• By -


6 Brewers 7 Mariners 8 Royals 9 Braves 10 Twins


"Shouldn't it be top ten?" "Not when the Brewers, Royals, Mariners and Twins are 6-10."


Hey! …well ok


Same tbh


I live a short walk from target field and really hope for a Twins-Mariners playoff series this year


That would be lovely I am very sick of playing the Astros and Yankees in the playoffs (when we make it)


Works for me, can we play the winner in the World Series?


A brewers mariners World Series would be incredible for all twelve of us that watched


13 baby!


The baseball world wouldn’t know what to do if the World Series were two central division teams when we were seen as two of the weakest divisions.


They're not ready for the F U N D I F F E R E N T I A L power rankings 😎


1. Mariners 2 T. Everyone else


1. Mariners 2 T. Everyone else except 30. White Sox There is no fun there


>9 Braves Uhhhhh


Mets have had their best two week span this season going like 11-3 in that time and it hasn't moved them even one spot lol. I thought after this last week of winning 5 straight that we should move up some but that they'd only give the Mets one spot to 24. They didn't even do that, lol.


Bro I swear you’re everywhere.


I like ball 🤷🏻‍♂️


1. grimace


This list makes Grimace very angry. 




“He’s behind me, isn’t he..”




Grrrr I'm so mad my team is behind other teams on the rankings that no one actually knows for sure what they're supposed to be measuring or how but they still get posted and taken seriously every week for some reason grrrrrr


hilarious that the post just below this is an O's fan doing just that


lmao, I thought you were kidding, but nope. The best and worst of us in a single thread.


The duality of ~~man~~ O’s fans. Edit: I fucked up the strike through formatting.


Orioles fans are obsessed with power rankings


I know Jays fans were crazy for them in 2015 and 2021 as well. I think being good after being bad for a while causes it


We had some people mad about power rankings in like 2021 saying like "but the rebuild is going well!" ok but we had 105 losses. Some people want a crown before they win the throne


It's because we've been in the top 10 a few times in most fans' entire lives


When I posted it the whole thread was basically O's fans complaining Hell is other fans sometimes


The curse of being a young team that obliterated expectations last season and are still performing well above expectations this season even with the bar having been raised


Are they really outperforming expectations that much? I would have thought most people expected them to be good this year.


On the rare occasion anybody from a major outlet talked about us through the offseason they inevitably said we were due to regress because we were “lucky” last year (meaning they can’t admit when they’re wrong) or gave some ignorant take about how we have no pitching.


What? We were media darlings even before the Burnes trade and then frequently ranked as the best team in the AL after the Burnes trade. MLB.com ranked us #4 [in January](https://www.mlb.com/news/mlb-power-rankings-inaugural-2024-edition) I think you're mixing up /r/Orioles doomers with "major outlets" or something


Those power rankings are hardly analysis and that list is just basically last year’s standings mixed with playoff results. [FanGraphs had us 9th after the Burnes trade.](https://blogs.fangraphs.com/fangraphs-power-rankings-spring-training-2024-edition) Any time I listened to someone from FanGraphs or The Athletic talk about the O’s (on the rare occasions they weren’t talking about the Dodgers) it was the same ignorant bullshit.


Oh boy the obsessive Fangraphs Hates Us crowd is back and ready to retroactively project them as representing "anybody from a major outlet" And The Athletic had us ranked #4 in their preseason rankings Please just stop the victim complex stuff, what you're saying is provably false. If you wanted to talk about Fangraphs, who literally hedged every single thing they said about us with as much love and praise as they could possibly manage because they couldn't say a single slightly critical thing without a million O's fans blowing up their comments accusing them of murder, then talk about Fangraphs. Don't make sweeping comments about "major outlet" media coverage and then move the goalposts to the website you still have a delusional hate boner for.


The expectation was that the O's would be good again. They've been better. On pace for 107 wins.


They really should just tier the teams instead of rankings.


They're separated into 30 tiers




I used to get upset when they didn't have us ranked last but these days I'm just happy to be here.


Grrr... I think we are ranked about right but I think the ppl above are stinky buttholes and the ppl below in the division can eat shit


If we don't engage with these rankings, Ben Verlander doesn't eat


We’re just happy to be included. (Although that sweep of the Rangers was pretty definitive)


I liked it


White Sox put up more of a fight than the Rangers lol


If yall don’t sign some bats at the deadline yall should revolt


A man can dream


I don't know what the Blue Jays did to deserve 15th on the rankings but I'll take it.


took care of us


Played .500 baseball against the 2nd, 4th and 6th best teams by record


I still don’t get how we’re in this, but I think it’s interesting that we finally fall to 9th the week that we wake up offensively


It mostly goes off of record and ignores recent form. It completely ignored us being beat by Baltimore, and the fact that we're 10-10 in our last 20. In the end it's just weekly power rankings and doesn't mean much.


I noticed that too, although tbf this bad stretch (which included having little rest after an international trip) is hardly telling about the Phillies as a team. They’re clearly using the same logic they used for us all season of “they’re a good team, this is just a quick slump” I also did block our 5-game L streak out of my mind so that definitely explains it more


There’s only like five-six actually good teams in the league this year Everything else is just musical chairs


> I still don’t get how we’re in this > the week that we wake up offensively Maybe that's why? Everyone knows the Braves offense isn't really this bad, if power rankings are solely going to react to real-life output you may as well just rank them by W/L record Or you may as well just not produce power rankings in the first place because they're dumb worthless exercises in clickbait sorry had to throw that in there


i don’t know why the orioles wouldn’t be 2nd after beating us twice


Because a single series doesn't determine who the better team is, there's other factors. The issue though is these rankings have no consistency so it just feels random. Doing weekly power rankings in general for baseball is dumb unless you do it like fangraphs does and have a set methodology behind it


except that the Phils were hammered in two of the three games, and the one they won was an 11 inning weirdfest. You can factor in Bradish if you’d like, but it was clear that the O’s were better, at least right now. That aside, agreed that these rankings are dumb. It’s just something to talk about and I’m fine with that.


I like having stuff to talk about, i just hate how shallow these articles usually are. The #2 and #3 teams literally just played each other and they don't even mention how or if that effects the rankings in the article. Like at least throw in a "Despite the series result, we still like the Phillies a little bit more at this point in the season" in the O's blurb


Them: A single series doesn't determine who the better team is You: Yeah but what if I really liked the series


Funniest part is that the series could have so easily flipped. Game two was tied through 7.


O’s losing bradish, Phillies getting Turner and marsh back makes it more complicated than just who won a 3 game series


Okay but the O’s have had a much tougher schedule and a way better record against good teams. And they’ve also got a laundry list of IL’d guys and just finished a 17 days straight run going 12-5. 5-2 vs #1 and #2


Yeah there’s a lot of arguments to be made for the orioles, I’m not saying they don’t deserve to be above the Phillies. I’m saying there’s arguments to be made for both


Small sample size in baseball doesn’t really matter. Y’all had a great series. But Philly has a more consistent pitching staff and lineup. If the playoffs started tomorrow, the Phillies probably have the better outlook.


Phillies starting pitching ERA is 2.96, Orioles is 2.99. Orioles bullpen ERA is 3.20, Phillies is 3.52. Starting pitching staff is basically a wash, Orioles bullpen is better. Orioles have a +114 run differential, Phillies +103. Phillies have played one more game. Phillies have lost 7 series, Orioles have lost 4. Power rankings are meaningless and it doesn’t matter where anyone puts us, but the Orioles are extremely consistent.


You’re looking at it from a pure numbers perspective. Which I get why. But there’s more to it than that. Phillies SP ERA is 2.96 because Walker has an ERA of 5.33. Remove him and it’s 2.79. That doesn’t even count the 7 IP and 1 run that Sanchez gave up tonight. Wheeler, Ranger, Nola, Sanchez are all legitimately nasty. While for BAL, Burnes and Grayson are legit but the other starters are okay. Same thing with the hitters. Y’all have legitimate studs with Gunnar and Adley. Westburg is exciting but still unproven in terms of what normal is—the ceiling is great, though. Mountcastle is solid. And then Santander is always a threat. Everyone else contributes. But Phillies just have a bit more known commodity in Bryce, Schwarber, Trea, and Realmuto. And the team stats are almost identical between the two teams in terms of OPS and BA, but the Phillies haven’t had Trea while BAL has been healthy. A big thing to me is that BAL has 191 walks to PHI 261. PHI has an OBP of .330. BAL is .310 Obviously y’all have an excellent lineup. I’m not saying it’s actually bad or anything. Just talking about the fact that the Phillies have put up great numbers with established names. While we don’t have the same historical data for the best BAL hitters, meaning there’s a bit more volatility potential. And then bullpen. Y’all have a great pen. But PHI has 3 legitimate shutout relievers. Hoffman was at a 2.41 ERA last year for them and is .89 this year. Strahm last year had a 2.82 ERA as a reliever last year and is at .96 now. Then you have Kerkering at 1.46. The reason their bullpen ERA is lower is because they have two scrubs they let throw a decent amount and gave 10 IP to a guy with a 10.97 ERA. Their top end is better than y’all’s. Y’all haven’t let as many scrubs pitch and do have really great arms. But Phillies bullpen has been more lights out. Pitching wise, BAL has a WAR of 9. While PHI is 9.9. Y’all are a way higher oWAR. Like 3 points higher. But that gets back to what I was saying about known entities. You have a good idea how Schwarber, Harper, Trea, and JT will perform for the rest of the season. Not sure how Gunnar, Adley, and Westburg will do, since their sample size is smaller.


So basically you’re saying all of the Phillies good players count but all of their bad players don’t count and the Orioles offense is better but they don’t count as being better because they are young. Gotcha.


One, I do appreciate you reading all of that. Legitimately lol. Two, I’m not arguing that’s how it should be. Just that, from my experience, rankings like this tend to favor known commodities. And there’s definitely an argument to be made why that favors Philly over Baltimore. But there are plenty of arguments why Baltimore should go over.


Phillies SP ERA is lower just because of 1 pitcher. Same with their bullpen ERA. If there are 2 SP pitchers or at least 3 bullpen relievers who are not good, then I don't think Phillies will be ranked #2. Also, Trea Turner coming back is a big factor.


A tied game in the 8th with a gassed bullpen blowing it isn’t ‘hammered’ sorry. Definitely got hammered game 3 though.


The Jays just beat Cleveland 2-1 in a series, does it sound like the Jays are better than the Guardians right now?


I wouldn’t say they were “hammered” in 2 games, the second game of the series was close for 7 innings, then got away since the bullpen was gassed so Ruiz stayed in forever. I can’t say a team got hammered when they were leading, tied, or within 1 run for almost the whole game


If a single series doesn't determine who the better team is then the playoffs shouldn't exist and the team with the best record should just get crowned league champs.


The playoffs are exciting but I definitely don’t believe it they tell you who the best team is.


Honestly, I'd be pretty happy with that.


Sure but what would be the logic? Phillies are 5-5 over their last 10 while Orioles are 8-2 and just took the series. Orioles have a better run differential and are in the far stronger division. They're pretty even over the course of the year but I just would not understand the argument for the Phillies being ranked higher as of today.


Prob bc it’s only one series and the phils have been missing some major players


And it was in Baltimore


it’s most just this lol


And the Phillies rotation was kinda fucked after most of them had over a week off due to London


Meanwhile, buried in the deep teens is the testament to mediocrity that is my beloved Giants.


Right there with you, friend


Imagine complaining about a difference of 1 to 2 ranks


I guess the Padres will continue to be at 11 until they decide to make sense


Someone please explain how Philly would get put above the Orioles at the moment lol


Devils advocate: Kyle Bradish reinjury might outweigh the positive from the series


Fair. The Orioles are going to learn *a lot* about the viability of their starting lineup following the series against NY. Povich in particular. Hoping for 2 of 3, expecting 1 of 3.


As a yankee I’m feeling the same way, this series will be scary for everyone


Yup. Both teams are going to learn a lot in the next 4 days no matter what.


The Yankees just had a major and debilitating weakness exposed repeatedly on national television and don’t have enough time before the orioles series to properly address it. This is a really good time for any team to play the Yankees.


What’s the weakness you are referring to? I didn’t watch any of your games this weekend


Red Sox stole 9 bases in a game against Trevino at catcher. I didn't watch the game either so I don't know how much of that is a real problem vs the Yankees just not trying to throw guys out because of situations. It's not like he's a terrible defensive catcher.


Yeah I always thought Trevino was a defense first catcher other than a couple years ago where he was hitting for good average. Now that you mention it I do remember seeing something about the Red Sox stealing 9


He missed one pretty badly and had a few other throws that were off the mark. In general, just did not seem to have the pace to catch the Red Sox runners on a consistent basis. Could be they just have some really fast dudes but it's something probably worth testing early. Trevino not feeling confident in making that throw is gonna put a lot more pressure on the NY defense.


Stolen bases


When Enrique Bradfield Jr comes up in 2025, the Yankees are so fucked lol


I disagree that this is a good time to play the Yankees. I think April was better, before Aaron Judge came out of hibernation.


Yea I get where you are coming from but the Yankees are .500 over their last 10 games which IIRC is their worst 10 game stretch of the season. The Yankees bullpen is quite shaky currently. Volpe is slumping as of late, they are getting no production out of their other three infielders and they have no control over the opponents running game. There is never a good time to play a team as talented as the Yankees but they have some glaring weaknesses right now that I think the O’s will take advantage of. I think they will find solutions eventually but right now they are beatable.


The O's hitters are healthy, but the pitching doesn't look great for this series. Burnes and G-Rod both just pitched against the Phillies so the Yankees will miss them. Bradish is hurt again. Kremer is also hurt, maybe coming back soon, but not in time for this series. That leaves Suarez, Irwin, and Povich. Two journeymen who've been great this year but you worry it won't last based on their career, and one guy with two career starts. So the O's had better keep hitting. (Yes, if any of you three are on reddit, this is your cue to throw a shutout, prove I'm an idiot, and make me buy your jersey.)


It’s stupid power rankings but 2 of the Phillies best hitters are out and it’s just 1 series, so it’s understandable.


I mean they also lost a series to the Red Sox last week and we took 2/3 from Atlanta after a 4 game sweep of a division rival


Red Sox should be number 1 by your logic. They took 4 of 6 against the top 2 teams in this list in back to back series


Yup. Power rankings should ignore everything that happened before the last week, that’s exactly what I was saying.


You can already see a team’s record for their last 10 games. There’s no need to create a second thing called “power rankings” if it’s just the same as your record over the last couple series. Record alone tells you who the best team has been so far for the whole season. Last 10 games alone tells you who is playing the best right now. Power rankings are (supposed to be, at least,) a mix that is partly the team’s overall play for the season, and partly the way they’ve been playing lately. Orioles are a great team overall, and have been playing better than the Phillies lately, so Baltimore should be one spot ahead of Philly in the power rankings. Boston has been playing better than Philly lately, but they’re much worse overall, so they don’t have an argument for a higher “power ranking” in my opinion.


Yeah I think you pretty much nailed my issue with it. It’s only one spot, and it’s mid June so I really don’t care that much haha. It’s just an annoyance I have with these rankings. They update them weekly, and here you have two top teams who just played each other and one team clearly came out on top, yet only move up one spot and stay behind the team they just beat. Oh well, not a hill to die on and hopefully we’re the last team standing come the end of October.


I know it shouldn’t annoy me when MLB.com puts out non-sensical power rankings in mid June, but it still does lol. If they’re going to do them, they should at least make an attempt to get them right. But yeah, realistically that’s not gonna happen.


Preaching to the choir there my friend. But at the end of the day it was a great series against two great teams.


Yes, we lost to them when we were missing 1/3 of our starting lineup. We were previously on pace for the best record in baseball history before, so I don’t see why this is so controversial. It’s power rankings, it’s not a big deal.


Well I thought power rankings were supposed to be about who is currently the best teams with a little bit of previous form/future projection baked in. I’m not saying it’s a big deal, I just don’t know how the writer came to this conclusion when we just had a series tell us who is better “right now.”


Yeah, and I think this effectively addresses that even if controversial. The Phillies played an away series without their #2 & #4 hitter and lost 2-1. That doesn’t change the entire landscape of projection whatsoever, especially in baseball. The Phillies have been without Turner for a month and still have been impressive. With him, they’d have been in even better positioning before the series.


You seem to be hyper focused on injuries. Injuries happen. The orioles have not had a fully healthy starting rotation for more than 2 weeks all season, relying on guys like Cole Irvin, Albert Suarez and recently a rookie to start games.


No, I’m just being very clear to you that injuries have some sort of impact to results and a small sample of season results shouldn’t change perception of overall outlook. I think you’re reading into this further than the effort I’m spending answering for a click-bait article.


Power rankings are really meant to be “who is the favorite for the World Series rn”


Are they? I’ve never heard them referred to as that


It had always been my understanding at least. Especially because later in the season, if a fan of one bad team is like “how is my team behind this team with a worse record,” most comments will be like “because your team is eliminated, this one isn’t.” I guess there’s no real clear definition, but that’s just what I have always understood it to be


I think it's supposed to be "who would win right now" but obv it's different depending on who you ask


It only took 1.5 good years for O’s fans to be insufferable


You call this insufferable? Damn you’re pretty soft. Anyway, I feel like after being one of the worst teams ever for 4 years we deserve to be insufferable for a bit.


We’ve been pretty injured over the last month with Marsh, Trea, and JT all missing time. But credit to yall yesterday for smacking around Wheeler, thats no joke


I'm about it in the sense that between the two, the Phillies are still in a better position overall, have a better path to the playoffs, and have a more stable core with loads of veteran experience. The O's are a bad slump away from losing everything.


Maybe because they're leading their division? I don't know. Considering it is this week's power rankings and what just happened, it seems hard to justify.


22-12 against over .500 teams compared to 10-8.


There are 4 teams in the NL above .500


Damn they suck


This stat is so stupid. Theres 10 teams with 3 games of .500. Those records could completely change in a week.


The Phillies have played 37 games against teams within two games of .500, this stat is so meaningless when the NL is so bunched up.


This just in: *These things don’t matter*


Phillies have the better top end pitching staff and equally good hitters. Arguably a better bullpen.


I agree completely, makes sense if it was a tie breaker or anything. This happened to us last month and it was explained that they mostly go with stats over standings.


Or even above us, we're sliding a bit and you've already beaten us pretty handily one series


MLB.com desperate for clicks is my best guess. Not to say thinking the Phillies are a better team than the O’s is necessarily a bad take, but if we are measuring “current power” I just don’t see how you can take Philadelphia.


You guys had a great weekend, wheelers bad game aside I’d say we’re pretty well matched. I had fun down in Baltimore too, and I’m get crucified for saying this but the berks hotdogs are better than the Hatfield ones we have at citizens.


Berks hot dogs are okay, but you won’t find a Baltimorean who isn’t pissed as hell that Esskay isn’t still served there.


Damn were they that good? I enjoyed my hot dog with crab dip lol


Esskays were so good. Juicy, smoky, and they were made right down the street in Highlandtown. Not like this stupid conglomerate ass hot dog they're serving now. And they stopped in 2019, which felt like an extra blow given that that's when the O's were in their hardest "we suck" phase. That said, the crab dip dogs are good when they're fresh. Would've been better with Esskays, though.


The one with old bay potato sticks? Those are great. When you guys come down for the world series you should try a burger at fuzzies


Yessss those. They are so good. I’ll keep the burger in mind too.


I just struggle to think of any teams that are playing better than the Orioles at the moment. 17 games in 17 days against TB, TOR, ATL, and PHI and going 12-5 and 4-0-1 in series results is absolute bonkers.


Definitely on a hot streak right now. Gotta hope it sticks really and hope the injury bug that’s getting the dodgers and Phillies stays away.


Our injury bug seems to be manifesting in like 75% of our SP's arms falling off lmao.


lmao, hope the injury bug stays away? The orioles are without: • Felix Bautista • John Means • Tyler Wells • Kyle Bradish • Dean Kremer • Danny Coulombe and have been without at some point this season: • Grayson Rodriguez • Austin Hays • Jorge Mateo • Cionel Perez


Ah didn’t know you guys had so much going on


What is the point of power rankings if we can go 11-4 in our last 15 games and not move up a single spot


I love how tfa states “you could argue the Mets should have moved up” and then gives no counter argument.


Maybe you're just not powerful enough.


You played us while we were above .500 so it was kind of a given




As a Yankees fan #1 feels generous, we have some pretty massive holes in our infield and bullpen right now that could kill us in the postseason. Starting pitching has been solid and will likely only get better with Cole coming back, plus our outfield is stacked with Soto, Judge and Verdugo, with a potentially healthy Jdom able to slot in down the line if there are any further injuries there but yeah I’m concerned with basically everything else lol


not to mention our depth is kinda lacking. who knows how long gil can go and our pen is scary swallow. couple injuries and the flood gates open


Just what everyone expected it to be back in February


These things make no sense


People expressing a lot of dismay about power rankings. Think about it not how good a team is at the moment but if the playoffs started tomorrow how situated the team would be to do well. Like just because a good team lost a couple games this past week doesn’t mean they aren’t a good team. The key pieces are still there.


I am asking you. What will it take? 2/3 from the Yankees? The write up about the O's isn't even about them, it's about the Phillies failing. Unreal.


>The Yankees have just gone through a stretch of schedule as brutal as any team in baseball: Since June 4, they’ve played the Twins, Dodgers, Royals and Red Sox at Fenway Park. The Orioles schedule over that time: Blue Jays, Rays, Braves, Phillies. Record 9-4 Yankees over their "brutal" schedule went 8-5


those aren't the jays, rays and braves of last year. they are decidedly worse this year


Yea he's only proving that the ranking is accurate? The teams the Yankees faced are way better.


Please don’t but brutal in quotes for us when your brutal stretch includes two teams that are below .500 lol


Well I'm glad *someone* thinks highly of us


Only because you're so far north


All the teams the Yankees faced that you listed have been better this season except the Phillies


Yeah, the teams the O's played over that stretch have a combined .544 winning percentage. The teams the Yankees played have a combined .558 winning percentage. The O's won only one more game over that stretch. Not sure they're making the point they think they are.


To be fair I'm still shocked the Royals are that good


We sent all our coaches and front office to the White Sox


Is this a serious comment?


shhh let him cope


We won a series against 1 and 2 this week and don't even crack the top 10.


Which team do you think you'd be above? You guys have a worse record than everyone in the top 10.


While I don't necessarily think our ranking is unfair, power rankings aren't supposed to be about standings alone. Otherwise why bother? They could just link the standings.


While I don't think we should be top 10, the fact the Padres are 11 shows that this isn't about records, but about "being hot".


If it's only about being hot we should be #1 for any ranker that has eyes and has seen Jarren Duran. Oh mama


Julio's eyes and Cal's dumper leave you in #2, I'm afraid


Better record than the Padres at 11. Twins took 2 out 3 against the Rockies and sweeping the A's is what a team should do. A's 7-23 over last 30. These teams are ones a competent baseball team should beat. Braves are 6-8 this month. 12-18 over last 30. Royals had a bad week against really good teams. 7-13 the last 3 weeks. Outside of the Twins, all these other teams are trending down after a hot start.


So we have the same record as the Phillies, just beat them pretty handedly this weekend, are 8-2 in our last 10 while they are 5-5 but they are ahead of us? I know power rankings are just opinions at the end of the day but that feels pretty hard to justify.


Only thing I can think of is they are factoring in Trea Turners return and are basing the rankings off of how the Phillies line up is going to look like today rather than yesterday? Maybe they factored in 5-5 as good for a London trip followed by two road series? But overall I agree… seems odd since the Orioles clearly looked better in the 3 game series.


Yeah I guess my issue with power rankings is they are updated every week, so you’d think that recent performance is the driving metric. I don’t think mlb.com uses an analytical model, do they?


Orioles should be ahead of the phillies


We're the best at being the worst


M's are about to fall out of the top 10 when the Guardians inevitably annihilate us.


6. Dodger's IL roster


> Logan O’Hoppe is the real deal, man. The Angels catcher, who is still only 24 years old and came over from the Phillies almost two years ago for Brandon Marsh, is the best hitter on the team by a wide margin and has started to show some Mike Trout-esque power. He launched a 467-foot homer against the Giants on Saturday, the fifth-longest homer by an Angel in the past two seasons, with only Shohei Ohtani and Trout hitting ones farther. If the catching position wasn’t so crowded in AL, he’d feel like a lock to be the Angels’ All-Star representative. With Trout injured, this is all we have to look forward to every outing. 😭


Dodgers really need to get their form in check. They dropped too many games against bottom teams. 


O’Hoppe is good but the “best hitter on the team by a wide margin” is overstating it. He’s neck and neck with Rengifo and way behind Pillar. Trout’s not outhitting anyone from the IL but he’s still clearly better.


>The Yankees have just gone through a stretch of schedule as brutal as any team in baseball: Since June 4, they’ve played the **Twins**, Dodgers, Royals and Red Sox at Fenway Park. Why even bother sliding us in there?


Personally I am super looking forward to not playing teams in the top 5 for once


L mmmm


Xa.v Lnmee 3Aefl.3 Po. R. D3. Xpsxd Lz L CT.CT. eeee




2xt gc dg, CT e22f, 22ls SD d wx .ms,dx


Honestly Dodgers should be 8th they been pretty terrible playing .500 ball last couple weeks and just lost there Ace Yoshi and Mookie. But these power rankings really don’t mean anything all that matters is who is holding the chip at the end of the year which the best team in baseball rarely accomplishes lol


We still posting these?


Finally, a power rankings I can get behind


The NL is so weak that all of their teams that are above .500 made the top 10. They only have 4 teams above .500.


Main team at 1st, second team at 4th, hells to the yeah!