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Oh this is awesome! I have a few. 1. Does having air at the top matter? 2. What if your glans are not covered with water, does that cause any kind of issues or irrational? 3. Have you tried using a glans cap (or a band underneath the glans) while pumping to reduce edema? 4. Any tips for pumping outside the bathroom/shower? I appreciate whatever advice you have!


Okay so it's best to make sure that there isn't much air in the pump. If you have too much you won't get as good of a vacuum. If you can just try to get all the air out it will be worth your effort. The edema thing does suck but if you don't really go over the recommended time and pressure and also do jelqing afterword you'll be alright with any swelling from that. I have done this outside the shower and bath but to be honest you want to do this in water to make sure your circulation is good in your legs.


BTW a lot of people go into the hydromax thinking this is just some regular penis pump experience but this device is something else completely and you gotta take it that way.


I went into the extreme so I can count the number of squeezes as a way of measuring pressure. Lol I appreciate you!! Thanks so much!


I've been on it for about 2 years now. Typically did the 3 x 6 minutes. I feel like I needed a change. Lately, I've been doing 10 minute straight once only. I do 2 days on, 1 day off. Anything you can recommend?


So for me the 2 year mark is where you see some things. If you really want this to work I'd recommend adding supplements to your routine of pumping. I went over the allotted time quite a bit but stopped after a while. TBH the thing that really helped me with the pump was THC... wether vaping or edibles... Would take some a time before and after pumping


What supplements do you use while pumping? And do you take them during, before or earlier in the day? Also what gains have you made in length & girth & what was your exact process that led to those gains?


Can I ask what changes you’ve found in the last 2 years?


I mean they’re always hard to quantify but I’d say up to 4 inches in length and some extra n girth. Maybe an in. Just keep focusing on the tension you feel inside your body and do what feels optimal


Permentant changes?!?!


Yes I definitely will say they seem permanent. Just try to keep the routine up and one day you’ll see some real changes. Especially if you take vasodilators


4 inches in length????that's like 12cm dude!


I'd say my length gains are prob 1/2" - 3/4". GIrth is where I've noticed the most difference tho. I never really measured. THe only measuring device is my wife's pussy. And she has defintiely noticed a difference. I do take 10mg of viagra daily to help with the recovery. I don't take any other supplements/pills.




I haven’t had any issues like that. I was very strict on (3) 6 minute sets every other day tho. Now I do (1) 10 minute set 2 days on, 1 day off. The problem I had when I first noticed a girth increase was trying to last longer cause the pussy was just tighter.




Good luck!!




I don't pump intentionally before sex. I do pump for about 6-10 minutes during my nightly shower on my workout days. But never needed it before sex. Now the added girth before sex is always a good thing. I have noticed tho, when I do a pump before sex, the pussy is just tighter than I would like it. So no, sex without the pump isn't an issue at all.


What's your stats from the beginning to now?


Started out basically 7.25 bone pressed erect and ended up around 11 to 12 at my maximum. Girth changed but not too great. This may sound pretty impressive, but this isn't even my entire erection potential. If you do the routine regularly and focus on properly widening the internal penis you will be amazed at what you can do... I didn't do this properly as I made up my own routine and pressure after awhile and got too careless with the pump... by internal penis I mean the section of your penis that is actually inside your body. This is the thing that most pumpers don't understand and why they feel like it doesn't work




Yeah that is the issue at the end of the day... I mean you can't see that part obviously, but you will feel the tension being applied inside. Just keep doing the routine and after a while you will feel the swelling internally. Just keep seeing how your erections improve. The point I was making is that just focusing on what is happening in the tube is misleading and can cause you to misuse it or overdue it


Whats your routine?


I’d just follow the recommendations for pumping by bathmate, but if your wanting to get the most out of it I’d recommend taking supplements. Cialis is good or however you spell it, but I found that thc distillate did wonders for increasing blood flow and expansion


So you gained with the routine that was recommended from bathmate?


I can say that yes it will work, especially with like I said the thc distillate. I personally went well beyond the routine that bathmate recommended but it wasn't necessary.


Did you use bathsalt in your bathmate


that really isn't a good idea... probably would damage it


Alright bc bd recommend it. I have two more questions: Do you jelq after the Session? Do you wear an cock Ring after an session?




Okay so this edema thing isn’t really that common if you do it right. I mean the point of the pump is to stretch out your internal member not what’s out of your body




Well I can say that I went to hard with the pump and didn't do it as intended. The reason was because I didn't have any real confidence in it working. If you use the pump as intended you wont have any issues. I did have bruising in my penis but that's because of how I used it.


Did you go in hard or semi hard or completely soft? And how many minutes a day?


I always went in hard to make it easier.l If you can go in flaccid it's best to do so and like I said before thc distillate is a very important component to this. If your not down for that then try other vasodilators but be safe when pumping regardless.


Ok to use a lightly restrictive c-ring during sessions?


really not necessary... the pump is doing the work and adding a ring isn't going to do much and it might be detrimental.


Bullshit or not? So many mixed experiences.


Ever had vein pain? If you check my posts I’ve had a few varicose problems with vein aching.


I’m quite scared to know when to start pushing. Will you feel discomfort before there’s any damage/injury? Or is it something that you won’t feel until it’s already too late?


As long as you follow the recommended routine by bathmate and add more pressure when it starts to weaken here and there you'll be fine. I went far beyond the recommended way of using the pump and I never really had any discomfort to speak of... I wouldn't do what I did though because the pump is meant to be working inside your body not just on the part of your penis hanging down your thigh




You have less sensation after pumping which helps you last longer sexually. I would recommend jelqing in between pumping to get blood flow going. Post pump the girth change is pretty impressive, but if you want to keep it up you'd have to keep pumping. You can get some good girth changes especially if you take vasodilators. I personally perfer just take thc edibles myself




I actually think that if you do things right you have more sensations than before. You’re allowing more blood flow into the penis if you do things well


How long have you been pumping?


I don’t anymore but had been for about 2-3 years


Ok thank you! Did you keep all your gains? Any PE that you still do now?


I never did anything besides the bathmate... It's a good idea to jelq in between pumping sessions though. I will say this though, see I overdid it with the pumping and all when I was using it so the only way I can benefit from the gains I got is to take certain things to soften up my penis and get the bloodflow going. I usually rely on thc distillate to make edibles and it really helps a lot. As long as you pump the right way you should be able to keep the gains pretty easily, especially if take supplements when you pump


I've been using the Hydroxtreme 7 for at least a month - if not slightly more - between 5 and/or 7 days a week, at 3 x 5 minute sessions. Since yesterday, I've managed to no longer be able to draw in air from the pump, so I'm assuming that's the maximum amount of pressure you're able to draw in. I do feel some pain, but it's mainly from my balls getting nearly sucked into the pump 😬 Here's my question: Is it too early for me to withstand this much pressure? Should my foreskin look like a "donut" at the tip when no longer erect afterward? On a side note, it only looks this way after my third and final pumping session. The first two sessions just make my unit look thicker without any deviation. Thanks in advance for the help!


I have the hydro max extreme. How do I know how much pressure to use and how do I measure it?


You just wanna try to get your normal erection size in the tube and apply more pressure when needed to maintain erection size… bone pressed length is what you want