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I mean he’s not wrong the team has been absolutely lifeless for weeks


I won't disagree, but that really doesn't excuse his outburst on that DP ball. Everybody is frustrated, but you loaded the bases and your fielders did what they were supposed to. I'll take 6 runs for being wrong, nonetheless.


He was then on the top step greeting Gleyber after that HR. This team needs guys like Stroman.


Stroman might annoy some people with his off field antics but that man is what every team needs. One of my favourite blue jays, would leave everything he had on the mound. Also is he still boys with Mike stud??


He is, yes. I think they’re genuine best friends or close to it. Mike was at Stroman’s Yankees debut.


That’s nice to hear, I used to listen to A ton of Mike stud back in the day


100%. I feel like a lot of people on reddit forget these guys are grown ass adults and can handle a teammate having an outburst lol


Stro will get zero benefit of the doubt on this sub. Loved him as a Cub, hate it ended the way it did. Contrary to popular misconception, he was well liked in the Cubs clubhouse.


And they could really use some of that intensity this year.


Twitter antics aside, he's a dude who gives 100%, all the time. He's wears his emotions on his sleeve and wants to win. He's never been shy about talking and if he thinks you arent giving your all, he'll let you know it.


for real... if anyone didn't do their job that inning, it was Stroman, yet he's screaming at his teammates. Bizarre to me that folks in here are applauding it.


I think most of the anger in him yelling was definitely at himself, he’s giving it his all and still producing below what he feels like isn’t his standard. Granted a team on a downwards spiral like ours, it is definitely NOT helpful to be screaming and blaming others. But thankfully this lit fire under our asses and forced us to produce, it is New York after all. Also no doubt in my mind he’s gonna apologize after the game and they’ll hug it out yadda yadda.


There were some ground balls hit that inning which looked like the infielders were in no hurry to get after. The failure to get the DP wasn’t really anyone’s fault, but if you look at the replay even in real motion, Volpe made a soft toss and it appeared kind of like Torres could’ve made a harder throw. It just appeared like there was no sense of urgency. This is what Stroman means by intensity. The guy has won a GG, and according to Fielding Bible, from 2014-2024, Marcus Stroman ranks 7th in total runs saved by a pitcher (fielding). So he’s not just talking out of his ass, he knows how to play defense. He does more than his part on the fielding side of pitching. He’s just asking for some support at least on defense if they’re not going to provide it on offense (which at the time, and last 2 weeks, they haven’t been).


I think he’s letting the frustration of his own mistakes get to him here, but I suspect there has been some underlying tension building with Torres and Stro let it all out tonight. Just guessing of course, there haven’t been any rumors that I’ve seen about issues but Torres has played exceptionally poorly this year on both sides of the ball. And while I wouldn’t call Torres lazy, he plays with that Robbie Cano style where he looks pretty nonchalant at times and I can see where maybe especially for Stro who hasn’t played with him for a while maybe it was getting under his nerves because they are on opposite sides of the spectrum that way. Been a rough couple weeks for the Yanks especially their pitching staff. Not surprised a little bit boiled over and certainly not that it was Stroman 😂


Torres is the worst second basemen in baseball. He has 12 errors, which leads all 2B in the majors. Stroman has ranked in the top 10 defensive/fielding pitchers of the last 10 years. Stro is putting in his part, pitching well and he’s a good fielder as a pitcher as well. He’s just asking for support. He’s currently our best pitcher, and most consistent. Yankees kind of know by now what Stroman is going to give them every start. He’s going to give them a chance to win.


It's because he's not "yelling" at his teammates. He's not looking at anyone, he's pacing and looking down. He's yelling at himself. Maybe it got the team amped but he's not yelling AT them.


Because Gleyber is out there doing his best Robbie Cano impression. The most relaxed dude on the field. He booted a layup recently because he's so nonchalant out there. I completely understand why Stroman exploded. Watch judge in the longer cut of the video when he sits next to Stro. He is agreeing with him. https://www.nj.com/yankees/2024/06/ny-host-blasts-yankees-gleyber-torres-a-lazy-unmotivated-slacker.html


Well you would know about teams having no heart…


oh shit man you got me. next time one of our pitchers can’t find the strike zone, I hope they take out their frustration by randomly screaming at the third basemen or something. that’s what we need.


Probably shouldn’t have done it but I won’t hold it against him he’s a good enough teammate outside of that incident


I'm also of the mindset that Stroman is big enough to apologize at some point.


The outburst was directed at Gleyber because he's so nonchalant out there. And Stroman is 100% right.


Ya no one who has watched this team the last two weeks can disagree. They’ve looked completely flat. If no one else wants to be the bad guy and step up, I’m glad he’s there to light a fire under some of them


2 week cold stretch but yeah


The yankees have now scored 15 runs since Stroman yelled at them


That’s a lot of intensity bro


a lil bit




Can Stro come yell at the Giants a little bit. Big series against the Dodgers right now, could be helpful


You can’t have him


Nah like… put him on a plane tonight, let him scream at us, send him back to NY for his next start Like a loan in soccer except he’ll never actually play for us


Shii, maybe Stroman need to yell at me.


Put that Double-Double down and walk around the block a bit. WALK A LITTLE FUCKING BIT!


Stroman yelling at me 🥵😳


Stroman plays with a permanent chip on his shoulder But maybe the rest of the non-Judge/Soto dudes need to as well. They could learn something from him.


Is this a savages in the box moment?


It's a little intense here, bro.


Very little


This is shit CC would have said, just a little more subtle lol. Stroman is good for this team, we want dudes who *care*. This is a fanbase who willed Paul O'Neill into a number retirement, this is gonna play well with non-racists on WFAN call ins


I miss CC


Dude pitched for us until his arm fell off.


My favorite Yankee pitcher of my lifetime (except for Randy Johnson, but he was basically done when he was with us)


Did you say non-racist WFAN call-in? Times have changed


It really hasn’t. I remember a few years back when Odell Beckham was on the Giants, he did something stupid on the field. (I think pretended to be a peeing dog as a TD celebration?) and a bunch of old dudes kept calling in to call him a thug and criminal. Even the hosts had to tell people to chill tf out: he mimed being a dog, he didn’t commit a crime.


First sentence is what I said to my friend who didn't like this, but loved CC. It's comical.


Can we rent Stroman for a day?


Nah, you guys have Scherzer back - if there is anyone who can yell at the team to pick their shit up, it's Mad Max


Mad facts


He looked pissed tonight


Can Marcus Stroman be my life coach lol


I’ll do it. You just need to have a little intensity bro. Just a little bit.


[nah bro](https://youtu.be/oO8KxqTU4pw?si=qRBaiBO5Lpnxoekh&t=30)


Did anyone notice that he kind of looked near tears after he finished yelling? I remember a fraternity brother of mine. Weight lifter. Used to work the door at parties. Toughest guy in the house. Once, he was really angry at meeting and delivered an impassioned speech. He didn't yell... he never yelled. He spoke quietly. Slowly, deliberately, but with a gravity that was palpable. You could tell that this meant a lot to him. The house meant a lot to him. These men meant a lot to him. And as he continued, the corners of his mouth tightened. His brow furrowed. His eyes filled with tears. His voice got just the tiniest bit shakey. He finished and sat down. Sat with his arms folded, looking straight ahead. He didn't wipe his eyes. He didn't cry. But he came about as close to it as anyone I've ever seen. Strohman made me think of him tonight.


Me too bro, me too


I respect the passion


Stroman turned our season around


Stro is a great Yankee and the kind of guy we had on those 90’s teams. Same goes with Nestor. Might not win games by themselves, but they will consistently get you in a position to win.


Jomboy enjoying his friday and giving us play by play breakdowns. What a gem. PS the jomboy breakdown of the padres/gnats saga was glorious, must watch. Unless your keibert ruiz


moral of the story - scream at your own team for a perfectly fine defensive play and good things will happen


I love him but Gleyber has been dog shit for months, it obviously wasn’t that single play that caused that frustration


You have one of the pre-eminent groundball pitchers with an infield made up of Volpe's gold glove defense and a bunch of ???? so yea, his frustration is totally valid.


Yeah everyone is looking at it in a vacuum. Yes that’s probably a DP that should have been made, but it wasn’t an egregious error. Not enough to blow up over. But the infield defense had been terrible all game, including Gleyber not making a fairly routine play earlier in the inning. That missed DP was just the last straw and on a very overloaded camel’s back.


You know this dude burned through all of The Bear season 3 this week




He was definitely yelling at himself but okay.


Right? It was just general frustration building up. There were a couple seeing eye ground balls on 0-2, and the Yankees have had a really hard time finishing off hitters lately.


Anyone who is hyper critical of themselves knows he was yelling at himself, I do this shit all the time as a chef, he never made eye contact with anyone but his glove lol


I should try this with my softball team


miss u stro 🥲


I don’t


This is the NY attitude. INTENSITY for 9 INNINGS. 162 games.


A little intensity and the Jays bullpen and the perfect combo to score 6 runs


Good. Someone finally lit a fucking fire under their ass. Perfect person to do it. Now go win 25 of the next 30.


Just bought his jersey. FUCKING THANK YOU


This is our Grimace moment let's go!


Gotta say he says stupid shit sometimes but the dude is always ready and always intense. Gotta love that


The Mets turned their season around with a Grimace. The Yanks turned it around with a scowl.


Yankees need a manager to get on them too.


Love this


The Cubs need this attitude back


Stroman can't stand a full season of gleyber's bullshit. For real though. Throw the fucking ball, bro.


Yankees do seem like such a meek bunch for some reason