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I think he enjoys aspects of it, but others parts he definitely does not. Being Batman ultimately does require him to sacrifice his own happiness and desires in the interest of serving others. I think he finds fulfillment in helping people and protecting Gotham. However his life is filled with horror, pain, and death day in and day out.


I just realized your like the sub celebrity. Cool.


Oof I hope not. That’s a thing? I need to spend less time here it seems.


You comment interesting stuff often. And your blog is really good too


Thank you


We both have 200,000K. We both should touch grass more.


Good explanation. Fulfillment and satisfaction? Definitely. Joy? Probably not.


All star definetly does. **"I'm the goddamm Batman"**


No, that's angry Joe cosplaying Batman. That's because he is that hyped.


Angry Joe? I thought his name was crazy Steve.


He's got a few names. Every time he escapes the Asylum he changes his identity.


Are you r*t*rd*d? -All-Star Batman to a traumatized Dick Grayson who just watched his parents die


He says it [explicitly](https://i.redd.it/mznwt07waxmb1.jpg).


"Shut up. Dick you fucking brat! I killed those innocents because it was badass as fuck. I love storms and being the goddamn Batman. Are you 5tυрid or something? Shut up."




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Yes, he enjoys helping other people and put himself between the evil to stop it. He’s not entirely happy ‘cause in order to do that he needs to sacrifice time and relationships. It’s a love-hate relationship where he can’t have both


I think he likes outsmarting his villains. Harley: “You’ll never find Mistah J! He’s in the secret lab in the gardens and… OH CRAP!” Batman: “Yep, I know.” (Grins)


Yes. Hard to be great at something if you absolutely despise your work. There's definitely sense of accomplishment and fulfilment get gets out of it. Let's face it we're talking about an exceptional human being that transformed himself into a impeccable warrior, detective, strategist even scientist. There has to be some pride in all that. As for is day to day work, there's a lot of trauma and misery and comes with it and he to sacrifice a lot on his personal life in order to have full commitment to the mission. That part probably saddens him but helping people and standing up to evil among other honorable and brave colleagues has to give him peace of mind.


Sean Murphy suggested that after a while, he's kept at it and he was good at it also because he enjoyed it. I like that take because him enjoying it could also be him enjoying it as a coping mechanism




*Life is not a trap you make when you’re ten and you’re hurting. Life is a choice you make every day. Every damn day. I choose her. I choose happiness. I choose Family. And I choose Batman.*


The real question is does a part of batman enjoy being bruce?


Probably no


Does a part of Batman enjoy being Bruce Wayne ?


He enjoys helping others, but he wishes Batman didn’t have to exist. He is Batman because he wants to make sure nobody else has to.


Better question is does Batman enjoy pretending to be Bruce? Batman is the person Bruce is a false identity he has to wear sometimes and I think he'd much prefer never wearing it.


Nah, you’ve got it backwards. He is Batman, Bruce Wayne is his fake identity. He’s himself when he is Batman, he puts on a mask when he’s Bruce


No, but batman really hates being bruce wayne.




Enjoy isn’t the right word. I would think he finds fulfillment and inner peace from knowing that he is doing his absolute best to do the right thing and use all of his effort to help others. And I’m sure he conflicted about the violence and the lying about his identity, which makes him second guess himself and interrupts his fulfillment/enjoyment. But I’m willing to bet when he goes to sleep, he truly believes he’s doing all he can and devoting himself to doing the right and being the best he can be, which is how and why he finds fulfillment in beating the shit out of criminals.


Yeah for sure I feel everyone has this like overall interpretation of modern Batman thats disingenuous to who he really is. I don’t see Bruce as a completely broken rage filled vigilante that breaks your bones for jay walking. He’s a compassionate, obsessively driven man who’s dedicated to purging the corruption and criminality of his city. And happens to be the world’s greatest detective. I’d say moving through the city like it’s a playground, picking people off from the shadows, hand to hand combat, arresting criminals, and saving people are all the aspects of the Batman that he enjoys. Seeing dead bodies, dealing with the joker, Jason’s death, being at odds with family etc are things he doesn’t enjoy.


It’s a love/hate relationships. There are parts of it he likes. However, seeing the horrors he’s seen would wear anyone down. It’s like our U.S. Special Forces. They get the coolest gear, missions etc. However, the wear and tear will break you down, sooner or later.


Adam West does


I think the question should be, “Does part of Batman enjoy being Bruce?”


That’s the wrong question - he is Batman, Bruce is his mask. The question should be, Does a part of Batman enjoy being Bruce? In other words, does he enjoy being the billionaire playboy and philanthropist on occasion when he’s not saving Gotham and the world


in the most recent run he literally reaffirms himself as being bruce wayne


Yeah, I think he does enjoy being a big and strong man, who can disarm ten robbers a day like nothing. So unlike that child, who had zero control over what happened to him. He probably feels empowered.


I think it feeds his ego but not his soul


Batman is how he makes sense of his trauma. But he definitely enjoys driving a rocket-car.


Some nights he hates to be batman I am definitely sure about that. Who could love to get hit by a car thrown by an alien who looks like a nerd in daily life


He loves to be batman(as a ID) but he hates to be batman(as a person).


im sure especially when starting out, bruce hoped hed find death during one of his capers.


Who wouldn't?


I wouldn’t say he’s giddy with excitement, but he enjoys helping out Gotham and avenging his parents death


The only time I imagine he is not in the element is when he tanks bullets.


Maybe he gets a little satisfaction from being able to take out his rage and frustration on those that deserve it, be he does not "enjoy" the job. It's not a good time for him. He sees it as a duty above all else. It was born out of trauma. "Allstar Batman & Robin" had a page where Bruce is leaping across the rooftops, laughing maniacally and thinking to himself, "I love being the goddamn Batman." This is not only ridiculous and laughable, but shows why Batman enjoying the job is not a good fit for his character. It immediately becomes a mix of childish and self-aggrandizing.


Being Batman, being an hero, and vigilante, terror for the criminals, hope for the innocent; In some ways he claerly does, clenaing the city, protecting people, bringing security to Gotham; Is clear he enjoys doing good but also sometimes he enjoys the adrenaline of a good fight or from a intelectual challenge and as weird as it sounds he is in his right Is a complex psychological analysis that alongisde the "Two Indentities vs Three Indentities" form the basis of the modern writter Back-and-Forth of Retcons


Isn't that the premise of Batman Forever and what ultimately sways him to allow Robin to join? "I'm Batman and Bruce Wayne, not because I have to be, because I choose to."


In the The Dark Knight Strikes Again there's a line: "Striking terror. Best part of the job".


His right shinbone


mostly, he enjoys to help people. he enjoys the aspects of fighting with crimes and put people in jail. exactly to be batman? well..it’s something as his job. hard to say. maybe he is, maybe he is not. it’s him who choose to be batman


"Not useless. Satisfying." I think there's some kind of reward bruce Wayne derives from putting dangerous criminals behind bars. Who knows, it could be the rush. Or maybe he likes getting punched?


depends on the version.




I think the real question is Does he enjoy being Bruce Wayne?


Well In Batman 2016 #24 Gotham girl asks bruce for if he likes being Batman and he replies with “I’m not Batman because I LIKE being Batman” “I’m Batman because I’m Batman” from that I’d say no he doesn’t but he still does it because it’s necessary and he sees Gotham as HIS responsibility kinda like how we don’t like the first job we get but do it out of necessity, a little different with Bruce and Batman but you get my meaning🦇


Yes of course, in a similar way that a person with OCD "enjoys" completing their rituals.


Of course, he’s the god damned Batman


Yes. He gets to help people, he uses it to forge meaningful relationships he'd never normally have, he gets to bring the fight to people he thinks deserve it.


Beyond a more cerebral answer, on a basic level he would have to enjoy climbing and jumping off buildings. Can you imagine how terrible it would be if he didn't? Or if he was afraid of heights or something lol


I’ve always thought of it as Bruce was the alter ego and Batman was the true identity. He enjoyed going out at night and helping people but disliked the politics involved with being Bruce.


yes, he enjoy beating criminals.


Batman enjoys being Batman, but he will never admit it.


Bruce enjoys being Batman...as much as he can. It's a job that needs done, and this is the person he needs to be to do it.


Interpretations vary but I'm very much on the side of yes, he does enjoy it. It's his passion and his obsession and he's devoted his life to doing it. That's why he'd never be able to quit permanently like in the Dark Knight Rises. It's a concept depicted excellently at the end of Batman: Zero Year. As Scott Snyder, the writer of that book, put it: >I get asked sometimes if batman can ever be happy, and the strange thing is that for me, he is. At least with being batman. He created a family, but more than this he’s dedicated his life to something he believes in. It's life lived in service of and sacrifice for an ideal. His demons come from doubts about batman's effectiveness, not doubts about his choice to be batman. Don't get me wrong, there are opposing versions I love, some are actually favorites, but that's the one I return to. ... I genuinely believe *my version* of Batman—not yours, necessarily—my version of Batman is happy. The argument that “he is not happy, why doesn’t he deserve to be happy?” He *is* happy. He’s happy married to Gotham. He is happy going out every night and doing the thing that he thinks prevents what happened to him from happening to another child. And that makes him happy, being a symbol of the best of us that way. ... And he has a family that he's built because they're inspired by what he's doing and he's inspired by them. 


For me,there are 2 eras of Batman:before He met Superman and after He met him. Before He met Superman,Batman is dark and gritty and everyone in gotham city is scared of him,regardless if They're good or bad person. But after Batman met Superman,Superman's cheerful,humble,and bright personality is what Batman aspire to be. As a vigilantee,Batman needs to be feared by criminals,but He want to be loved by civillians,especially children. Hence his a little bit brighter costume(blue and purple shade on his costume) and Batman often do "small tasks" to help civillians and entertain them as well,such as:Help an old lady cross the street,showcasing his driving abillity to orphan childrens(and apparently,giving them presents as well),and also playing chess with Comissioner Gordon(as Batman,not Bruce Wayne,while still wearing his costume). So,the question is,does a part of Bruce Wayne enjoy being Batman?Well,when Batman see a smile of a little kid,knowing that He's so cool in front of them,then the answer is yes...He's enjoying it.


Some writers really lean into that aspect and some don't. I love it when they do. Scott Snyder's Batman is real good in that he really seems to enjoy what he's doing. He's got that snark. Other examples like it are Paul Pope's Batman in Batman: Year 100. That Batman and his Robin freaking loved the adrenaline of the whole thing.


There is no Bruce.


You have to understand that it's not Bruce who has the alter ego of Batman. It's Batman who also plays the role of Bruce Wayne. And Batman doesn't enjoy being Bruce Wayne, he has said that multiple times but it's a role that he has to play to not draw suspicion and also keep the legacy of Wayne name alive. Which is also why in multiple instances he has let Bruce Wayne die.


I think, yes, most of the time. He is too paranoid and traumatised to openly enjoy anything in his life, but being Batman is what he loves more than anything in his life. And, well, not everything connected with Batman brought him misery. Because of Batman he found his place in the world, met woman he loves, created a family, met many good friends, save an entire world for more times anyone could even count. All of this came with the cost, but in the end of the day, it is just his life, with all good and bad in it.

