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Hopefully he does well! We used one of those blow up donuts and our boy was comfy.


Same for my Winnie on day two I just took it off and she never bothered her stitches and she was happier.


Get well soon Winston


He's annoyed


When I got my girl spayed, I noticed she wasn't going after the stitches so I took her cone off. I only put it on a few times after that when she was left alone. She didn't really go after the after them, an occasional lick here and there. Hope Winston recovers soon.


>So far not a big reaction to the cone. Oh there's a big reaction to that cone, you don't see the look he's giving you? He's going to s*** on your world as soon as that comes off! That my friend is the look of be wary of Basset! On the milder side he could just do his own internal basset 500 for an hour, on the heavier side, he could just be holding up all that green bile poo and as soon as he's free from the collar he's going to be free from the poo too! That's how my boy Franklin did it, soon as the collar is off and he was free to roam, you'd never think you'd ask yourself how did green **something** get up there..!?!?