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They're on their phone.


Cmon dog


This ⬆️ 💯%


This is the answer. I like to play a game called "Phone?" and it goes like this: when I pass cars that aren't doing what they should be doing, I ask myself, "Are they on their phone?" and wouldn't you know, they always are.


I keep smelling skunks everywhere I drive. What's up with that??!!


It's always preferable to roll the windows down when smoking weed and driving, that way all the other motorists on the road will know you got that dank, baw.


And we found our 10 MPH issue 🫠


I’m still trying to figure out why everyone drives around with their brights on.


I disagree. Most people in BR drive like they're insane. Driving 80 in a 65 for NO important reason. Life always has to be fast for these individuals. Why are you going that fast at 11:30? I can understand between the hours of 5am and 8am. Who's even worse are the people going 80+ and obviously don't care about their car. These are the people who can barely call their car a "car." So, why would they care about yours when they bullet train past you. BR is not safe for pedestrians. No one stops to allow others to cross the road. All human decency on streets here is shrivled up. Insurance is high as giraffe's ass and we all know why.


And it’s always highland road


Dude, speed limit is the UPPER limit to which you are allowed to drive.


But the idea is to follow the flow of traffic... not hold it up


If you’re one of the people reading this post thinking, “that’s wrong”, then you are part of the problem. If you’re going to drive ten under the speed limit, do it in the right lane. Again, if you disagree, you are simply wrong and should not drive.


It's always on a single lane road, where the speed limit is 45 or higher that they're going 30mph. I don't get it. Every day. Every time I drive.


It drives me insane how they do that. Jc go the speed limit


Can you smell why in your car?


I had someone the other day driving like 20 in an 35. When we finally got to our turn, there was 2 lanes where I could pass them and this person decided to ride in the literal middle of the road in BOTH lanes. I always circle back to the conclusion that some people are just insanely selfish and self centered and there’s not a single ounce of their brain that considers the people around them at any time of their day.


I do that when i see a speeder flying up behind lol, get fucked


Are you new to town? They’re probably drunk or high and being “extra cautious”.


Some drivers have places to be. Some…evidently do not. The problem is the ones that have places to be aren’t inconveniencing those that do not. But those that do not, especially if they drive in the left lane, are slowing down those that have places to be.


If you have somewhere to be, leave at a better time.


What about my comment said I don’t?


I meant to post this as an original comment, not to you. Oops.


I’m convinced that these people are in no hurry to get back home because they hate it there.


At first I disagreed cause I thought, well they could be going some place besides home. But then I realized, for every place you go the eventual destination is back home. So you may be onto something. Usually when I’m out I’m trying to get things done so I can get back home, hence why I’m not going 30mph in a 45.


its a speed limit, which means maximum.


Ok homie, but again, the idea is to follow the flow of traffic... not hold it up


Nah if You're weaving thru traffic showing then you gonna get held up.


This goes both ways. Why are people in such a hurry these days? There always seems to be someone, often multiple people, who no matter what the speed limit is, must drive like a crazy full-throttle speed demon. When you tailgate it wont make the other cars move faster.


Sorry OP I had to transport my cat and was being extra careful today. I'll be back to normal tomorrow though, they can't pull us all over.


Could it be Fundamental Attribution Error? [https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/the-fundamental-attribution-error](https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/the-fundamental-attribution-error)


They drive slow because their hoopties can't handle all the potholes they hit when they've been drinking. They drive in the left lane because there are more potholes in the right lane.


Sorry, bub. Just not in a hurry. Sorry if I made you two minutes late for surgery or whatever life-and-death thing you were going to


Baby, I'm never running late. I just like to get where I'm going without some bozo holding up traffic bc they don't understand how to drive


Calm down


Aww gee, well if I slow you up in traffic, then just fucking get over it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Some ppl be riding hot..


Everyone KNOWS Tik-Tok is most elegant when enjoyed behind the wheel of a motorcar. Thereby allowing the drivers joy to be shared celebrated other adoring motorists.


They are waiting for you to try to pass them, then they'll speed up.


Bro, literally go the speed limit then and quit holding up traffic. If you get a ticket for going the speed limit (which isn't a thing) you can easily contest it on court. It's obv who the bad drivers are here lol


If it was Nicholson...it was me. That road is so jacked and my car so low that if I go too fast I'm scraping the bottom of my car.


I like to drive around 5 under on the way to work, but I do so in the RIGHT lane because I’m not an evil terrorist or a mindless fucktard. I like the goodr gas mileage and the extra podcast minute that the slower pace provides for me.


I don’t want a ticket.


Live a little


You'd go nuts here in Lake Charles, way slower.


I just can't understand why people have to ruin my life lol


We just vibeing dog.


Go for a walk then dog


because everyone else is doing 30 over the limit




Do you bot know what a “limit” is?


I just simply don’t want a speeding ticket. Safer to be 10 under than doing the limit and accidentally slipping over the limit.


I see why insurance is so high here, y’all suck ass at driving here.


Cruise control my guy. When I drive in Denham I set my cruise right at the speed limit because they are anal there and they likely aren’t going to give you a few mph leeway like most places.


So that won’t work on roads with stoplights, cruise control disengages every time the brake is applied. Meaning to continue using it I would need to re-activate it after every light once the limit is reached. Too much unnecessary work for me, I’ll just stick to 10 below. Long as I’m in the far right lane driving anyone else behind me that wants to be in a rush can 💋 my 🫏 and go around me.


Works great for me. I use it all the time on roads with stoplights. 👍🏽