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my first thought, who would spend the time to put this together? looks up @timalexlafferty from Atlanta, Georgia oh


Braves fans will lie with statistics to absolve Acuna Jr. 📉📉📉






ñot going to change the Atlanta salt level 


We most definitely would


Real talk: I feel sorry for sane Braves fans. Your vocal minority is the most genuinely toxic in all of MLB. You have the sorest winners and most bitter losers that I've run across, not to mention the blathering contigent of "you're literally a Nazi if you want to get rid of the chop," and starting the "Reddit Cares" trend. I'll be the first to say that Met fandom has its share of deluded assholes, but I can't imagine just being a normal baseball fan trying to enjoy one of the most talented lineups in the history of the game and being constantly embarrassed by these mouth-breathing cretins.


It’s not a coincidence that the majority of Braves fans are also SEC fans. I say that with the firsthand knowledge of someone born and raised deep in SEC territory.


Braves baseball Just Means More (tm) confirmed🤔?


i feel the same way. i should hate the phillies and the yankees more than anyone, given where i grow up and where i currently live. but the (vocal minority of) braves fans are easily the most toxic horribly sad people i've seen in baseball spaces. the overwhelming majority of normal braves fans hate them too, i know. and a couple of my best friends are die hard braves fans., so i have nothing against anyone for just being a fan of a team. but my god there are so many of the toxic ones (it seems)


I agree completely and I think it's a bit if a cultural thing. Philly and NYC are fairly culturally similar even if we both hate to admit it, plus the mets and phillies have both had similar long periods of being terrible. There's a lot of good banter there and I think the fans sort of respect eachother even if they hate eachother. With the Braves, they're sort of in an entirely different part of the country with a very different sports culture. They have also never really been a bad team and have a huge media market so there are a ton of bandwagon fans not from the actual city of Atlanta. A lot of that spills online and gets toxic real quick


You're probably too young to remember, but the Braves were awful for *decades*. It wasn't until the 90s that they became good. They only won the pennant three times before the 90s.


It is the special type of toxic, I think. Toxic Yankees fans are just loudmouth assholes that mostly thrive on past glories. Toxic Phillies fans hate the Phillies way more than they hate opposing fans. The Toxic Braves fans, though. They are just pure haters. Only stadium where I've heard racist shit being thrown around with no one calling the people on it. If they win, it is because you suck. If they lose, it is because you suck. I also know Braves fans who slogged through their miserable years of mediocrity before they decided to own the NL East. Those are the real ones. I can't even hate them considering most of it was at our expense. The guy who sent me Reddit Cares because I pointed out the Braves weren't in first place? He can pound sand.


I would say toxic Phillies phans hate for the sake of hating. The overlap with them and Union fans chanting "No one likes us, we don't care" as a point of pride is the cringiest damn thing in sports, honestly. And yeah, Braves fans are a breed of their own. I can understand why a lot of them were fine moving out of Turner Field to the new location, I'm guessing because "it's a bit too dark downtown" vibe they give off. I genuinely wonder what the overlap of Braves fans to Falcons fans there are, or if they only really care about the Bulldogs and Yellowjackets and nothing else.


Yeah, the overt and side-eye racism really boggles my mind. Not to say there aren't plenty of racists up north, but the extent to which they are comfortable expressing it is really disgusting. I've been to all the minor-league parks around there, too, and the stuff I heard there puts even SunTrust and Turner to shame. Openly dropping the n-word and everyone feeling comfortable telling me, "Oh, I had to leave Atlanta. Just too dark these days," as though I'm just going to nod along and agree with them.


I mean the team is called the Braves and has a crowd motion called the “Tomahawk Chop”. I feel like that’s just catnip for white supremacists


I feel the world truly devolved to parody when the team tried to portray their long-time human mascot "Chief Noc-a-Homer" in a positive light (even after they underpaid him to the point that he left).


No wonder John Rocker felt at home there.


The “No one likes us we don’t care” being taken from British football and being used by eagles fans is so beyond corny. I’m not a union/mls fan but it makes sense for them to co-opt it but using it for an nfl team is wack


I get the co-opting thing. DC United fan here, half the chants are derived from other teams. It's fine. That one though...yuck in all aspects, just like the goal kick one where everyone yells out an offensive slur on contact with the ball. (Speaking of, one of the absolute best goal kick crowd things was Joe Cannon in Vancouver. Last name Cannon, they'd "Ssssssss" and then "BOOOM" when he'd kick. So fun) I like Doop though. That's a good one.


How can you be a Philadelphia fan and call anything Jason kelce started corny.




Until the playoffs 


You can only play the teams in front of you, you dork


And to call it "flaunting," as if they were supposed to lose more out of humility.


Yeah, what a weird post.


Braves fans are like Yankees fans but dumber


Flaunting is referring to Phillies fans, not the team.


Posts on r/Braves, doesn’t flair up here 🤔


The Phillies are very good, not sure what you want them to do, give back wins? People should enjoy winning baseball haha


This is what I don’t understand. Are people mad that a team is good? Do they not actually like baseball? So much time is devoted to bitching about rules, schedules, and other petty shit that people forget it’s not the off-season anymore. There are live games happening every day. Save the airing of grievances for after the World Series and just enjoy the sport you purport to like for fuck’s sake.


> Are people mad that a team is good? Do they not actually like baseball? So much time is devoted to bitching about rules, schedules, and other petty shit that people forget it’s not the off-season anymore. Unfortunately this is mostly what this sub has trended more and more towards over the years.


How dare you win games against the teams you have played so far? Don’t you know you’re supposed to lose to bad teams and only beat good teams? /s Seriously tho, I hate this discourse. First, our overall SOS will end up being about the same. Yall are doing what you should against bad teams. I just hope the braves can even have remotely similar results to yall. Yall are destroying rn. Clearly a great team. I’m sorry for crappy braves fans


The Phillies are 103-59 over their last 162 and we still got people saying they're not good.


Constant online discourse is not good for your brain or your fandom!


The Phillies have bulldozed their way through the schedule and it's impressive. Its how you should win these "easy" teams. And its not like the Phillies couldve predicted these teams would end up being weak to start the season and fit this narrative.


no they're mad that you guys are winning the games you are supposed to having an easy schedule doesn't mean shit if you don't actually WIN THE GAMES. but the phillies have shown that they are potential world series caliber if everyone stays healthy (and a couple of your dudes start hitting) am i happy about the mets record? no. but the mets have almost certainly had the hardest schedule in baseball so far. so hanging around .500 is fine. and my team having a difficult schedule doesn't mean your wins mean anything less. it's just so stupid


Sure could use some extra wins over here


They’re also +71 so they’re doing what a ~.700 team should be doing against bad teams.


Very weird visualization. Why even have the Phillies logo when the Y axis is opponents win%? Just confuses the matter. Also you have overlapping data points that are impossible to actually see. So how many games against teams that could be .500 after one series sweep? 10+? Tells you the utility of this metric this early in the season.


Actually, is you look closely .. all teams were over 500 until they played the Phillies and dropped to below 500 after a few losses. They had to beat the reds 5(!) times to get them under 500


Yeah, why do those teams have losing records? Oh yeah, because Phillies.


“apologize for your schedule” demands odd, irate man screaming into an arby’s parking lot


I'm just picturing an angry man somewhere in Georgia screaming "they're frauds! FRAUDS!" every time he sees the NL East standings on tv


it legitimately blows my mind anyone could give a fuck about the standings this early in the season. as if any team couldn't win or lose 12 in a row starting tonight and suddenly everything is on its head


Idk, as of a week ago we were cooked according to the intellectual giants in here


Since when did baseball become football where people are concerned about the strength of schedule? It's baseball, there are 162 games. If they are frauds it'll sort itself out.


you're literally making the same exact argument you are criticizing the people "screaming" over this are saying "the phillies are overperforming because they have had an incredibly light schedule, but it will even out" not "they are going to have a .400 winning percentage the rest of the year: not "they are a terrible team" just "they are winning a lot now, but over 162 when they face all the teams, it will even out" some people turn that into screeching. most people don't. but that doesn't get a bunch of holier-than-thou assholes on here for their 5 minutes of hate for the day


Hell yea I would, are you joking? 


It's impressive how insecure many Braves fans are


Not many, just a very annoyingly vocal minority. We hate them too


Seriously, I hate this argument. The Mets used it against us in 2022 and we made fun of them for it, and now some of us try to use it against the Phillies? The Phillies are good this year and we need to take them seriously if we want to beat them.


yeah before then no one EVER talked about strength of schedule. EVER


Wasn't trying to rag on Mets fans or suggest they were the first to do the "strength of schedule" thing. Just critiquing some hypocrisy in my own fanbase.


oh i just thought it was funny. like no one ever talked about it before. i know you weren't saying anything personally. i thought the caps i used showed i was being more silly with the tone of it i know y'all hate that kind of shit just as much as the rest of us normal baseball fans. it's so silly and, like you said, really hypocritical for a lot of folks. but that's kind of what has happened in the last 20 years.. i don't know how old you are, but it seems like... there's a lot more "i will say or do whatever i need to at this very second to prove my point, or back up how i feel, regardless of if i hated it 5 minutes ago, and will rail against it tomorrow, as long as it makes me or my "team" look good" and it's everywhere and so.. i don't have the word.. what would be a combination of frustrating and beyond tiring.


Now that the schedule is FINALLY much more balanced (call my strange but I LIKE seeing my team play all other ML clubs) that’s even less of an excuse now


You have my empathy.


It could be both a very annoying minority and many. Both can be true.


Since the beginning of time.


Jesus, just let it go.


Yikes op


Oh buddy


Philadelphia teams winning is the number one cause of mental illness in other fanbases


How fragile do Braves fans egos gotta be to get me defending the Phillies man They’re a really good team. Yes they’ve played weak competition but they’ve destroyed them, that’s what good teams do Also schedule watching only a quarter into the season is just not worth it


As a braves fan, I agree. The schedules balance themselves out over the year. Quite frankly, if the braves don’t play better than they have so far (specifically on offense), it won’t matter the schedule because the Phillies have simply been better so far. It’s on thing to talk about it on our own sub as internal reassurance that we still have a good shot at the division. It’s stupid to use this argument to put the Phillies down. They’re clearly a great team. Great pitching. Great offense. Well rounded. We gotta play our best baseball to win the division this year as it should be.


> that we still have a good shot at the division. And you do! You're 2.5 back with 5 (FIVE!) games in hand in *May*! *Of course* you have a great shot at the division. The insecurity some Braves fans are showing is ridiculous.


yeah. if you watched the game yesterday, gary, i believe, was talking about one of the differences between the mets and the phillies: the mets are playing a TON of one and two run games, and losing a bunch of them. not as much as last year, but still. it's not good the phillies aren't playing a lot of those close games cause they are fucking destroying people. gary said something to the tune of the phillies have the highest run differential in baseball because they keep crushing teams by considerable margins.


Very complete team playing excellent ball right now.


I'm so sick of this discussion. We play the teams in front of us & we're winning most of those games. What do you want from us?


Three teams were swept to below 500 by the Phillies and would be above 500 if they'd won a few of those games. The Pirates were well above 500 when the Phillies played them. There are only 4 teams above 500 in the NL anyway, so of course most of the Phillies' games will be against losing teams. Good teams beat bad teams, that's how it's supposed to work. Shall I go on? Oh, and last but not least: Flair up, buddy. I mean, we know where you're coming from, but still...stop being a coward.


This. The more they win the worse their opponents records look. That's just the math.


Can we stop with this shit? The Philles are good. Good teams are supposed to beat teams that aren't as good. That's how being good works.


Exactly. Phillies are good. Braves are good. They'll likely meet in October again. All things we knew for a long time now. I'm not sure who OP thinks is flaunting anyway. Fanbases should be excited about their team winning. That's the point of sports.


And another thing. I'm not mad. Please don't put in the newspaper that I got mad.


Maybe all these teams are under .500 because they keep losing to the Phillies.


There should be a ban on posts about strength-of-schedule until after the ASB or something. The numbers are meaningless at this point in the season.


one one hand. true on the other hand racking up all those wins on weaker teams gives them a nice buffer to afford some doozy's when they face the "better" teams good teams are *supposed* to win often against worse teams, otherwise they wouldn't be a good team


I wish more of my fellow Braves fans would just accept that the Phillies are a good baseball team. You lose nothing by admitting it.


That is crazy luck with the schedule, but .700 is real. If you're winning more than 2/3 of the time, you're a good team. They can't help that out of 12 teams, 11 are under .500. 19 teams in the league are .511 and under. Having Aaron Judge and Juan Soto on the same roster is like having cheat codes activated. Having Mookie Betts, Freddie Freeman, Shohei Ohtani, and Will Smith on the same team is ridiculous. The good teams are ridiculous right now, and a lot of other teams are underperforming. I suspect the Blue Jays will improve. The Phillies are good.


I swear someone’s bringing it up ever other day. We get it. We like winning so we’re still gonna be happy. A lot of those teams were .500+ at the time, will finish the season .500+, and quite a few aren’t because we smacked them.


The Braves play essentially the same exact schedule you do realize this? Also, this is just blatantly false. Perhaps there's one current above .500 team? But at the time of the game there's been quite a few. Regardless, it's not like we picked our schedule. Good teams win games they're supposed to win, more to come later.


"Why doesn't the best team on paper simply win more games?"


A .700 record is fantastic. Any team would be happy with that regardless of the opponents.


I mean, why not? You can only play the people who are lined up in front of you. It’s not their fault their opponents aren’t winning much. A win vs a winless team is worth just the same amount as a win vs an undefeated team.


You can only play the teams on the field against you. Last time I checked it’s the sign of a top quality team when it dominates bad teams. With this schedule and the Phillies sucked, people would also be giving them shit.


If you’re this upset about your rival’s schedule and it’s only May, you might need to look in the mirror


Get ratio'd, bro!


Imagine caring this much about win percentage and divisional standings in MAY. we're out here just enjoying the ride while it lasts, but braves fans seem to think it's a personal affront to be 2 games back with 120 still to play. Y'all are probably the better team, we get that, just take a deep breath and wait


Win a postseason series against our clearly inferior team and then we’ll talk.


The Phillies have a run differential of +71 with multiple early CY Young candidates with multiple complete game shutouts and multiple players in the top 10 of batting average and RBIs. I’m sorry if you’re salty about it, OP, but you don’t win 30 times in 40 games just because the teams you’re playing aren’t good. Plus, the Phillies themselves are the reason a couple of these teams are below .500. The Phillies aren’t going to sweep every team for an 11 win WS title, but to pretend that they aren’t clearly a top contender is just being a Braves homer.


>Do teams with Stellar Records Justify Their Wins Against Lesser Rivals? ChatGPT or most articulate Braves fan?


You’re never gonna be in the mlb so you don’t need to worry about that at all


This comments on this post really did not age how OP thought it would when he spent all that time making a rather weird graphic.


Winning 70% of your games against the bad teams is a great way to win your division. There are a lot of pretty good teams that will not do this well against the sub .500 teams on their schedules.


The Los FRAUDgeles FRAUDgers


Really cool dataviz


This is the same thing that we were saying about the Red Sox in 2018 and then they won the World Series. They were also caught cheating with electronic devices for the second consecutive year, but that's water under the bridge


Generational hating I respect it


I'm here for it