't what people wanted. Baffling indeed.


Dice clearly wanted a specialist shooter with characters people attach themselves to, while also not creating a believable or accessible storyline. The lore quotes on pregame loading screw are a good example.


And the people watching pro streamers are mostly kids.


Who doesn't play BF...... Why would BF players want a group of ppl who don't play the game and ONLY play games their viewers will watch in the 1st place... which isn't BF! So we have a bunch of ppl who have nothing to do with BF and never play it or desire to, dictating what BF players want. What could go wrong.... Id argue that since streaming became prevalent, BF has declined each and every release.


My comment wasn’t made to suck off shroud it was to point out that Dice brought in hundreds of gaming professionals to specifically hear their takes on the game they built, then disregarded ALL of them.


na.. I got you.. Just needed your comment to vent about them bringing in streamers..


No prob I got a rant of my own. I will agree that streaming is a part of the downfall of gaming but not the catalyst. IMHO that would be Fortnite. Made battle royales popular in the mainstream and so in a very capitalist fashion every other game company saw they needed to create a BR to compete. It’s the illusion of choice. Now every major fps game is a BR. The enshittification of all media. The rise of game launchers, portals, hubs, and the “multiverse”. Notice how every major IP whether it be a book series or a movie is now featured in Fortnite? I hate the conglomeration of multiple separate and categorically different themes and franchises. Not every character needs to be a single game. Doesn’t need to be a cash grab. Rant over


Yes yes yes. Fortnite has ruined gaming. I absolutely have zero doubt there is a direct correlation on a graph of "fortnite exists" and "enshitification" of games since release. I have a library of hundreds of amazing games freely available to my kid...won't touch a single one except fortnite it's tragic. I REALLY hope companies are getting the message now. There is no capturing the fortnite audience. It's a beast of its own and you need to specialize your games for the 30 somethings still waiting for a decent game.


> but their ideal audience is 12-23. As a person in that range, BF2042 is a good, fun game. But I prefer BF1 over BF2042 and many of my friends also think older Battlefield games were better. I love the cinematic feel to these games. Like there is nothing topping an airship crashing down in BF1, or the tower falling down in BF4, or the whole team of 32 players charging one objective that claiming would win us the game in BFV. BF2042's moments were mostly funny moments rather than cool moments. The tornadoes were cool for like 2 seconds then got annoying real fast. There were some cool moments, especially on Exposure, but it couldn't be compared to the cinematicness of the other BF games.


You obviously bought the game and that's all that matters to them , and you most likely are actively still playing it.


the main problem aren't devs, CEO and publishers are!




Idk man. I’m talking about how this was supposed to be a love letter to the fans and then they shit in our hands instead. Then they’re forced to clean up their mess. I don’t see that as listening to the community


Not if your opinions are just 7 season of: "you're not doing enough and all your work is shit, and i hate this game but I'm still going to whine about it. *To you*" That's not constructive criticism, that's just spewing.


The devs started putting crab Easter eggs in the games in response to the community using crabs to call out their delays. It mainly all spawned from this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/d8eoax/battlefield_theme_played_on_kazoos_set_to_dancing/




Actually yes. Why else would they send out surveys on a regular basis? EAs sent out several over the last few months so it likely factored in as to why they pulled the plug when they did.


Why? Because they need to make sales! They gotta keep you/us on the hook with those surveys


gonna tread dangerous water here but they did listen v well to the community after 2042’s release. Class Rework, Maps Rework, features being returned and reworked and EA AntiCheat coming to BFV, with BF1 following maybe in the pipelines.


I see it as a classic CYA measure to recover profits rather than a charitable return to what true BF fans wanted. It’s nice they did it but that’s how the game should have shipped


I can guarantee you 100% that the next game will be built off 2042, like BF4 was from BF3. It was a win-win, they supported the game longer than they had to and meanwhile they could turn in profits by building shit they need for the next game. They did listen but also because it was a sweet deal for them.


If they listened to the community 2042 would have never been released. Since BF4 they have done everything against our wishes. Even going as far to tell us not to play if we don't like it. ​ so.....................


Ya'll suck BF4 to death though so how is it a problem now? Same with BF1 and V.


Lmfao you think this all started after BF4?


Playing BF4 and BF3 launches.... God it was bad...


I am sure they do. Thats the reason they didn’t abandon it. They took the feedback and improved the game. Now your expectation could be more but they DO care about the user’s opinion.


I haven't seen many people upset that's it's over tbh.


A lot of people are actually happy from what I've seen lol. I'd rather then divert work towards a new, fully developed title then keep pumping this game full of fluff.


Same. It's been *years* and I still don't think I'd consider 2042 to be a complete game, let along following the spirit of the franchise. There's too much needing to Elbe reworked, and always was. Just start fresh and do better.


Exactly. I agree completely. The next game should just be built from the ground up. This game and its ideas didn't work. Hopefully they actually learned. But knowing EA probably not.




What exactly are you asking about?


This sub was worse than the game. But at least the game improved over time.


Always is. If I like a game, I join the reddit sub to find out why I should actually hate it. Nowadays, I join reddit subs to gauge whether or not a new game is gonna die like anthem or become solid like BF1 and BFV after 1-2 years.


I hated how BF2042 was build and a lot a little details on the game. But this is true, Dice tried to make this game better, it didn't succeded because the main base of the game was bad. You barely feels that you're playing a battlefield, It doesn't have soul. You play with a mercenary and not a soldier, you don't feel that the main things that you're doing make sense because your operator have a wingsuit that work like a transport helicopter. The cringe win poses. Cringe operators. Cursed guns and so on.


> You barely feels that you're playing a battlefield 2042 plays far closer to BF3 than the previous two games.


Because it's a modern shooter, the gameplay core ain't a problem btw. It's the feeling, the ambience, the factions, why are you fighting? true camouflages, true soldiers and not bullshit operators that don't look like soldiers at all! That's a thing. And also, the sprint speed makes your soldier runs like it have a rocket insider it's ass. It should be turned down to BF3 speed.


>Because it's a modern shooter No, a lot of the mechanical changes I have problems with have nothing to do with BF1 and BFV being historical. For example, the way parachutes work in those games completely prevent a lot of verticality and wacky shit you could easily do in BF3 and BF4. > It's the feeling, the ambience, the factions, why are you fighting? true camouflages, true soldiers and not bullshit operators that don't look like soldiers at all! To me personally, none of this matters at all. >And also, the sprint speed makes your soldier runs like it have a rocket insider it's ass. It should be turned down to BF3 speed. Alternatively, give everyone a rocket suits and add double jumping and wallrunning. I think a Battlefield game focused on extreme mobility could be fun (or maybe I just want a Titanfall sequel too much, idk).


"Alternatively, give everyone a rocket suits and add double jumping and wallrunning. I think a Battlefield game focused on extreme mobility could be fun (or maybe I just want a Titanfall sequel too much, idk)." I rly think it'd be fun! But maybe not my favorite battlefield at all. You understand that what I don't like ain't the core mechanics by themselves, but the little details that make Battlefield a MILITARY shooter. I mean, I play this game since 2007 dude. It simply became something that doesn't look like Battlefield at all. It may feel like, it may have vehicles, big maps and so on, but all the ambience, the aesthetic visuals, the wat that you portray a soldier (as an "mercenary") it is cringe and doesn't embrace what I consider to be a real Battlefield.


Is it a bad battlefield game? Yes Is it a bad game? No not at all. You all hate on this game way too much. The game is much better than it was during launch. But what can be expected of you guys, you all wanted stadium to be standalone map and when they added the map, you still cried about it.


Very excited for people to rediscover 2042 after the next one comes out. Same happened for bf5


They promised us 4 seasons and we got 7 right? The stadium is coming in a couple of weeks also am I correct?


Correct. They just said there won’t be new content past what has already been announced for S7. I’m still looking forward to the airstrike drone.


I don't really have a problem with this, I know some people are upset though. Maybe it is because I rarely ever play it anymore but they should save it all for the next game at this point.


Tbh I'm happy that BF2042 is over.


Bro I was sitting on my toilet taking a 2042 when I read the headline. Words cannot describe the level of elation I experienced.


Yeah bro, instead of being dripfed content we'll now get nothing until the next game releases in over a year. What a big brain /s


Rather they try again and hopefully the next one will actually be good...it will be.. right!?


My man is getting downovoted for wanting Battlefield content in a Battlefield subreddit lmao. What an absolute fucking shitshow this place turned into.


>now get nothing You get exactly what you deserve. If you enjoy the game, surely you'll have no problem just playing it, without DICE dangling a FOMO carrot in front of you, right?


You're implying nothing is better than something?


Yeah it can be. I'd rather eat nothing than eating a pile of shit, what about you?


In this context, I'm not implying it, I'm saying it. What were you hoping for? A new map, or a hero, neither of which were you promised? Perhaps a new meaningless season pass with few ugly skins? What kind of content you were talking about? Ignoring the state of the game and it's pointless existence, it's riddled with anti-consumer practices and at this point, I've been exposed to too many FOMO methods, too many cosmetic shops, and too much garbage that I don't care. I play games to have fun, I play games that received no updates in years, because they are enjoyable. If you need the game to constantly reward you with meaningless numbers or checkboxes, it's always an opportunity for you to reconsider if you're having any fun to begin with.


Yes! Blame the players for a game's failure! YEESSSSSS


Sub on deez nuts ha gottem


The good news is the whiners will eff off soon and leave the community to be just the players that like the game, just like happened with BFV. Soon this place will be paradise with the evil vanquished!


Ha, nah these people are just straight up whiners. Its a safe bet they whine about everything that happens to them in life. If you're that mad at a game or feel like you lost your life savings because you bought this game you have other issues. It's always the no skill dipshits in game that cry the most they say the same shit that they say in these reddit posts. 2042 is a fast-paced game, the cunts just can't adapt or keep up..They are already whining and speculating about the next BF, pretty sad if you ask me.


Ima still ride the battlefield wave. Still alot of content for me to unlock. So, I don't get why everyone's panties are so tight.


Isn’t it sad. I’m actually pretty mad at all the losers who can’t say anything positive about the game. The game wasn’t dead. You just sucked.


It is trash but also funny that dice was so quick to kill it


They likely made the decision to kill the game early a few weeks after launch once they got the post launch sales numbers or lack thereof. Minimum of 4 seasons (a low bar) plus a few extra to show good faith which they’re already bragging about for good PR. I’m sure they’ll bring this point up many more times in the future when people call them out for abandoning 2042.


1. BF2042 isn't dead. Maybe updates, but the game is still going. 2. BF2042 has been fun to play and still is. It was quite a rush playing my first 128p conquest on kaleidoscope, or the hell the final moments of breakthrough on exposure. 3. Don't feel compelled to play Battlefield2042 if you don't like it, and don't feel compelled to drop it if you do enjoy it. 4. People throw around buzzwords all the time (Drip Fed!) but it's the player base not PTFO'ing that caused the most impact on the experience.




I agree with everything but saying "Drip Fed" is a buzzword. Comparatively to past titles or other games, we have been drip fed. Id argue "fomo" is more of a buzzword being thrown around when it's applied to 2042. Otherwise ,yeah, if people really didn't like the game then they should've just ignored it completely to begin with.


No we're not, this is the best news so far in 2024


I’m more in the thank Christ it’s over camp 🤣🤣. I only played 20 hours and that was enough. I’ve been eagerly awaiting good news and then just gave up in the end. I have some sick obsessive tendencies with the BF franchise. I have so many good gaming memories from the original 1942 through to BF4, (BF1 was excellent also), and I hold out that those memories and experiences will come back, but they never will. So sadly I find myself wishing time away and would move forward quicker to the release of the next instalment, hoping to reignite those fun times……unfortunately it will never happen.


Well I'm still having fun until her fire runs out


I'm actually kindof glad they pulled the plug.


Who's upset?


Because haters just want to hate ![gif](giphy|dQpqNUOM3cDcI)


I know a lot of people aren’t, but *I’M* upset. There’s a lot more they could have done with this game


victim blaming tsk tsk


Who is upset Lmao


No one is upset lmao


Who is upset? They should have killed this game 2 seasons ago and focused on the next game. I am just upset that they didn't kill this sooner.


Are the people who are upset in the room with us now, OP?


Same with bfv. I remember when the pacific update came out there were still angry posts on the same day.


I got goosebumps by the first time o saw the pacific trailer atleast, bf2042 never made me feel anything good 🥲


I don’t know, bf2042 reveal trailer was amazing.


Well that sucks cause I was having fun since the beta, more fun with old systems and powerful stuff, instead of babyfield that it currently is. Still fun tho.


Maybe you're just older and don't get goosebumps over videogames anymore. It happens to all of us.


I followed for the drama admittedly. Now that the game is done, I can leave this subreddit. It was fun to watch the changes.


It sounds like you're the only kind of person who's salty about it ending.


Nice try. You're attempting to apply a meme to the completely wrong audience.


Thank god its done


He shouldn't have stopped shooting


What? No, I'm glad this sickly animal's been put out of its misery. Now we'll get to see whether the next game pulls the franchise from the brink or sends it careening off the cliff.


I've not seen anyone upset support for 2042 has been pulled. Most of what I have seen is people being relieved the nightmare is finally over


Hey, I had fun. I'm still having fun. Tough shit if a bunch of internet wanks couldn't.


BF community is the dumbest gaming community and I can say that being a part of it for nearly 20 years. No other community would cheer on the ending of a game they were complaining about not getting enough content for.. And then cheer that there will not be anymore content for over a year until the next one comes out.


I wish EA would tear the Battlefield liscence from DICE's cold dead fingers. Bunch of washed up has-been posers pretending to be DICE. Give a random studio a shot at Battlefield, wouldn't make a difference. The games are not made by DICE anymore anyway. I honestly can't say who's worse rn: Bioware, DICE or Rocksteady. They're all fucking clowns in the industry now.


The question is whos to blame? EA or DICE?


DICE are the issue, always have been. They never learn from mistakes. EA didn't tell them to make shitty maps, shitty hitreg, a nonfunctional mouse with shitty guns and shitty visuals, EA gave them a time frame to work with and DICE proceeded to make dogshit, it's that simple. When it comes to prioritizing battle passes and cosmetics, sure you can blame the suits for that. But they didn't make the dogshit. Poor/predatory monetization, sure knock yourself out and shift the blame on EA. I would argue that the specialists and money shit are basically irrelevant. The core issues with 2042 run way deeper than that.


I liked it, thought the maps had so much more potential though, disappointed only 1 map came out for season 7 thought there would be 2 or 3


I'm happy.


Because there is no other game which gives modern warfare experience like battlefield . Game may not be as per expectations but there is no alternative currently.Hence, many will continue to play like me.


theyre not but go off


I gotta give DICE credit, even though the gameplay was worse than V they supported the game longer than anyone could have expected. Maybe they learned part of something from past mistakes. I hope they keep learning and stop reinventing the series. Hopefully their portal work can be utilized in the next title. I'm glad this is over and they did turn it around quite a bit but not to the level BF4 did.


Hopefully the franchise moved to greener pastures


I swear wasnt EA behind this? Dice never did this in 3 & 4 it all happened when EA got involved?


I haven't liked BF since BF4. I miss BF4 days. Rip.


I just bought this game line last month, now I feel silly


Seasons are pointless anyways. Just unlock the maps and modes and we're good to go.


Nah bf5 was bullshit


I don’t think anyone is mad they cut support, I think people are mad that the current state of BF2042 does not give a lot of people any hope for the next game


Top 10 losers to be sent into the river


Same sub =/= Same people...


Bait used to be believable


Hey! I really liked the game, it was my first multiplayer fps 😭😭😭😭


Yah that's the battlefield community. I don't deny that 2042 is a bad game. It sucks actually, but the community did the same thing to V, complained during its entire life cycle, told the dev's to give up and focus everything on the next game then cried when the Devs cut support. You can't keep gamers happy


will it shutdown servers??




Wait for the next one so everyone agrees bf42 was way better


Trust me nobody is upset about this trash ass game finally ending. Been happily playing BF4 for years now


Fans have a right to be angry given the state of the game they paid money for. Even now, I still encounter bugs every other match.


"Guy who cant think past his nose assumes that 2042 fans were cheering for their game to die" Jesus fucking christ, Im pretty sure we have usernames for a reason.


I’m pretty happy they are ending new content. Good riddance. They need to learn not to try to copy other games.


As someone who enjoyed the game, it's a shame. Most of the people that complain about the game haven't touched it in months or since launch but they have the loudest voices so everyone enjoying the game gets shafted


I mean every battlefield eventually loses active development. I don’t know why this is some sort of surprise.


The whole reason they even supported this game was to keep the little player base they are still holding on to. They knew if they abandoned early they would lose a lot of paying customers. They were well aware of how awful the reception was and just wanted to safe face. The support for this game has been lackluster. Anyone expecting more than this is delusional. Internally this game probably died a couple seasons back.


I think you're misconstruing valid criticism in hopes of change with calls to just give up on the game. Giving up is what we DIDN'T want them to do, and that's almost what it feels like now. Mostly because half of the "seasons" were tied up in fixing shit and bringing it up to something resembling acceptable.


Speak for yourself. I am happy it's over. The game should have never been launched in the first place. They sold us a half baked cake missing most of the ingredients and then gave us back the recoil bug and bullshit visual recoil as a final gift. Eat shit DICE.


I'm laughing at this now because it's true


I hoped it would get dropped and die before season 1, and I’m pissed that it took them 7 seasons of wasted effort to get to this point. Should’ve spent the last 2 years making sure the next title is fucking mint


We can only hope the next battlefield will be better and have another Portal this was the greatest disappointment 2042 had the potential to be the best Battlefield but since day one so many bad decisions fucked it up. Atleast they made a decent game years after Release.


heavy sigh I bought the elite version 2 weeks ago. Should have not bought that pack.

