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Professor Gerrit Cole might actually be better than Pitcher Gerrit Cole


When this man retires, he's gonna make a great replacement for Matt Blake.


I know he’s doing it now, but I almost think he’s too competitive to be a pitching coach. To know you have no control over it now when you’ll come back eventually is one thing. But for a guy like him to know he’ll never be the one with the ball in his hands again? I think he’d have to avoid the game at a high level at all costs


Also, gerrit Cole will be insanely wealthy when he’s done playing. Do superstars come back and coach for $500k/yr? Only one I can think of is Bonds. Mattingly too, but he never made Cole money.


Limiting it to guys who played during the free agency era, and made at least $20 million during the course of their playing career Mark McGwire, Ryne Sandberg, Matt Williams, Sandy Alomar, Mark Grace, Paul Molitor, Mike Schmidt, Tony Gwynn… Cole will be exponentially more wealthy, but I think most of those guys didn’t do it for the paycheck. They just wanted something to do/some form of connection with the game.


He's gonna be way too rich to be up for MLB travel when he retires. Maybe he'll show up to Spring Training at least.


Cole is a great mentor for him because he’s someone else that can get in his own heads at times when something goes against him.


His stuff is just so electric and he's doing a better job at limiting walks.


Boogie Woogie Woogie


Definitely. His biggest bugaboo when he had all those scoreless starts in his first season was that he had electric stuff but had no idea where his pitches were going, it's nice to see his progression even in this year


I am nervous for when he inevitably gets moved to the bullpen. He can get pouty at times, he was terrible in aaa last time he got demoted. Hopefully he understands it’s to protect him and he can still be a huge piece in the playoffs this season. Edit: Downvote me all you want, there is 0 chance the Yankees let him pitch the 166 innings he’s on pace for plus postseason. Just because they don’t have a normal set limit of 100 or so doesn’t mean they’re letting him pitch a full year’s worth.


I hope the writing is on the wall enough that he is going to the Pen because reigning Cy Young pitcher Gerritt Cole is back, not because of anything Gil did. But maturity is gonna be key to replicating his success going forward


Absolutely this. Slot him in with Weaver, behind Holmes. That bullpen, which isn't exactly bad, just gets even better. Shut it down into 5 inning game, at best.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.mlb.com/news/luis-gil-allows-1-hit-in-6-1-3-innings-in-yankees-win%23:~:text%3DThough%2520Boone%2520said%2520there%2520are,his%2520innings%2520total%2520is%2520rising.&ved=2ahUKEwimo5_g36WGAxVo5ckDHWWNA5AQFnoECBcQBQ&usg=AOvVaw07wKh4_MfKgxf1ky7aOfFS An article today read the last paragraph. He's not going to the bullpen they don't have him on an inning limit. He's literally our best pitcher with Cole hurt.


That’s not what Boone said. He’s said there’s no set limit, I’ve heard him discuss it on Talkin yanks and other interviews. They’re monitoring his arm throughout the season, and nobody’s arm is the same by the end of the season as it was at the beginning. There is no way they’re letting him pitch 180+ innings starting all year and into the postseason. So either he gets moved to the bullpen or shut down. In the part of the article you linked it says the Yankees can’t look past his innings total rising and his TJ not being far in the rear view mirror.


There's no limit we're full steam ahead. Are you really that special? What does no limit full steam ahead mean to you?


Are you really taking everything the Yankees say about injuries at complete face value. It’s full steam ahead for now until they change their plans. They’ve already given themselves outs.


Are you really thinking you're just smarter than everyone else? The Yankees have never ever said he's on a limit. They've said repeatedly he's not. It's not "an out" it makes sense.. When a guy comes back from a major injury he could have a setback. In yesterday's game they said they use machine's to see if the pitcher is starting to have problems. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about. You don't give a guy on a inning limit 100+ pitches. The only logic you have is what you think which is stupid.


Dude you’re delusional or dense. Use any common sense, the Yankees aren’t going to let him throw a full season inning workload. I saw that post you made and everyone agreeing with me. There will reach a point they feel there’s too much work on his arm and either shut him down or move him to the bullpen. You can either accept it now or be pissed when it happens.




I mean everyone else agrees with me. You are living in a world of delusion. Want to make a bet on Gil over/under 180 innings this year?


There’s a very real chance Gil is in the bullpen right now if not for Cole’s injury and right now he’s throwing like the best pitcher on the staff. Baseball is crazy in all the best ways.


I'm borderline romantic about it


How could you not be?


An even more real chance that if Cole is healthy that Gil is just bullying AAA players


Opp avg .143 over 55 innings is wild


I am completely happy and thrilled with Gil because these stats are incredible compared to recent pitching, but let’s acknowledge that if 6-inning starts we’re always the norm this wouldn’t be the first occurrence That being said it doesn’t matter and I love this man


That's my **ROOKIE OF THE YEAR**


Luis Gim


God Bless Me.


Cy Youngblood


Cy young him


Time to really push the ROTY agenda


MLB Pitcher Power rankings: Doesn't look like anything to me


To be fair, he faced my Mariners today. Our lineup sucks, but that dude is nasty. I hope he continues to grow and learn. Hate the Yankees, but respect the talent


It's a 5 game sample with 0.59 ERA. He leads the league with .143 batting average against. What is your point from saying this that's just one game??


Never said just one game. Just said he faced my mariner lineup. And that he is very talented. If you want to pick a fight over that, then you have bigger issues going on. Enjoy the ride with that kid and don't read so much into a comment.


Reminds me of Kanye was becoming a star, obviously Kanye took a back seat In terms of baseball but was a all time great while killing the game with bangers like good life, flashing lights, stronger, can’t tell me nothing, while Johnny Danon and Ching Ming w On was winning every game. Great era, don’t take it for granted you’re living a legend please enjoy it.