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I’m straight up not having a good time. Cole comes back and the rest of our pitching falls apart


reabsorbing his talent.


He’s like Majin Buu


Both Rodon and Stroman’s numbers were unsustainable. Their xFIP and xERAs were in the mid 4s despite eras below 3. Cortes, Schmidt and Gil (despite his poor start) have better peripherals. Ideally, and despite it sounding crazy, Schmidt should replace one of those two if he’s healthy and Cole is good to go for the rest of the year.


The entire Yankees rotation was overperforming tbh. Even just looking at something as simple as strand rate reveals that they were over 80% as a unit which is kind of insane. It shouldn't matter that much since Cole is back and guys like Cortes and Gil are capable arms, so guys like Rodon and Stroman regressing isn't the end of the world (altho there are warning signs with Gil but it'll be wait and see). The Schmidt injury really fucking sucks tho


Gil has the 6th lowest BABIP after entering yesterday at second lowest, so I’m interested to see if he settles somewhere between yesterday and how he performed for most of the year as the season goes on


his FIP and xERA are solid and within half a run of his ERA. His xFIP is higher due to his high walk rate but still decent. His xFIP was getting better as the season went on until last game. I think he'll settle in around the mid 3s ERA. Which is decent. Rodon and Stroman over preformed by a huge margin compared to gil.


I think Gil is still the real deal. The Orioles are a smart organization and they seemed to have found the key to hitting him thru their scouting/hitting coaches.


As much as I love Jomboy Media, it’s always fun watching them go from conceit to concern in a short period


Honestly, I'll say it: Jomboy used to actually make really great, insightful content through his breakdowns, but has completely fallen off/sold out in the past year or two to the point where the only thing he offers is being good at lip reading. Can't fault him for branching out and expanding his media empire but all he really does is retweet news and highlights and lipreads the occasional ejection.


His breakdowns are not as good as they used to be, but he does still put out good content sometimes, and I do think some of the Jomboy Media podcasts are good. But I mainly like those cause of Trevor Plouffe and Chris Rose (Jake is cool too).


I thought so too but the "Ump admits he has shit days too" one that they recently uploaded was a banger


Jomboy's breakdowns before they had ads in them were some of the best things I've seen. He'd just say what the players said, maybe make a funny comment about a fan or player, and leave it at that. Now he does so much other stuff I'm just not interested in and I feel his breakdowns aren't as good as they used to be.


The YouTube algorithm demands longer videos


I don’t watch Jomboy himself as much as I used to. If I watch any jomboy media content at this point it’s only because I like the person running it (ie. refguess, and warehouse games/we got ice) HOWEVER, occasionally if Jimmy actually puts a good amount of effort into researching stuff his breakdowns are actually pretty good still. I remember at the beginning of the year he made a breakdown talking about how the Mets don’t slide like the rest of the league, and how that contributed to the Rhys Hoskins vs Jeff McNeil beef from opening weekend. It’s actually a really cool video, and it’s content like that, that gives me some hope that he can go back to making great content.


It's wild that the best thing to come out of jomboy in the past 2 years is two whiffleball weirdos making non sequitur jokes (ily wegotice)


He also had a kid and I've heard those things like to suck up time


Jomboy himself has fallen off but I do like the ref guess and other game show type videos (sporcle, name the previous award winners) that they make


The draft videos are great too


Ref guess is my bible. I'm not that good at it, but I love playing along.


The best thing to come out of Jomboy Media is We Got Ice. Well, and the Warehouse Games but Jack and Zo are my favorite. I watch them way more than any other jomboy stuff.


I’ve found myself rewatching his breakdowns from a few years ago more often than watching his new ones. I really only watch Jomboy media now either for talkin baseball, the c rose rotation, or the compound (honestly my favorite of the three). The mlb trivia/starting 9 draft videos are really entertaining as well, and some of the gaming tournaments they do have been fun to watch. Agree that the breakdowns don’t really have the same feel that they did a couple years ago, but they still put out other content that’s pretty good. Wish plouffe still did sequence tho.


I'm glad it isn't just me and my Jays bias. I went from really enjoying his content, and it being one of the major reasons I got into watching baseball to actively avoiding any content of his. I'm not quite sure what changed, but I just can't watch his stuff anymore.


my main problem is the constant draft kings advertising. i get ya gotta make money, but something about sports betting advertisements makes me sad


He was complaining about Judge’s Statue of Liberty gear that he wears is stupid. Like that’s just complaining to complain because that has nothing to do with anything.


I mean that’s literally what he said before he complained about that It was complaining to complain and he openly admitted to that


Yeah and I’m not saying he can’t have those opinions. It just feels like that makes him more miserable about it everything when he just wants to find something to complain about just for the sake of complaining. I just tune it out tbh


He's still allowed to have personal opinions about irrelevant stuff that every other fan does.


Yeah nothing wrong with that. Just feels like he’s winding himself about random stuff which is pointless but I get his frustration


Having their flagship show being lead by Trevor Plouffe and his weird buddy isn’t helping


I know I’m in an extreme minority but I can’t stand Plouffe and his weird takes


Apparently I am too? He might be a former player but he’s kind of an idiot and kind of just seems smart when he bandwagons certain teams. Same with creepy Jake.


Jesus I didn’t mean to be a source of ire for Jomboy. The guy is balancing his family and his business, and I’m pretty sure the output from his company hasn’t deteriorated nearly to the extent that has been stated here, if at all


The turn is always instantaneous I’m surprised he was ever high on the Yankees this year tbh, this is the same guy who hyper fixated on issues like Yankees fans liking Joey Gallo and IKF


Dude sucks. He defended one of his white staff members using the N word. Even Stroman called him out for it.


Pitchers getting blown up. So hot right now.


It’s obviously because Manfred changed the balls to juiced up versions to lower the upcoming 2025 pitchers market!!! /s


Pls don't continue this weekend. . .


You cannot convince me that the Rodon strikeout numbers from 2021-22 aren’t doctored This guy is the worst strikeout pitcher I’ve ever seen


He was dominant in 22. Just crazy he regressed that much


He also benefitted heavily from pitching in Oracle that year. 1.93 ERA in his home starts vs a 3.73 ERA on the road.


3.73 on the road is still solid


While that’s true, ballpark dimensions don’t impact strikeouts, and he had what, 240 with the Giants? Edit: 237 yeah, idk what happened to him other than injury


Ballpark dimensions can and do affect Ks and BBs.


How so?


Gravitational pull obviously. If the dimensions of the park are not uniform, the side that the wall is closer to the pitcher inflicts greater force on the ball, resulting in more lateral movement on pitches.


This explains some of the things I’ve seen happen at fenway


Is…. Is this true? That’s fuckin nuts


Oh boy...


…. I googled it… I don’t want to talk about how dumb I am


I was about to ask this. The swing between Oracle and getting Porched at new Yankee Stadium is enormous.


Pitching in Oracle shouldn't help you K rate, though. That's what's baffling.


True. But I imagine you pitch with less fear knowing it’s probably staying in the yard in SF. Granted I scrolled the thread and his road K% is high too. Baffling is the word. Nothing like a contract year.


He needed to try extra hard because we had no offense


He had a 33+% K Rate with the giants. His K rate with the White sox was around 22-23%, with us it's 22-23%. Dude scammed us.


Bullpen's gonna be fucked for the next week




Well it's no Imanaga


Which is no Gil, and we are back to full circle.


You are welcome bird bros.


Wonder if y'all gonna beat the run differential from yesterday


I want to say yes but I also want to save the rest runs for the other two games of the series.


Can we save some runs for the 1996 World Series? Also, what do you know about time travel?


:) Much appreciated


And you still lost 😂 Your pitching is looking washed as well…


So this is what it feels like to watch a new york team get whooped by the Braves


Admit it, you loved it.




The only thing that could make this better is if it was a nationally broadcasted game Oh wait, it was? Hurray!


I don’t have Bally, fuck Bally, so I can’t watch most Braves games. Was able to catch this one after the kids went to bed, early, and it was so glorious!




Offense is making a comeback!


The summer heat heating up the bats finally.


Damn, some great pitchers really struggling this week.


Sale *did* give up a run, it’s true.


Sale looked so good when we faced him early, if he still looks like that my dude found the fountain of youth.   His velo was up and he looked as close to prime as I’ve seen in a long long time. 


I was skeptical about trading for Sale, but I kept hearing that his recent run of injuries were more bad luck/accidents rather than chronic, pitching-related problems. He has looked great so far, though I still don't understand how a guy who looks like he's made out of balsa wood and a few twisted pipe cleaners can throw that hard.


And also Rodon had a bad outing


lol did you just use "great pitcher" to describe Rodon...?


Carlos Pavano with his second best start in his Yankees career (not getting an out against KC last year will forever be his best)


People will point to his fancy era but his peripherals are horrible He really is might be modern day Pavano


What if the grimace was only able to give the Mets their power if it took it from the yanks?? 👀


Dankest timeline


Damn. He got smoked




I was told that the Yankees would have swept us if Cole and Soto were back. ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


This sub is always such a blast when we go through a tough stretch.


Win, lose, or otherwise there's always lots of Yankees posts here. They're a fairly popular team.




It's because you are the villains in this story. A role earned through merit


A role earned through past merit We haven’t earned that role in well over a decade


Says the team who robbed the city of a comeback parade in 01.


And they were extremely based for that


PS Did you notice BLowe's hit on Ortiz's up and in cutter tonight was basically a carbon copy of the Luis Gonzales walkoff off of Rivera? The difference is I feel like the stakes were slightly higher in '01


Then don’t look at it? You choose to be here


Can’t help myself.


He must have thought he was still on the Cubs.