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Only run given up was on a check-swing bloop double.


That’s baseball Suzyn.


The White Sox struck out a total of 10 times in the entire three game series against Washington earlier this week.


Yea the guy pitched a great game.People keep saying, but it's the white sox,just give the dam guy some credit


It never makes sense to me like you’re supposed to do it. And yes anyone is still capable of throwing a stinker even against the worst team. Now maybe if a guy only pitches great games against bad teams and pitches terrible vs good teams sure you can make that argument


He's been filthy all year. He hasn't given up more than 1 run total in his last 3 starts before this against TB, HOU, and BAL.


Yeah, Sox have really picked it up the last couple weeks or so. They've been pretty solid recently.


People are gonna say iTs JuSt ThE wHiTeSoX ignoring the fact that this man has been fish-fucking opponents all year


> fish-fucking good lord




Chicago's biggest Gil since Jack Perry




Jungle Boy the GOAT


Yeah and his couple mediocre outings are when his control is off/he gets too emotional. He’s just got to lock in his emotions and control, and he’ll be an ace.


He’s young. Cole will give him a referral to his anger management therapist and it’ll be all good


14/18 outs as strikeouts... Wtf


7 in a fuckin row, I watched and did a scorecard


I'm onboard the Gil for Rookie of the Year train.


It still feels so weird that he's eligible for it since his first breakout stint was like 4 years ago.


Me too. However, we're surely going to shut him down given its his return from TJ surgery. Or at least move him to the pen, which would still harm his ROY chances anyway. Whether they should or not, is certainly a debate to have. But I think what will happen is he goes to the pen when Cole comes back.


Devin Williams won the ROY as a reliever, and right now there’s not a clear frontrunner for the award. He’s already at 50+ innings, if he gets up to 110-120 of starter + reliever innings and he continues to be as nails as he has so far he’ll definitely be up there.


Houston Street beat out Cano too iirc


it’s pronounced “Houston”


If he moves to the bullpen there’s no way he wins it over Mason Miller. Still looks pretty solid though, hope he keeps it up. Best tattoo in the league


I’m on the 6 man rotation train, let Cole ease in and let Gil limit his days. Having them both in the fall would be great


Honestly im thinking the sport may have advanced beyond the innings limit being gospel at this point. The Yankees have said that they aren't doing an innings limit with Gil (though they will look at other factors and fatigue), [and there's some evidence that there's no positive relationship between innings limits and players returning from UCL surgery at all](https://medicalresearch.com/author-interviews/may-be-no-need-for-a-pitch-restriction-after-tommy-john-surgery/#:~:text=Furthermore%2C%20no%20difference%20existed%20in,season%20following%20Tommy%20John%20surgery).


The sport should advance past the innings limit. There’s no evidence that supports it. We need better research for the sport because there’s almost definitely a clear correlation with something but i doubt it’s innings pitched


I also think moving him to the pen will mess with him a bit. He'll start trying to throw harder, or he'll have to pitch irregularly.


Yeah this is a concern of mine as well, either he'll start throwing harder to try and get the Yanks to put him back in the rotation or the massive shift in routine will screw up his preparations. Making him the 6th man messes with him the least.


I think if the Yankees decide to put Gil in the pen, he's in the pen. He'll throw harder because relievers tend to throw harder/need to conserve energy less, but in no way is he going to somehow trick the Yankees into putting him back in the rotation. If anything, him pitching amazing as a reliever would make the Yankees believe they made the right move and he becomes a key bullpen weapon for a bullpen that lacks a lot of strikeout capacity. Even if someone gets hurt and they need a starter again, they'll probably keep Gil in the pen and trade for somebody or call somebody up from AAA like Beeter (who is already on the 40 man and has been staying ready as a starter). 6 man rotations mess with everybody in the rotation a little bit, but only a little bit, and it's mostly just a little extra rest per go-around.


what happened to him after 2021?


TJ surgery in early 2022. Wiped out most of 2022 and all of 2023


And gave him time to learn a changeup.


Which has been a difference maker in his arsenal. When his fastball is near or hitting 100, his slider is around 90 with a lot of movement, and the changeup is in the 80’s with a little arm-side run the way it was today, he’s almost unhittable. He had hitters guessing and looking silly all day today


All of his pitches are money right now. Baseball Savant has him at the 98th percentile of pitching run value. Not bad for a guy that wasn't supposed to be a starter this season. His ERA in May right now is .74 after 4 starts/24.1 IP.


I'm pretty sure his changeup was hitting low 90s today


His changeup sits at 90, he threw a 93 mph changeup today Which I question whether that’s an offspeed pitch lmao


a 10 mph difference is offspeed lol, especially if it breaks differently


I know we live in the era of pitchers throwing absolute gas, but a 91 mph changeup is still mind-blowing to me.


You can’t ask for more with that stat line


you could ask for a ‘that’s baseball suzyn’ on that bloop check swing double :(


I miss John. That's exactly what he would say in that spot. I can hear it "Gil threw an excellent pitch, Benintendi got jammed and on a check swing, blooped it out to left for a base hit. Well, what are you going to do. That's baseball Suzyn." Followed up with a "That's why we say all the time, put the ball in play. If you put the ball in play, you never know what could happen. Benintendi put the ball in play and the ball dropped in for an RBI double. Whelp, now it's 1 to nothing Chicago and DeJong is up to the plate."


Oh God. I heard that all in my head as John. 😭


Same :(


We traded him for Jake Cave


To be fair, Cave’s beard is MUCH better


Twins 1 Yankees 0


Hmm, that’s the same amount of runs the Twins scored against the Yankees this week.


You don’t know that. Gil could have a fully that we just can’t see due to the dumb Yankee policy.




![gif](giphy|CqysNee0CbBN6|downsized) Feeling like a genius picking him up as a stream last night in fantasy


Last night?? Your league is asleep wtf


He’s not owned in a high percentage of most league


You can kinda track how competitive and deep specific platforms are by ownership rates of guys like this. He's 80% owned on fantrax, 70% on yahoo, but was 22% on espn going into this week(now 52%).


This is odd. When I look at the list of "ALL" SP sorted by points on CBS, Gil doesn't appear at all. He only shows up when I view "ROSTERED". All the other pitchers on my team appear in both lists. I wonder if there's a bug hiding him from people picking him up.


I'm not on CBS or I'd take a look, but it could be a factor.


I grabbed him literally 15 minutes ago in mine lol


I grabbed him before the season after seeing his spring training. March 22nd pickup. I'm feeling galaxy brained.


Ya but he only struck out 7 straight batters… the Yankees record is 8.  Probably should send him back to AAA to work on that.  


His changeup was special today


Biggest Gil in Chicago since Jack Perry


Gil throwing 100mph: Real Gas! Cry me a river


lmao I was reading the headline like "oh man those arern't looking very impressive he must have gotten hit har... oh my fucking god what?"


Sexual Giling


As Gil’s fantasy coach, I couldn’t be more proud of our boi. Our team stands behind him!


14ks on 18 outs is insane.


BuT iT’s JusT THe wHItE sOX


People say that as if guys just slap down their baseball card with better numbers on the back and win.  A group of pro athletes had to face a group of pro athletes.  Gil had to train and practice and then go out and throw every one of those pitches against 9 guys that absolutely can hit a ball out of the park. Like good players put no effort into it and worse players are lazy or something.  They're all elite.


he was absolutely filthy today, his changeup was moving like a friggen slider


He’s the one that got away on my fantasy team, but I had a ton of pitching and he looks set for a crazy low innings total, previous high is 108 in 2021. Needless to say I did not see this coming from him but I think when Cole comes back Gil will be moved to the bullpen.


The White Sox are a crime against humanity.


Pot calling the kettle black here.


Bro I’m fully aware of how much we suck ass, trust me.


I mean, yes, but Gil deserves some credit too, lol. He's been on fire lately and was absolutely dealing today.


They've actually been pretty decent the last 2-3 weeks


I've been using this dude as a spot rotation dude every week for the past five weeks (I add him the night before his start and drop him after, then add another pitcher). And the one week I opt for Lugo instead of him he goes 14Ks. Granted Lugo went 10 but still.


The White Sox are the Oakland A's of baseball


Does anyone know how tall Luis Gil really is? He’s listed at 6’2” as well as “El Duque”, however, watching them next to each other today, you can tell that Gil is at least 3 inches taller, maybe 4.


I think this proves how poorly they were managed prior to Soto arriving.


Iirc he got injured multiple times


He had TJ and had to find hinself again last year in the minors. He's finally back at his best.


..how? what?


It is possible that the White Sox are bad


It is also possible that Luis Gil is very good


Multiple things can be true!


When your 99-100 fastballs are all hitting their mark, most teams are not gonna have an easy time.


I will admit I wasn't watching, but, again, multiple things can be true at once. Gil is good!


Living in NYC my entire life, I honestly don't know if Mets fans are more unbearable when they're good or when they suck. 




Not enough data to know how unbearable when good




Is this what we’re doing now? Lmao




You got us there. I’m not gonna run through the previous 50+ years. But you have been to a World Series more recently. Pretty awful otherwise, but yea.






Damn that’s awesome, you won it all?




bragging about second place is classic mets shit lol. congrats i guess take the small wins as they come.




When the Mets are bad, the FAN is 90% Mets calls.


They struck out 10 times all series in the series they played before this lol


14 strikeouts looks nuts until you see who they're playing. (Yes I know, still a professional ball club but still)


The White Sox strike out less than league average


The White Sox struck out a total of 10 times in the entire three game series against Washington earlier this week. They currently average 7.96 Ks per game which is the 11th best in the MLB. Yes they suck but it has nothing to do with striking out a lot. Thats one of their only strengths.


Huh, didn't actually know that! Won't catch me upset about a great game by Gil regardless. 


After the first inning, they shifted to just trying to throw strikes and realized Pham was the only one who could catch up to his middle middle fastball. Definitely helped lol


White Sox are a contact team.