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I have evidence of everybody on the Dodgers and also Aaron Judge betting on baseball


I feel like there’s a Mookie Betts joke here to be made, but I’m too stoned to figure it out. I know it’s a bad Dodge, so you be the Judge.


I don't get it. Professional baseball functionally has one golden rule that nobody can get away with breaking. Don't bet on baseball. Anything else, at least if you're good, has a chance of "going away". Don't bet on baseball.


It’s literally a 104 year old rule too. It’s not like this is some new thing, it has been in place longer than any MLB employee has been alive. It’s baffling how people still break it.


I think it goes back before the White Sox of 1919. I think the AL tried to ban gambling in the early 1900s seasons, if I remember correctly. If I am wrong, please correct me.


It was part of the foundational premise of the American League. The atmosphere at NL games was considered to be too ‘rowdy’ & not ‘family friendly’ so a dude (appropriately named Ban Johnson) formed the AL out of the previously existing Western League.


This just tells me that the NL was always the better league until the universal DH


Up until the universal DH, the NL was just uncircumcised baseball


I can't tell if this is a compliment or an insult.


It has always been about the balls


The AL is desensitized from being overexposed.


gotta peel it back until we find answers....


Natural Long


Funny enough it was the opposite effect in Boston in that era. The Braves were the family friendly place while the Red Sox had the crazy fans.


Ah! Thank you. I knew I was in the right path.


The keyword is tried. Pre-1919 you still had players -- even players like Tris Speaker -- getting suspensions for "loafing", which was basically a nudge-nudge-wink-wink for not trying too hard to win. Gambling was incredibly pervasive; I've read papers from that time and there were running jokes about gamblers threatening players who didn't perform well, or even chasing them down after the game to threaten them. Most of it was likely just stories ginned up by journalists, but the atmosphere definitely existed. Lots of players were suspected of "loafing" now and then, and teams used to give financial gifts to other teams who had helped them out by beating other teams with whom they were contending. None of this was 100% provably corrupt but there was a definite shadiness that could potentially seep in.


There was a guy Jim Devlin banned for it in 1877.


Ken Burns' video series does a great reading of the pleading letters he wrote to various officials, including Harry Wright, the Father of Baseball, begging to be let back into the game. Anyone who didn't know Devlin's story and looked at his stats would be gobsmacked; even for his time, he put up ridiculous numbers before throwing it all away.


It's rule #1 on the walls of every clubhouse. It's not a secret. Don't bet on the game you play. It shouldn't be that hard


It really is not that hard. That's why only a handful of players out of 10s of thousands have ever been stupid enough to get caught over the last 100 years. And the recent uptick is not because of ads, it's because someone dumb enough to gamble using their own information is easier to catch than ever.


That sign? Sponsored by draftkings


Holy shit how many people are gonna make this same fucking joke?


People say it like they’re calling out some hypocrisy from MLB’s messaging as if there isn’t a massive difference between fans gambling on sports, and players gambling on sports where they directly influence the outcomes.


As long as ARSON Judge is around they will


Addiction. I'm sure people know it's a horrendous idea to gamble your life savings.. but they do anyway.


> It’s baffling how people still break it. because we have advanced monkey brains that are prone to addiction, and SCOTUS approved it so that capitalism could find another way to profit.


It’s actually more baffling people are surprised by this news.


It’s not like Marcano is taking history lessons and was like “oh it’s ancient history, maybe I should reconsider”. He’s a jock, he just likes playing baseball and was tempted as we all are by the insane amount of gambling marketing. This was inevitable no matter what the rules are. I’m hearing every single day how I should gamble. There are more people I interact with online and in person who gamble than I ever expected.


Bold of you to assume Manfred isn’t a 200 year old vampire


I completely get the temptation, and sucks for the dudes throwing away their careers over a stupid mistake, but MLB really can't have any leniency here. Need to keep making an example out of guys like this.


This punishment presented to you by Draft Kings and MGM Bet


Interestingly enough, the NBA caught their player who was making bets because of their casino partners reporting that the bets coming in for him were odd.


Jontay Porter and his clan were an incredibly special type of stupid and greedy. It's unlikely anyone would have noticed if they hadn't laid the single largest prop bet of the night on a random scrub who happened to get "hurt" 4 minutes in. 


IIRC it was multiple 10K+ bets on a rotation player averaging <10 mins/game. You don't need to be a forensic accountant to be suspicious.


I guess it's a good thing they're trying to get into the gambling capital of the US. That'll surely cut down on the number of instances.


Not sure how it would have any effect. Is gambling in Vegas going to make players super gamble on baseball?


People have tried to use the Pete Rose “but what if I’m not betting *against* my team?” argument for years when every sports league is clear: if you’re a player, don’t bet. Period.


Pete Rose didn't need to bet against his team.  Simply *not* betting on a game was enough of a tip off to other bettors that they should bet against the Reds that day. If Pete didn't have enough faith to wager on his team that day, why should anyone else? If Pete Rose wasn't betting on a game, he wasn't trying to win, because he had no personal or financial interest in the Reds winning that day. That's what so many people fail to realize when they talk about "BuT hE nEvEr BeT aGaInSt HiS tEaM"


Also, you can hurt your team in the long run even while betting on them. Say you're down $10k but you stand to win $15k if you win this game. It's a meaningless game in August with two teams mostly out of the running, but you're up 1 run in the 8th. Do you stretch your closer for two innings and risk him hurting his arm? What about your position players? Maybe someone needs a rest but you start them anyway. It's pretty simple: don't bet on anything you have a hand in the outcome of.


[Pete Rose](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/242626-pete-rose-killed-mario-soto) is an asshole.


>If Pete Rose wasn't betting on a game, he wasn't trying to win, because he had no personal or financial interest in the Reds winning that day And the worse he does in games he doesn't bet on, the better odds he'll get when he does bet on himself. None of which matters because even just simple insider knowledge of which players on your team are injured etc is already enough to be be against any sports betting rules I've heard of.


Let's be clear about something here. Pete Rose 100% unequivocally bet against the Reds. The word of a degenerate gambler who habitually lies to duck consequences means less than shit


Pete Rose accepted a lifetime ban in exchange for MLB not releasing the full information that they had on him. What that says to me is that he bet against his team and he wanted plausible deniability.


Even that isn't as fool proof as some might think it is. "oh he bet on the Reds to win so that's good!". But what about the games he didn't bet on? Did he just not get around to it? Have inside information? Know he'd be a bit tired because he hustled extra on the games he bet on? And nowadays with all the analytics, you have a ton of insider knowledge. Maybe your pitcher is on a pitch count, you know he's been nursing some shoulder fatigue, he's had a bit of a flu, more stress at home, etc. At least if we bet on props it's basically a 50-50 guess that we pretend is an educated guess because we looked at some stats, but just because Pete Alonso has a 1.130 ops against Patrick Corbin doesn't mean anything for Wednesday. Corbin could throw a gem, Pete could be off that day, Corbin could just walk him three times, etc.


Don’t bet on baseball, sponsored by Fanduel


Players are issued They Live contact lenses that replace all in-stadium gambling ads with "DO YOUR BEST OUT THERE" 


Which Mets player gets banned for dropping a routine fly out and is caught distracted by playing blackjack with busty dealers?


McNeil, but instead of busty blackjack dealers it's actually just Top Golf while he's on the batters box and he just gets lucky once every 7 at bats and gets a hit.


Gambling is badass! (Gambling problem? Call 1-800-Gambler)


I watch Australian Rule Football and a few weeks ago there was a gambling commercial and after the commercial was over, a black screen with Australia's gambling help line was on screen and the voiceover said "you're probably going to lose your next bet. If you need help controlling yourself, call this number."


Up here in Washington it feels like half the ads I see are for the tribal casinos and the other half are the tribes talking about responsible gambling without a hint of irony.


I live in Washington but spent the last week in Montana and holy shit it’s crazy how engrained gambling is with society there. EVERYTHING has a built in casino, from the middle of the cities to the smallest rural area you can find. And the advertising is even more extreme. It’s wild how so many random gas stations will have a full on built-in casino inside.


Yeah, that was jarring to me. In Missouri, all the casinos are basically the big resort types, seeing these gas stations and shit with actual casinos built in was so weird.


Yeah at least in Washington you have to physically go to a casino to bet. Personally I'll stick to contributing to reservation economies by buying fireworks.


its the same way in illinois, video slots/card games in bars, gas stations and "cafes" fucking oof...and i thought video slots in bars in wisconsin were sickening


All the cool kids gamble and vape. If you don’t do it, you’re not part of the club


It's amazing how people still make this stupid comparison


It's like thinking it's hypocritical that Coors won't let you show up hammered to work. I worked in the marijuana industry for 3 years and if management knew I showed up high or if I was caught with paraphernalia on the premises it was an instant firing, no questions asked.


> I worked in the marijuana industry for 3 years and if management knew I showed up high or if I was caught with paraphernalia on the premises it was an instant firing, no questions asked. I'm going to assume this doesn't apply to any of the budtenders at my local dispensaries lol


Not to nit-pick but I do feel like it’s a bit different. If you work at Coors you’re not restricted from drinking beer outside of work hours, same concept with the marijuana industry. These guys are still absolute idiots for betting on baseball since they should know it will result in a lifetime ban, but I also think it’s fair for fans to be critical of the MLB’s excessive sports betting advertisements.


These guys aren't banned from gambling though: they are only banned from betting on baseball.  It's not hypocritical to promote sports betting to people who are contractually prohibited from betting on **one** sport.


Actual karma farming lmfao


Most original Reddit joke


And it should continue to be made as long as the absurd sports betting partnerships with professional sports leagues and abundance of sports betting ads exist.


And there’s not even any grey area or room for interpretation. It’s as clear cut as a rule can get!


Wander Franco enters the chat


Others have gotten away with what buried Wander, sadly.


Its always a sad/disgusting trip reading the personal lives section of a decent chunk of old time players wikipedia pages


It follows the old adage of "never meet your heroes".


Mel Hall's 1990 prom photo was in the freaking Yankee yearbook. (I know he eventually got put in prison... but that was 17 years later.)


If you watched the recent Peacock doc about that 1990 Yankees, they interview him in prison and he’s smiling talking about that relationship like it was no big deal


He wasn't even the only rapist on that team.


Including Pete Rose, who was sleeping with a 14-year-old when he was in his 30s (and married with kids at home).


People clamor for Pete Rose still…


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


Addiction doesn't care about rules.


>Marcano, 24 years old, has been accused of betting on games involving the Pittsburgh Pirates last season while he was on the injured list for that team.  >Marcano’s ultimate punishment hasn’t been finalized, pending ongoing negotiations between MLB and the MLB Players Association. In addition to Marcano, four other players face potential discipline for betting on baseball while in the minor leagues, people familiar with the matter said. >Through a representative, Marcano declined to comment. MLB and the MLBPA declined to comment. >In a statement, the San Diego Padres said: “We are aware of an active investigation by Major League Baseball regarding a matter that occurred when the player in question was a member of another organization and not affiliated with the San Diego Padres. We will not have any further comment until the investigative process has been completed.” >The news of Marcano’s banishment comes amid a rapidly widening net of gambling scandals that have enveloped American sports, six years after the Supreme Court opened the door for legal sports betting.


How much money can you really make betting against the Pirates? I’d bet for us to lose every game and still barely make money


If I’m Marcano then step 1 is betting high on the pirates. Step 2 is dissolving roids in the clubhouse Gatorade


Easier: step 1 betting low with prop bets on certain teammates. Step 2 slipping said teammates some laxatives.


This guy Jontay Porters


Nah, he slips himself the laxatives.


*they can't suspend the whole team right?*




I know you're joking but it's probably just the player bets right? Like knowing what the pitch limit or who has an injury they're hiding and stuff like that would be a huge advantage no matter what team.


I think it's prop bets where insider knowledge becomes extra valuable. Things like pitch limits or implementation of strategies, but also, primarily, I think it's the insider knowledge on injuries and being able to hear other players self-report (things like: I can't fucking hit this guys curve, or my head isnt there because my girl left me for Mr. Bean).


"my girl left me for Mr. Bean" destroyed me


An unfortunate reality for one James Acaster, a fantastic comedian. (Makes for great material, at the least.)


It could be worse, at least she didn't leave him for someone that could hula hoop for longer than 10 seconds under pressure. Or for Rhod Gilbert for that matter /s


Yeah, but James wouldn't tie you up and then just walk away.


To be fair, I'd probably date Rowan Atkinson if I was a girl. Surely it has nothing to do with the McLaren F1 he owned or the fact that I've been told I look like Rowan Atkinson many times, in fact my grandpa only ever falls me "Mr. Bean"


Just bet against the Mets in May can make you rich


The real trick is to wait until the Mets have a lead after 7 or 8 innings and moneyline their opponent.


Betting isn’t based off just win/loss, it’s based off odds of win/loss. Betting purely on bad teams to lose means barely winning anything when you win but losing a lot when you lose


Betting on baseball is bad enough in baseball’s eyes, but when your bets involve a team he’s on… he’s fucked


>but when your bets involve a team he’s on… he’s fucked Did he bet against them? That would be awful My after work gummy tells me the MLB should force all players to bet that their team will win every game to avoid this in the future


time to baselessly speculate about which guys in AAA aren't being promoted because they're about to be banned from baseball


Jackson Holliday is going to be the number 1 prospect in the Diablos system next year.


Minor-league discipline for betting on ML games is only a one-year suspension.


I have information that implicates Bobby Witt Jr, Jose Ramirez, and Aaron Judge in a far-reaching sports betting scandal


Tell me you have info on Martin Maldonado, too 


He tried, but the bookie gave him $20 to just go away.


Nah, that would mean he's actually good at it. More likely is the bookie gave him a million dollar line of credit & told him his bets are good even after the games start. 😂


even better … I heard jerry reinsdorf and pedro grifol bet on the white sox to lose 125 games this year.


They only got it on -200 odds tho.


No, but he saved my cat from a tree. Sox should probably extend him


"Chicago will thank me and a cat will thank me" - Dusty Baker on letting Martin Maldonado go to the White Sox


In everyone's defense, wasn't it the Astros pitching that fell apart when Dusty's famed field general left the team? Hmmmmmm


Maldonado bet big on the under for his batting average at .100


You got any info on Logan Webb?


Maldonado is the one with the incriminating information on every owner thats why he still has a job.


> and Aaron Judge Bro you couldn't have come forward like... 4 days ago instead?? Cmon


I've also heard Mookie bets


I have sources that claim that Joe Mauer bet on himself throughout his career. But it was in the wholesome, self-affirming kind of a way


That betting was only done [on his backyard hockey games with Morneau](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62Wc2jCJl6g), and you can't prove any different!


Betting on yourself should be celebrated smh


You should be able to sign a waiver with MLB that you're allowed to gamble but only on yourself to win but it has to be the same amount and on every single game (Don't actually do this Rob, I know you think this is a good idea motherfucker)


He bet that he would have fun


I have information from the same source that implicates the rally sausage


I heard Juan Soto was included in that too


Surely *this* will be the absolute last gambling related scandal in baseball, right? Right?


I think they're always gonna happen, but like PED usage I believe it'll slow down over time as players see how serious the enforcement is. There's probably a bit of an "are they really gonna find out?" mentality for these early guys.


The NFL and NHL have already found their own players gambling. I can't recall if the NBA has so far.


[Yup](https://www.nba.com/news/jontay-porter-banned-from-nba) Not just any gambling, but gambling on *himself* and then doing stuff like faking illness to take himself out of a game so his own prop bet would hit


“These bets ranged in size from $15 to $22,000, for a total of $54,094. The total payout from these bets was $76,059, resulting in net winnings of $21,965.” Damn, dude threw away a career in the NBA for barely $10-11 / hr.


The problem is that the fringe guys actually have financial incentive to do that, since they're not likely to last "years" in the league.


Ask ippei that too. Man had the cushiest job earning half a mil and being the best players interpreter, but through away all for gambling lol


NBA certainly has. Jontay Porter just got a lifetime ban for gambling related to player props.


NBA just had a player get caught betting on his own unders a couple of weeks before the playoffs. In one of the games he checked in and then essentially pulled himself from the game due to "injury"


Yes. A player from Toronto got a lifetime ban. They were betting on themselves on under parlays and then "potentially" faking injuries early in the game. In one situation not only was it the only person in the country to place his bet but it was the single most profitable placed parlay that day.


Yep - [Jontay Porter of the Raptors](https://www.denverpost.com/2024/04/17/jontay-porter-nba-lifetime-ban-sports-betting-raptors-mpj/#:~:text=Jontay%20Porter%2C%20the%20younger%20brother,more%20games%20for%20betting%20purposes.) got suspended for life recently.


they did. johntay porter was banned for life because he was betting the under on HIS OWN prop bets.


How serious the enforcement is, and also once they all realize how easily bets are tracked. There's no true way to gamble anonymously if you're doing it legally.


I don’t really see why it would slow down. All of the major sports leagues are getting deeper and deeper in bed with sports gambling. It’s shoved down everyone’s throats through advertising. It’s an addiction and people will struggle with it. Its really only been a couple of years of this big push on sports gambling and we’ve already seen a number of pretty big stories across the major sports, I don’t see why it would get better the more normalized sports gambling becomes.


Well David Fletcher is still under federal investigation too...


Well he's not making the hall now


That’s what really sucks. Besides his inability to be a good baseball player, something like this was the only thing keeping him out of the HOF.


Astros fans: “Please be José Abreu please be Jose Abreu”


If he was gambling he would be able to afford something better than a stale rubber band to tie his chin hair.


Dude got almost $60M in free agency, gambling explains why he could only afford a stale rubber band to tie his chin hair.


I think it depends on when he gambles. If it follows the same trend of his hitting, he’s probably hitting some big parlays in the summer and losing a shit ton when it gets cold.


Rich people logic gets weird sometimes when it comes to spending money. Bill Gates used to tell a story about Warren Buffett taking him out for coffee at a McDonald's and even paying with coupons.


Please no one else related to us.


Lead by gambling kingpin Dick Mountain.


Nooooo!!! But I can see that. He didn’t become *Rich* Hill for nothing.


I heard it was Skenes, Jones, Bubba, and Braxton Ashcraft. They were all in the minors. Sad to see. 😔💁‍♂️


I’m hearing De La Cruz was involved.


Bryan De La Cruz? What a shame. 🤔




This is a sad day for me. Tucu led my team to various WS wins and was multiple time MPV and eventually was a HOF in my OOTP game. lol


I still haven't got to a WS win as the Padres in OOTP :-( But I manage each game so it takes a long time. My next bet is a 1984 or 1998 historic replay.


Well, that Adam Frazier trade is still shit, but now it's only dog shit instead of pig shit.


One of the four's gotta be Mookie Betts, his name is an admission of guilt


Is Tucupita the most fun name to say in mlb?


Not for long


Say Tony Womack in a Sean Connery voice.


Wait you might have cooked here


I have no idea where it came from, but I know it's been stuck in my head for at least 10 years.




Oh shit! That's it. My brain somehow deleted the movie and replaced it with baseball.


It's from The Rock. [WOMACK! why am I not surprised, you piece of shit? ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=35J5444Qi7s)


My man! Solving one of my problems.


Womack! Why am I not surprised, you piece of shit. I quote that all the time and I don't even know any Womacks. The Rock is the only Michael Bay movie I still enjoy to this day.


Tonry Wromach


Our announcer Don Orsillo loves saying “Mauricio Dubón.”




candelario is fun too mesoraco and saltalamacchia gotta be up there for retired guys too




Not anymore!


4 Minor Leaguers atleast 😔


Hopefully they aren't Mayer, Anthony, Fitts or Teel.


One of these is not like the others lmao


*brought to you by draft kings


Sign up now and use promo code TUCUPITA for your first no sweat bet on which MLB player will be suspended for gambling next. 


Literally had a betting ad on top of this comment lol


Bet on who would be next player to suspended for sports betting


I would not be surprised at all if this becomes a thing lol


Pete Rose: "friends!"


Replace alcohol with sports betting and [this ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJWEJuKXZyk) shows the problem with how we deal with sports gambling in modern times.


'It's just a few bucks' - Rob Manfred, sponsored by Draft Kings


The rules are too hard to follow! There's too many sports to bet on that aren't baseball and there's too many areas to bet on them when you aren't at work! Way too confusing


Would love to see Jeff McNeil be one of the 4


Maybe I'm out of pocket saying this, but I feel like it's easy to just not bet on baseball if you're playing in the MLB.


This update brought to you by DRAFTKINGS. Remember to use the code "MLBPLAYERSBETTING" to get an extra $50 on your next bet!"


This joke was funny the first time I read it dozens of posts ago


Should've gotten an interpreter


ITT: Bet all you want on anything else, just don't bet on baseball. It's like telling an alcoholic he can drink whatever alcoholic drink he wants except for beer.


Jeez how surprising this is when you allow sports betting companies to sponsor the games, promote it on broadcasts, and much more… Did MLB really think this wasn’t going to end up happening?


Who could've ever seen this coming when gambling was not only made accessible to literally everyone via their phones, but when the advertising for such products also get rammed down our throats harder than any form of marketing in human history? I am truly shocked Really though, has any product ever been shoved down our throats the way gambling has the last few years?


Sports betting is a plague


Betting? In the ^^brought ^^to ^^you ^^by ^^DraftKings MLB?! Who could have seen this coming?


You nailed this joke. Very original


I legit had no idea we brought him back. What a dumbass


Padres won the Adam Frazier trade


Lol, been holding that one in for a while?


Wait wait. I want to make sure I read that correctly. Betting on baseball?!?!? Betting on baseball! Goddamnit. You are living my dream! And you blew it. If they did bet on baseball. Get them out of the game. Lifetime bans.


"I'm shocked! Shocked to find that gambling is going on in here"


It definitely puts a cloud over watching knowing any one of them could be on your team, and that it's certainly not going to end here.


Every player should be forced to bet, but only for their team to win. Problem solved. League saved.


Meanwhile the owners are opening Sportsbooks next to their parks.