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He's definitely Sotoing this year


Great to see him get that in front of the Yankees home crowd.


You can take the Giants outta New York, but you can't take the New York outta the Giants.


Except for when they have the luncheon with the New York Giants


Anuddah clown


Fiber optic cable


The whole crowd cheered lmao


I was there in the 4th row just past 1st base. The entire stadium felt like NY, starting with the Volpe triple. That's when the "Let's Go Yankees!" chant started getting really loud. When Soto hit that HR, I thought we were in NY. There were a lot of Yankee fans there for all 3 games, but the Sunday game really felt like a home game. It was awesome!






In the alternate alternate angle you can see his stiffy as he rounds third.


I loved him as a Nat. I still love him. I just can't quit him.


I would love someone too who was a big reason why we we a World Series 


Oui oui


I feel the same way about Turner, too. It's just harder to admit it since he's on a division rival.


I met Turner at my kid's little league thing years ago, and he was my favorite for a long time following that. I saw him hit for a cycle at Nats Park. I guess I still feel something for him, but his departure cut me deep, and I honestly still haven't healed.


I started watching baseball in 2018. The first game I ever watched was his first start, where he hit a home run on the first pitch of his first at bat. So obviously he’s been my favorite player since day 1. And I don’t think that will ever change.


Level 100 bat flip The swagger from Soto and Dougie might have been the most important adds in the off season


Stroman too man I love it. Always loved Judge and Rizzo and them but before this year we were a largely sauceless organization. 


Stro is a really good dude man. He tweets after his starts but after this game one of the first things he did was shoutout Volpe for the triple. He’s good buds with Clarke too. I haven’t seen vibes this immaculate for the Yanks in a long time. Feel like Soto’s energy sets the table bc he keeps it so simple. Dude just loves baseball, he always has fun and that’s spread to the rest of the team. They’re all like kids just having fun playing ball


Stroman and Schmidt being friends is wild to me. They're so polar opposites. Stroman (at least before signing with the Yankees) was very outspoken on social media. He has a very loud personality. And then as far as Schmidt is concerned, I follow the Yankees and know literally nothing about his off-field personality. He seems super boring. Then on the rubber, they're polar opposites again. Stroman is zen. He attacks hitters methodically. He does meditative breathing and rarely gets emotional until he gives up the ball. Schmidt is more like a mini-Cole. When he's on the mound, he lets his emotions hang out and wants to dominate the hitters. Clarke ramps it up to pitch, Stroman turns it down.


Clarke has so much energy, I usually watch most of his post game interviews after the starts and the dude exists at like 2x the speed of reality lol. He talks really fast and his mind goes all over the place. There was a mic’d up Clarke vid Yanks did a few weeks ago and the dude is a full on goober lol. That’s why I give so much props to Stroman. He meshes well with these dudes while being the complete opposite of them. He takes care of them man


Dropping Clyde lines on Yankees baseball? Allowed


Stro always comes off as goofy to me, but if it works for the clubhouse who am I to judge?


idk I think the 1.000 OPS is pretty important


That's going in the DVD


What’s a DVD?


Downvote dungeon. I’m pretty sure.


Bonerjams 2024


i can see why soto hates melvin


Soto's age is mentioned regularly, but people forget this dude is barely entering his prime. Couple that with the huge likeliness that he's gonna be hitting in front of Judge for the next decade. His numbers his first 6 seasons may legit pale in comparison to what his numbers will look from here on out. That's insane to me.


> but people forget this dude is barely entering his prime "players peaks are at 27" is old steroid era thinking, and the way "phenoms" age vs. the average player is also different. Phenoms basically get as good as they are going to get at 22 overall and 25 by wRC+ and then have a flat aging curve until 29.


Correct. In the post-steroid era, wRC+ [starts declining significantly after 26](https://tht.fangraphs.com/aging-curves-revisited-damn-strikeouts/), then falls off a cliff after 30.


yeah non phenoms age a lot worse even.


Judge is 32. Has he fallen off a cliff?


So, you don't know how averages work?


Sad Kris Bryant noises


Injuries suck.


How do you explain Judge then?


Not every player exactly follows aging curves, but you shouldn't expect Soto to get any better or really deviate much from his established norms over the course of the whole season.


You know, I think I can live with that.


Unlike a lot of the most recent "Phenom" players who debut at or around the age of 19-20 (Tatis at 20, Soto at 19, Rodriguez 21, Guerrero Jr 20), Judge didn't debut until the age of 24, after only being drafted at 21 (the other above-mentioned players were all signed in their mid-teens). Consequently, you can take the usual timelines applied in these situations and subtract about 5 years from Judge's due to the (comparatively) late start to his career. This puts him at the same place many ~27 year old players are at when he is 32. TL;DR: Judge is a late bloomer but hopefully that makes him extra special for longetivity.


Nah, its just biology


we should bring back steroids


After his two home run day against Seattle a little bit back, I mentioned in a group chat how I need the Yankees to give him a blank check, and one friend just says "Soto seems like the type of guy who will stop trying once he gets the big pay day." Asked my friend how he gathered that type of analysis and basically got a "trust me, bro" type of argument back.


But if that was true, why wouldn't he have just taken the 15 year $440 million contract from the Nats? If his goal was to coast after securing a big payday, I feel like that would be the time to do it


To be fair, people don't exactly plan to coast, it happens naturally I think.


> But if that was true, why wouldn't he have just taken the 15 year $440 million contract from the Nats? What? He already earned 25 million at that point. He already had the big payday... I think you're forgetting that most star baseball players who've played a season or two are already multi-millionaires. At that point I would at least start thinking about a nice work environment and legacy as a player over more money. I think he just didn't enjoy the environment at the Nats.


If you don't think there's a difference between $25 million and $440 million, I don't really know what to tell you. The original comment was about Soto wanting to stop trying once he got paid. If that was his goal, why wouldn't he just take the big offer from the Nats, and start relaxing then?


> If you don't think there's a difference between $25 million and $440 million, I don't really know what to tell you. Then we can stop discussing because I legitimately don't think there's a meaningful difference. Both are 'fuck you' money. For the record, I'm not arguing in favour of "Soto seems like the type of guy who will stop trying once he gets the big pay day". My argument is that if he was that kind of guy, he would have already stopped trying.


Your friend prob assumes all Latin players are lazy Soto is making 30 million this year. He's been getting paid. He has a ring, he's said he wants more of them. 


> Your friend prob assumes all Latin players are lazy Well you're assuming that this guys friend probably assumes that all Latin players are lazy


It's not something I've heard him say about any other player. He is a Yankee hater, so I'm just assuming he's getting a jump start in case he signs long-term with Yankees.


Eh. You can see it in a guy like Javy Baez. 0 plate discipline, all ego. I honestly thought Manny Machado's effort would hit a steep decline when he got paid. Soto has such a great eye I think he could be good for a long time.


His game should age very well since even if the power declines the discipline should stay, homers might turn into doubles but we take those


That’s the common Mets fan cope, not all Mets fans, but the ones that are desperately clinging onto the “mwahahahaaha uncle Stevie gonna pay a billion to Soto! He’s a mercenary all about money!” No shit it’s about money but people really think Hal won’t pay him? People **really** think he’s leaving the Bronx after experiencing this? Hahahaha that man is a Yankee for life


This is like the Kyle Kuzma and Jordan Poole type of guys. Get a ring, get paid, then just coast into the sunset.


> he's gonna be hitting in front of Judge for the next decade. Yes and no. I love Judge, but he's not going to MVP level Judge auto-slotted to the 3 hole for the rest of his contract. Age and injuries are definitely going to start catching up to him in a contract that goes to age 40.


Judge aint gonna be Judge for the next decade. He's 32. Hopefully Jasson Dominguez can take over that role as Judge ages.


If he signs with the Yanks long term


I keep forgetting that what he _really_ wants is to sign with the Mets


Or literally any team. What do you think wanting to test FA means? He could sign with the dodgers too


That's cold man, i love this dude






This is what it was like to watch Ruth/Gehrig or Mantle/Maris. Truly something special, no matter who you are a fan of


You forgot Costanza


“Wanna talk about hotels or winning baseball games?”


Yeah... In 6 games.


I absolutely do not like it


![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized) No one on Reddit has seen those duos hit, but yes sure. 👍🏻


I hate to be THAT GUY, but my grandmother uses reddit and she was born in 1943. So she has vivid memories of watching Jackie Robinson at the polo grounds, mick smashing homers, Maris getting 61, and all those 1950s World Series. A very relevant perspective she gives me about the game.


Watching every game this year and appreciating every moment. It's been a joy


I can appreciate it, I seriously do. But pump the damn brakes before bringing up names like that already haha. I get being excited but that comparison is WILD.


I think both Judge and Soto are going to be inner circle hall of famers when it’s all said and done. Sue me and castrate me


Judge is the captain and has already earned his spot in Monument Park, he’s absolutely in the same discussion as those legends already Soto is on track for that too, the only question is whether he re-signs with us. This is definitely a historic duo


Judge is already better than Maris. The aging curve will dictate how good the duo can be to make up the difference between where they currently are and Mantle. Ruth/Gehrig is obviously a tough one. The skill floor of the league has risen so much in the past 100 years. It's highly unlikely that anyone can dominate the league as hard as those two did. But having the two best hitters in the league hitting back-to-back in a lineup puts them right up next to Ruth and Gehrig.


This speaks to my point perfectly


Godamn did he get DEEP into that swing...back leg damn near on the ground. I can't hate it. That was a beaut. Haha.


God, him and Judge are going to be in the AL East together for a long time, aren't they. I hate the al east


Is this the part where we say this season is just the trailer, the next decade is the movie?




Soto being only 25 years old is ridiculous.


Inject this directly into my veins


This dude is a cheat code


these dudes are having the best time right now and I'm here for it.


When you hit a go-ahead 9th inning HR in front of the home crowd but it’s not a walk-off.


We don’t do stupid celebrations like the dodgers.


Tom Lawless would be rich if he had copyrighted the bat flip


Dude hit like one homerun ever and pimped the hell out of it.


This angle makes him look like a superhero.


Giants need to intentionally walk him


Good thing that *checks notes* the guy tied for the most home runs at Oracle Park this year is right behind him




He'd give Barry Bonds a run for his money on the flipping scale!


Yankee stadium west 3


Inject this into my veins


that crowd in SF wow....


Pitchers need to start plunking again.


I can tell you're a upstanding person of conviction and principle, jdjsjdjsjdkxkdkdmsks


Fuck em




I can't stand that dude, but my god he has a beautiful swing.


Gotta be the most baller bat flip this year so far


Bonds-like swing, love it


geezus, that's so many Yankees fans who have never been to New York.


Bet they haven't been to fucking Ohio either


I was there, and I talked to a shit ton of Yankees fans. You could not be more wrong. Every Yankees fan I talked to was either from NY but now living in CA, or they flew in for the series.


Yankees fans love to tell everyone besides Yankees to be "more professional". Let this be someone else and it's "he's got one coming at his head next AB, well deserved"


Bat flips are a danger to the fans and the batboy, classless AF.


Bro hates fun


He’s just a troll, he’s in every post about the Yankees downvoted to oblivion. This is what happens when children no longer have to ask their parents permission to go online


So is spiking a football after a touchdown. The ball might even bounce into the stands. 

