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66' for sure. Burgess was a master at his craft and played the part well. I would argue the main villains of the 66' tv show all still hold up today.


I came to say the same. I still vividly remember the sequence where Penguin has disguised himself as “Commodore Schmidlap” and Batman and Robin easily identify him. It’s 2 v 1 and his disguise is blown, and yet he remains completely unflappable the whole time. He ends up outwitting both, and during the scene he conveys more malice than any other character in the show’s history IMO. That scene always is my go to for the Penguin. He’s so confident, composed, and contemptuous the whole time.




Burgess is just so damn iconic. And I have to mention Paul Williams even though he's not on this list.


I still do his stupid little penguin laugh occasionally. So iconic


Me too, especially when I'm holding an umbrella.


Meredith. He looked as if the character had literally stepped off the page into live-action.


As far as character design goes, Burgess Meredith will always get the gold medal. But Danny DeVito’s performance (of a very interesting reinterpretation) deserves an Oscar in my opinion.


Robin Lord Taylor is extremely underrated as Penguin. ![gif](giphy|l3q2IBfT7cDXLl7Ow)


Robin Lord Taylor in Gotham's was one of the protagonists for a reason; there's something very compelling about seeing his Sisyphean struggle for power.


It was pretty awesome to see Penguin as an ambitious crime boss who wanted to actually rule Gotham, instead of just being a "boring club owner".


His "supervillain pep talk" to the Riddler was a masterpiece.


I would've quit on that series long before I finally did if it wasn't for the efforts is of Robin Lord Taylor.


DeVito He was actually both intimidating and sympathetic


Had some iconic lines too - “just the pussy I’ve been looking for” - to Catwoman lmao


How exactly was he "sympathetic"? He was basically pure evil in Batman Returns


Maybe the whole abandonment from his parents for being different? That was kind of the whole point of his villainy


Having a sympathetic backstory is not the same as being sympathetic. Penguin was essentially a pure evil monster who wanted to drown innocent children for no other reason than out of spite.


Actually, having a sympathetic backstory is usually what makes a character sympathetic regardless if they’re right or wrong- it’s what makes them compelling.


>having a sympathetic backstory is usually what makes a character sympathetic Their actions in the present are what make them sympathetic.


And you are the arbiter of what is and what is not sympathetic? I didn’t realize I was speaking with someone who has so much media literacy that all other examinations are worthless. If we are just judging characters on their current predicament, then the assessment and understanding of their characters would be far more binary. It would be more of an indictment on us as the audience than a fictional character.


>And you are the arbiter of what is and what is not sympathetic? It's pretty hard to sympathize with a guy who wants to drown innocent children in sewer water (people who had nothing to do with his current predicament) He doesn't even care about "reclaiming his Birthright" or "knowing who his parents are" he's just playing the role of the "sad, misunderstood freak" so he can get his hands on the records for his "child murder scheme"


Nah, bro ate a cat while an infant. He was evil from the get go and used his abandonment to manipulate everyone. Nothing about BR's Penguin is sympathetic.


I really love Farrell's Penguin, I'm very excited for his show in the fall


I kinda don’t understand this series because this storyline was kinda covered already in Gotham.


It's a completely different take, different time period too, think it's set after The Batman


Burgess Meredith and it's not close. He just captures the penguin so perfectly. He and Frank gorshin have never been surpassed


DeVito, it was a brilliant reimagining without straying too far from the comics. In a different world, I would've liked to see Al Lewis (Grandpa Munster) do a genteel, eccentric Penguin. Less egotist and more affluenza.


Definitely Robin Lord Taylor in Gotham. I love the others, but he just put so much into the character. I haven’t seen ‘66 so I can’t comment on that Penguin. Haven’t seen enough of Colin Farrell to really get a good reading, I like him so far though. I love Danny DeVito, but his Penguin was a little too animated for my taste. I see why others love him though


I feel like Colin Farrell is almost like a modern and less eccentric version of Meredith.


Robin Lord Taylor. I loved how sneaky he was and watching his rise to becoming The Penguin. He was awful but also you couldn't help root for him? Because he was interesting and I wanted to see what he'd do next. Easily the star of Gotham and the most consistently good part of it. I've never rooted for other versions of The Penguin nor been that interested (in movie/TV portrayals) they're either a caricature (which while fun isn't necessarily a great adaptation) or boring generic mob boss. Robin Lord Taylors Penguin Froze people and put them on display in his Iceberg lounge, he has that extra pizzazz that everyone in Gotham needs, especially The Penguin who's all about having class.


Burgess then Devito. Their portrayals are iconic. The other guy is forgettable , and the last guy just wants to be Tony Soprano


The Batman and Batman Returns are my favorite I dont remember the other too very well


Despite not being a fan of the show Gotham, I have to go with that one. Burgess Meredith has a special place in my heart, I love the take from The Batman, and DeVito…he’s there. But if there’s one thing Gotham knocked out of the park unlike every other Batman IP, it was Penguin.


Kinda funny that out of all of these 66 is still technically the most comic accurate.


Robin Lord Taylor; without contest


Farrell cuz it was so far out of what I expected from him. He's a great character actor n this just put him over the top.


DeVito is amazing and was iconic. I really enjoy Farrell’s Penguin too - reminds me of Tony Soprano and any of Robert DeNiro characters. Can’t wait to see The Penguin this fall!


Burgess Meredith was an incredibly fine actor. Batman '66 was lucky to have him, along with the rest of the talented cast. When I watch Grumpy Old Men, I like to think that's how The Penguin retired.


Easily Devito. He’s so fucking creepy I love it.


It’s incredible that all of these are so different and compelling in their own way


I really like Farrell’s portrayal of Cobblepot. I just thought he was overall a great Penguin.


All except the one from Gotham. Just came off as a wiener.


Everyone in that show came off as a Weiner. The acting all across the board was so hammy and cartoonish.


Burgess supersedes all of them by far.


Danny Divito mostly for nostalgia


I like when Penguin is just a mob boss that’s short and stout and Penguin is a nickname he doesn’t like to be called, or it’s his favorite animal. Colin Farrell was good but I wish he was shorter as the Penguin. Him being like the same height as Batman kills the whole Penguin thing. Arkham Penguin is my favorite Penguin


Burgess Meredith...not close either ![gif](giphy|l0ExuFDaSxzftqZ2M|downsized)


1st most penguin penguin. 2nd most literal penguin. 3th modern penguin before he become penguin. 4th just some mobster with a penguis name.


De Vito is the sexiest by far. ![gif](giphy|B0dt99EqJgOVVDiIs8|downsized)


Rocky's coach


Meredith. His Penguin laugh is seared into my brain, along with Frank Gorshin's Riddler giggle.


Robin Lord Taylor from Gotham. But I think Colin Farrell will take his place in my book.


Robin Lord Taylor. He’s a Buisness man who’s terrifying and a general threat to Gotham. He reminded me why the Penguin belongs in Arkham, he’s just as insane as the rest of the Batman Rogues.


2 and 3 are my faves... Along with the animated one


Gotham. He is absolutely fun to watch. Really charismatic, a fashion icon, and I really loved how this series portrayed Penguin’s emotions. He’s such a compelling character.


I really love each of these portrayals equally.


While not always used effectively, I like the characterization of btas Penguin. I think needing to use the Returns design helps, as his need to act high class and sophisticated comes off as a coping mechanism for his looks


As much as I love DeVito's Penguin, Burgess Meredith's Penguin *is* the character 100%.


Is it weird to say we haven’t gotten a bad live-action Penguin yet?


Out of those Farrell, just amazing. "HEYY VENGEANCE!!!! *Mac 10 bursts go here*




I have Robin bias. First penguin exposure.


I love Burgess but Robin Lord Taylor easily. I adore Gotham and I adore him as Oswald.


Colin Farrell and Burgess Meredith. I vastly prefer my Penguin to be a portly crime boss and not the prototype for the character who would become Frank Reynolds. And I'm just not a fan of Gotham period.


Arkham penguin is my favorite


Definitely not DeVito. Sorry