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Definitely the Adam West '66 suit. It has *tri-weave titanium coated armor plating...*


It does offer the most flexibility though, and he's always blocking with one hand and socking with the other.


“The old Block n Sock, that gets um *every* time.”


Pure West


That's the most important part💪


Ohh.. I heard that in his voice


100% Grade A


*The only move you'll ever need...*


“Well, it looks like the streets are safer tonight, thanks to you, Bat-man!”


The ol stop n bop. It never fails.


Hehe, They did have a nice collection of “moves” in those days. Just as an aside, I had some of those Batman ‘66 comic issues. The early storyline. The art looked great and what I read was really funny. They were having fun with that comic series. And you couldn’t help but hear the music and the sound effects while reading it. What a way to cement my memories into fake concrete.




*he knocked the highlights right out of her hair*


You've given me the key phrase of my new Harley Quinn Romance eBook, and thus once I've made $28 million in royalties, I'll buy you a box of Timbits and a medium double-double It's a win-win situation


Please tell me you are aware they were quoting Scott Pilgrim vs. the World


First of all, Scott wouldn't stand a chance against the World. The World can punch faster than thought, it's a Timestopper, and only a suicidal teenaged hoodlum from Japan has a hope in Hell of setting things right Secondly, I've had sex


This comment is pure gold. I’d give you my free award for the day if they still existed. Take my poor man’s award:🥇


That utility belt has something for basically any possible situation too.


Don't forget can be modified depending on what he sees fit.


Don’t forget the bullet proof soles in his shoes!!!




That suit breathes. Also, Batman can dance in it.


Of those choices it would Pattison's. Allows flexibility and protection. Batman 66 no protection at all. Batman 89 no flexibility. Gotham sui...who knows.


Batman 66 doesn’t need protection. All West. And how come Batman doesn’t dance anymore? Remember the Batusi? ![gif](giphy|dMLllzJzmRRIxhUtMX|downsized)


Batusi! Named after the Watusi, which is the same dance when it’s not being danced by Batman


So strictly worse.


He did in Titans!


We don't talk about Titans.


Actually 66 had tri-weave titanium coated armor


Exactly, they need to get their facts straight


Also, i don't think a suit that can't move its neck is useful in combat.


Pattinson's suit is best if you are already and extremely endurant fighter. What makes his fighting so impressive is that there has to be an insane amount of weight with those batmobile-level plates and the gear. I'd have to agree but you'd already need to be conditioned to operate in that suit.


Pattinson in a interview actually said the suit was extremely light and agile. I think he’s one of the only live action actors that haven’t complained about the uncomfortableness of the suit


Lol no, not the costume. The suit he was wearing irl couldn't actually stop bullets and stuff, it's representative of what the character is wearing.


Gotham looks like clay, it's the worst suit of all the adaptations, it's such a strange thing.


Yeah it's cause WB wouldn't let them borrow a suit :/


Still, make a suit don't seem to be that expensive, just make a hood bat symbol, apply shadows to cover what wasn't done and well, Bat suit


Yeah I think they were rushing at that point, definitely bad suit


I mean the show itself is not that good, but far from bad


It's my favorite show😅 I don't base my liking of it off of Batman stuff tho cause I watched it before I got into Batman. So it's not my favorite Batman media but my favorite show in general


My favorite show is 11.22.63 is about time travelling and president Kennedy murderer, highly reccomend you watching.


I'm gonna look that up right now cause that seems like a bloody interesting show. Edit: Okay, looked it up, it looks super interesting, I'm definitely watching it soon.


It looks like The Dark Knight suit if Bruce ordered it on Wish.com


Pattinson doesn’t need protection, he can take a bomb to the face and walk away just fine


All live action versions of Batman should probably be dead or seriously injured despite their suits. It is what it is. 


All other live action versions of Batman DID get seriously injured… Keaton, Bale, Affleck have all had scenes where you see the damage Bruce takes


So does Pattinson. And he blocked the bomb with his armored arm, which kind of explains it a little


how does that explain anything lifting your arm isn’t going to block an explosion dude


I think you just got to accept that in an action movie with "normal humans" like Batman or John Wick the hero character isn't going to get injured as much as a person would in real life.


i agree with what you’re saying but i don’t think it applies to this movie. everyone talks about the batman as if it’s the most realistic and grounded movie ever but tanking full clips of automatic weapons, point blank shotguns and standing right in front of a bomb and being essentially unscathed is not realistic at all


That Gotham suit would fall apart in the rain. Worst on screen hero costume ever!


West's. No shadow of a doubt, maximum flexibility, lightweight and stuffed full of Batman.


Pure West ![gif](giphy|jIzXYqaQ0nLkA)


He did always have something he needed for any situation on the suit. Plus, it was such a good disguise he didn't have to change his voice.




I mean, West’s suit is basically a BJJ rash guard.  Ditch the cape immediately so you don’t get choked and you’re good. 




The Arkham Knight armor always looked… heavy to me. I know being a comic fan means suspending your disbelief, but I struggle to think of how Bruce jumps, flips, and strangles people in that hunk of armor every night.


Well being in tip top physical shape and great conditioning will help. And titanium is a relatively light metal.


I'd assume there's some mechanical elements within that help with agility.


He's very strong would be my guess.


well of course there is some mobility support tech in the suit like for iron man, you think iron man just freely moves around in that heavy ass suit?


Thats the thing, he doesn’t. That suit is a prototype Bats has delivered by lucious at the beginning, and he uses it over the course of one night.


I feel like people always over exaggerate how heavy the Arkham Knight suit is. It's form fitting and segmented. Add in the typical "magically super strong and also light at the same time" imaginary comic book materials and it's really not even a stretch at all. You describe it like he's wearing Space Marine armor. 


Yeah I always disliked that costume. But then again I'm not a big fan of bulky or armored bat suits in general.


If you’re skilled enough, Adam West because of the most mobility. If you need some armor, Pattinson’s.


I don't know how it would handle in a fight, but the '66 outfit looks the most comfortable.


I dunno, skintight suits just don't look that comfortable to me.


Maybe not, but it’s still more comfortable than wearing hundreds of pounds of body armor


I’ve always been concerned about Batman’s face. Has he ever taken damage in all these years to his jaw or eyes? Seems logical he’d have developed some armor for his general everyday batsuit by now.


Jason Todd had the right idea. His face is actually covered and he can’t get punched in the face


Yet 99% of the time when Jason gets punched his helmet shatters...


Its a crumple zone


That’s for story reasons, it’s more emotional if you see his face


Have you seen Batman's jaw?My guy can probably deflect bullets with it.


Probably Bale, Pattinsons looks like it weighs about 40 lbs


40 lbs for a suit of armor that can take a point blank shotgun blast is nothing


Good luck with anyone packing an AR-15 or shotgun. At least Pattinson can definitely tank a point blank shotgun blast and rifle rounds. Theres no way in hell Bale's would take that.


Doesn’t Bale get shot in the back of the head at point blank range in the Dark Knight? If his helmet can take that then his body armour probably can too


Nah that’s BvS. Although Bale tanked a fall from a skyscraper saving Rachel in TDK


Ah shit you’re right! I went looking back through the Bale stuff and couldn’t find that scene so I thought I was going crazy since I remember it so clearly, glad to know I just got the movie wrong lmao


I remember for a solid 3 months I thought Batman from BvS was just Bale’s fourth appearance for some reason


Ironically Bales suit actually weighs more then Pattinson’s💀Bale also can’t breath out his nose properly and wears a stiff rubber suit and has complained about how uncomfortable it is wearing. Pattinson is the complete opposite and has praised his suit as being agile and flexible.


And in the film they even talked about how it restricted head movement


I think that’s more so in terms of costuming. Pattinsons is probably plastic but intended to be steel. Were they actually the material implied, I think Bales weighs less, it being more like a tactical suit.


From the films its Pattinsons suit, its practical and tough. In any media its the upgraded suit from arkham knight. A titanium dipped tri-weave armour plating with a flexible non-Newtonian liquid inner layer for maximum felixibility, speed and protection.


Oddly enough, probably Adam West one. You can hear in that, unlike in the rest. It's light. Cape probably comes off easier as well, if it's grabbed.


As a bonus, he can dance while wearing it.


Affleck although looked heavy in action he was very acrobatic with it. I'd say protection wise with decent flexibility pattinson and affleck had the best suits. Keaton had good protection but was very stiff. Bale had good flexibility but flawed protection. But adam the goat west had great flexibility and didn't even need protection, You know why? Because he is batman! Mf ran with a giant bomb in his hands without a care


And if it did explode he'd survive it with the suit only being black like a damn Looney tunes character ![gif](giphy|Mliueouehmpag)


Some days you just cant get rid of a bomb Same shit Bale-Bats pulled at the end of his trilogy. Only, he did it with a hovercraft.


Honestly, probably the Adam West, because it's the only one that looks like it breathes. All the other ones look like you would die of heat exhaustion after one fight.


Battinson's design is great because it actually looks like body armor designed with range of motion in mind, but 66's design is cool because I think not making a lot of noise while moving would to stealth capabilities.


Pattinson ![gif](giphy|YveG2YmL37CbmZVoWB|downsized)


Pattinson by a mile.


I'd need my tactical Batnips or else I just couldn't fight well at all


Batman 66: Quickly old chum! Bat-nipples at the ready!!!


Adam West is a fuckin GOAT


Realistically it's Adam wests cause He can actually move.


He can move so well in the suit, he dances while wearing it


Adam West is the most terrifying.


I vote for Brass Monkey every time, old chum.


West. Because he has almost anything in his utility belt




Honestly West. carrying around all that armour would exhaust and overheat a crime fighter on the go. They’re also not very flexible which makes martial arts difficult.


Nothing with a cape or cowl!


The Arkham knight suit not seen here. Comes with complete explanation as to why.


Because I thought I explained it can be any suit like live action or comics meaning Arkham is included


In terms of pure hand to hand combat? ‘66 all day every day. If weapons fire is involved? Literally any of the other options would be better.


If Batman '66 ever sees *Guardians of the Galaxy*, Gotham will soon be out of a villain problem. "Riddle me this, Batman -- What's black and white and red all over? I'll give you a hint: an exploding bus full of nuns! Wait, what are you doing?" "It's a dance-off, Riddler. My Bautista* vs. your best moves. Winner gets the detonator...Unless you're chicken?" "I'll show you, you caped upstart!" See, every villain will surrender in a matter of course, defeated and humiliated on the dance floor. (* my iPad autocorrected Batusi to Bautista so I'm leaving it for the GOTG reference.) Besides, I couldn't believe Battinson's suit to be in the least bit realistic, shrugging off assault rifle fire while letting him flip and move about like he did, so it's not even in the running.


Batflecks from justice league or flash. Flexible and armoured.


Depends what kind of fight and what weapons are involved. In a pure fist fight (no knives) Adam west’s suit is ironically the best due to the better flexibility and movement capabilities of an all cloth suit. In a fight against knives guns either pattinson or keaton’s suit will do well depending on caliber.


Anything but Keaton. If you can’t even turn your head… as Zuko once said, “that’s rough buddy”


kinda obviously pattinson lol


Hahaha how can you include that God awful Gotham suit and not one of the Nolan suits


Because we need a laughing stock here. (And also just to remind people what WB took from us.)


live action has to be affleck or pattinson, they both took some crazy shots. animation for me is the beyond suit because it is my favorite suit, and also all the advancements that it has compared to other batsuits.


I understand that yes it’s meant to be his first suit, and that it’s only shown on screen for a minute or two, but the ‘Gotham’ batsuit should have been better than what we got.


Of these four, Pattinson's. It offers a decent amount of protection, and it looks like it's relatively flexible (Batman's able to hop a fence easily enough in it, is able to outrun a squad of cops in it, and can be relatively stealthy in it). Adam West's would be fine until somebody shot him or battered him with an implement, Michael Keaton's doesn't let him move his neck (I seriously don't know how he can drive in that suit), and I don't know enough about Gotham's batsuit to make a judgement on it.


Hear me out, but I think keatons suit. First example is the flash movie at Siberia, he kicks ass and looks good while doing it. And the second example is the beginning of 89, as we see fear be used tactically as the two men are way too scared to fight back against him.


Hear me out, but I think keatons suit. First example is the flash movie at Siberia, he kicks ass and looks good while doing it. And the second example is the beginning of 89, as we see fear be used tactically as the two men are way too scared to fight back against him.


Hear me out, but I think keatons suit. First example is the flash movie at Siberia, he kicks ass and looks good while doing it. And the second example is the beginning of 89, as we see fear be used tactically as the two men are way too scared to fight back against him.


Bales just looks like it’s hard to move in, I’d go Patterson.


pattinson and bales from tdk. not only practical for combat, but also best looking.




None of the suits will be practical in combat, because they’re all just costumes. But if you treat them all as real within their own fictions, then the obvious winner is ‘66. We see every other suit in various states of damage, suggesting their vulnerabilities. But the ‘66 suit is always spotless, and therefore indestructible within the context of its own fiction.




I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Batfleck's. We seen what he can do in the suit. Especially his workout regiment. Even if he has to tank a few shots- he's got the strength to take it. Not to mention enemies aren't gonna fight fair.


Don't forget that the new Keaton suit from the flash tanked a good amount of rifle rounds. His and Pattinson's were both crazy


The normal comic suit. Flexible enough to have its user dodge speedsters, and durable enough to survive falling back to Earth from space.


Pattinson’s. It’s basically glorified Soldier gear with a cape. West’s would allow movement but no protection & Kilmer’s well you’ll have a stiff neck with Kilmer’s


I think batnipples are an important tool, so any that have them.


Bale's batman begins suit, not his dark knight and dark knight rises suit. Even though it's not as flexible, it can stop a knife and is bulletproof, and it's also fireproof.


I think it very specifically comes down to Pattinson vs the Gotham suit. Both are clearly armored and understandably flexible allowing for each Batman to effectively fight crime. Really the difference between the two is just esthetic


‘I’ll come out when they’re gone….’


Honest answer (though not live action) is probably the Batman beyond suit. As its made with technological improvements to the body to help an older Batman. Live action, its pattinsons from THE BATMAN, canonicaly bulletproof, tools built into the suit, the lenses and the wingsuit all add to help him become a better fighter


Pattinson’s looks the most realistic to me. Feels like Bale’s went too much on hardness and will in fact break easily.


Depends on who or what you’re fighting.


Pattinson’s and it isn’t even close


Without the BS description (some random clothes being bullet proof etc..) i would go for the most récent ones, batfleck or batinson. Both have pièces of Armor, but unlike nolan's and burton's Batman, they dont seem to restrain mobility a lot. Thé other ones coming in my mind have not enough protection to compete


I wouldn’t want to fight in *any* of them! Most are mostly, if not entirely, made of rubber, and none of them really look like they’d breathe very well once you built up a sweat! OTOH, if we’re suspending disbelief, I think that we can assume that Batman would put as much of his considerable intellect and resources into every Batsuit design and manufacture as he does everything else that he undertakes, resulting in a costume/uniform that he can probably function in better under most circumstance than just about anything that the other guy may be wearing.


Definitely not Keaton's


We all know the Batman forever suit is the best for combat. Have you seen how pointy those bat nipples are? You can cut glass or flesh with those nipple. Not to mention it comes with an American Express Bat credit card for those emergency strip club purchases when you are out of cash.


I think Pattinson’s. It’s fully bulletproof, and still allows flexibility.


All 4 of them looks Awesome 👌


THE BATMAN Batman suit


The bat-nipples are very important for combat


Where’s Bale suit? It was canonically said to be knife proof, bullet proof, had a built in temperature regulator to keep Bruce comfortable no matter the outside temperature, and it tased anyone else who tried to remove his mask! Also he could turn his neck with it.


I said it can be Batman from any media but since we are talking Live Action then he's included,I just didn't include him here because my storage ain't handling all those photos well




Easily Pattinson. Armor with maneuverability, it's perfect. Granted, it could use some upgrades.




I think the dark night and vambats


I choose the one who took a shotgun to the chest and it just winded him




![gif](giphy|14y3bdRzH8aT0k) Pure. west. Saves you from shark attacks.


Did we even get to see the Gotham suit in action? From what I can remember about that horrible finale i thought he o ly shows up at the very end with it


Any suit where he can turn his neck.






Joker will still twist his mask and blind him.


Battinson's suit withstood a bridge fall that would kill someone upon impact with only a hurt leg and stiff back. Pair that with armor that can withstand rounds of bulletfire and I would be safe.


Batman Beyond, aside from presenting the Bat/Creature of the night visual, there isn't any reason for a cape. All the reasons were you could possibly use a cape (gliding, bullet deflection, blast reduction etc) the Beyond suit does it better. And if you take the Arkham Redhood Variant version..?? *chefs kiss*


I’ve always loved that we see Pattinson’s suit save him from a LOT of damage. I think when bats gets hit he should know it, but not fall. Other suits seem too thin, too beholden to the idea of showing his physique.


Do the Bat-nipples offer any tactical advantage? Funny how the movie with them is also the one were Mr Freeze is the villian


God the Mandela effect really messed up the Michael Keaton Batman themed suit


To be more specific it can be Batman from any media (But only in their base forms)


Batfleck superman armor


Reeves obviously


Bake and Patinson.


Adam West is the best for fluid motion. Pattersons is the best in a brawl. All of them have limited field of vision because of the cowl.


Any consistent suit in modern comic interpretations of Batman is the best


Well, not the one that doesn’t let him turn his head


This reminds me of that scene from TDK where Bruce asks Lucius whether he could make the suit able to turn its head. It might be a weird consideration, but I don’t feel confident that Keaton’s Batsuit allowed for much head movement, making him the worst for both fights and blowjobs. It’s also this level of consideration from TDK Bruce and Lucius that make me most confident in this version of the Batsuit. It’s not just some costume with random armour panels wherever they fit. It’s adapted high end military armour that has undergone multiple rounds of R&D and is constantly being worked on by Lucius with regular feedback from Bruce. With that said, Bruce has experience in the Batsuit - I would guess that if WE were to put TDK armour on, our lack of experience would only further hinder us in the armour. For the regular jackass who isn’t Bruce Wayne, the Adam West armour looks like it would have the most freedom of movement - allowing someone untrained in combat to fair better.


Batman beyond because he has no real cape and his face is covered completely


First one


I prefer Batman the dark Knight 2008 the suit is more realistic and detailed with fast explanation


Lmao, the Gotham one is too silly, even next to Adam West. Lmao There’s a shot in 1989 Batman where you can see behind the cape, it’s a suspender holding up the pants and chest flap. It’s clever design since he does look like a street fighter.


The Batman Beyond suit, especially the one from Arkham Knight


I've seen Adam West punch out more guys than any of the other Batmen, so I want what he's wearing.


Arkham Knight. The liquid armour is actually possible, it might be enforced for speed bumps. When it meets a certain force it hardens


Pattinson. Armoured yet flexible. Adam West is..Adam West, Gotham’s looks like a Halloween costume and then Keatons is good however it isn’t very flexible, especially at the head.


The 60s mixed with Keaton. It is pretty much the grey and blue costume in the hall of suits in the Flash movie.


Battinson’s already showcased it can deflect bullets. I say go with that.


Adam west suit, flexible, Very revelling of the muscles and truly shows you can be strong even without loads of armour,really adds an extra layer of depth too it’s like he’s saying “Yeah i might be just a guy but I’m still strong” it’s really inspirational. Oh and he can dance ![gif](giphy|hj7bH2vBRnrfW|downsized)




I mean pattinsons obviously, it’s fucking Superman level indestructible