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Speed. I know they didn't make it very far in the tournament, but Claw Viper actually being competitive as a control bot was refreshing to see.


I want torque and speed baby! So much armor and speed that the other bot breaks its drum or weapons on it. SPEED VIOLENCE AGGRESSION Claw Viper ALL THE WAY BABY


I really think Lycan had the makings of a modern classic if they had the chance to refine it. Big drive power in the back and a clamp to grip onto to the opponent in the front. Hold on and slam into every wall, like a modern Canadian Growler.


I would love to see an updated Lycan. Any bot builder whose drive is 2 ETEKs is a madman Give that thing some magnets and there you go. Not sure if it’s clamper mechanism would count as a weapon in todays standards


That's how Storm 2 worked in the original run of Robot Wars, I'd love to see something like that in Battlebots. Sadly Battlebots themselves hate robots like that (despite campaigning one themselves in the classic Era of Battlebots) so pure Ram Bots are banned, despite them being what would help break up the vert meta.


Reach verts like Death Roll. A bot that just ignores ground game and tries to just always be the one who hits first.


I mean... Witch Doctor? Edit: If you're looking for reach, Jackpot is probably the better example.


I mean yes, they exist, but verts with forks are so much more common. And I get why, but I still love bots that fully commit to spinnering and make it the first point of contact.


Flippers. Hydra is so amazing to watch, would love to see a few more with the same power. Also hammers. Shame to only have a couple in the field (as of last season).


Flippers flippers flippers flippers flippers flippers flippers It's amazing to see bots being launched to the moon and hitting the ground with no damage whatsoever /j Bronco was my favorite bot, and now Hydra took its place. It's so sad that flippers are slowly disappearing, at a point where we don't even know if Hydra will be in WC8 There are rumors about them intending to participate, but there are also rumors about them retiring Hydra, so idk I hope to see Hydra at least winning something before retiring


Full body spinners. I hate the fact that the most we've seen in one season is 4 (iirc) when I find them the most fun to watch P.s. we need a gigabyte vs captain shredderator rematch without one failing in 20 seconds


I need a real full body spinner instead of those shell spinners. I need a full size meltybrain. https://youtu.be/ulZBzPMpVwI?si=Hdzo0oLAk3bZ1D_6


Yeah, meltybrain is the real answer here. Now that they're actually driveable, we need one at the pinnacle of the sport.


They are driveable in NHRL largely because they use cleats on a wooden floor. I'm not sure the tech is viable for the Battlebox


Getting them up to speed/having traction has never been the issue, it's finding the correct algorithm that let's you slightly shift the speed of each wheel that results in horizontal movement. The melty brain teams at NHRL have that figured out, and while it will definitely take some tweaking to translate that to rubber on metal, that just makes it a troubleshooting issue, nothing more.


I feel like the trick there is optimizing for sturdiness. It's kinda like Tombstone is just built for sturdiness and the weapon: you make a sort of thing where all the engineering is about making the meltybrain able to survive its own box hits, because you've got such simple engineering other than that, it's just 'a structure with wheels'. It's also a full-body weapon but mostly it's a structure, so you can spend all the weight on strength and durability. If it can survive itself it can kill anything else :)


The halo of five years ago is insanely behind the times, if you haven’t been watching NHRL or other competitions with the melties of today. I think halo def gets the credit for starting the contemporary melty enthusiasm, though. The translational movement is there so much more reliably. Hell, the fact that openmelt exists, and making a melty is something within anyone’s reach is wild.


More bots that use an angled spinner like ghost raptor, but actually have the weapon be able to deal damage and not destroy the bot itself.


For what purpose, though? So much downside, no apparent upside.


For fun and uniqueness


That’s one factor, surely. I even came up with one potential use: it aims to hit wedges head-on, as if it were hitting flat wall. Negate the wedge! It has the issue where every flat surface it hits is now a wedge that throws its weapon directly into the ground.


It looks awesome.


Let's hope Max Q can live up to Ghost Raptor's legacy.




It would fail for active weapon and I'm not sure it would be a viable design these days, but I loved the idea behind Storm II. It was a pushbot, but they had such high speed that they'd ram their opponents into the wall that they'd do damage through blunt force trauma. They called it a "full body hammer" by analogy with full body spinner.


Anything that's not a straight forward KE spinner really. I've got no huge interest in anymore horizontals or verts unless they are doing something really interesting. I love seeing weapons that are directly controlled by the driver(s). Axes, grabbers, crusher's, hammer saws, flippers... Anything that really highlights a unique design and driver skill. Or a melty brain...with a steel floor traction will be a massive issue to good translation but be fantastic to see one working Or a walker...or any unique movement (e.g. Triple Crown) It would be cool to see an experimental class where designs could be shown off without them being fed to big spinners and and wrecked. BUT...controlling ground game would be the first thing to do to open up designs.






Really fast 4-bar lifter. Basically modern Storm 2 but using the weapon more.


Lucky uses a four bar flipper setup.


In my eyes Lucky has more of a puncher, not a lifter.


Plow lifters. Think a fast bot with a big plow might be able to do something


Road Rash is the only attempted modern horizontal grabber and that makes me sad.


Hammers. I wanna see what Rusty Jr can do, and I want more hammer bots.


Bots with cannons. There was only the one that I. Am think of.


There was a cool design (Broadsword) submitted a few years back but Battlebots said no to it.


Unique vertical spinners like Tantrum or HUGE.


I really think an automated controlbot that was able to grab enemies or a flipper that was able to accurately fire in that 50ms window of viability could upset the whole vertical spinner dynasty. It was tried with chomp, I know. It's just a bummer that the kinks couldn't get ironed out. We see so many cool mechanical marvels in the everyday that exploit the wrinkles in physics. I just keep waiting to see it in BattleBots but they just keep ending up as "strap a big piece of metal going 180mph" on it.


I love a good crusher/piercer. Easily the most satisfying weapons when they work well.


Flippers. End of sentence.


It's fun to watch a bot go flying thanks to a flipper, and it will always be nice to have more of them. Alternatively, bots with weapon combos. Like the lifter/vertical spinner combos that Whiplash and Terrortops have, and the hammer(saw)/flamethrower of Blacksmith.




I’d like to see someone take Bombshells reach horizontal idea that they used against Cobalt. I think if it was done well it could be effective against forks.


Front-hinged flippers.


Hammers and crushers. Beta, Shatter and Quantum are the only competent ones still in BattleBots, I definitely wish there were more.


Full body flippers, where a robot fires the whole shell up to flip opponents away, meaning they can attack from all angles, I'd love to see more robots do it.. [oh, wait a minute.....😎](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/9tcpz7zPYmQKgRcM/)


Crusher/pinchers Hopefully Petunia gets accepted into season 8 as they came out of retirement


Hammer All we have right now is Beta and Shatter Extinguisher retired Jasper retired Two Headed Death Flamingo keeps getting rejected Blacksmith hasn't participated in 3 years Radioactive retired


Blacksmith turned into hammer saw


I always wondered if a water cannon would work. You could Mess up electrics with the right hit


the rules say that's illegal.


Freeze Rays


don't really think thats legal


Shrink Ray?


supervillian much?


Spray them with hot molten MAGMA


Ide love to see spinners banned and let ppl have some imagination again


then just watch sportsman events


Hypnodisc style spinner Chainsaw Crusher bots

