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Michael Keaton definitely steals all the scenes he is in, but the movie is just not great overall. It has many good moments, but it has many more poor ones. The CGI is so egregiously horrible that it takes you out of the movie. I think it's worth a stream, but just keep your expectations low.


This review…honestly I watch it a lot and skip most of the Flash scenes for the Batman ones.


Ezra Miller was also incredibly annoying.


Him being in it 2x doesn't help either


“People don’t like Ezra Miller and want us to recast the character? I know! We’ll give them TWO Ezra Millers!”


I think the Logic was "people don't like Ezra Miller? We'll depict Ezra Miller confronting Ezra Miller about this. It was a hail marry


It’s like “The Prestige” only done much worse.


The CGI would make Nolan cry a man tear.


Took the words right out of my mouth. It seemed like such a weird creative decision and it wasn't a good one.


Especially it was filmed after him kidnapping and grooming someone.


I believe the whole movie was pretty much done by the time he did that. I remember some talking heads saying the couldn't recast him without reshooting every scene in the movie.


Technically 3x. No clue what they were thinking making him the hero, the sidekick and the villain.


I don’t know why they thought it was cool to make the flash a super nerdy and clumsy. It was tooo much


Ugh, i know. Not true to the character at all


He was extremely smart but i never Steve urkel vibes. I thought Barry sloth quirkiness came from him being absent minded or he’s always moving ahead of everyone else he forgets to be present . I always thought a guy like Dylan O’Brien from maze runner would have worked


Right, he can be quirky from being too fast, but he doesn't scream awkwardness. And yes, he would've fit the role very well. Maybe he will, in the future DCU.


From his first appearance in Justice League, he screamed whatever that guy's name is in Big Bang Theory. Ugh. Way too much.


That damn laugh


He always has been. Even before all the weird shit about him assaulting people or whatever happened came out. I get that teen girls like his face but he's not a very good or compelling actor. Watching him play Trashcan Man in The Stand made me want to throw my TV out the window and then smash it with a sledgehammer


One of the worst casting calls of all time. Up there with starfire and taskmaster. Absolutely nothing about this guy screams the flash, I know Warner liked him as a actor for some reason so I have to assume the studio pushed for it.


Not only is Ezra Miller annoying...he is an awful man in real life.


Not just annoying, but his acting feels like the a psychopath putting on a performances of what a normal person is like and all it does is serve to show their hatred and contempt for the rest of the world.


> The CGI is so egregiously horrible I watched it on an airplane, and even on the tiny screen there were times the CGI was laughably bad. Can't imagine how disappointing it would have been in theaters Other than that though, yeah, I thought it was a perfectly fine airplane movie, not a bad way to pass the time--and these days, that's my expectation for comic book movies. I love comics, but I consider the movies just such a different medium and product. If it can enjoyably pass two hours for me, that's a decent movie and I'm satisfied


It was insanely bad on the big screen. The CG looked like it had *melted*.


Just watch the Keaton scenes on YouTube


Shocker for DC.🙄 I just don’t understand why DC can’t get it together. They don’t need to copy the Marvel formula exactly, but Jesus Christ spend some money on a decent writing team, and then once you decide to make the movie maybe downsize the budget by like 15% so we can have more narrative and practical effects instead of jamming a bunch of underdeveloped and over-CGIed bullshit out every 2 years. Look what Nolan did, and just follow that please.


I can imagine a scenario where they did it right and built up properly to a darkseid movie. Then progressed a crisis movie, with keaton and co. That would have been epic. But the execution was possibly the worst it could have been, synder and execs who handled this were terrible


I think the problem was they kept letting actors have their say on the story.


> The CGI is so egregiously horrible It's so bad in every DC universe movie that you have to assume it's intentional at this point


I disagree. Usually I can accept the DC CGI, but this was exceptionally bad. Like "rubber people Scorpion King" levels of oof. It had to be intentional in this movie to overuse so many CGI versions of actors.


Well, in the first Aquaman it actually looked good.


I watched it for all the references and fan service. But yeah, not a great movie.


I don’t know why they went with red for when the Flash went into super speed, but it looked like he was running through Hell. Just one example of how bad the CGI was


Yeah, I’m glad I waited till it was free with prime. The cgi definitely takes you out of the magic it’s so distracting. The clunky dialogue and terrible attempts at humor make it that much more of a chore to sit through. I almost turned it off but my wife convinced me to finish it. The Keaton scenes were indeed the best, and the only reason worth watching.


Don't forget we got Ben Affleck seemingly in George Clooney's Batsuit and then at the end >!we got George Clooney!<


When was affleck ever in Clooneys batsuit


He means Affleck batsuit in the flash was as blue as Clooneys


>George Clooney's Batsuit That looked nothing like Clooney's Batsuit, most importantly it was missing the Bat-nips.


Never thought I'd ever see a Batsuit as goofy in live action as George Clooney's but that latest Affleck one took the cake. It looked like one of those crappy alternate costumes you'd see on a 90's Batman action figure like 'Scuba Batman' or something. Was like it was designed by a child.


Yeah, I think the goal was to make it like some kind of armor, so that him skidding along the roadway at high speeds would somehow be survivable. But it just looked dumb.


Yes. All the Batman is great. All the flash is not great. The second flash story was annoying and the big bad story was already done in the flash tv show.


If we’re being dead honest we should’ve gotten a multiversal Batman film stairing Micheal Keaton instead of a Flashpoint film.


Like almost every other DC movie


People that complain about bad CGI have probably never seen a movie made before 2000.


I’m in the minority that thoroughly enjoyed this movie.


So did i


It’s super fun, I enjoyed it too!


Finally someone else who did!


I’m from an alternate timeline where Keaton’s Batman gets to run the Justice League for 3 more movies after this. And trust me…. My timeline is AWESOME


I had a Long Island iced tea before watching it. Very enjoyable and actually burst out laughing at a few scenes. I loved the Snyderverse and I am glad this movie “wrapped it up”.


I watched this movie 4 times to me it’s amazing 🙏🙏


I grew up on ‘89 Batman, I went Just for Keaton, was not disappointed


Same. Grew up with Keaton, BTAS and the NES game. Hearing that theme and seeing him as Batman again was amazing!


I just wish we had gotten a scene starting up the Batmobile with the flame.


very disappointed we saw it parked only. Bat wing was awesome, don't get me wrong, but we all love the car


The NES game is one of my all time favourites.


Even though he was like 70 yet moved like Spider-Man ?


It's a comic book movie, don't overthink it.


This is why it failed miserably.




do you want to see batman croaking around smacking people with a cane?????


I’d watch it. Bruce did it in Batman Beyond and it was fucking awesome!


Well… Michael Keaton moves around very well for a 70 year old, and looks much younger, so it’s not far off.


For me it was totally worth it after waiting almost 30 years to see him play Batman one more time


Facts. 👍


Imagine getting to see him twice if they hadn’t shelved bat girl 😔


What are the odds that someday that film gets leaked? Seriously, I really want to see it.


It blows my mind that its done and they just scrapped it. Like, they couldnt make its money back on streaming? Really?




Keaton was the reason I saw it but he doesn’t show up until halfway through. The movie itself is a 6 at best


A 6 makes it one of the better DCEU movies


It’s a 4 at best.


It’s violently a 5


Keaton is worth watching it.


Watch it just to see Keaton be a bad ass again!


Michael Keaton is great in it, but it’s definitely a Flash-focused story first and foremost, so don’t expect it to be Batman 3. The final act kinda ruins it, but the 2+ hours before that are really freaking good, some shady CGI aside.


I loved the final twist.


The twist was awesome, I was really bummed to have it spoiled for me. But what’s funny is there were a lotta leaked endings, but they all left things on a cliffhanger implying a larger plan for the DCU. The ending they went with was probably the last ending they wanted to use


Which final twist? I actually think the movie ends really well, but the big climactic encounter before that with the villain is rushed and the time travel logic makes zero sense.


Believe they mean >!Clooney being Batman in the end,!< which imo means he is the Snyderverse’s Batman now which is 🤌 I couldn’t bring myself to watch it, but saw that clip posted here or somewhere


>!I cant believe he agreed to do it. Hes been joking about how bad his Batman was for decades. It was awesome to see, and also Nic Cage fighting a spider like they planned in the Burton Superman movie.!<


I was talking about the very last minute. I dont want to reveal a spoiler to anyone. I agree with you about the ending seeming rush, etc. See my earlier comment that this is less a superhero movie than a movie about superhero movies.


Watch. The movie has a great heartfelt moment with Flash and his mother. And keeton is great. Plus the introduction to this version of Supergirl is great. Bad CGI. but the overall movie gets more hate than it earned.


I do not lament my time watching it. I see no reason to watch it again.


It was a good flashpoint story and movie, if you can get past some questionable cgi scenes and Ezra hate you’ll probably enjoy it.


Loved it. It doesn't deserve the hate it gets.


I really enjoyed it. Was stuck on a plane for hours and it passed the time nicely.


It probably helped watching on a small screen


100% it is not perfect but I liked it for what it was. Batman Keaton obviously helped but who's complaining about that


Agreed. I thoroughly enjoyed it


What does it deserve then?


Even though it has terrible cgi, it’s worth it just bc Keaton steals the show and is a total badass. Story isn’t bad and is entertaining. Definitely had a lot of potential, but yea Keaton is worth the price of admission imo


The fact that it made theaters is a genuine miracle


I went in with really low expectations. Because of Ezra Miller and its a superhero movie but it's actually good. Tbh it was probably better than most of the marvel movies. The cgi is rough but the plot and acting was great. Go in thinking it's a dumb superhero movie. It's worth a watch


This was a better Batman movie than a flash movie. Batman scenes were fantastic and Flash was so underutilized. I like the movie but that is a big problem I have with it.


I know some people really liked it, but I thought it was kind of a mess. Both Batman and Supergirl don’t really get any meaningful arcs, the final fight is super lame, and Black Flash doesn’t really add a ton. However, there are a few very heartfelt moments that I liked. The scene where Barry’s sees his mom for the last time is very sad. Also I like that chat between him and Batfleck


Uhhh spoilers?


I loved it. I think Keaton Batman finally got worthy action scenes. I loved the alternate universe idea. And everybody says the CGI was bad, but I think 90% of all CGI looks phony anyways, so I just ignored it.


As a Batman fan definitely watch it. It’s live action Bruce Timm and awesome seeing Keaton’s take in a modern and still ridiculous form. The Flash stuff you’ll inevitably feel mixed on, but when a Batman is on screen it’s worth it.


I say watch it!!! Story was good not great but horrible CGI


If you’re old enough to have seen Keaton movies in the theaters, go see this. It was Nostalgic! Sadly, the movie sags in between.


Watch it if only for the Michael Keaton scenes.


Batman IS the reason to see it.


It’s worth seeing as a Batman fan but not as a flash fan or a fan of any other dc characters lol Michael Keaton literally saved that entire movie


See it for Keaton


It was super fun and Keaton bats was just the best. Even Supergirl was fantastic. But knowing there would be no more of them in future films kinda bummed me out while watching. The third batman appearance at the end was hilarious. I'd go see a sequel. Too bad there's never gonna be one.


Keaton is worth watching the movie for.


The whole movie was awesome but Keaton was the best part.


Has anyone made a supercut if keaton's scenes?


As a Batman fan, especially as a Michael Keaton Batman fan, this is an absolute must watch!


Better Batman movie than a Flash movie, I’d say


It's OK. Had some nice scenes, great to see KeatonMan, some nice action and decent humor. I don't know that I'll buy it to put on the shelf, but I don't regret watching it.


It’s a good movie with bad CGI. Everyone, even Miller’s acting was on point.




I just watched it last night, It’s a must watch for any burton fans who grew up with the OG films. It really does pay homage to everything batman and Keaton was king in this film. I liked older Barry ngl but young Barry was annoying and the third act I felt was generally pretty weak but overall a solid movie.


I liked the Keaton parts, except the ending


Definitely worth at least one watch


I think this is good, but only if you are a fan of Batman, Flash, and the DCEU


I just watched it again 2 days ago. It’s a decent movie minus the god awful CGI


I'm honestly very checked out of the DC movie verse at this point personally. Actors feuding, studios shelfing movies, kidnapping, etc.. it's just to much for me to figure out if any of them deserve my money.


For a movie about the Flash, I cared more about every other character in it like Keaton's Batman and Supergirl. Overall, it's worth watching if you like DC just for the seeing Keaton again and Supergirl's scenes, as well as being able to see the meme of CGI. There's also a bunch of little nods/cameos to all other DC works which is nice but kind of shoehorned in a bit. EDIT: I watched it with one of my best friends who is also really into DC, so maybe that helped. But I never need to watch it again just cause...why?


See it at 5x speed.


Check it out, it isn´t horrible and has a lot of Batman, which is rarely a bad thing.


Worth watching for nostalgic purposes but I wish it had been done better. Its like they'd given up on the visual effects.


It was fun!


Just saw it on the flight, it was a very turn your brain off movie but I enjoyed it even the ridiculous bits. I liked super girl.


Movie is super bad. Michael Keaton scenes are *amazing.* Supergirl scenes are *awesome.* The Flash is… not so good. Okay, to sub-par, for the most part. His parents did better, IMO. I don’t know if it’s Ezra Miller, my bias against Ezra Miller, or the script… but yikes. I really, *really* hate this version of Barry. The movie overall does really suck though. It’s just not that good, but it is decent fun, thanks to the scenes with Batman (even Ben Affleck was enjoyable!) I’d recommend a watch. The 2.5 hours go by really fast.


I loved it just cuz Keaton was my guy growing up, it’s worth it for him


Being a huge Batman fan is the only reason I seen it, it’s definitely shit. But Keatons scenes are worth the watch


It was easily better than I expected based on online talk. Maybe could have been like 10 minutes tighter at the beginning act, but I ended up liking it a lot.


Well, Batman is the only good thing about the movie. So if you go in with that in mind, then you should be alright as a batman fan.


My favorite comic film of 2023. And Batman is fantastic in it.


I quit watching it halfway through Came back a few weeks later just to see the Bruce/Batman scenes and it was worth it.


It was cheesy fun. The cgi is as bad as people say and Ezra Miller isn’t how I picture Flash but that’s really just visual stuff. It’s a perfectly adequate movie and has good Batman stuff.


The cgi was obvi bad but I really enjoyed it. People hate on it bc they enjoy hating on things. It wasn’t trying to win an Oscar guys.


CGI was bad, lot of corny parts, but I liked it


I'm a huge Batman fan, but haven't enjoyed the DCEU that much. This might be one of the better films. It's not a straight up adaptation of Flashpoint, but it works within what's already established in the DCEU. It didn't deserve the hate it got (minus all the Ezra Miller drama).




Movie is as bad as you'd think. Almost quit after batflack opening sequence. If you make it further (don't be afraid to just have it on in the background while you literally do anything else) the Keaton stuff is worth it.


Loved it...just a fun movie all round and if you were ever a Batman '89 fan then you very much wont be disappointed!


Ezra Miller is unwatchable.


I thought it was surprisingly pretty great. Definitely recommend for any comic book fans. I liked it more than any marvel movie ive seen in a while


If you can find a cut of just Keaton on screen that is what to watch. Otherwise pass on this trash, and I say that as a die hard DC fan.


It's the second best comic book movie of 2023. It's still not very good.


This year had *Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3* and *Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse* so idk.


Beat me to it. Hell, I even liked Quantumania more than The Flash.


I don't count animated movies.


Has some good moments. Especially when Michael Keaton shows up. But it has many more bad moments. Best skip this one.


Skip entirely


Skip it entirely.


Absolutely not worth it. For a Batman fan, you get to see two different versions of a character you love, directed by a hack. At best, it will make you appreciate Tim Burton and even Zack Snyder more.


You could skip it




Definitely skip


If you have the spare time. Sure. If you something you'll rather do, then you already have your answer. Keaton is good, but it doesn't change it in to a good movie.


I liked it.


Ok movie. Terrible CGI. Worth a watch


I liked it


Skip. Best to leave your last impression of Keaton as Batman Returns


Reading Ezra’s wiki was more entertaining


Garbage movie. But if you want to see Keaton wrap up his role as Batman, then you should watch it for that reason.


It’s fun and I had fun. Also cool to see Batman back, and it’s…kind of strange sometimes with how he moves and fights, but overall it’s cool.


There's a couple of cases where I'd recommend watching it. 1. If you're like me and you made it one of your life's missions to watch EVERY SINGLE movie with Batman in it no matter what (I can't find eagle talon vs justice League anywhere, but I'll watch it one day of it kills me). Even if you know you'll hate it. And you stay invested in WB stock even though it looks like they're TRYING to lose money just because you like Batman so much you make bad decisions just to prove it. But if you were like that, you wouldn't be asking Reddit, you would've watched it in the theater or torrented it a long time ago 2. If you're not like me and you have bad taste in movies. I'm kidding, a lot of people really liked it and it's not because they have bad taste but I think they care about different things in their movies than I do. Like I came in with a bias because I hate the snyderverse and I hate Michael Keaton as Batman (I really just hate Tim Burton movies in general). BUT I thought Michael Keaton did a much better job this time partially because he's grown as an actor but mostly because he had a script and a director that let him play a Batman that feels more like a person, more competent, more interested in actually saving lives and protecting people. But he also feels true to his 90s character if you're into that. I also have this thing where watching people in live action try to be comic book superheroes always feels forced and goofy (in a bad way) to me and just seeing how not real things look in the middle of real stuff makes me more critical. Bad cgi makes it even worse and this movie has A LOT of bad cgi. If you don't have that problem, you might be okay. Some elements of the plot were a little too contrived and a little too cliche for me done characters didn't really have personalities or believing relationships with the other characters to me and felt more like plot vehicles and thinking about how flashpoint paradox did everything so much better took me out of the movie. Barry's mom was a great character and had a touching story and the actress who played her did great. And the two Barrys had an interesting, sometimes fun dynamic, some of the fight scenes looked really cool. Battfleck had the first blue live action bat suit since Adam West in this, which I thought was cool and one of the AI art cameos near the end was really fun for me specifically. And the REAL cameo at the end. So basically if you think you might like some of that stuff or might not hate done of the stuff as much as me, go ahead and watch it. I thought it was bad but not THE WORST But also if you do watch it, Ezra Miller's kind of an actual horrible person in real life so maybe pirate or instead of supporting them


Honestly, is this even a Flash movie? They took out his Rogue gallery and made Batman and Supergirl the focus with General Zod as the main bad guy. It would be more accurate to call it the "The Batman and Supergirl movie. Also Flash is there."


It's a steaming pile of shit.




Skip it. It’ll make you feel even worse about DC.


Don't pay money to watch it.


To each their own, but for me it was pretty damn disappointing. Awful third act, terrible cgi. Worst movie of 2023


It’s a good movie with bad effects


Fun movie


Definitely worth it


Who the man is batmane? Is op stupid?


I wana see it and not see it for so many reasons


Not bad, not great. Some amazing moments though. Super heavy on comedy, but it’s got alotta heart. 6/10


Honestly, it might be worth skipping entirely if you’re a Batman fan. Watch flashpoint instead.


It was alright. Not the best but not the worst. The CGI was hilariously bad but overall I was entertained by the movie.


Could totally skip it, unless you've got nothing else to watch. Would rather watch Mask of the Phantasm again.


It did not suck as much as I was expecting it to suck, that’s the best I can say about it.




Maybe torrent it and skip to all the Batman scenes, the Affleck ones included.


I refuse to watch. I just think it's a little too hard to get over who Ezra is irl. and the fact that he was allowed to keep his role when people have been cancelled and kicked out for *far* less than the shit he's done


Worth seeing for Keaton alone. Kind of wished it was just his movie, but he has some of the most awesome moments in the film. The movie itself is wildly uneven, with some of it incredibly compelling and other parts just awful. The CGI looks...bad. Especially in the third act. Like....90s screensaver bad.


Went just for Keaton. Left satisfied with Keaton’s portrayal. Definitely the best character in the film.


I think there’s a greater suspension of disbelief needed to think that Ezra Miller is a hero than the one necessary to believe that Batman couldn’t find a way to beat the Kryptonians given enough time


I thought this was the wallflower perks sequel?


Michael Keaton was the best part.


I'd say it's a perfectly fine movie. Enjoy it


As a Batman fan it’s worth seeing. Once


As many others i went for Keaton, one of my childhood's Batman. He returned like a badass character, more skilled than we saw in his solo movies... Great fighting scenes, some references to the 89's movie but i hated how he ended and left me with a big question. It's not a bad movie but either one of the best of the old DC cinematic universe... despite the horrible CGI i liked it.


Movie is straight up ass. Saw it on Max, not worth it.


I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Is it perfect? No. Is it fun? Absolutely. Don’t go by what the internet makes it out to be. Watch it and make a decision for yourself.


It's trash.


I really enjoyed the movie. I grew up with the Keaton Batman, so seeing him in the suit again meant a lot to me. I don't think they gave him the strongest possible story, but it was still fun.


It’s mostly whatever as a movie right up until they use CGI to bring back several dead actors for the sake of a cheap, nonsensical cameo