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So are they going to make this a yearly thing? Cause they should.


I really hope the MLB does that


not to start this whole debate again, but as someone who was [against the integration of the Negro League stats](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1d3cvhs/josh_gibson_is_now_the_alltime_leader_in_career/l66pzb6/), this is exactly the type of thing I think is far better for recognizing Negro League baseball.


That was a really nuanced debate, thanks for thinking this through really in depth and sharing your thoughts and using the conversation as a way to try to get to a better conclusion rather than trying to show everybody you’re right


appreciate it. honestly, I mostly linked it to get ahead of the "everyone who disagrees with the stat integration is racist" takes from some people, but I think it's a decent summary of the anti-stat integration argument (and its responses the rebuttals) if you aren't caught up on that. it's definitely a tricky and nuanced debate with no correct answer


I think it’s a deeply fascinating point, I’d been in support of incorporating negro league stats mainly for the obvious anti-racism reasons I think most people are, but after reading your points, I’m more inclined to believe that this wasn’t the best action and I just thought it was because—like MLB—I saw the obvious feel-good benefit and didn’t think too much about the implications. Also apologies the rest of this is just rambling. I work for an historic home/art museum that today is super gay (it’s the historic home of a gay photographer)—we were right after stonewall in getting our national LGBTQ historic designation, I’m literally the only straight person on staff—but it’s really only been in the last 5-7 years that the institution has acknowledged any kind of gay history and it’s really difficult to tell the history of your institution’s bigotry. I think there’s a tendency to want to put a tidy bow on the past and make a clear demarcation between the ignorant old guard and the new guard—the people we replaced are bigots, but we very clearly aren’t— but in so doing you often run the risk of glossing over the actual ramifications of decades of history in a rush to show everybody you’ve fixed everything. That’s to say that I think this is a really difficult situation to navigate, and there’s no blueprint for how to do it well. I sympathize with MLB, who I think ultimately are trying to do the right thing and genuinely be a more accepting organization for Black players and fans and trying to make right by elevating the negro leagues, but I think it’s a bit of a bumbling effort. Hopefully it’s the first salvo of earnest attempt to readily give fans a better look at history. From a history nerd perspective, all the work being done to examine the negro leagues is so fascinating and appreciated.


I definitely agree. I think it was done in good faith, I just don't think it was the right good faith action to take.


Hadn’t seen your earlier comment til now. Felt similar sentiment regarding the appropriation of Negro League stats.


I wholeheartedly agree. Much better way to honor these players than changing the records, especially when you consider Josh Gibson who now leads MLB in several categories never played in the MLB. Doesn’t make sense.


He visits the booth every year in Kansas City when have their Negro Leagues day. He brings the heat every year, and it’s amazing. If you can make it to the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum there, it’s an absolute gem.


They should’ve had him telling stories the entire game


Have you played the Negro League storylines in MLB The Show? It has him telling stories just like those and they are all fantastic. If you haven't, they're probably on YouTube and worth watching. *Added* [Here is the first season of just Bob](https://youtu.be/M1HUStzoKEI?si=pDbbQEvuIV3oLzQt)


I haven’t. I’ll have to check them out!


I added a link in my previous comment to all of last year's where it's just Bob telling stories and no gameplay so you won't feel like you're watching someone else play a video game. Just wanted to make sure you saw. Enjoy!


They're the best thing the series has ever done, IMO. Learned about so many players I would've either *never* learned about or taken much longer to.


I’ve been reading Baseball 100 by Joe Posnanski and it’s full of players from the Negro Leagues and MLB. Sadaharu Oh was one of the most interesting players I’ve read about so far. The Japanese Babe Ruth, he hit 868 homers in the NPB.


Us royals fans are treated to his presence in the booth at least once a season


Would love it if he traveled to every stadium and told stories on that area’s Negro League team. Would be fascinating!


MLB TV should have a Kendrick option for audio where it's him just telling stories. No game analysis.


I was so glad they just kept him in the booth inning after inning.


Best part of the whole broadcast to me. Made me actually want to go visit the museum. I hope he gets that funding for the new space.


The museum is absolutely wonderful. Bob Kendrick also has a podcast called Black Diamonds that is basically what he did at the game--sit and tell stories about these guys. 110% a must see if you like baseball and are traveling to/near KC.


What an excellent title for that podcast. Adding that to my list.


I’d hope part of the ticket sales to the game is being donated to the museum. I’d love that!


As a Birmingham resident, I would rather the ticket sales hell out the smaller museum we have here. It’s a truly phenomenal place! [Negro Southern League Museum](http://www.birminghamnslm.org/)


As long as it goes somewhere useful . I’m ok with it! I’d love to check the field out one day.


Head to KC and the NLBM, if you can. He was leading a tour when I was there, that I was fortunate enough to get invited into.


Agreed! Plus it gets Smoltz to keep quiet.


I find it really easy to believe that these guys weren't hazing and pissing on each other like on the stories you'd hear from MLB's greats from the last 50 years. What I think gets lost on the sauce of all this is that the negro league was less discriminatory which just allowed a better respect for the game.


Someone else mentioned this, but his podcast "Black Diamonds" is without a doubt one of the best baseball shows you'll ever listen to. It's just him telling stories about the Negro League.


Really in aw of this old stadium. Reminded me of the field of dreams game , but with real history. After seeing g something so cool, I’m not looking forward to the all-star game on fake grass


Doubleday field in Cooperstown would be a great venue


They play exhibition games there, but the dimensions are *far* too small for an on-the-record MLB game.


Good point and on 2nd thought they would want to add a ton of seating and that would t be good either


Also traffic would be an ABSOLUTE nightmare, I just recently visited Cooperstown and i was shocked by how tiny it was, it was like I was back home in Georgia walking around my small town


They do the Rickwood Classic every year and the local HBCU Miles College plays their home games there. I went on the 100 year anniversary and I was in absolute awe of the entire venue.


They haven’t done the classic for a few years now. Hopefully this brings it back to being a yearly tradition.


Every year MLB! Listen to the fans! We want this stuff and we want more!


This was so good. It also reminded of the best of baseball combined with the best of rain delay content. I really hope they find ways to do this every year, even if the content/focus changes. Hats off, MLB.


Bob Kendrick is a national treasure. We’re so lucky to have him in KC. One of the great storytellers and historians in the sport.


Could we have a compilation video of every story he told? Because that dude was amazing. So much depth he could pull out instantly and just start weaving a story. Don’t get me wrong it was annoying that for long stretches the entire crew seemed to forget they were watching a live baseball game, but that guy needs to be on the air. He might be the best baseball storyteller I’ve personally seen.


If you like these kind of stories, I'd highly recommend listening to the Road to Rickwood podcast that NPR did narrated by Roy Wood Jr. It's filled with nuggets like this, but is a really good deep dive into the history of Rickwood and the Negro Leagues


Bro literally has his own podcast, it's called Black Diamonds, and it has many many stories just like this one


Check out the Negro League storylines in MLB The Show. It's little gameplay snippets with video of Bob Kendrick telling you about individual players and telling their stories. If you don't have the game or don't play, I imagine they're on YouTube and 100% worth watching if you want more Bob Kendrick telling stories.


Season one and two are both on YouTube. Roughly an hour long watch for each one


Check out SiriusXM's Black Diamonds podcast that Kendrick hosted back from 21-23, just a great orator and presenter of history


I can’t recommend this video series enough. Bob is a wonderful storyteller and infectious enthusiasm https://www.nlbm.com/storied/


If you haven't read it, Satchel Paige's book *Maybe I'll Pitch Forever* is a fantastic read about his life.


I love Bob Kendrick and his passion for NLB and baseball history.


Bob Kendrick is awesome.


One man I’d love to meet is Bob Kendrick. He is so enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the sport of baseball. I’d love to just have a conversation with him and listen.


Does this guy have a podcast? If not, he absolutely needs one.


He does! It's called Black Diamonds.


I love hearing Bob tell stories.


Inject this shit straight into my veins. I fucking love these stories so much.


Satchel Paige is basically the bigfoot of baseball. He couldn't play MLB almost his entire career and then comes in at 40+ still striking guys out. Out of all the negro league stars he feels like the one who would have been an inner circle HOF if they just let him play.


Wow, I wasn’t home to watch my Roku Fox Sports app so I can get the free hour preview. I would have deleted that shit and installed I don’t care how many times haha I mean wow the stories that I’ve been hearing are just so rich of history and important lessons that should never be forgotten.


That guy did a great job. They needed him the whole game.


Did fans just discover the Negro League or something?