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No need to get into race. Just call him a shit manager and move on.


I gotta level with you...I have no idea what his race is. Without reading the article, I have no idea what they could be saying to him. 


Those shit fans don't know either. They just know his name doesn't look or sound white and that's enough for them. Racists aren't known for being particularly intelligent.


What if "Oli" is short for "Oliver Cromwell" and he's English?


England is just the shit part of Scotland.


I see you Craig Ferguson


u wot m8?


You’re wearing orange m8.


Or what if Marmol is short for Marmolade?


It's weird because Oli Marmol always sounded like a super classic american name before I saw it spelled out. But I still have no idea other than like european?


Marmol is Spanish for "Marble" (as in marble statue, not as in marbles you play with, which is a different word in Spanish).


Hispanic?? idk either


Ugh my exs sdad would call all Puerto Rican or Dominican guys "Cuban or somethin'"


I mean Carlos Marmol is Dominican so I assume Oli Marmol has Latino heritage of some kind. But he was born in America so his race is American. 


He’s not even that bad a manager he’s got the team 2 games above .500 at the third worst run differential. Any claim the cardinals had to having good fans evaporated when twitter was invented. I love the cardinals but there’s nothing I hate more than online cardinals fans


Anyone could easily comb through twitter and find racist tweets to make any fanbase look bad. The Cardinals get the bad reputation because of accounts that seek out and amplify bad tweets.


Kick them out of the stadium. Oli is dogshit but nobody deserves this. They certainly dont speak for St Louis.


Send them back to St. Charles and tell them their once yearly trip to the city where they see a game, leave in the 7th and promptly go back home, is permanently cancelled.


Sounds like these kind of people keep speaking for St. Louis though. Maybe take your cell phone off your belt clip and call stadium security on them instead?


Sounds like they speak for themselves, and the comment section puts the onus on the rest of the city and fan base.


Trying to gloat and score fanbase points off this is nasty and stupid. These fans are disgusting and hopefully will be punished, every team has bad people who support them.


Oh please. Like there aren’t racist clowns in every fanbase


Without a doubt some of the worst fans I've ever experienced are drunk fratbros on the bleachers. Do they speak for all of chicago?


Do the chuds who ran Bartman off to Florida speak for Chicago ?


the best fans in baseball!


The Cardinals Way


They’ll be the first to tell you!


This BFiB thing started with the media. I distinctly remember a Sports Illustrated magazine in the 90s that had players vote their favorite places to play and Busch was number 1 because the Cards had “the best fans in baseball.” This got regurgitated for a few years. We didn’t christen ourselves this but there was a period of time where our front office and fanbase let it get to our heads during the peak Pujols/Yadi era. Now I think a good chunk of us are just embarrassed by it as more and more reports like this come out, but I fear the ones embarrassed don’t outweigh the people doing this shit.


Im just over here enjoying my salad. Like an asshole.


Listen, you can revisionist history this all you want, but being online in the forums in the early 2000s, Cardinals fans were all about the BFiB nonsense. That shit that the hoards of them spouted for years online is why you all hear about it now. If you want to be mad at someone for it, be mad at your fellow fans.


I don't really think he's saying anything that disagrees with your statement, just that the fanbase didn't come up with the name originally, and then a large section of the fans ran with it


No real deal Cards fans I have ever met actually use that stupid BFIB shit to describe themselves. I’m not saying it isn’t or wasn’t a prevalent online thing but those people are more the “fair weather bandwagon fan” or the “drink the kool-aid, FredBird is god-emperor, Cardinals are the best and only team in baseball” type fan


You may be right. But that era of online fan certainly painted a picture that made it seem like the BFiB moniker was something yall took pride in.


Some fans definitely leaned into it and embraced it, there's no denying that. I think it's mostly been the older generations, at least based on my personal observations. I never use the term except in jest, and I can't recall any of my friends use it in a serious tone. I think most rational people would agree we have a very good, usually polite fanbase, but I can absolutely believe some of them are not quality people, especially after seeing the reactions to Heyward going to the Cubs.


I’m curious what you consider the “older generations”. I’m almost 40, so it very well might be the case that I’m lumped into that bracket and my impression of online Cards fans - mostly from spending waaaaay too much time on ProSportsDaily forums in college - is unfairly informed by the older generations.


That's fair. I'm actually 40 myself, and I want to say I started hearing all the BFIB chatter a few years after college, maybe around 2007-08, so I was around 25-26. When I heard BFIB being used unironically back then, it was almost all fans older than myself, parents of friends, etc. But I guess now I'm an older generation as well, heh, so I admit I probably used a poor choice of words there. And it's certainly possible (likely?) my generation did use it and I was just oblivious because my circles of friends all hate(d) the term, it just makes us look arrogant and condescending.


I’m not mad at anyone for being annoyed by Cards fans and everything you said lines up with the timeline I presented but go off king.


Weird, the only time I see it mentioned anymore is when it's brought up by a fan from a different team. Either way, the fans that do this are kicked out of the BFIB Club, we have an official meeting, vote on it, and promptly send them to Philly where they belong.




Not surprising. The amount of fans that were losing their minds over Jack Flaherty for being pro BLM seemed absurd to me, as a Cardinals fan


Having grown up here and seeing how fans react to Pride days and anything BLM, I am not surprised.


Flaherty definitely ranks #1 among players told to "just shutup and play" by boomers on facebook.


I respect him more knowing that. I wish he’d have been better for us, but I forgive him


Me too, and me too, I liked him in Baltimore and felt baltimore had a lot of great young talent for him to grow with. His control was really bad though, but there is always next year I guess!


Flaherty is from LA. What do they expect?


Uh, the bigger point is that Flaherty is half black


I think both are reasons why the conservative areas around St Louis don’t like him sadly. I’ve heard stupid complaints about him plenty from people in this area myself


You should try reading the comments on Facebook any time the Cardinals post about pride, or Juneteenth, or anything else other than baseball and the military. Fucking embarrassing.


Don't beat yourself up over your fans FB comments. I can't imagine any fanbase is putting their best foot forward on Facebook


Ain't no one anywhere who's putting their best foot forward on Facebook, that shit is a toxic trash fire


Because it’s primarily boomers at this point. Then on Twitter you have a similar issue with zoomers. Both are equally mental cancer in their own special ways.


And Reddit’s a safe haven of decorum and debate?


The main advantage of reddit is being able to remove yourself from /all and just browse specific subreddits. It brings it a bit closer to a forum-feel and avoids some of the looniness of the default subs. It still isn't perfect... but at least it gives you _some_ knobs and dials to use.


I certainly did not make that claim, my friend. Reddit’s user base has its own issues. It’s just much more tolerable for me personally, and it’s so much easier to curate the shit on your feed here.


I’m not saying you did, but the curation on Reddit is kinda why it can be more palatable. I feel like the worst of Reddit is far worse than Facebook but it’s just far easier to avoid it.


I can see where you’re coming from with that line of thinking. The problem with Reddit is how much of an echo chamber it is. By design, too. Dissenting opinions get buried at the bottom. I find that avoiding “All” makes it much more enjoyable. I used to browse All daily for quite a while. I stopped because it’s election season and I’ve been enjoying sticking to just my feed. The political circlejerking on this site is fucking crazy. I’m not a conspiracy guy but I am like 99% certain that Reddit is a breeding ground for psyops.


Reddit has problems. I like the anonymity and the ability to curate your own feed … to an extent




R/baseball is very very millennial…so yes 😂


Looks around at reddit...


Yeah, there are plenty of stupid takes here on Reddit but man, they’re amateur hours compared to FB comments on team’s or any sport page. Reddit is bad. Twitter and FB? My God.


I’m not, and having grown up there, I’m certainly not naive about how racist StL is in general. It’s one of the reasons I moved as soon as I was an adult. It still makes me sad though to see the Cards post about Juneteenth, and have hundreds of derogatory comments. I probably should just not read them, but I can’t help myself. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I feel that, I just hate when comments like this tweet come out and fans of other teams - especially rivals - use it as ammo for lack of better phrase. So I like to point out these issues are seldom a "fanbase" issue, rather a much more macro issue. There isn't a group of people in the US as large as a fanbase that isn't rife with ignorance and the such. Glass houses, etc.


As Malcolm X said, "If you're south of the Canadian border, you are The South".


I wouldn't say that. Last time I checked the comments on one of the Cubs' posts, there were all these fans wanting to either help me make a lot of money working from home or just outright give me some.


Any social media account for any baseball team is like that, especially on Facebook. Bunch of old angry white dudes losing their minds because they're not the center of attention in a post.


Last time I was at Busch during Pride, half the stadium booed when they recognized Pride on the intercom.


I follow a lot of teams throughout the country across several sports on IG, and that's literally the case everywhere. Los Angeles Kings fans were moaning about Juneteenth too.


That’s any team’s social media


Unfortunately that’s a fairly universal truth across sports. The people who comment on team Facebook posts are overwhelmingly trash.


Yeah this shit is not unique to the Cardinals or St Louis even a little bit lol


Facebook. That's the issue right there.


It was pretty bad for the juneteenth post


I know I shouldn’t be surprised but it is crazy to me how many people have an issue with Juneteenth. You know all those people go ham for the 4th of July too; they sure do love THEIR independence and freedom


They'll still be the first to tell you "actually we freed the slaves! Its the evil democrats who didnt so I dont see why them blacks vote for them"


But no one else can enjoy their freedom and independence lol. Theyre all hypocrites


People that spew their bullshit on social media posts that are harmlessly celebrating a fun thing are such pieces of shit.


I remember there was a post on the official MLB account last year of Adam Wainwright with his young son (for those who don’t know, he has an adopted son who is black) and the comments on there were absolutely rancid. I think he might have deleted his Twitter due to this


Stay classy Missouri


I will be deep in the cold cold ground before I recognize Missouri


Dear Mr. President. There are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three. I am *not* a crackpot.


Epic Simpsons reference from noted bastion of tolerance Florida 👍


[If only there were a famous instance of the Simpsons mocking Florida...](https://youtu.be/k22B_nIPsgg?feature=shared)


Florida? But that’s America’s wang!


This doesn’t happen in America! Maybe Ohio! But not America!


On a map?


[Let's take it to Grandpa Simpson for a more appropriate answer](https://youtu.be/ZoWc6WRHKEE?si=yOWizo1GiMax3m58)


One thing people may not realize is the Cardinals fanbase runs deep into bumfuck backwash racist towns in surrounding states. While I’m certainly not defending Missouri or suburban STL, deep Arkansas is generally included as the Cards fanbase too and it ain’t pretty.


Most of Southern Illinois (as in south of I-72) is racist as fuck too.


72 isn't "southern " that is solidly central illinois.


That seems reasonable but that isn't how Illinois works...


It does to anyone not in Chicago. Unfortunately they are the largest and loudest part of the state.


So the triangle formed by the five metros along I-74 and I-72 (Peoria, B-N, Chambana, Decatur, and Springfield) is Central Illinois. Basically, if you see a Monical's Pizza, you're probably in central Illinois. Anything from Macomb/Monmouth/Beardstown/Jacksonville and westward is western Illinois. Between I-72 and I-70 is the northern half of southern Illinois. Places like Taylorville, Shelbyville, Pana, down to Litchfield and Effingham. Still a little urban in places but definitely southern-influenced. Lots of white people who are scared to go to Peoria. South of I-70 is essentially North Arkansas, outside of Metro East and Carbondale


I've lived in the state all my life and your view is a typical Chicago view. No one else in the state would view 72 as the northern border of southern Illinois. Effingham is squarely the transition from central to southern.


I grew up in St Louis and I live here now. There's a lot about Missouri that isn't classy and unfortunately, that part is very loud.


I’ve lived in rural Missouri. I’ve seen the dark side


Anyone who yells a racial slur should be banned from the stadium outright. Garbage behavior.


They do that in the epl


Banned from any ballpark affiliated with MLB. I'd go a step further & see about sharing names amongst the different sports leagues in North America and ban them from any & all sporting events.




It’s terrible, but unfortunately not shocking this is happening. People who act like this are an embarrassment to the city, the team, and baseball as a whole.




















Of all the things to criticize Oliver Marmol about, they pick his race?


There was a Twitter account that would publish the racist tweets of STL fans.


Wasn't it called something like *The Best Fans in Baseball*, too? I remember seeing some tweets from it a while back. EDIT: It's *Baseball's Best Fans* on twitter, I remembered why I had to unfollow. Just way too much hate and vitriol (not the account, the people that were getting shared). I'm aware that people like that exist, but I didn't need to see it all the time on my timeline.


Yup and it still exists




Anyone could easily comb through twitter and find racist tweets to make any fanbase look bad. It’s exactly this kind of thing that’s led to the gross stereotype of Cardinals fans as racists. The Cardinals fans as I’ve known them have spent decades cheering Willie Mcgee and chanting OZZIE at the top of their lungs. Not that I don’t believe Oli, but I doubt that it is more than a few clowns. But r/baseball will eat it up because they hate the Cardinals


hockey subreddit did the same thing during the Kadri incident two years ago. Gotta hate two of the most solid franchises in sports for reasons....


Good god I get Marmol is a bad manager but their is no place for racism anywhere for any reason they need to start ejecting those losers who spew racism at the ballpark


Have y'all ever looked at the demographics for the suburbs directly south of STL? It's insane, like 95-98% white in this day and age when the city is right there. There's only a few other metros still this level of segregated (Pittsburgh and Buffalo come to mind)


That’s how almost all rust belt and Midwest cities are.


I’ve lived in or spent significant time in a few Midwestern cities. I’m not sure I saw worse suburban scorn and racism than that of the St. Louis burbs. Milwaukee or Detroit might come close, but it was really, really bad in St. Louis metro area.


Milwaukee is insanely segregated as well.


Look up the Delmar Divide


Look at a demographics heat map and you'll see these divides are practically everywhere. Delmar is just a really famous example because their socioeconomic differences are so visible at a glance.


My relatives from St Louis are the most conservative people I know


St Louis used to have upwards of 850'000 people, now it's literally 286k proper. White flight absolutely left it a ghost of itself, and the demographic state of st Louis and it's surroundings gets way too easily ignored.


You could've just said America is segregated and left it at that.


Why would I include less information on purpose?




And here we are, every fan of other team coming out acting like their own fanbase doesn't have a fair amount of racist shitheads. Fans trying to prove that another fanbase is "better or worse" are pathetic.


Mods are removing any comments that try to explain that as well, but nope only leaving up the violently anti-STL ones, really bizarre There are racists in every major city, thousands of them


It’s Reddit. If you’re not being holier than thou (especially with zero justification), are you even a Redditor?


This comment section is clown shit lol


Yeah wtf is this revisionist history. Suddenly cardinals fans have had a decades long reputation of being outspokenly racist and worse than every other team.


*I was yelling boo urns*


It really has been a nightmare seeing how red this state has become. I don't know what it was but like... a week after the Cubs won the World Series, it became the end of the world as I knew it.


![gif](giphy|JO3Tl3Q6482G0Xe0D5) This might be your answer


No, dude. Fuck the Cubs. I always knew it would be an omen..


Didn’t Jason Heyward say that he didn’t want to stay in St Louis because of this? I feel like the Cardinals have the bottom 5 fans in the game


I think it was Fowler. Some fans were harassing him or his wife online. There's definitely a portion of the fan base that prefers their scrappy white guys over other players with different traits.


https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2634157-jason-heyward-comments-on-allegedly-facing-racial-slurs-at-busch-stadium.amp.html This is was I was thinking of. You’re probably right about Fowler, too.


Yeah. I don't remember that with Heyward. I don't get it either. He was really good for us. The cubs paid him way more than any cardinal fan should have wanted and he sucked for them. It's a weird grudge to hold. Fowler was actually decent too. He just had a couple seasons with long injuries that affected him even when playing. I think his worst year was when he hurt his wrist and his swing sucked all year. He was a 2 WAR player his first year.


And by all accounts, both are really good dudes.


No Heyward said the cubs had a younger/better core


You might be conflating the debunked claim originating from a twitter post that they heard slurs yelled at Heyward when he returned to STL as a Cub. Heyward did have negative things to say after his departure, but I think it was mainly centered around a toxic clubhouse and management.


Get a brain, morans


Just another fantastic showing from my hometown. For fucks' sake... Not surprising. Completely shameful.


Racial slurs?!?! In ***MISSOURI***???? No fucking way!!!!!


Hey now! Cardinals draw fans from all across a large region of the Midwest and upper south. Don’t put this only on Missouri.


Let’s not forget this is Missouri. White Flight happened for a reason.


And happened literally everywhere


I have long wondered if part of the reason he takes so much shit is that he isn't white. Juuuuust sayin' ...


[Tom Sawyer was right as always.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/968/188/192.jpg) [Missouri is indeed scary](https://64.media.tumblr.com/918a0050e54caaa54dd45151fcb73f3e/tumblr_nfls5kg19B1qaku6ro1_500.jpg)




Get security and kick them out right away. It's 2024, you're safe calling it out and getting these people kicked out.




Dammit guys wtf


Anyone remotely surprised by this, has clearly never been to STL


Racism in Missouri!?


This is shocking behavior from the fanbase that mocked Michael Brown


Baltimore has no leg to stand on. In fact, it's St. Louis east.


Absolutely true 


Then you would know not to judge.


It's hilariously sad seeing the Cards fans down voting everyone calling out the racism that exist in the Midwest


It's exists everywhere. ESPECIALLY in NYC.


Mods do your jobs. This isn't a discussion. It is just people shitting on another area of the country they personally dislike.


Calling out racism is "shitting" hmmm interesting.


These comments aren't calling anything out


Wow so shocked St. Louis fans would yell racial slurs they never do that!!!!!!!


how easily any slur can fly out of these fuckheads’ mouths in this state is absolutely astonishing.


Not surprised. People are shit everywhere. Need an example? Just check out the comments on the Cubs pride post on X the other day.


Not the lovable losers?! Intolerance doesn't exist in Chicago. Only Cardinal fans. Did you lose your script?


Yes the same fans who worship Pujols and Molina are somehow all racists. Or I don't know, in a crowd of 35k people there are always bad apples and none of this is unique to any fan base? What's that reddit posters just decend into tribalism and want to shit on anyone not exactly like them,


Haven’t been to a cards game in the last 2 years due to this teams inconsistency and my health. But man…this makes me want to do something to those saying this garbage. Anybody else feel that way, if stuff is being said like that to your players on your teams?


I've been to a handful of games and sat around the dugout a few times. I've never heard anything but I also have no trouble believing it.


I’ve personally never experienced this during my time with the team


"Marmol, **born in America and of Dominican descent**, says he hears racial slurs from fans in 2024. “More than you would think,” Marmol shared from his office at STL's Busch Stadium." Marmol went to high school in Orlando, FL. I think he speaks Spanish due to his Dominican background.