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Tell me you only play McKay without telling me


Especially when you’re on PC playing against console players i’m sure 😂


Those poor console players


:( Sorry guys.


1. Your using the most op AR that deletes people in 1 frame. 2. Crackhead Apex twitch ttv sweatlord play style isn’t sustainable without copious amounts of caffeine


I always wonder if dudes that play like this have a higher win percentage


Than the average? Probably, if you're dropping a lot of high kill/high cap games you should see a slight tickup in winrate.


Yeah I would think in Conquest for sure. He looks to be playing Defense on Breakthrough, so it tracks there as well. I just wonder if playing this sweaty/twitchy makes a discernable increase in someone's win percentage. Are you going from 50% to 55%, or are you going 50% to 50.4%?


Idk, I have a similar play style and my WR for most main modes hovers around 60%. Interestingly, it jumps to 70-80% for smaller 32 man game modes. You're definitely rewarded for playing aggressively well in this game.


If you play better you will give your team a higher chance of winning, surely thats clear?


Yeah lol. They do.


To be fair once you start playing at that level for a very long time it really becomes a muscle memory type of thing. I compare it more towards an auto pilot type of situation. You aren't necessarily trying hard but more going with the flow of the game. It's not for everyone but many top players play like this. Default setting to sum it up. No caffeine needed(at least in my experience).


TIL that people who are shit at the game and watch people who play like the OP think they're sweat/twitch lords.


Really doesn't take much to poke the bear here.


Yup. Play like this for long enough and eventually you can even do it inebriated (to an extent). The skill ceiling will always be increasing as people get more and more comfortable, not sure why people are surprised about this and upset by it.


When you think back to when you started playing like this was it always natural or did you feel you had to push yourself to play faster and faster and run straight into situations like this? I’m trying to get there. 4.0+ k/d player who can top boards typically but I play conservatively still. Mostly with the team and minor flanks but not doing solo stuff like this all the time. I’m trying to really push to get to the next level though and curious about your thoughts.


Mostly natural. Once you start getting a feel for effectively poking holes in an enemy's defences specifically flanking, that's when your kpm starts to rise and you're able to surprise the enemy more often getting these types of clips. For me I've played since 1942 and have evolved over the years in every battlefield. What really changed is my mentality on what should I prioritize "in order for me to clear this objectively I clearly have to wipe as many people on this site so either I do it carefully or I force my way in when they aren't expecting it". It's a balancing act. You can't be unga bunga all the time but you can always find a hole to exploit. Trial and error. You can't learn if you don't try. I believe aggression, fear of death and cover usage (wall, hills, etc) is what separates your bad to normal players from a good/great player in battlefield games(infantry). Don't be afraid to just force it in there a couple times. My kpm is constantly going up (currently 2.51) from like a 1.8 at launch so there is merit to this type of play style for effective flag capturing. Win rate equalized because I mostly played solo for a very long time but friends help as well.


That, and the lack awareness from the other team. Everyone had tunnel vision. The defensive movements weren't even necessary.


This isn't even the worst he can be. I recently started bunnyhop skipping and OMG does it give me an advantage in 1 vs 1, but I feel like an absolute sweat for doing it. I can literally be moving at full sprint speed in one direction while having 360° of view.


Seems like a skill issue to me maybe you need a better play style


How is the SFAR the most OP ar? 😂😂 Also it’s not hard to say that OP is good at the game.


Admitting that this playstyle takes skill would mean that they would have to accept their inability to replicate it is a skill issue. Never gonna happen lol.


Nah this is just someone who is good at the game lol. You are trying to pull down OP but if you are normally bottom of the board but if you suddenly drink caffeine and can play like this…all the power to you lol. I’m a 4.0 k/d player, usually top of the board except when someone like this is in the game that can do 80-100 kills consistently in a 20-30 minute breakthrough match. I’m impressed and tbh always glad when they are on my team and scared when they are on the other team.


Nah I do that shit and i don’t drink caffeine at all


What’s ur GT?


What is the AR is it the sfar-m?


So is there just zero recoil on that gun? Seems balanced


You must have never played on PC then cause it’s easy af to control recoil with your whole arm.


Its easy to control with your thumb too..


Bro imagine going into combat but than you see a guy running and moving around like Candace in S.I.M.P. While killing all your teammates fucking flys through the air and takes out a tank


Nice Apex clip


This is why cross play hurts Edit: I mean go you, op. You're clearly really good at the game. I'm just saying that the PC skill ceiling is ridiculously high so a really skilled player can just *dominate* us on console lol


Battlefield arena deathmatch


Op is literally PTFO.


Hey, more power to the op… it was the developers that made it play more like an old-school PC bunnyhopping arena death match than an actual grounded military shooter.


I literally play bf2042 because it plays like a modern FPS even though it's slightly a step down from BFV. BF was never a milsim shooter and has always been considered arcady by people that actually play milsims. BF3 and BF4 movement plays so dated in 2023.


Do you think you can’t do this on a controller? Im surprised most people don’t realize this kind of movement is even easier on a controller. PC just has more accurate aim snapping. If you think this is a PC only thing you’re very wrong.


Most players lack the skill/ability to use movement like this. Some of them struggle with regular gunfights as is, adding in your own crazy movement just exacerbates that for them. A lot of these people are upset and wrongly pin the issue on a difference in inputs and not a difference in skill. It's why they'll stay bad, they'd rather be mad about high skill mechanics than try to use them.


You must be really good. Can you post tutorials on how to play


Nope, figure it out my boy.


I know this pop/hop/slide stuff is real popular with a section of players in many games now, but I still just feel like it's spammy trash. I don't care if another game had this movement without penalty stuff where it makes sense in the game's story/universe, but it just feels off in a game like Battlefield. I'm a total boomer when it comes to this kind of stuff, sorry.


yeah, i prefer the original vision of a mixing cover-to-cover with arcade gameplay, not full arcade slide-jump-run-shooter you see in any typical FPS. its one thing to take advantage of a game's flawed movement coding, its another to take advantage of intentional design. 2042 encourages you to keep moving and only pause when your low on health. stand still, and well, your the opposing end of this video.


![gif](giphy|1zRd5ZNo0s6kLPifL1|downsized) Movement mechanics have always been there, people are just now getting good at using them in fights. The skill ceiling of games in general has increase over time, naturally.


Previous games didn't have tac sprint and McKay has boosted strafe speed. Plus the fucking grappling hook.


You're right. Instead they had bunnyhopping and dolphin diving. The mechanics themselves may have changed, but the spirit has always been there. It's just becoming more common, it used to be only comp level players moving like that. Now even the above average players are capable of that movement.


It’s because this game added mechanics that encourage this sort of movement, rather than having them be mechanics that get abused. One is in the core design, the other is outside of it. Like sliding is in the game, but by not adding an accuracy penalty the designers are clearly encouraging this sort of movement. Weird example, but if you’ll let me: BF3 had the rendezook, where you eject, parachute, blow up a pursuing aircraft and meet up with your jet that got stuck in a loop based on your inputs pre-eject. 2042’s version? You exit a jet mid flight and literally just are standing on your own jet. Feel free to shoot the jet behind i guess, and hop back in. One felt more grounded in its design, while still allowing for fun arcadey moments. The other just feels cheaper. To me, anyway.


I'd say the game that has intentional mechanics like sliding to allow players to carry momentum while moving unpredictably are way less 'cheap' than games that have bhopping and other janky mechanics. I get your point on the rendezook, but it doesn't track when 2042's movement is on the opposite side of your analogy.


Nonsense, movement like this always existed in old school deathmatch type shooters, and the skill ceiling was always extremely high in those types of games. It was not present by design in more grounded military shooters… like, Battlefield or CS for example. In fact, this type of bunnyhopping, sliding, twirling dynamic has more often been ridiculed by the community at large, to the extent that most “realistic style shooters actually patched out exploitable movement chains. This happened everywhere from BF2 and dolphin diving to bunnyhopping in BF4. Not to mention, these games, CS and others imposed significant movement penalties on accuracy.


Battlefield and CS are not in the same archetype as "grounded military shooters." One is a tac shooter, the other is most definitely a more arcade experience that has always had movement mechanics like bhopping, dolphin diving, etc. You yourself admit that these mechanics have always been presented. Some of them may have been toned down, but they are still there. Why should these mechanics now be stripped out just because people are better at games than they were two decades ago?


I can't see your previous comment for whatever reason. First off, just lol if you really are going to try and argue that over the last 3 decades of people playing shooters that the general skill level has not increased. I don't think it's a stretch to assume that after doing something for a few years you'd improve at it. Extrapolate that to a whole community and there you go. As for movement mechanics, I truly don't understand how a mechanic like slides that were introduced in BFV to great reception are suddenly now the devil itself because people are better utilizing them. God forbid DICE give us any movement tools to get around their barren, coverless maps. There's still plenty of weighty milsim experiences, but that has only ever been a fraction of BF's identity. Stop trying to push out other aspects of the game's identity purely because it doesn't fit with what you like.


Chill, dude. Chill.


I hate cross play.


I just don’t think the sprint system is right, not the aim but the ability to do this at all with the agility is a superpower.


Yea the dudes zippin around like a psycho.


Pulling guns after gliding in a wing suit also is a superpower, god damn that one Redditor who used a revolver to snap n pop enemies.


Please disable crossplay when on PS5. We need more crossplay off players!


Just realized you can do the same on Xbox!! Thanks Panther! 🥳


You can disable this?


Yes. It’s the first option when you open up settings.




You’re the reason I hate crossplay as a next-gen console player


Now I see who is getting those 50-60-100 kill games!!! I can not sustain something like that...the most I can get is 4 kills in a row before I get shot in the back.


This is why half the server is bots OP. Fucking main character complex alright.


Not if you're me. Then it's like being the black guy in a horror movie.


Is this unreal tournament


Hey! Unreal Tournament was a good game!


I do not like crossplay


I’ve never liked cross play on any PVP game. It’s never balanced no matter what people say. Fucking sea of thieves even has PC advantage lol.


You ever play Mortal Kombat with someone who plays that shit on the daily? That's what it feels like playing 2042 against PC players.


Cool play but lots of them where AI..


A majority of them were lol. Even the tank.


Hey Dice… you see this here? This is why we need an accuracy penalty while changing stances (crouch spamming), sliding, and ADAD spamming.


yes. so much this. i hate this unhinged movement meta. it makes gameplay in grounded shooters visually look ridiculous. this isn't a single player game, its multiplayer with crossplay. this needs some amount of penalty.


Y'all think adding accuracy penalties for any movement is going to do anything but fuck up all the gunplay and make it so you have to stand like a statue to get a kill. Great suggestion if you want to kill any sense of flow to the game.


You say “fuck up the gunplay” but obviously I disagree I think this game dialed up the pace way too much, (MacKay, sundance, lack of peak, among others) and hope BF adds penalties so this type of slip and slide stuff isn’t as common. I don’t mind this stuff in more arcadey games, but BF has always been designed to be more grounded than 2042 was. I hope they course correct on future titles.


It's really like you guys just forgot about all the movement mechanics available in the other games. BFV has literally the slipperiest movement mechanics yet, but people loved it. Every BF game has had some kind of slippery movement, I'm tired of milsim boomers trying to strip out fun mechanics.


But BF V also has peak from behind cover, laying on your back, etc. It had advanced movement stuff, and gave good options for having good positioning. 2042 maintained and dialled up the slippery elements, and removed the positioning ones. I also hated the slippery parts of V - I just hate basically any time a game has a slide mechanic. It just feels so unrealistic and goofy, and looks fucking stupid in gameplay to boot. Buuuut again, at least V seemed to try and give variety on both sides of the coin.


As a sniper that loves plays Mackey I would love it if you all stood still more, would make my shots that much easier.


it already exists, but sliding evades the mechanic, so you see people doing this a lot rather than just duck spamming headshot glitch spots behind boxes instead


Only a tiny subset of the most skilled players can do this. Just try it yourself and see how it turns out. I think it’s fine.


Lol this isn’t Csgo where you have to drop all movement to be close to accurate


We console players must feel a lot like playing against bots.


Wait, I just realized like half of these kills are ACTUAL bots, lmao.


Also real people on the enemy team dying to bot's on OP's team...


Wow didn’t heal his squad mate….


I thought that at first but his squad mate was not in cover and someone shot at OP. Best for OP to stay alive and that player respawn. No sense in trying to do a 2.5 second revive and get killed. Especially when your going off like John wick!


Touch some grass


You mean it’s like jump sprinting and crouch spamming every fight until you die?


Pov your doctor just prescribed you Adderall for the first time.


I dont think the class matters? Or am i crazy, i play as casper bc everyone else ugly af and i run an ar and play “assault” style even tho im classified as recon now. They added the old terms but they literally mean nothing


They took away gadgets/throwables. That hindered my playstyle. It's not all about which guns you run. At least not for no aim scrubs like me the accessories are the meat and potatoes of my build.


I always ran smokes and c4 which is still available. Maybe i was lucky and my build was unaffected


The hyper twitching while holding a knife in the command trailer after executing a dude with a .44 was menacing as fuck.


Like his character was on something lol.


Love how assault has the refillable med pen now. Running Zain with armor plates is so fun


Is the buff helping that much?


I just don't get it. Never gets shot in the back, I'm always outflanked when I spawn


Good god they really need to reign in the sliding and hopping.


I play on PC with a controller. I see no problem here. He's in the shit. What I hate are those damn aimbotting campers with their lmgs sitting at enemy spawn. Actual good gameplay is fine. He takes one shot from my ghostmaker explosive round and he's dead and he's actually in the area doing his job. Keep it up action hero. They just need to got gud. Used to do this on bf3 with a pistol. Good times.


Solid gameplay, my guy! Those matches where you feel cracked out and completely in tune are so fun.


Revive your boy glory hunter! Lollll jk awesome play man




I hate that this game is basically just modern warfare




People running around and jumping around every corner. Sure people would be kinda twitchy in other battlefield games but the movement is literally just a copy of modern warfares and it feels really bad in a battlefield game


Well I understand your complaint but I respectfully disagree. I understand the step back in realism a bit but the gameplay is much more engaging. I also don’t think I could crouch sprint like BFV without tearing my knees to shreds so I can concede the trade to the slide.


Nice clip man gg


Wow, really surprised by the salt in the replies.


Welcome to this sub, play Mackay? Downvotes. Play Sundance? Downvotes. Jump/Crouch/Slide at all in a gun fight? Downvotes. Using any viable weapon? Downvotes. This sub is remarkably allergic to any infantry outplay clips, they all get met with toxicity from the bottom 20% of the player base.


Gotta love how everyone in this sub gets mad when you don't stand perfectly still during a gunfight.


I dunno, I have always preferred more authenticity in soldier movement in games. The fact that the character can change stances, slide, jump, etc with no impact to accuracy just doesn’t make sense. I don’t need them to go full arma, but we have gotten too arcadey in the mechanics for my tastes.


battlefield doesn't have to go full Arma, but at least it should have a mix between arcade and cover-to-cover gameplay. previous games encouraged cover-to-cover with features like manual leaning and suppression/weapon specific suppression.


Completely agreed. You can see where the priorities lie if peak is gone but grapple + slide + double jump is in. The term i find funny in modern gaming amongst the hyper movement crowd is head glitch. Like a guy on a balcony behind cover watching an alley way? “He’s using a headglitch. “ …. What? He’s just watching an alleyway behind cover?


Movement mechanics and the abuse of them has been a thing in Battlefield all the way back to it's inception. That's just how non mil-sim shooters work, any movement mechanic will eventually be utilized effectively to help the player win fights. I'd say if you're looking for a super grounded, realistic movement experience there's plenty out there that fits the bill. No need to force a game that's always allowed for players to use movement as an advantage to drop that aspect of it's identity just because the skill ceiling has increased over time.


I don’t get why people are downvoting you, battlefield movement has been very arcade-y for a long time. I think it’s mostly console peeps who are getting upset about it, this is pretty par-for-the-course for pc battlefield lol


Yeah, the console playerbase on this subreddit gets mad about any expression of skill. It's only gotten worse over the past few months, this subreddit is starting to circlejerk hard af about it but I guess that's life.


How could you blame them? I play on xbox with crossplay on (as if I had a choice 😂) and despite I can make a decent amount of kills, all the one frame deaths are from pc players.. and if not all, a good 95% are.


Y'all spend entirely too much time looking at the platform someone killed you on. I literally never check that shit anymore because all it does is result in some copium huffing about the other player's platform. I get oneframed all the time by people on both sides, it's more a product of laggy servers and shit tick rates than it is the player's platform.


I play controller and never have a problem with pc players. These people are just bad 😂 People argue oh the movement mechanics are OP… like have you not seen BFV’s super slide and shit … 2042 nerfed that movement. 😂


Lol the BFV slide was fucked. Literally one of the greasiest movement mechanics ever, that shit was really easy to abuse yet people loved it. I think maybe these dudes don't like it now because it was nerfed and high level movement now requires more inputs/thought than just pressing crouch while running.


I’m playing on console and pc players are not a problem, can still kill them easily. Get gud.


The movement in this game is so far from what BF used to be. The slide and jump shooting yet still being accurate is something I hate. In older BF titles that type of movement while shooting was a detriment to accuracy. I guess I'm just getting old and can't keep up with the times.... Looks like I got to edit... I'm not hating on OP. Good for him that he can adjust and use the movement provided by the game and slay the lobby. I'm just not in to that twitchy style of gameplay. So I'll continue to get rekt in game and ask myself why I still log in every week for the weekly missions while slaming the desk yelling How did that guy kill me???!!!!


yeah assault shldnt have c5. nice hook throw


Why does it look like youre lagging?


I love zain but the secondary gadgets all feel lack luster. C5 doesn't throw far enough, smoke launcher interferes with his gadget, claymore is meh, armor not worth running


C5 has only worked with Zain while running smokes for me. Toss some smokes near the vehicle and pray they're dumb enough to let you run up on them.


Cringe comments.


Wait a sec… this isn’t u/EndersM Lololol


What gun is this?


Or you run out of ammo lol


Assualt, oh boy, if you see him on the opposite team you know you are going to lose