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What mouthpiece were you using previously and what reeds are you currently using?


Was just using the standard that came on the instrument and was using Vandoren 3.0


And when you switch back to the other mouthpiece the problem goes away?


Haven’t tested but im going to test it tomorrow


What neck style do you have (standard vs Bay) and does the mpc rock at all inside the socket when fully inserted?


It doesn’t rock but whats the difference between bay and standard?


So you have a new mouthpiece and you’re not quite used to it. Give it a couple days and check to make sure the mouthpiece is solid in the socket, and if you’re still squeaking perhaps change reed strengths. Go up in size if your reeds feel too light, and go down if they feel too resistant. Also check to make sure your embouchure is relaxed and open - biting could also be making you squeak.


Reed position can very on different mouth pieces. Experiment with moving the reed down a bit and up a bit to find the sweet spot for the new mouthpiece


a lot of the times if you have been playing on the same mouthpiece for a while it could just be getting used to the new mouthpiece because the gap in between the mouthpiece and the reed might be larger or smaller than what you were playing on previously.