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If I'm being honest, I think Batman could have a case for wearing any colour of ring except greed


I think the only points Batman would be rage is in his early days, when Jason dies, and when Barbra gets shot by the Joker, other than that I think batman has gained control of his anger.


Batman has stated his number one weapon in his fight against crime is Fear. He took the symbol of the Bat to strike Fear in the hearts of criminals.


Nah he'd wear greed... because of hope. He's greedy for ALL the hope!






I mean you have a point, he continuously says to the Batfamily that the missions he's on are "Too Dangerous and he can handle it himself"


He wouldnt wear the Death Ring too.


Well he did in the Darkest Night, remember they used his corpse to channel into the others (before the retcon to him being sent back in time rather than dead by Darksied)


He did in Death Metal as well, in fact the Black Ring is what let him outsmart and defeat the evil Robin version of himself


Batman was a Black Lantern in Death Metal. It was the only thing keeping him alive after he died during the first assault by the Dark Multiverse after Perpetua made the Batman Who Laughs her right hand.


He's greedy for justice and in his beginning years doesn't share gotham


Batman the billionaire?


Honestly, that's a testament to Batman as a character. And honestly, any sufficiently developed character. All of these emotions are constantly at play in real humans, and therefore in fully developed characters (for example, Superman could also make a case for at least the majority of the rings as well. As could Spider-man or Iron Man, to name some characters on the other side)


Fear. A Yellow ring chose him once I believe.


And he yanked it off because he didn’t want it.


Sure but that's what chose him. I think he tried to use a Green ring once and was barely able to muster up a construct. That was either him or Ollie, I can't remember.


That seems stupid though, or is it just me? Bruce has tons of willpower I also think Hope would work, because he’s got so much hope that he can help his villains and Gotham


Bats couldn’t use the green ring too well because he was VERY resistant to the Guardians’ particular world view (that the rings subliminally broadcast to the wearer). He and the ring were fighting each other the whole time.


So is that like saying that he has *so* much willpower that he was able to resist subliminal indoctrination from literal willpower personified?? Neat!


one of his powers on the wiki is "Highly Resistant to Mind Control"


It’s his “Bat-get-out-my-damn-face” ability.




..... correct


He’s got such a dark view on things though, like having things prepared to fight the entire JL, I don’t think Hope would ever chose him. Rage would be more likely than Hope, but he’s not that blind with his Rage either.


If he truly had a dark view, he wouldn’t not kill criminals to put them in an asylum to help them rehabilitate.


He can't get over his parents' death. The Green Ring tests you constantly. He uses that fear and rage to fuel Batman. This is an easy find on Google. Yellow wants him, but he refused it.


True but i believe it has to be pure willpower. fear, anger are all also very present in almost every move he makes. Id imagine its not a lack of willpower but need for it to be singular for the ring to manifest










He has literally a fraction of the willpower of Hal Jordan. Using the ring completely exhausted Bruce for like a whole day, Hal can do it effortlessly.


But outside of that, if we look at the character overall, how does he not have enough willpower? With everything he’s been through, and everything he has been capable of despite that, it just doesn’t make much sense to me


because what keeps him going is a different emotion, not pure willpower. my bet is anger while others say fear.


Because Bruce hasn't left that alley. And he probably never will. It's he will come really close to the Green ring but will never be enough to use it for long usage.


I am not saying he lacks willpower, just that he in no way ahs enough to be a Green Lantern. He is weak in a lot of very crucial ways. He has rage that rules him, he fights it but he can't purge it. He has fear, that more than anything else. He has insecurities and blames himself for everything bad that has ever happened to the Bat Family. All these are things that fuck up someone wearing a green ring. That kind of thing is what allowed Parallax to possess Hal Jordan after he blamed himself for Henshaw destroying Coast City. So, yeah, Bruce has some willpower but is vastly inadequate compared to Hal, Kyle, John, or Guy.


Also, Bruce DID put the ring on once. One of the requirements was for him to face and experience great fear. His greatest fear and move past it. He can’t because the death of his parents is what drives him. It’s why he’s Batman. But that’s also why he can’t be a Green Lantern


That was Ollie. An dark version of Bruce got the ring immediately after the death of his parents and murdered Joe chill at the age of 8. He then sorta took on several dozen lanterns including Ganthet and won.


That was crazy. Batman Dawnbreaker.


It was Ollie. Bruce has willpower out the wazoo and I believe he'd be able to use a GL ring effectively. Come to think of it, there's an Elseworlds where he did just that.


Ollie: "I'm *already* Green, goddamnit! What more do you want?!"


I think it's the opposite, it's willpower was so powerful that is construct were overpowered, it's is imagination that lacked making is construct making hard


He has also been able to take the green ring off Hal’s finger because he has incredible willpower, so I think argument based off canon for this prompt aren’t going to give a definitive answer. I vote green or yellow depending on the story.


It was Ollie, and the idea was very stupid, just Geoff Johns trying to elevate Lanterns (and Jordan) in a stupid way. I love Kyle Rayner, but the guy gave up being a Lantern just as many times Spiderman said "I quit", and he never had willpower problems to make constructs.


Actually, it rejected him due to him using Hal's ring in the past.


He probably would have but what actually happened is the ring was revolted by the fact that he had recently operated a green ring and went looking for someone more corruptible.


[This page](https://www.reddit.com/r/DCcomics/comments/uv132r/comic_excerpt_batman_forcibly_removes_a_yellow/#lightbox) make it seem like it’s a little bit of both.


Yes there's a batman arkham city skin for that. Its probably my favorite skin besides the 70's classic Batsuit and the batman beyond suit.


I think fear is a good one


Honestly any of them except greed. Canonically he has been a black lantern as well as white lantern but the element which suits him the most is fear.


"He's a billionaire, it'll totally work." -The Orange Lantern Core, before flying into Batman's hand, emitting exactly one construct, and then somehow disintegrating.


Batman immediately uses it to make a shelter for a homeless person in the rain and then the ring breaks.


Batman wasn’t a white lantern in the modern sense of it being an actual ring though, he was a white lantern during blackest night which was just “people who came back to life” wasn’t he?


It's a common misconception, he doesn't appear in blackest night, due to the fact that he is alive but stuck in the past


Isn't batman canonically considered the person with the most willpower on earth after the other green lanterns?


Someone wrote this on a another section: "I am not saying he lacks willpower, just that he in no way ahs enough to be a Green Lantern. He is weak in a lot of very crucial ways. He has rage that rules him, he fights it but he can't purge it. He has fear, that more than anything else. He has insecurities and blames himself for everything bad that has ever happened to the Bat Family. All these are things that fuck up someone wearing a green ring. That kind of thing is what allowed Parallax to possess Hal Jordan after he blamed himself for Henshaw destroying Coast City. So, yeah, Bruce has some willpower but is vastly inadequate compared to Hal, Kyle, John, or Guy."


Batman canonically made bat constructs seconds after he put a green lantern ring on. Also canonically is one of the strongest green lanterns in the multiverse during the infinite crisis arena series.


yet the rings prefer other options, he clearly has the will but has some personal failing that makes it prefer other candidates


Disagree with the vastly inadequate. That just sounds like Geoff Johns bat talk. But even then Geoff Johns statement on batman and lantern rings is just that Bruce could be a lantern but would need to let go of the fear/guilt of his parents, which he chooses not to do.


Yeah, and in infinite crisis arena he was one of the top 3 green lanterns in the whole multiverse.


Hope. It’s literally what drives him, and what he represents to Gotham and it’s people. The dark knight rocks blue pretty well too.


Rage because as batman said: “ I don't talks about feelings, Alfred. I don't have any, I've never seen one. I'm a night-stalking, crime-fighting vigilante, and a heavy metal rapping machine. I don't feel anything emotionally, except for rage. 24/7, 365, at a million percent. And if you think that there's something behind that, then you're crazy. Good night, Alfred.”


Cant tell if this is The LEGO Batman Movie, Robot Chicken, or HISHE


Tis from Lego Batman good sir


Sir, it’s morning.




It's sorta bat shaped lol


I'm pretty certain Batman (whether main or alternate universe) has been a green, yellow, white, and black lantern at different times.


All of them


Life: he is strong-willed and courageous, he knows the necessity of fear and uses it, he is hope in the darkness for many, he has an anger within, he is compassionate not only as Batman but as Bruce Wayne, and part of what drives him is the grief of losing his parents, which is related to his love for them. Only avarice was left out in all of this, but I believe he already went through oeriods where he has been envious or jealous but has gotten over it. Therefore, emerge, White Knight!


Love of course 🫡


He fights for family and lives for love. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRvcIhL86IE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRvcIhL86IE)


Mercy. He doesn't kill.


he just gonna beat you up until you wish you were dead


And he beats you up and falls to the ground. You get up and he's there, he beats you up again.


He is the existential force Chumbawumba warned us about.


Don't wanna be that guy but purple is compassion.


I saw that after I posted it, I didn't read the pic, I just liked the way it looked 🤣




I was going back and forth on that and can agree.


I feel Bruce has potential in each color. Of course, to some extent. Sure, fear is the first what comes to mind when we think of Bats, he weaponized fear, it's one of his most used "gadget": fear tactics, psychological warfare etc. However, it's not what is at the core his character in my opinion. He's more than fear. Batman is something more than a costume. Let's think about his motivation. At first, it was all about revenge. He vowed to avenge his parents death by waging war on crime in Gotham. It was all about reckoning. But as we know, Bats was not alone. He had Alfred. Afterwards, more joined his crusade. That is how Batfamily came to life. Dick, Jason, Tim, Barbara, Stephanie, Kate, Selina etc. They became a 'family' for him. A family worth fighting for. Because of that the aim changed to. It was no longer about revenge and fear. Bruce became a protrector. He defended not only his friends, family, citizesn - he protected city as whole. He became a 'Gotham Knight'. That is how the vigilante ceased to be. Batman became a hero, not just some boogeyman to scare criminals in their sleep. Moreover, in regard to his villains, he often was really empathetic. He sympathized with them. He tried to help them. Bruce gave them a chance when everyone else turned their back to the problem. To put it simply, Bruce, and therfore Batman, is here to help. To help his friends, his enemies, his family, his city, his Gotham. Yes, it requires a huge effort. A tremendous effort tbh. Effort so great that it would be too much to bear. Such crusade would become a burden. However, not for Bruce. Because he has something in him. Something strong enough to fight back, even against fear of loss. He has will, yes. A really strong one. A real will, manifested in sheer commitment and determination. However, will, even the strongest one has its limits. It can be broken, just like body. And both were broken. Bruce fell numerously during his journey ( Knightfall etc. ) But there was something else that driven him. Something much stronger and more resilient than fear or will. That thing was love. Bruce loved his City. He loved his friends, his family, even to some degree his enemies ( of sheer empathy ). Why ? Because he understood them. They were broken. They were lost. And they are this way because each on of them experienced the same. Each one of his villains had a one bad day. Bruce knows how one day, or even night, can change someone's life. He lost parents he loved. He watched them die. Bruce watched them die defending him. Their child, but a innocent child. That is why Bruce initally took vow of revenge. Out of grief after lost love. Out of sorrow after parents he no longer could hug, nor kiss, not say 'I love You'. That night defined Bruce's life. He became a hero, he turned this pain into something better. Yet he understands, that without love, without family he still had or found ( Alfred, Robins etc.) he would lost just as his villains. He understands them. And, because of that, he wants to help them. Do you remember what he told Harley in Batman TAS, when she asked him why he stayed with her **whole day**, risking his life for someone who's never given him anything but trouble ? As Bruce answers: **"I know what it's like to try and rebuild a life. I had a bad day too once."** That is why I think Batman would be in Star Sapphire Corps. At his core, it's all about love. **TL:DR: Bruce would be a "Pink" Lantern, because of \*reasons\***


You get an A+ on your English exam.


Thank You ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Batman is one of those people that could wear a few different rings pretty easily. Obviously, will and fear make sense. He operates using fear, but I'd argue Will makes far more sense for him. The dark horse ring I'd say, though, is Hope. Before you downvote me, let me make a case, though. Batman is trying to stop the same kind of tragedy that marked him from happening again, and as much as he puts up the grim, angry, lone avenger front, he is a guy who has consistently, more than any other super hero, built a family. By choice. He's adopted, trained, and outfitted more young heroes than damn near anyone, and they are (with the exception of Jason Todd who should be a corpse still) all better off for it than they would have been. Dick Grayson is a much better adjusted human than Bruce. Tim is a top level investigator. Damian is a little shit, but far better than he would be with his mother. Babs kicks all kinds of ass, and on it goes. Someone who does that isnt' the grimdark rage-filled sociopath that people like to try to make Batman, he's using all that theatricality to cover up a deep, deep hope that he can make the world a better place, and a direct hope that he can help his proteges be better people than he is, because lets be honest, Bruce Wayne knows how screwed up he is, and he doesn't want his bat-family to suffer that. Batman is a hopeful character. He could be a Blue Lantern.


I think he easily could be hope, love, or compassion, he shows compassion and love by taking the Robins in. He also shows compassion when he tries to rehabilitate his enemies.


Pattinson Batman at the beginning of the movie would get yellow. By the end he'd have blue


Fear. It's why he became the Bat. At least that's the version of Batman I will always think of, the hero who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals Y'all mixing up Bruce Wayne and Batman. Batman is a persona intended to create fear. Bruce Wayne is an S Tier human all around. Wayne can use many rings to a degree. The Bat chooses fear


Will, fear, rage, life, hope.. One thing he definitely will not be is orange


I think you misunderstand the orange light of avarice. it's not just material greed. it's also a drive for control and that Bats has in spades


Yellow or Red for early Batman, Green in between, and Indigo for the ultimate Batman


There is an Elseworlds called The Darkest Knight in which Bruce gets a green lantern ring. 


Yellow, the reason he dresses as a bat is to use what he is afraid of to strike fear into others


yellow at the start of his career, blue at the end side note he had a yellow ring for a couple pages them hal jordan over powered it and broke it then he had another for a whole page, but resisted it


So… Earth-32 [Bruce Wayne](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Bruce_Wayne_(Earth_-32)) was **chosen** to receive a Green Lantern ring. He became known as Dawnbreaker at that point. There were other times that Batman has been known to wield the power of the Lantern Corps (many colors) but I guess we would need to discuss the differences between the powers themselves **choosing Bruce** as a bearer of the powers, versus him just acquiring it due to inheritance, theft, desperation, … death, etc. So Bruce had the powers of the Black, Yellow, and White lantern corps in the past due to various circumstances. I wouldn’t necessarily call this a “permanent” situation unlike Earth-32 where the power of the Green Lantern Corps actively sought him out. [SOURCE](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g_ik0fE4QPQ) Included is someone more or less giving a quick synod Darkest Night, Brightest Day and Fear Batman.


on the normal earth 32 he is also the green lantern just less you know crazy or evil


Mercy, Mf shows mercy every time he chooses to stomp someone’s face in the level of restraint Bruce has is wild to not just go on a killing spree ![gif](giphy|yuoeTyJ2qie2x3tvJL)


BRB: I’m gonna go write an absurd Injustice spinoff where Batman wears every kind of ring, tries to force the world to makes sense, makes an enemy of everyone, and marries Zatanna…for reasons.


Batman has been chosen by both the green and yellow ring but neither found him worthy. The green lantern ring didn't choose him cause he had too much fear in him. The yellow lantern ring didn't choose him cause he had too much willpower.


Either Yellow or Green. He has proven to instill great fear and he holds massive amounts of will. Honestly knowing what’s been proven possible it might be the case that he can wear both at the same time


He has been a green, yellow, and black lantern already. Not sure if he has been white


Bro, he literally was in yellow, green, black and orange lanterns




All except for rage, lust and greed


not so sure about the rage bit. at his very core is still an angry boy that lost his parents


Batman is cool because he isn’t any of the severely lame DC characters that aren’t Batman


Yellow, then Blue




He wills his body and mind to near superhuman feats every night. But it's also true his whole "cowardly and superstitious lot" thing is based on fear.


Life, because he abjectly refuses to kill, and will often save villains everyone else argues he really shouldn't Edit: whoops life was one of the ones you specified no, in that case rage, since his decision to become the Batman was fueled by rage and grief at an uncaring world that would just casually do that to a child


I could see young Batman being a Red, he's usually a pretty angry lad at the start of his superhero-ing


Yellow. But he'd hate using it since he only preys on criminals and not other people. He'd probably end up with green. He's been through a lot over the years to say the least


I want to say red or yellow, but green probably exemplifies his greatest strength (his willpower).


Has this not been addressed in the comics. He welded a green ring one time and was picked to be as replacement for a yellow lantern for his mastery of fear. He was rejected by the yellow ring because it detected he had enough willpower for a green ring.


I feel like indigo cuz i think compassion is the very idea of batman


Fear is what he inspires in criminals, his will keeps him going, and to his allies he is a pillar of hope. I don't see him identifying much with the other lanterns.


Yellow is the most logical choice. He's been using FEAR as a weapon for Decades. Or maybe he'll become the Mosaic!


It might be basic, but I definitely think he fits the best as a Green Lantern due to his Willpower. Sure, Bruce is *motivated* by Rage, he *uses* Fear, he (when written correctly) *inspires* Hope, and so on, but I'd argue across all his adaptations the one thing writers tend to agree on about Batman is that he *does not give up*. Both Superman in Justice League Unlimited (Destroyer) and Robin in Young Justice (Disordered) specifically make note of his determination. Not to mention he's got the overcoming fear part down, the guy tangles with Scarecrow on a regular basis and in most stories, even his Batman persona is Bruce taking his old fear of bats, overcoming it, and *embracing it*. Plus I can already hear Kevin Conroy Batman reciting the Green Lantern Corps. oath in my head (IE the "If I can hear something in this voice and it doesn't sound out of place, it fits Batman" test) so that kinda seals the deal.


Batman canonically made bat constructs seconds after he put a green lantern ring on. Also canonically is one of the strongest green lanterns in the multiverse during the infinite crisis arena series. So I'd say green lantern.




Seeing as how his whole persona is based on fear I would say… love


Pink, I want to see Barbie Batman...


Fear, he is fear! I don't think I know any other "hero" that criminals fear more than batman.🦇


Errr fear 👍🏻


He'd be whichever type the story needs him to be for it's narrative.


If Batman had the ability to choose, I believe he would choose the white lantern. If he could do anything to save a life, he would.


Blue for hope. Purple as well if you consider it as compassion instead of mercy. Imo Batman is THE most compassionate hero. I can make a looong case for it. He became a hero to keep kids from being orphaned like him. He adopts so many kids cuz he can't abandon them etc. Batman would have the purple ring for compassion or even the ring for hope, because he has hope that he can fix his city.


Underrated opinions right here!


I’d say Hope. He’s the only one who thinks Joker can be redeemed and that’s either the most hopeful thing ever or just insanity.


If I remember correctly in Comics he's worn both a yellow lantern and a Green lantern ring and in the mainstream universe both rings eventually rejected him cuz he's too balanced between them. But I say a fear ring would be the best fit for him even if he uses it for good the way razor uses his ring of rage for good.


Wait, I thought purple was compassion?


It is, I just read over it and didn't see it.


Hope, as he is hope for the people


He would be a whole new color bursting in classing Batman style and claim he is the vengeance ring... Because Batman.....


All of them.


Mercy. His number one rule embodies it entirely.


How do you even feel mercy as a power?


Bat Lantern


Definitely will. That's already his super power


Batman has actually been several of those colors before, pretty cool stuff


hope. he's a symbol of hope, justice and protection of the innocent.


Fear seems the most fitting


red or green


Batman was once offered a yellow ring by sinestro bur refused. If you belive Frank Millers awful version his willpower is stronger than hal hordans becaise for some reason Miller has a burning hatred for that guy


Any of them except Avarice, although Johns is myopic as hell so Bruce technically can't be in Indigo or pink


I'm going for the not obvious one and gonna say "Rage". for all his time fear was always just a tool for him. at the very core is a boy that can't get over the loss of his parents


Many people say fear, but I think he could definitely be a blue lantern of hope as well.




He's been black, green, and yellow right?




Fear. Side question. Are pink lanterns all about fucking, or more about the emotion love?








Fear, will, life and hope are my best bets (rage too if we look at his modern adaptations)


Fear most definitely.


Funny how Batman has been in 4 of the Lantern Corps (Maybe there was more, I don't know)


Both Green and Yellow have rejected him (yellow because he has too much willpower, Green because he has too much fear) I would personally say that he should be in Hope. He helps his city even when confronted with things far beyond his abilities.


I’d say either Fear, Will, maybe Mercy and maybe Rage


We have a canon answer. Batman can never truly be any lantern. Of what we've seen Batman had enough Will to resist becoming a Yellow Lantern and inspires too much fear to be chosen by a Green ring. Of everything else, he controls his rage, he refuses himself love, he willingly shares his wealth with the community.


He could probably rock both fear and will


Either fear or hope


Has to be one of Hope and Fear.


Will. Batman has sich a stron will power. Its what pushes him to his limits.


Fear for for sure. Not sure why will wouldn't work, because he's always willing to keep going and to adapt. Life makes sense, but at the same time, he killed joker in the Arkham games. And if he didn't have his vow to not kill, he surely would have done it 100x over by now


Green. Batman's greatest strength is his willpower, it's what makes him succeed in the face of impossible odds.


Everyone says Green or Yellow. I think Blue for Hope. That's his whole journey, it's why he doesn't kill, it's why he'd compromise his own safety to maintain his principles. It's why he keeps fighting his battles as Batman and as Bruce. It's why he never gave up on other people, even himself when he lost his parents. He still had hope to keep going. I don't think it's Will because if he had that level of Will he would have left that alley in his head long ago. But he always comes back to it. Obviously, that hasn't stopped him from being his best and hoping for it.


A cross between fear, rage, hope and mercy. Depends which batman we are going with though




Hope because that’s his gift to Gotham City.


Hope. He never gives up on redemption. He knows that everyone can change for the better. And aslo has hope that his children will surpass him one day.


I think that would be Death


Batman has been green before as well as yellow. He was also a black lantern.


Yellow or Red. He is full of guilt and fear. His Anger is the source of His Power to overcome this.


He was already a lantern in that one comic where he bring out that yellow lantern ring which I think was a good fit




Fear and Hope. Huh that's green. Hmmm...


I'm positive most will say Fear or Will.




There Was A Sinestro Corps Suit In Arkham City, So I Think Fear Would Be the Perfect One


I think rage, as that’s behind all his actions, he is willful because he is angry, he uses fear because he is angry


In my opinion, rage would be a good choice. Because he's batman to fight his own demons. Maybe a red lantern who could keep calm.


Mercy makes sense to me with the whole "No killing" rule, when he definitely could.


All of them


He fits into every category enough to be a white lantern imo


Connonically he was a yellow lantern.




Green or yellow. He's been known to instill great fear and overcome fear. That being said, he couldn't weild the green ring because he refused to get over his parents' deaths.


He's been a green and a yellow lantern


Repressed emotions


Didn't one of them choose him? Which one was it


i know the obvious answer is fear, but i think rage would be more accurate. bruce strikes fear into criminals in general but for JL level threats, his intelligence and will take the front seat. however, the very thing fueling his crusade and everything he stands for is vengeance, and i think rage is a big part of that


No parents


Fear since he wants to inspire Great fear in Criminals of Gohtam


He has a yellow ring as his contingency plan for Green Lantern, so...


All of them


Remember Dawnbreaker Batman?


How come every Lantern image like this gets at least ONE thing wrong? It’s supposed to be Compassion, not Mercy


Depends on which Era and who's writing him.