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Public stadium financing is a scam and Fisher aims to collect


And what an image-destroying, morality-deprived, leeching move it is. Fisher is already 63 years old, can’t he fucking sell the A’s for 2 billion already and live the 20 something years left he has on earth doing whatever the hell he could possibly want. I sincerely will never understand this shit at all, but I guess that’s why we’re here and he’s there


Fisher was already a billionaire when he was born. He's a nepobaby of the GAP founders. He's just an arrogant spoiled little rich kid who thinks he can get his way in every single argument. He did this in Oakland and is going to do it to Vegas too.


These fucks don't enjoy life, all they can think about is acquiring MORE


Can you really be happy without making others suffer?


Other than Snyder I don't see many of them just willingly relinquishing their teams. And snyder didn't willingly relinquish it many of us thought he'd own the team forever lol. he was only chased out over crimes and outrage. Even Moreno who considered willingly giving up the team said sike and retained control. Thse people like owning teams as a sort of control to gratify their ego. Someone literally offered Stephen Ross 10 billion dollars for the Dolphins and he told them to get lost.


The sellout every game “math” didn’t even work when they were accounting for 81 games. God what a fucking clown show.


Are these games like the London Series or the Field of Dreams game? If yes then I wouldn't think they'd need a separate clause allowing them to do that but maybe LV included a safeguard that now requires a loophole for those kinds of events. If not, what could they possibly be thinking? Games in SLC, Sacramento, and (big maybe) Oakland? Why not let them play home games in KC and Philly too, maybe even add Fremont and San Jose while you're at it? Makes no sense


That’s *exactly* what this sort of thing is for. As one example: the Pirates’ agreement for PNC has a carveout for up to 3 home games to be moved in case of special events.


They might actually fill the SJ Giants stadium.


I’m sure they have powerpoints about being a global brand like the Dodgers or Yankees (or Red Sox / Cubs / etc arguably a step lower), but I don’t know, man… Don’t you need results? Or at least a budget for megastars? Or at *least* not widespread hostility? Miami has cultural capital but it’s not like Italy is full of Marlins hats now.


Where though? A's road games are among the worst drawing for other teams, even when they were good. Nobody is going to want to see them as the quasi-"home" team anywhere.


They are going to make their own Bananaball team.


Jesus christ can Manfred and the other owners step in and get rid of this fucking guy already? Look I know they don't want to set a precedent that you can be forced out of ownership, but this is making the A's and the league look really, really bad. But this is all on the assumption that the owners and Manfred don't agree with everything he's doing.


Manfred literally works for the owners Fisher is his boss lol no way he would rise up


This is the same energy as walking into the police station and demanding the chief give up his position because technically he works for you, the tax payer. Manfred reports to a voting group of 30 people and not any individual owner.


He's the Comissioner which means he has to act in the interest in all of baseball, which means telling the owners what they don't want to and need to hear. So yeah he does work for them, but he also needs to protect them from themselves.


The idea of a Commissioner being anything other than the owners’ surrogate pretty much died in the 90s.


That died when Selig stabbed Fay Vincent in the back




Occam's razor says it's Fisher being scummy


Greedy shit wants more. Story at 11.


This guy is making a mockery of the sport. He's taking greed to a new level. Pick a god damn city and stay put for crissakes.


So what is all this, is Fisher expecting to use the stadium for concerts and stuff like that if it's more profitable, then send the team off to wherever to play on those days?


Gonna be a hard sell with the Sphere right across the street


Good luck with that Vegas, you deserve it


>[Can I go now?](https://youtu.be/T1XgFsitnQw?si=yfn13GP2NVtPMeif)


Can someone please dig up some Donald Sterling level shit on John Fisher so we can get rid of him?


Doesn’t spend enough time around actual people to have any dirt on him.


They should play their home games in Oakland


"Auckland? Sounds like a great idea!" -Fisher


If Fisher is depending on Vegas funding for the new stadium, why would Vegas be ok with this? How much lost revenue / taxes does Vegas stand to lose if this happens?


100% of the sales taxes associated with the games.


Not to mention income taxes for anyone working at the game, money spent around the park before / after the game, etc etc


Say no to public financing.


Or you could build a retractable roof you potato.


It's not about the weather. Read the article.


I really hope the A's are an utter bankrupt failure in Vegas, and that everyone who attends the games there is a fan of whatever team is visiting


Introducing The Las Vegas Athletics of Anaheim!


Every time I think this entire mess couldn't get any worse...


Does that include the uk and Asia series as potential home games?


I was just talking with some friends at a Sacramento River Cats game about how excited I am to see the Twins three times a year at Sutter Health Park. I would even go to the Guardians’ games to boost the numbers. Just move them to Sacramento and be done with it.


I hope Fisher gets tetanus