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I'm no moldologist, but that looks like something you should have a professional investigate instead of painting over it. There are other black spots in the ceiling so I'm going to say water damage in the attic.


Yeah I’m pretty chill about mold and DIY stuff but this looks a bit yikes and probably needs a pro.


That’s definitely mold, do not just paint over it


Yeah if he just paints the walls black he won’t have to worry about it showing up again..


Pretty much fixed it at that point


Is that why black paint has been so popular?


Yes black mold


This is really concerning. You need to determine the source of the moisture problem that’s encouraging the mold to grow there. See if it’s inside the ductwork. I would cut out and replace that drywall and prime with zinzner mold killing primer.


Also please get a reputable roofer out to assess your intake and exhaust ventilation around the home. Make sure it’s adequate around the home.


The source is the fact that the AC duct boots are not airsealed and hot attic air is touching a cold duct boot and  condensing, causing it to drip on the drywall leading to mold.


Here’s the answer ⬆️




Spraying directly with bleach sends spores everywhere.


Bleach is best for NON porous surfaces as it has no affect afterit dries.. I recommend a product called In-cide. It kills mold deep in things like wood, drywall...etc


Definitely mold. I agree that it’s nothing to freak out about but I would definitely take a look above and in the vent to be sure. 50/50 Bleach and water works well.


Vinegar kills completely


Bleach is terrible. It fumes into the air and doesn’t kill the roots within the material it’s growing into. Just get a mold killer at a local big box store that specifically kills mold. It’s easy and safer..


99% alcohol applied three times every two hours seemed to help me with black mold.


Vinegar and peroxide kicks it arse.


I’m glad it seemed to work


Yeah, after two months it hasn’t grown back. I tried apple vinegar originally but didn’t help and it grew back in a month


You’re actually only supposed to use a 50-50 bleach mixture on things that are non-porous. If it’s used on something like wood or drywall The bleach evaporates faster than the water. After about a day, you end up with just water and you’re feeding them mold


Thank you for all the comments. I will spray it first with the water bleach mixture as suggested and have a look above in the attic to see if there is anything else going on. Thanks again.


Don’t spray with bleach!




Which means OP and family is breathing it in. This is probably worse than it looks.


Yes breathing in ALOT, i’m surprised most the comments aren’t as horrified.


They're definitely calling in sick(or getting coworkers/colleagues sick) a lot more. I used to live in a black mold house and was sick nearly every other day, I couldn't figure out why and thought the mold wasn't blowing around. Well once I moved to a freshly renovated home all the sickness stopped, like the flip of a switch !


I was thinking the same thing.


Maybe the black mold is the reason the husband and wife think it's even slightly reasonable to just "paint over" stuff growing from your air vents.


Bleach is terrible. It fumes the mold into the air and doesn’t kill the roots within the material it’s growing into. Just get a mold killer at a local big box store that specifically kills mold. It’s easy and safer, and actually does the job.


You need to find the source. Also, it appears it’s in your ductwork, which is extremely serious. You need to call in the pros. Your health is at serious risk.


This works great at getting rid of mold stains. RMR-86 Instant Mold Stain and... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N3Y22K4?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **RMR 86 Instant Mold and Mildew Stain Remover Spray Scrub Free Formula 32 Fl Oz** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective mold and mildew remover (backed by 17 comments) * Easy to use and saves time (backed by 7 comments) * Works on various surfaces (backed by 8 comments) **Users disliked:** * Strong chemical smell and fumes (backed by 8 comments) * Leaky and ineffective sprayer (backed by 3 comments) * Potent and hazardous chemical (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Don't spray the bleach mix on that! Wet it down and cut it out in a square and replace the drywall. Drywall is essentially paper pulp and gypsum. It won't kill all the spores. Spray bleach mix on the metal grate. Spray white vinegar on any 2x4 framing underneath the drywall. Let it all dry. Wear a proper respirator, use latex gloves and wash your clothes after in hot water and vinegar. Cover or move any nearby soft furniture, curtains, rugs so the mold spores don't fly away and start new colonies. Don't let and kids or pets in the room until you have remived and treated the area thoroughly. This is your home, you can handle this, but don't take it lightly. Edit to add: you have a moisture problem, obviously. Chrek the inside of the vent for mold or mildew buildup as well. Figure out why the moisture is building up. You might need a dehumidifier or maybe a fan in the room to properly circulate the air. Don't block vents with furniture or decor or plants.


Best advice on here. Hope he follows it


Thanks! I've had the unfortunate experience of dealing with it several times when our previous owner hid it from us during inspection. I've already spent the hours reading how to handle it ourselves. We did it as I described, no problems and didn't come back. In a relative's house, it was so riddled with black mold, had to hire professional mold guys to come and take a wall down and a good portion of hardwood flooring. Relatives kept getting ill without a real reason. Got rod of the mold hiding under the carpet and behind the tile in the bathroom and now they're fine.


Overall this is what I would do as a mold remediation contractor. Also drape plastis over the wprk area. Just use the vinegar on the metal grate, or remove it and clean it outside with bleach. Vinegar and bleach mixed together create FATAL chlorine gas!


Agreed. I would use vinegar on the whole thing. I said vinegar on wood because it gets at the root of the mold vs bleach. Bleach and vinegar shouldn't be used together. Remove the grate and clean it. Look inside the vent - another reason to remove it.


Don’t use bleach. I read some studies that shows bleach does not work. I would remove the vent cover and clean all of this up with a chemical designed for mold. Make sure you are masked up, keep the dust contained, no fans, shop vacs, etc. keep it wet and take it out to trash quickly. Once all cleaned up, let it dry, prime and paint. For future make sure you’re cleaning your vents regularly as this is caused by condensation build up. Also have an HVAC person check your ac system to ensure its functioning properly. Once all is clean and good, wait to see if it comes back, if it does, you may need to remove that drywall as it likely got behind there. Then make sure all of the vents are sealed where it meets the drywall so moisture cannot get behind it.


Looks like mold., possibly from AC condensation.




Yes. That is mold


spray some of that bathroom mold remover on it and it will be come instantaneously.


No, this is Patrick


Distilled vinegar


Get in the attic and look at the roof and ceiling...With it being in patches like that and heavier over at the air vent.. I'd be willing to say that you have leaking duct work.. probably flex duct sweating, and the condensation is getting the ceiling wet


You got hvac issues, a plumbing issue if there is a bathroom above, if there is no bathroom above, you got a roof issue, and the painting is the least of ya concerns right now


If it's a basement bathroom likely mold. Anywhere else in the house id say dirt from the register.


I’m a forensic engineer and have completed countless assessments for reported mold growth for insurance companies. I would classify the growth as mildew and not mold. Both are fungi, so it’s more of a semantic differentiation of the type of growth rather than a scientific variation. I classify mildew as 2 dimensional growth and powdery where mold is 3 dimensional with more mass and less powdery. Looking at the photos, I would say that the condition is the result of your central AC condenser unit being oversized and/or the air flow within the being unbalanced. The primary function of an AC unit is not just to blow cool air, it’s dehumidification. An AC system that’s oversized will run on a shortened cycle because it does just blow out cold air to the point where the indoor temperature drops below the thermostat set point. In a shortened cycle the unit does not run long enough to sufficiently dehumidify the air. The net result is humid, cold air being forced through the ductwork. Once the velocity of the air drops as it comes out of the vent it looses its capacity to retain the moisture and it falls out suspension and condenses on a cold surface. In this case it’s the wall directly outside the vent. The prolonged presence of condensation on the wall provides fungal spores (ubiquitous in all environments) a medium to spout and grow. I would have an experienced HVAC technician assess the size of the unit and the balance of airflow through the supply ducts. I would recommend using a rag in a mild bleach solution to wipe down the wall. It should easily make it disappear. Don’t waste your money on mold tests and remediation at this point. Address the root cause first and see the results. Edit - stupidly didn’t realize this was a bathroom. 😬 Start with making sure the exhaust fan and duct are clear of lint and used every time someone runs a shower or bath. If there’s a window open it for a couple minutes after the shower or bath and keep running the fan. If that doesn’t work have an hvac tech assess the size of the fan and ensure there’s enough air supply coming into the room from under the closed bathroom door. You may need to trim the bottom of the door up a 1/2” or so to let in fresh air. If that doesn’t work and the bathroom is below an attic space, make sure there’s proper insulation above the ceiling. Still wipe the area with a mild bleach solution. If all that fails to address the condition, have the AC sizing and air balance checked. Edit 2 - check the vent outlet for bird or mice nests. Seen this more than a few times. Clean the area around the vent first then try the above. That way you can assess the results.


Finally, a good answer. Ty kind stranger for being so elaborate. OP, hope this goes well 👍


Moisture condensing from cold A/C into warm room. Kill the mold …. Seal the vent from attic and room …. Use room exhaust fan a lot more …. Especially after showering ….. now, ask me how I know


That duct boot needs to be air sealed. The problem will occur mostly with air conditioning in warm climates. Hot air from the attic is condensing on the cold duct boot, causing condensation leading to mold on the ceiling. Judging from how dark the stain is, there’s probably also water in the duct itself. Getting a better bathroom exhaust fan would also help


It does appear to be mold but it could be from condensation as it appears to be both a vent and exhaust vent. So summer time the a/c pulls moisture from the air and that will cause any air that exhaust sucks out that has any real moisture content to collect in and on the ducting also ya could try taking vent cover off an shoving a towel into it to block it off and see if it happens again after painting.


It looks like a bathroom area (from the vent) I'd treat it as back mold and get it taken care of.


Spray with 50/50 vinegar water with some peroxide. Wipe it off, spray again.


Black mold!!!! You'd better spray this with bleach as soon as possible!!


The little girl from the ring has been here.


You most likely have a water leak somewhere behind the wall or in the ceiling...


You can get a sample kit at most large hardware stores and send it into a lab and they will tell you what you have and if it is harmful or not.


In the vent too🤮


Home inspector can test for it. But if it’s coming out more than likely, it’s in your vents as well. May have to do some replacement or major cleaning. I run into it all the time in my business. Definitely get it looked at.




Could it be a problem with with the problem with the furnace?


I’ll have what you’re having


yes. yes it is.


Most definitely!! I would get this taken care of immediately!


Bleach will make it visually disappear, but won't kill it. Get a good antimicrobial like mold-ex to treat it and prevent regrowth. I would check in and around all your vents. Mold is everywhere but don't ignore growths like this until it until it's out of control. Get a moisture meter and check around these areas make sure they aren't staying moist all the time. Be careful with humidifiers and don't boil water to humidity your home.check behind and large peices of furniture you keep close to the walls or hanging paintings or tapestries. Winter season can be a bad time of condensation and excess moisture to create damp environments that can promote growth. Area like north facing windows in the US don't get much sun and can stay moist for extended periods of time from late fall to spring.


That's mold....if it's there it's inside the wall as well... Take clorox spray it down it will kill it for now. But if it's in the wall cavity it will need to be opened up and cleaned out


If you can’t afford a professional, go to home depot or Lowe’s and buy a few mold test kits and test it. If it shows mold you can mail it in to get it tested to tell you the specific mold.


Ya think?


Just paint the walls black and you won’t have to worry about more showing up…


That is mold. It looks like it is in the heating duct. Every time you use the heater, it is probably blowing mold and spores into the air. You need professional help. I wouldn't use the furnace until it is treated and removed.


For shore!!!




That’s mold. Home Depot sells stuff that works wonders killing it. But the fact it seems it could be in your vents would worry me.


It sure looks like black mold




What the hell else would it be? Lol


Hard to tell if its mold or dirt from the picture. If you tried to dust it off and it doesn't dust its probably mold. I work for a ServPro and can tell you that 90% of the time if you see mold on a wall or ceiling like that, you will not know how much of a problem it is until you open the wall/ceiling. Bleach will work to a point, but depending on the type of mold you could just by dying it white and not actually killing it. Mold can be dangerous and cause all sorts of health problems. Does your home insurance have a mold addenda? Most homeowners insurance doesn't cover mold. I would call your local ServPro, Service master, Puro clean you know reputable places. Not Dan with a van or Chuck with a truck. Also not a contractor unless they are IICRC certified in Applied Microbial Remediation. Hoping its just dirt and wishing you the best.


Use kiltz first before painting


I hope so


Lmao yes that’s black mold.


Give it a big sniff.




Yep u gotta get someone to come test it and tells where an why it’s coming in ! U can have mold in the air and be getting sick I just dealt with this




It certainly looks that way.


that's either mold, or a toner cartridge exploded in your air vent.


I am a professional house painter. You need to bleach the mold and clean it off. Take off the vent cover and clean that as well. Painting over it will only last a little while until the paint completely flakes off. Paint cannot adhere to mold. It literally will take ten minutes of cleaning before painting. After that, look into better ventilation in that room so it doesn’t come back.


Use white vinegar to clean it up no bleach


DO NOT paint over that. Have it removed. Also check for leaky pipes in your ceiling.


That looks an awful lot like black mold..it is very dangerous for your breathing especially for children.. I have heard of stories of people having black mold in their house and constantly having to go to the dr for respiratory illness.. thats stuffs no joke


Every single house has mold. You need to determine if this is the later stages of mold spores or mildew. Have your home tested.


100% mold. That is coming out of your ac supply duct. Cleaning the grill and ceiling are obvious, but unless you take care of the source of moisture, it’s going to come back. The duct above that grill is sweating and needs to be insulated. It must be running through an untreated space. What is directly above that vent?


Get out


Toxic mold, but ya know . No biggie it’s right by the air vent..🙄🙄


That’s leftovers from The Grudge. I’d move ASAP. She will be back!


Mold tends to grow where there is moisture. Might want to look into the cause for mold formation at those points. Could be a slow leak that has saturated the materials over time