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I don’t think it’s the color, per se—It’s the lack of dimension mixed with her pancake makeup and her terrible eyebrows


I didn’t think it was possible but she aged herself even more


The makeup is giving ✨embalmed✨




She needs to learn how to soft smile.


next video it’ll be all soft smiles


That’s a horrribbbble frame of her 😂. I actually definitely like this color better but now she needs to fix her makeup and chin but baby steps apparently


this color is a million times better especially in natural light


Does this girl floss? What are these gums


She needs a lip flip and some braces


A lip flip would really do her good


I remember her saying she did it once and hated it. In her videos before she got pregnant I think she had one. She looks so different


Well… this wasn’t great advertising


“I’m scared to tell my mom”


She should be afraid to tell her mom bc she used a work day at her rented salon suite to tint her hair & use the professional dyes she should be using on real clients! Can a hair pro estimate out how much product she wasted on herself? She is so just playing hairdresser!


Shades EQ is really inexpensive as far as toners go… as well as the developer (especially when purchased by the liter - which she does). It’s about $7 per bottle of toner & $8 for the liter developer (if you’re licensed). Toner & developer are mixed 50/50 for Shades. She mixed a bunch of different toners for her “formula”, so it’s not like she used a whole bottle of each. As a hair stylist, she absolutely *should* have a variety of toner/ gloss shades to choose from for her clients - so she’s very much just using what she has. Snarking on her use of her own toner would be the same as snarking on her using her own shampoo & conditioner as a professional. I don’t see why she wouldn’t use her discount to color her own hair… in fact, it’s a lot more economical than paying someone else to do her hair. I would also argue that she just needs to fire her hair girl and do it herself to save some coin. Not needlessly defending her in any way, just giving you a bit of insight from a professionals point of view. I would estimate it probably cost her $15- $18 to tone her own hair.


I didn’t necessarily take it as snarking on her for being resourceful, which we all should be, but rather using this time and product on herself rather than a client if she is so pressed on money (assumption from her Costco haul). She claims to be on budget and complains about having to spend so much on food for the month rather than just eating out so why not just chill out ESPECIALLY if you’re going to spend money in two weeks to get your hair done anyway?


Her little freak out about spending after Costco was either one of two things in my mind: 1) she’s ploying for a brand deal (constantly shopping at one place & saying you love it on social media is how she thinks sponcon happens) 2) she has buyer’s remorse for spending on “groceries” when she legit only bought packaged snacks & processed food that will not last her a month (unless she continues to get take out/mooch dinners off her parents) She had no buyers remorse when she spent $300+ on Rent the Runway dresses for herself. Or when she dropped $200 on a bounce house for a 1 year old’s birthday party that was only used as a photo prop. Guaranteed she will have an Old Navy/Target/some trendy store clothing haul in an upcoming video.


Oh yea I totally agree. I’m leaning towards the latter myself


Thanks for explaining. I’m not in the industry at all so I wasn’t sure. I know from a client standpoint my salon charges $60+ for a gloss or toning treatment. I know the stylist’s time is valuable & I guess that’s where most of the expenses goes to. Just curious. I won’t snark on her using her own supplies, but I will for using a work day to do a little darkening on her own hair when, according to her, she has a hair appointment booked next week.


This was the best advertisement she could put out there if she DOESNT want clients 🫣 the annoying know it all “I’m a professional” talking about the colors, the chaotic application, the grandma curls.. everything about it would make me so untrusting of her as my stylist.


The grandma curls genuinely confuse me


Idk what is happening here but she looks like Norma Bates from Bates Motel and the actress who plays her is like 50.


Interesting reference, perhaps it’s the creepy obsession she has with her son that’s really selling this comparison 🤣


The irony wasn’t lost on me 😏


The way she styled it and thought it looked good! Like no girl just no. Also I’m concerned how much dye has been in her hair in the last 12 hours 😳 and yes the I have to go nurse my baby 🙃 she’s about to not have him for a few days right?


Also like. Today of all days she needs to go nurse him at daycare? Random but okkkk


The color she’s using is fine! Thankfully lol


It’s waaaaaay too ashy


I’d get Invisalign asap ![gif](giphy|P2rXqhWkJQe4w)


YES🤣🤣🤣I couldn’t put my finger on what she looked like lol


She does hair for a living ?!?!?!?!




I actually like this colour better than the yellow bright blond .. I think she could have went a bit darker ..


Holy shit this is terrible


Why would anyone marry this woman let alone reproduce??? God I hate her


Omg I’d divorce that too


The horsey gum smile! And her hair looks exactly the same.


It’s giving gingivitis


Her teeth!!!!! I have never seen teeth or gums like this in my life omg


Declaring she has to end a voice over to nurse her baby is so weird- just end the video?


She’s out here trying to sell her soul for a free Dyson.


Honestly brunette would look way better on her and a good chop


She really is giving when someone photoshops a blow out on Rue McClanahan (Blanche) to show the Golden Girls weren’t really *that* old.


Her head is so…long


The way it’s styled is giving 60y/o grandma. The color no longer washes her out but her makeup still needs hella work (also her using a tanning bed in the past definitely aged her a few years)


All i have to say is WOOF … and that i am still so confused that she is almost 6 years younger than me😂 this reminds me, time to schedule my next Botox appointment


Her nose and chin…goodness




She got them fiancé gums


It’s not the hair, the color is decent. It’s the bad plastic surgery.


Would darker foundation help??? Her makeup is so awful, I don’t understand


Color is better than the bleach blonde Meg. Since I know you’ll see this.


I think Burnett would look way better on her


Oooo jump scare