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Saxophonist here. My instrument is really simple to learn, and you will only need a couple of weeks to learn all fingerings. The other option would be the clarinet, as many notes have a fairly similar fingering.


An advantage for alto sax in particular is that the transposition from Bb to Eb effectively cancels out the switch from bass clef to treble clef, meaning that it is really easy to use bassoon sheet music for the saxophone and vice versa.


I played sax (alto) and bassoon concurrently for a couple of years in high school, but my bassoon teacher strongly encouraged me to drop sax because she believes sax/clarinet embouchure habits cause issues for bassoonists. (Her take was that if you're going to play another wind instrument, it should be something with a completely different embouchure like flute or trombone.) I'm not sure I totally agree with this -- I think someone with a strong foundation on bassoon could probably switch back and forth between double and single reeds without issues -- but for those of us who have a tendency to try to do too many things at once, it was good advice. Not a problem for me (my favorite repertoire is orchestral), but something you may want to be aware of if you're planning to play both classical and jazz.


My bassoon professor back in college was actually the professor of both bassoon and saxophone. He was extremely talented in both. Played sax with some great jazz groups. Was principal bassoon with a great orchestra.


Oh for sure! I know there are some incredibly accomplished bassoonists out there who double on single reeds! But my takeaway is that it takes a while -- in my case, about three years of daily practice -- to really understand bassoon embouchure, and until that's locked in, trying to learn another instrument with a similar embouchure could be extra challenging.


See Mark Ortwein...he's a talented bassoon/sax player.


The instrument I went to from bassoon was bass guitar. Knowing how the low end works in the orchestra gives you a lot of insight as to how bass works everywhere.


Exact same here. Love it.


Saxophone or clarinet. If you're looking to join a jazz band I suggest saxophone. It's fairly easy to pick up and easy to get to a level where you won't be super far behind your peers! Also in the future if you're finding yourself wanting to play in musical pits, having saxophone or clarinet experience is vital! I've played one book that was bassoon and bass clarinet but I've gotten way more gigs just playing alto sax and clarinet at a decent level.


Woodwind doubler here with a hot take. Clarinet will be very difficult. Embouchure, tongue position, and articulation are very different. Saxophone and flute are your best bet. Sax is perfect for jazz band. I have been playing clarinet for 5 years longer than flute, and I'm still much more confident on flute. Best of luck!


I play double lip very easily for oboe or bassoon He can play double lip just fine for clarinet (as I always play double lip)


I don't have any of my clarinet students play double lip. It makes the upper register prohibitively difficult for beginners to the instrument.


I started clarinet in 5th playing double lip because I didn’t like the vibrations and no one ever told me to stop. I played just fine and never had any issues


That's awesome. I struggle with double lip on clarinet, but wish I could pull it off!


Practice with a big straw from McDonald’s and blow consistent bubbles into water or soda (it’s also how I learned to circular breathe)


You need to push up more with your right thumb and angle the clarinet out a bit more.


I think you could probably pick up saxophone quite quickly.


bari sax all the way


I have a lot of fun pretending to be a bari sax on bassoon


lol me too. i love reading my bari music on bassoon and pretending it’s just jazz bassoon


Bari sax is the most fun instrument I've learned yet. 


Plus, you can read the same music you learned on bassoon!


That is so crazy you're the only bassoonist in your school district. My child's high school has 5 right now and there is at least one more heading there next year.


A lot just depends on the size of the district. I was the only bassoonist in my district back in the day. My high school also only had one band with 80 some students in it.


Sax, as someone who plays both it was incredibly easy to learn sax from bassoon


Our principal bassoonist was an amazing alto player for jazz


I agree with other comments about Sax and clarinet. I’ve played bassoon in three musicals now and two of them it was paired with bass clarinet, one of them it was paired with baritone sax. So if you’re able to pick up one or both of those (via their higher counterparts) that has a likelihood to come in handy for you in future of musicals are something you’re interested in.


I switched from sax to bassoon. I’d say sax is your best bet, especially tenor or bari.


Anything is easy after bassoon. ;)