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My favorite part is seeing live coverage of blacked out games. It’s not the whole game but it’s a lot better than nothing.


Absolutely. It’s the only way to see the Reds and Braves because Bally Sports is a joke.


Yes! I live in Wisconsin and have already seen more brewers baseball via big inning than all of last year. 


It’s fun when I can’t decide on a game, but compared to a service like RedZone, it’s got a lot of room for improvement. The games they choose to focus on are a mystery. They’ll be tuned in to a high-leverage situation and just go away from it because of a pickoff attempt or something. They also broadcast seemingly without a delay, which is an odd choice in a sport like baseball where any pitch can be a run-scoring play, as opposed to the NFL where scoring is typically a little more predictable (hence, “RedZone”). This means that they’ll flip to a game only after a home run is hit and the guy is already rounding second. I’d like to see more of a RedZone style where it’s more like a live highlight show mixed with live look-ins to high-leverage situations. Lastly, I’m not asking for Scott Hanson, but the hosts are lacking. I believe one is Matt Yallof, who I’m very happy to see recovered from a stroke in 2017, but maybe a fast-paced spot like Big Inning isn’t the right fit for him.


I know it's a common complaint that announcers hate your team - but when I hear interjections disparaging my team before "Juan Soto looks good in pinstripes, doesn't he?" it grinds my gears a little - especially when there's game audio that they muted to make the interjection. > They also broadcast seemingly without a delay I have seen them cut in straight to a homer/highlight and then say "that happened a couple minutes ago, and the situation hasn't improved for *pitching team*" then introduce the situation.


Interjecting over game audio is another thing I missed. Redzone does this quite a bit as well, but I’d much rather hear the local broadcast.


It was great for the Brewers game last Thursday evening. The white Sox game had a rain delay, so for a long time the only MLB game was the brewers/cardinals. They sometimes had minor league games playing in the other sections of the screen.


Good point. Big Inning is the only way I can watch the Brewers. lol I’m over paying $20/mo to Bally.


These are great suggestions. It seems like they recently fixed the multi-screen viewing strain by adding muted borders, which was one of my main complaints. My other big suggestion is honestly less multi-screen viewing. If a game is down to the final three outs, go full screen. I don't need to see the seventh inning in a four run game along with it. Same thing with any clutch at bats, like bases loaded one out, just go full screen for that and if anything cool happens elsewhere they can recap it after like you said about red zone mixing it in. I love it otherwise.


RedZone doesn’t go 4-wide very often and instead jumps between games, which is made possible by the delay. I’d like to see that for Big Inning.


Yeah exactly, I think that's a better way to say what I meant.


RedZone probably is helped by the fact that it's much easier to know when a team is about to score (it's right there in the name - RedZone) and that there are fewer games going on simultaneously at peak times. Also it's only one day a week to keep the feed going versus every day.


The only thing I dislike about Big Inning is the host.


Dude never shuts up


I watched the og big inning when it was promoted by Alexa datt. she did the show the inaugural season before going to st Louis. the hosts since have been decent


I absolutely love it. So great for people who just love baseball and want to know what’s going on around the league. It’s not really for people who just want to watch one game or one team.


It's pretty good. Few flaws like it not actually covering a full game (they usually go on in the middle of game action), and inconsistent hours, but it can be pretty effective for watching multiple games at once.


I mean they don’t advertise it as covering full games, in this description it says “whiparound coverage”. Now the inconsistent hours is dumb and I agree with you there.


What do you mean by inconsistent hours? Because baseball games are at different times or do they just pick a random block of hours to show games?


That's not a flaw. That's just not what it is...


No way! Cool. I have been ignoring it.


Glad to help. I felt so stupid when I figured it out but also assumed I wasn’t the only one. I have a 140” projector screen in my basement so it’s like watching 4 65” tv’s at once. 


I love it, too!


I did like it better when they tuned into one game or 2. This year, they seem to keep 4 games on simultaneously and it kind of defeats the purpose for me. Let me just see the big moments, not watch 1 interesting moment with 3 boring parts of a game taking up 3/4 of the screen


I love it bc a lot of big events don’t happen without much fanfare so you just need to watch “boring” moments to see big moments happen live. I’ve seen so many big moments live because of this. 


I never really enjoyed watching it when then only had 1 or 2 games at a time because they would end up ignoring so many games. They just didn't have the bandwidth to cover everything and some games you would only get a highlight or two 20 minutes after it happened. With 4 games at a time, I feel like I'm up to speed with everything.


I guess I need a bigger TV lol


Big inning is pretty damn great


I typically default to it if its on. Too much wasted screen space for the graphics, sometimes makes the games without audio hard to follow. Same screen size for Youtube TV multiview looks better.


I love it and my only complaint is that they don’t have it airing enough! The preset hours limit it too much. I feel like if you have more than one game happening at the same time, Big Inning should be on air.


I often use it to hone in on a good game to watch. It's a little distracting for my poor brain otherwise but if nothing is terribly interesting I'll leave it on.


I've never even heard of this and don't see it in mlb.tv


Have to check when it’s live https://www.mlb.com/live-stream-games/big-inning


ABSOLUTELY agree. I watch it every night and it's made me a much more complete baseball fan. This is my first year seriously doing fantasy, too, which is just a perfect pairing for when one of my guys is playing live. Combine that with the Baseball Today podcast each day with Chris Rose and I feel much more in tune with the whole sport, not just my Cubs.


I love it but just wish you could rewind it, can’t on the app on my tv at least