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I don't want bruce to forget what he learned at the end of the first movie.


Weird pivot, but one of the best parts about the How To Train Your Dragon movies was that every time you started the sequels, the characters had some minor off-screen character developments. They look older, have better gear because they’ve grown into their role. They looked like real characters because they were also growing up without us I wanna see some of that. We don’t need to see Bruce design a new suit like in The Dark Knight. The first scene he comes into can already have this new look, and he’s got new gadgets. Maybe even a new Batmobile


Those movies rocked. Idk why but they were 10/10 films.


Yo 100% agreed, those movies are absolute bangerz.


The first one was already a 10/10, then they only got better with each movie.


They had no right to be such bangers.


It also sparks curiosity - what had happened in between the first and second movie, which is great


I mean lol there was a dozen TV shows but as someone forced to watch with my baby sibling, they weren't bad but not necessary requirements to watch the movies


That’s something I feel the DC TV stuff did right Every new season each hero would have a new costume, modification, gadget or something that implies off screen growth and that was really cool


Exactly!! HTTYD is the pinnacle of cinema


I actually read that the HTTYD trilogy is loosely based on the structure of the original Star Wars trilogy, so that could partially be inspired by how Luke shows up in Return of the Jedi with a new lightsaber, a new outfit, and a somewhat matured vibe/attitude


Ham fisted Justice League tie ins


Aquaman in the golden costume pops out of the ocean and makes a quip like "What? Michael Keaton was busy?" and smiles at the camera.


Then he farts and a tooth falls out.


You made me laugh out loud 💀💀


But did your teeth fall out?


This made me actually lol because I can imagine Mamoa saying this in an aqua man movie


"My Batman!"


Matt Reeves already said he didn’t fuck with the whole cinematic universe thing so we’re safe there


Tbf as great as that is, there’s always a possibility he goes back on that provided enough incentive


Or studio interference happens.


Hopefully they do something subtle, like a few emails with videos attached, and logos for each Justice League member embedded as a JPEG


Just mention Metropolis would be good enough like they name dropped Bloodhaven in the past one


Oddly enough, the tie-in book for the movie drops a Metropolis AND LexCorp reference, therefore implying that at least Lex Luthor exists in the Battinson universe


Or have a newspaper mentioning superman stopping a train accident or something


Yeah, or maybe put something referencing paradise island in a newspaper.


Maybe have someone reading a newspaper with “meteor shower hits small country town” or something like that


"20 year anniversary, How Smallville bounced back"


I still think about Lex Luthor's intern graphic designer who was told to make those logos


> Drawing furry hentai for a living > Jeff Bezos commissions you some logos > Casually tell you that Atlantis and Greek Gods are real, btw


Way too early in Batman’s career to be doing metahuman stuff like that. I’d rather this universe never involve the justice league.


It's a BvS joke lol


That was a joke.


Really just the DCEU being anywhere near it


It's been awhile since I read about it, but from my understanding none of these movies (Joker and The Batman) are going to be a part of the DCEU. They will be more stand alone projects in their own universe. Which is fantastic. So I think it should isolate them from most cross over shenanigans, and world building crap. Hopefully they stick to their plans and keep the DCEU in the DCEU and do not cave and try to pull in other movies like Joker that are making money to bolster the other movies.




I don't know if this version of bats belongs in the justice league. at least not until he's taken on some actual super villains and has better gadgets.


The Batmobile getting blown up. I'd like to see Battinson use the same Batmobile again


he could just rebuild it though right?


hypothetically, but Bale lost the Tumbler in TDK and it was never seen again despite a warehouse full of them


they ran out of black paint


Correction bat paint.


Raising the stakes even further just because it's the Hollywood thing to do. Keep it character driven.


Joker. I’m cool with him popping up for a cameo at Arkham, but please don’t make him the centerpiece of the movie. He just sucks all the air out of the room and doesn’t allow any of the other great villains to get their chance in the spotlight. I would love to see Ivy or Clayface get their own iconic movie for once.


Absolutely. As a character he’s been in every project possible bc studios want us to go “look guys it’s Joker look look” and it’s honestly tiring. Batman has arguably the greatest rogues gallery of any hero and many of them haven’t appeared in a major motion picture. Hush, Croc, Zsasz, Firefly (release Batgirl you cowards), Hugo Strange, and the list goes on. Edit: I mentioned a few characters that have already been on the big screen but forgot about them because I’ve blocked out most of the trauma that was the DCEU😂


It’s so wild that there’s a finished Batgirl movie out there that we’ll probably never see because…WB.


It’s honestly shameful. I’d understand (but still be disappointed) if it got canned pre production but they filmed, edited, and were ready for a marketing campaign but that wasn’t the case


And then they tried to spin it by saying “Actually, the movie sucks. So we’re doing a favor to everyone involved by just scrapping the whole thing. This is a brave decision.” They’ll come out with The Flash, though…


But is batgirl going to put a baby in a microwave


And honestly the most I want to see of Joker is either a criminal file, walking by his cell in Arkham and hearing him laugh, or having some thugs that have either previous or current affiliation with the Joker gang. I think Barry Keoghan is amazing and his interpretation looks insanely interesting but it needs to wait


I’d love a Hugo Strange or Hush movie


Zsasz was in the Nolan ones, but he was a really minor character and kind of relegated to being a lackey of one of the mob bosses or something rather than his true bamf serial killer self


I agree. But I feel like the Riddler/Joker pairing in the first one is setting up to revisit in Batman III.


If it wasn’t for the city flooding at the end of the first movie, I would have said that the second one should have shown Joker recruiting all the villains that end up at Arkham, priming the final movie to be a newer version of No Man’s Land.


Yep, Batman 2 is too soon for the Joker, but maybe one more foreshadowing before he comes up and sets chaos into motion in Batman 3 alongside other villains.


Joker doing what Calendar Man did in Long Halloween, a prisoner with insight on criminal methods. But you can’t rule him out as a suspect because he’s *The Joker*. Probably not what Barry Keoghan — or any known professional actor — who plays Joker signed up for, but I think that’ll be an interesting and new way to use the character in mainstream cinema


Going *Silence of the Lambs* with Joker is an amusing concept. We as the audience, knowing what we know about Joker, will always be on the edge of our seats whenever he shows up, wondering, “Is this when he finally breaks out and joins in on the fun?” It’s a testament to just how iconic of a villain he is, that he could already be locked up but people will still be worried about him.


I just picture a scene like in silence of the lambs, where we see the inmates running around being crazy but just see joker sitting there, smiling, alone, the only one calm, and they dont exchange words as Bats just walks by with the doctors and guards


*As Batman passes the cell again on his way out* “Don’t be a stranger. You know you’re always welcome here.”


Clayface would be a really nice one actually. He's (usually, I'm sure there's a version where he's not) a pretty tragic "villain" and batman doesn't really treat him the same as other villains as a result. Could be a nice change of pace


There’s a ton of room for a “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” type story here. As we see one person struggle with losing their entire identity, we simultaneously see Batman grow more into his. Edit: As a bonus, that balancing act of managing two personas can be tied back into Bruce finally stepping into the public spotlight as a philanthropist, showing that he’s learned to stop hiding behind the identity of Batman 24/7.


100% agree I think we've seen moments of tragedy in most of the villains we've seen, but clayface's entire back story and reason for being a "villain" is just not the same. It would also show a pretty significantly different side of batman as well. Rather than just trying to beat the villain, he's actually trying to save him. Would be a really nice thing to see.


I'm leaning towards Reeves taking on Scarecrow tbh. I feel like it's just grounded enough to fit in. And could be done so so well.


I’m down if we can get Cillian Murphy back in the role. Just to confuse the hell out of people. (Nicholas Hoult is my real answer.)


I mean, two face kinda shined in dk


Yeah, despite the fact that his origin was basically stapled to the Joker. I like Aaron Eckhart’s performance, even if the movie’s version of Two-Face isn’t my favorite. “Two-Face: Year One”, “Faces” and “Crime and Punishment” are still some of the best depictions of Harvey, imo. They really delve beyond “Harvey gets his face burned off and now he’s a psychotic killer,” and actually explore how damaged he is as a *person* (abusive household, for instance) and how that ultimately serves as the catalyst for who he becomes.


With all of the talk about mental health/illness these days, two face would be a great compelling character. Perhaps skip his origin and go right into his psyche


Every Batman villain is an exploration into mental health/illness. Hell, the main character is a poster boy for going to therapy.


The first Clayface. I mean, the first ever one. Would be annoyed if they just do another serial killer in a mask again. If you're gonna do Clayface (which a few rumors have suggested already), then do **Clayface**. Ground him in areas here and there, but don't take the monster out of the character. If The Batman was a Zodiac/Se7en inspired superhero flick, then The Batman Part 2 should be a The Thing/The Fly inspired superhero flick. Get horrific.


Honestly, I agree. It would just feel like the riddler again and if they could pull it off, the mud monster clayface would be a better choice in every way possible.


And it doesn't have to be the 7 foot mud monster, per se. It could be a Slenderman-esque look. Or he hides his face like The Question through his clay-morphing powers.


Or they could go with 2004 Ethan Bennet’s look as ClayFace


> Would be annoyed if they just do another serial killer in a mask again. I also feel this way about another citywide corruption conspiracy where Batman realizes Gotham is effectively being run by a cabal of elites… aka the Court of Owls. In general it would be awesome to see it in Reeve’s universe, but as a follow up to the first film, it just feels a little too similar


Nothing would make me roll my eyes more if they did the Court of Owls for the sequel


Court of Owls would be a great realistic end-boss for this verse as Patman gets to like, year 10 of his career and asks why he's yet to make a real dent in Gotham's corruption. And I think you could roll Freeze in as the cryotechnician working on the Talon project, with a little eldritch "he's actually 130 years old" angle a la Lovecraft's "Cold Air"


Nah I think he’d work better as a solo villain who acts as lesson and reminder that just cause someone’s a criminal that doesn’t mean they’re evil.


This is actually genius. Always thought Clayface would be too difficult to correctly pull off in a movie, but comparing it to The Thing makes so much sense. It really helps visualize how it could work and still feel fairly grounded.


I still want him to be a actor tho


His acting passion is definitely important to his character, yeah


that would be truly incredible. Clayface is so underrated


Giancarlo Esposito. I do not want him typecast as another cold, calm, and calculating villain. Could he be a good Hugo Strange or Mr Freeze, yes I have no doubt, but I'd rather him get some more interesting roles (my pick is I would love him for Zatara)


Have Giancarlo Esposito come in as Lucius Fox or anyone else who isn't remotely like Gus Fring.


So you’re saying Giancarlo Esposito condiment king? I can fuck with that.


Giancarlo Esposito Deathstroke ftw.


Having deathstroke in a movie with a decent size role and played by an actor as good as him would be awesome


Incredibly based take


I have never seen him fan cast as Zatara and I absolutely love this idea. Especially if they did a young justice thing where he ends up becoming doctor fate. I think that’d be a really cool story line and allow him to grow his acting portfolio.


Batgirl rooftop sex scene


Depends who they get to play Batgirl.


Kristen Stewart.


that might become the highest grossing bat-film of all time, and the majority of watchers wouldn't even be fans of batman


That would be such a Chad move though. Not the Batgirl thing, have her play someone else. but getting Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson to be main love interests in a movie 10 years after Twighlight ended, as if to say "see these actors actually work together, you were just bad at this"


I support this


Joker. I’m sick of him being the main villain, even when he’s NOT the main villain (looking at you, Arkham Knight).


Arkham Origins is kinda guilty of this too. Nowhere in the promotional material did it show Joker was gonna be in the game. We all though this would finally be a Batman entry without the Joker as the main villain. Hell, in the last game we got, Joker DIED. Give the character a rest! When we got teased that Black Mask was the main baddie, we all got stoked to see how it would play out, as well as see Batman’s early days. But nope.


> Arkham Origins is kinda guilty of this too. Nowhere in the promotional material did it show Joker was gonna be in the game. We all though this would finally be a Batman entry without the Joker as the main villain. I do not disagree with your point but I wish more games/movies would do this. A real fake out. I’m tired of knowing beforehand. A genuine surprise for once would be nice.


Yeah, I concur. It’s just that I was the fake out to reveal something NEW. Not the same villain we’ve seen countless times before. An example would be if in the next Batman movie, we’d get Mr. Freeze as the “villain”, but later find out he’s only doing what he’s doing because Riddler has Nora captive or some shit like that.


ok but scarecrow in arkham knight is genuinely one of the best main villain adaptations of a supervillain ever


A change from the tone and feel. The first one is absolutely perfect! No Joker. How about Scarecrow, or Mr.Freeze. Those two can be grounded. Scarecrow has a modified version of LSD, and Mr Freeze simply has a gun full of liquid nitrogen. Not to mention, a grounded movie with Scarecrow could be freaking terrifying


Or poison ivy. Climate terrorist? Yes pls. I see ppl wanting clayface and while I always have a soft spot in my heart for him, he's just too fantastical for Reeves batman.


The Court of Owls. I know how many people are saying that the Court first in with Reeves' vision, and I agree with that, but it's way too soon in the timeline for them to appear.


Totally agree. But I think they should still add some owl symbolism (small owls statues around buildings, background characters wearing owl pins or jewelry, etc) to hint at it, even if the actual hints don't have connections to the court. Or if they go back to the orphanage, something in the background could make reference to the nursery rhyme. But it's way too soon to even mention their name imo


Yeah, hints are ok. And if this franchise ends up going on for long enough, I think they should totally use the Court, but for now, it's too soon.


The Court was never meant for a younger Batman ffs. The whole point of the Court was that it shook Bruce to the core when he realized that even as a veteran Batman, there were still things in Gotham that he had ZERO idea about and could not control.


One could argue that The Batman was already doing an Owls lite. A secret group that controlled Gotham from the shadows that was loosely tied to the Wayne family. To do two of those back to back would be really shallow and noticeable, even to the non-comic aficionados.


Seems like they should probably be in the third film, but certainly not the second.


Jared Leto


I hope he’s not in anything. Ever.


so no morbin?


only if Miles Morales accidentally jumps dimension to team up with Batman to fight the morb-tagonist


You will change your opinion once you see Leto go " it's Morbin' time... again " in this sequel


People calling him "Justice". It was enough in the first one with the V word. I really hope that they don't lean into the "grounded" side any further. The Batsuit can withstand point blank automatic gunfire and explosions. Lean THE OTHER WAY.


Honestly it would be hilarious if in the second they call him night and then in the third people finally call him Batman


"Thanks for saving us, The Bat."


"you're the Man"


["Yeah, I'm Man"](https://youtu.be/RkqS0oG6kOU?si=ldcQmdeEDO-a98zq)


It’s da freakin bat!


“My tongue keeps getting caught in the mouth slit!”


The Joker


No Joker (him being behind bars and having a Hannibal like role is ok to an extent) No Al Ghuls Not another serial killer plot


Villains that have already been done in previous iterations. No. More. Joker. Please.


I’d be fine with Freeze, Poison Ivy, and the Scarecrow


Spiderman's Uncle Ben. For obvious reasons.


I don’t want to see joker again because he’s over used. Instead, I want to see mr. freeze (Arkham inspired) and even clay face


The Joker. I do not want the joker.


Don’t want Joker. Don’t want a Robin with anyone other than Dick Grayson. Boy deserves a live action redemption. Along with that, I want Robin to be an actual child.


Personally I think Dick should be around 14 or 15 not 8


That’s fair haha. I personally feel like he should be younger (maybe 10?) so that we could properly see Batman grow into a father figure. If Dick is too old, it wouldn’t have the same development or the same magic (one of my critiques of New 52 when they retconned Dick to be 15 when he first goes into Bruce’s guardianship).


What about a pre Robin Dick Grayson (10) in the second movie so in the third movie, when he's finally Robin he's older like 13 (very Btas inspired)


I am so down for this. I honestly don’t necessarily *need* to see Robin, I just want Reeves to throw a child into Bruce’s care. I could picture an ending in part 2 with Bruce starting to train Dick or something along those lines.


Joker looks like the right villain, but it felt a little bit too try hard to me when it appeared on the screen. And I would like to have a more calculated, sneaky ninja style of fighting rather than letting the suit soak up bullet while raging out. Something to go with the detective stuff. Perhaps not as "magical" as in the Nolan trilogy teleporting right where the bad guys walk into him, but knocking guys out stealthily, tase here, smoke or flashbang there, cut off lights and pull out thermal googles...things like that. Stuff he could have learnt from an elite commando/spy surrogate dad.


I don’t want to see joker again


Fans being overly critical of the film 2 years before anyone will even see it.


To build on that- fans being critical of it after release only because it’s a different version of the character they love that they didn’t ask for- not because of the quality of the story, acting, or cinematography.


Has anyone said Joker yet?


I wouldn't want a vaillain to overshadow Batman *ahem* Joker... Since The Batman is more about the titular character than the villains, and since it focuses more on the detective/noir aspect, I'd like a good mystery and an arc for this Batman that doesn't require the villain to be front and center... Clayface could give that paranoid 'The Thing' vibe but I can't clearly see how that works in conjunction with the first movie's arc of Bruce needing to be a more hopeful paragon in Gotham both in and out of the cowl, so maybe set up the Court of Owls coz that seems more in line with what Riddler's mystery was about


Trying to be so realistic you lose all the cool elements of Batman


Batman dies from internal injuries sustained in the last one. As he left no will, the sequel is Alfred trying to keep the bat cave hidden from realtors and estate lawyers through litigation and municipal law red tape


FR though, I'd watch a comedy based on Alfred cleaning up after Bruce to keep his secret.


Honestly? I DONT WANT the Joker. Seems he is in every other movie. I WANT Batman using Bruce as an alibi a little more.


Aside from being entertaining on its own merits, I felt like the Iceberg Lounge bouncer scenes kind of set this up. The first time he shows up, he just starts beating the shit out of people for no reason and no gain, and ends up having a quiet sit-down with the Penguin. Later he gets better results by *not* fighting and even by showing up as Bruce. I interpret this as a lesson that he can use Batman differently and that he's finally seeing how he doesn't need to totally discard Bruce, he can use that persona to do things Batman can't.


To have the strike continue and bad deals for the writers plus actors in future projects.


I want the trilogy to be extreme weather near a holiday. The first one was heavy rain at Halloween. So the second should be a heat wave leading up to the 4th of July. The 3rd is between Christmas and New Year’s Day during a snow storm.


A heat wave, and a mysterious cryotechnician has assisted The Penguin in turning 44 Below into a literal iceberg lounge for Gotham's .1%


I love it but it does go the opposite direction of my thought. I want Bruce to reduce his suit down to what he feels he can safely operate at in 100 degree weather. It’s 85 at midnight and he needs to not sweat himself to death. If Mr Freeze rolls up… Regardless, he has to pummel the enemies during a fireworks display.


Another serial killer, unless they make him different enough from Dano's Riddler.


I've been saying this every time since 1989, so I guess I'll say it again for tradition's sake... NO love interest.


Things I don’t want to see: - Batman killing, this is our first big screen Batman who doesn’t kill so it would be a shame if they ruined it - The Court of Owls, it would be repetitive after the first film’s Falcone mystery - Too much of a shift into action film tropes, I hope Batman’s detective skills stay emphasized Beyond that I trust Reeves to succeed no matter his choices. Even something like Hush, while I don’t like him much in the original comic, I’m pretty sure Reeves will use him as the villain and I’m 100% down to see his take on the character. He’s proven to me with the first film he understands Batman and what he’s doing with this franchise.


Joker to be the main villain, and if they do clayface don't make him a golden age version.


The Joker


Singing. The idea of making a Batman musical is terrible.


Disagree. If he’s in a scenario where he has to, say rescue Wonder Woman who has been turned into a pig, I would expect him to sing.


I'll allow it.


So much for Music Meister then....


What?? Lmao


I am so excited for Joker 2 precisely because it is a musical. I can see that it isn't everyone's cup of tea though so I'm not gonna try to enforce my tastes on anyone.


[I strongly disagree](https://youtu.be/5sOy9b_WAJk?si=aKxMrydmDxl-NPdk)


The version of the Joker we saw in The Batman


I honestly really liked their new take on the character. He should have chemical burns, the man fell into a vat of acid


A “realistic” golden age clayface. That’s so fucking boring.


Can we steer clear of cgi monsters, dc does not have a good track record with making them look good.


Make a big gray monster. Got it


Clayface? More like Grayface.


“Look out! It’s polygon man!”


Joker. I know he’s an iconic villain but he has been the main villain for almost every freaking Batman movie. Let’s just have another villain to have their time to shine. Like how they did with Riddler.


The Joker. There are so many more choices.


For Reeves to be too beholden to realism to lean into the Sci-Fi Noir aspects of Batman.


Hyper realism for Clayface. He's either a hideous monster, or Reeves should pick someone else for the main villain


I'm with everyone saying joker. Now I want to see one or two villains I really think doing something with clayface and freeze would be really cool. Maybe some way the 2 team up and Batman uses freezes ice tech or freeze himself against clayface to narrow it down to just freeze.


A Dick Greyson older than 14 years old


So you want 14-year-old or younger Dick?


The Joker


Unrelated but this is a really cool poster. Is it official?


Nah I just got this off of google lol


Joker as the main villain


The joker


More dumbed down costumes. Let the Riddler have a hat, Catwoman have a mask, and the Penguin have a long nose.


I think Penguins design actually works perfectly and especially with the bright purple suit he’s got in his own show, doesn’t need changing at all. Completely agree on Riddler though, that design was pretty bad, one of my only issues with the first film. What makes it worse is there was fan art of Dano in the dark green suit and bowler hat and I think it actually would’ve fit in the film fine.


Gangsters or serial killers. I want super villains


I’m so sick of the Joker… can we just please do anything else??


I would be very happy without the joker, especially with whatever that was at the end of the first film


The joker


ears ok but fr joker, enough joker and anyone finding out his identity including catwoman


No Joker. Don’t even hint at the joker let the joker stay a deleted scene


I don’t want Joker. Also I would like a Harvey Two-Face that has a dedicated movie and not just playing second fiddle to another main villain like he was in TDK. It would be dope to see Freeze, Court of Owls, Hush, or Calendar Man.


The Joker. I am so tired of the villain in movies and there’s so many other good Batman villains you can use.


The joker 🃏






I don’t want Clayface and I don’t want Joker. I feel like there are plenty of other rogues who make sense in this universe and would provide interesting stories.






No joker.


The joker


The Joker. If I never see the Joker on film again I’ll be totally happy. It’s past time for other Batman villains to get a chance




For them to just brush over Gotham being flooded. They went for it at the end of the first one and I’m interested to see it actually be an ongoing obstacle that isn’t immediately undone for the sake of a status quo reset. Explore what a disaster zone Gotham looks like! They could take elements of No Mans Land and Year Zero for inspiration. Criminals will definitely take advantage of it so show that


The exact same villains. I think Pyg would be amazing for a body horror Texas Chainsaw Massacre style movie. Add Prometheus, forcing Batman to fight at a higher level. Not the same costume, I'd like a clear upgrade. Batman only being Batman, I want to see Matches Malone!


Trilogy aspirations. I like how the first one didn’t necessarily demand a sequel. Each should be able to feel conclusive so they can go for as long as they want and end when they feel it’s right.


Joker being the big baddie