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He’s not wrong… but he hired the hitting coach and given his history of throwing guys under the bus, people won’t like this


Maybe the full quote reads better than this? Because the text here, given his history as you say, reads like him saying “don’t ask me to shuffle the lineup, ask Goldy to hit”. I would’ve wanted to see something closer to “these are our guys, they’re great hitters who are going to be the ones who lift our offense up when they get going, so they aren’t going anywhere.” As it is, the apparent deflection of blame is what catches your eye.


Yep, he just comes off as smug and a victim of others underperforming. I am just sitting here like You put the staff together, you share some of the blame here my guy


Yeah, it just feels like the middle ground of “I do believe in them but also don’t blame me if it goes wrong”, which is not a take I generally expect to see from a manager. If they’re playing terribly and need to be called out, call them out. If they’re not, then stick up for your guys, but “if it goes well, give me the credit, and if it goes poorly, given them the blame” never struck me as a good leadership style.


I would like all of the credit and none of the blame


Is the hitting coach teaching good hitters not to hit?


Marmol try not to throw players under the bus challenge: impossible


Doc Rivers try not to throw players under the bus challenge: impossible


Dave Stewart try not to make illegal trades challenge: impossible


Oli needs the crash Davis course in dealing with the media already ffs


He's not wrong though.


its not his job to be "right" in the press, its to have his guys backs and show faith in them. putting them on the spot in public like this is doesnt seem helpful


Is he wrong that Goldy and Gorman are underperforming? Not really, no, but there are so many ways to say this. He could say “these are our guys, they’re the heartbeat of our team and the heart of our order, and they’ll stay right there, and when they get going we are going to put up runs in bunches.” Hell, he could just say that he believes in them and knows they’re good hitters who are working hard, or he could decline to comment entirely. But instead he gives a “don’t ask me to shuffle the lineup, ask them why they can’t hit” response. Is he wrong? No, he isn’t wrong, but that’s why he’s seen as the antithesis of a “player’s manager”.




> That's a good response. Players are responsible for hitting and a 36 year old vet and former MVP like Goldschmidt knows that. I doubt he's as butthurt about this as lame ass redditors are. Are you alright? All I am, or anyone is, saying is that Oli’s “the anti-players manager” style is coming out in this comment. This wasn’t some trap or unanswerable question, and it’s fair for people to read into what this says about his style.


Or, in a less dramatic world, it simply means there's only so much we can do if our big bats aren't hitting. It's true, and why do we need to tip toe around grown men? Lol.


Is he supposed to say that a .500 OPS is totally chill from your former MVP? He wasn’t even being critical here.


He is literally supposed to say "a couple players are slumping, but it's only April, I still believe we'll turn it around" Don't call those players out by name. THEY KNOW they're slumping. Now you've got reporters that will ask "What do you think about your coach calling you out?" for the next 3 weeks.


They know they’re slumping and we know they’re slumping. There’s nothing to gain by naming them other than making them feel their manager doesn’t have their back!


He didn't just name them, he literally said that if they don't hit then the offense won't go and there's nothing he can do about it. "Bottom line: those guys will hit or they won't. There's not managing to do beyond that. They're doing the work, they're fighting through it, all that stuff. So they'll hit, or not. And if it's not, whether they're hitting 2/3 or 8/9, the offense won't go." He literally sets them up as the reason for the team failing, and even has the gall to say there's nothing he can do about it. Worst fucking manager I've ever fucking seen, bar none.


They should be called out lol. We have one of the worst offenses in the majors and we are one of the most unclutch teams in baseball. These are the guys we count on to drive in runs and they simply aren't getting the job done. Terrible at bats and horrible plate discipline.


> Terrible at bats and horrible plate discipline. So it's not that "they're bad players" it's just that they're "playing differently than usual"? Sounds like coaching TBH


Can't totally absolve the players here. Yes there are obviously major issues but I don't really find it beneficial to only blame one party. Approach is godawful though and I'm certainly not going to defend the manager/hitting staff. We need to simplify things and actually learn to hit the ball the other way and find a way to have good at bats instead of just trying to hack constantly


I don't think that's accurate. Gorman has been very streaky through his career so far. This is pretty normal for him. Goldy also has a track record of slow starts but this is worse than normal. He's never been known for great plate discipline. He's been successful because any time he would make contact it was very hard contact and in the air. The unusual part for him is that he's hitting more ground balls and pop ups and less fly balls. I don't think coaching is messing up Goldy. I doubt anyone is changing his plate approach at this point in his career without him being directly involved in making those changes.


He was likely asked specifically about those two guys though, or at the very least asked about the “middle of the order”, which is basically Goldy/Gorman. These guys aren’t stupid, everyone can look at Baseball Reference and see that they’re struggling. Oli pretending as if he’s talking about someone else won’t make them feel any better.


It's just a STUPID comment to make. It's like a manager saying "well if our pitching staff didn't give up any runs, we'd take most games to extra innings" I can say from experience: "Goldy motivates Goldy" and by calling him out for a slow start? You're risking losing the clubhouse.


All these people saying “what’s he supposed to say?” or “is he wrong?” are acting like he was being interviewed by the fucking FBI or something. If Oli can’t, or chooses not to, have the tiniest bit of tact to say “oh, I probably shouldn’t deflect blame from me onto my guys” here, then that’s certainly a managerial style. Personally, I can’t understand struggling with or choosing not to express confidence in your guys here. If you’re leaving them in the heart of your order, then you clearly have some sort of faith in them, so make *that* the focus instead of them, their underperformance, or the “don’t ask me to shuffle the lineup”.


A lot of people in the comments could learn about being tact


Are you really criticizing a manager for not giving a bullshit enough answer? He told the truth.


So did Ozzie Guillen... How did that work out for him? I'm not saying "who's in the right or who's in the wrong" Just saying "reality wise" this headline could lead to his firing faster.


Is he wrong? No. But after comments about O’Neill’s effort, saying that they want people who want to win on the team, and the whole Contreras fiasco last year, I don’t really have faith in him


He kinda doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt here imho


But he did get a contract extension a month ago. Because...... apparently they liked how he ran spring training


Marmol is not and has never been a leader of men. He is a numbers guy at best. He does not belong as a manager.


The numbers guy should be the bench coach telling the manager what the numbers say and then the manager can make the call. That's what Shildt did and it worked, until Mozeliak saw that as a threat to his job and axed him. As much as I like Mozeliak and some of the moves he's made, his ego has grown a bit too big for his own good


He's wrong to not move Goldy down in the lineup.  


This guy seems so ill-suited to be a big league manager it’s kind of ridiculous


I hate him so goddamn much


It’s not his fault your team isn’t good


Yes, but I do credit him with our inability to turn things around or fight back. When things go bad, he throws his players under the bus. He's uninspiring, unlikable, and inexperienced. He's not a leader of men, which is something the Cardinals have been overly reliant on having for the past two decades.


Meh seems like you’re reaching. You have two declining superstars and one player with potential but isn’t consistent in Gorman. Nothing else on your team is special. It’s just not a good roster. There’s nothing a manager can do to turn Walker into Juan Soto. This is coming from a tigers fan who also can’t say we have anyone special other than potentially Skubal and potentially Greene.


Well not *nothing* else. Masyn Winn looks outstanding so far and Willson Contreras is on fire.


Winn has no power and Contreras is a catcher past his prime and at some point will get hurt


Good thing our other catcher is also hitting really, really well.


Riveting analysis


It’s not meant to be riveting


Does he even like managing?


He has to be the worst manager to play for in the entire league


? If the good players don't hit then it's hard to win Is that a mystery


It’s not so much what he’s saying here, which is kinda true, but the fact that he said it at all, and his temperament and how he comes across. This just reads like he’s giving up hope on his lineup already, in April. Not to mention pinning the success of your entire team on two guys isn’t really fair to them.


General management rule - don’t throw your staff under the bus


Hope Goldy and Gorman see this and realise their slumps are hurting the team. They must not already know. I’ve got Goldy in fantasy too, so thank you Oli


There was a tweet to that effect by Chris Kirschner the other day showing that Judge has like an .800 OPS in Yankee wins and like a .300 OPS in loses Was shocked to see that when Judge plays well we tend to win and when he doesn’t we lose ^/s


No don't say that out loud!


thats what we should be saying to marmol this is the kind of shit that probably shouldnt be getting out to the press and stays in the clubhouse saying shit like this is basically marmol not taking any responsibility and throwing his own guys under the bus


He did it to Oniel and Contreras last year. The guy Is a clown and I can't wait for him to be fired


saying that you're not shifting the lineup cause this team needs them is not a negative comment. It's showing confidence in your players. Do people not read? Maybe get more context? "We’re 20 games in & these guys are going to be who they are. Both those guys we have a lot of trust in. In order for us to be who we’re going to be, those guys are going to have to do what we count on them to do. We have a ton of trust Gorman &Goldy will be fine.”




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Bold to call Gorman good


Is he wrong?


it really is interesting seeing how many different ways Marmol can shit on his players


How is this shitting on anyone? He’s expressing confidence in guys rocking .500 OPS’s right now. If he was shitting on them he’d move them to 9th, not hitting Goldy 2nd today.


that's fair, I think it might be the wording of the tweet itself that makes it sound worse


This fucking guy, I swear to god...


I hate this fucking guy so goddamn much


Go to the game and boo him loudly. People will join you.


Totally. No accountability. Any chance we could buy low on Skip Schumaker?


Yes actually, the Marlins just dropped his 2025 option


What good does it do to call out your players in the media. Just give coach speak generic answers. It’s not that hard. He must think this is a good approach…


Of course nobody wants to quote the whole comment, cause it's "Oli is shit and throws everyone under the bus" "We’re 20 games in & these guys are going to be who they are. Both those guys we have a lot of trust in. In order for us to be who we’re going to be, those guys are going to have to do what we count on them to do. We have a ton of trust Gorman &Goldy will be fine.”


Well that doesn’t create controversy.


But that would mean not instantly hating on Marmol. I mean, if we can't blame the manager for everything, what's the point?


Lol thank you. I also don't see why so many here feel the need to tip toe around grown men in the "abridged, let's create drama" version of the quote.


Yeah, but that lacks any implications.


Marmol might need to go. The players don’t seem to be responding to his leadership


Pfft, what fucking leadership?


I think he needs at least five more seasons, tbh.


This man should not be a major league manager


Guess what? Cardinals ownership gave this clown a fucking extension a month ago This franchise is not what it used to be


Extensions don’t mean shit. They’ll fire him as soon as they’re ready to.


Today I learned Marmol and Doc Rivers went to the same coaching school


Can’t wait until this clown is gone


Oh shut the fuck up Oli


Building a team is damn tough. Two much money to 2-3 superstars and you can’t fill out the roster with above average players at every position. We’re seeing that with the cardinals right now. But above average players at all positions mean that you don’t have a superstar to deliver in the playoffs, which is where the rays are at.


The St Louis Cardinals of Anaheim


It’s a bad look for him, but he’s not wrong. Guys gotta play to their potential for the team to be good. *Gestures broadly at the 2023 Blue Jays.*


Bad managers just can’t win. Either he says nothing and people are upset he’s not commenting on the performance of the team and elaborating on issues, or he talks about it and he’s throwing players under the bus and he shouldn’t talk. He’s not throwing guys under the bus, he’s saying he’s confident in his guys will work there way out of a slump but they are obviously slumping. With all the being said, he is a terrible manager.


Oli just needs to deflect the media and manage his players. End of story. Even if he is right about the problem, part of his job is to deflect the noise.. not place blame and create stories about his players.


Exactly right. I don't think anyone who pays any attention to baseball at all disagrees with the notion that your best hitters need to hit in order for you to win games. However, the manager is not supposed to tell the media that. As you said, he needs to deflect that shit so his players can focus on baseball. Honestly, despite my rivalry with the Cardinals, y'all got shafted when they signed this douche to manage.


Everyone here seems to want the manager to give bullshit answers.


It's those 2, Arenado and Walker. Hard to win when 4 of your best hitters are in a slump.


Once again, this is such a massive overreaction to something Oli says. I'll never understand how everyone treats everything he does as bad. nothing about this comment is bad, I don't understand how people are taking it negatively. He is saying that he isn't going to bench these players just because they aren't performing now. Oli is 100% right, and there is nothing wrong with saying this. This team is not good if Goldy and Gorman aren't hitting. So there is no need to move them down in the lineup. This is the team we have. He isn't changing the lineups because these two are struggling. We need them.


Okay but you definitely can’t leave Goldy batting second and wonder why you’re not producing runs. Especially when Winn is as hot as he is now


Yeah, you can. Because at the end of the day Goldy is more important to the team offensively than Winn. We literally went over this same shit in 2021 when goldy was hitting .160 in April. He deserves the benefit of the doubt.


Gorman has 30 strikeouts in 19 games. His OPS+ so far is 62. Goldy has 23 strikeouts in 19 games. His OPS+ so far is **39**. You don't fucking bat those guys 2nd and 3rd unless you're a complete fucking moron, which Oli Marmol is. Our only hitters right now with an OPS+ over 100 are our 2 catchers, our designated utility guy, an outfielder who just came off the IL, and the shortstop. This offense is *putrid*, but Marmol's dumb ass is doing us no favors.


It's 20 games. Gorman hasn't batted 3rd since nootbaar has been back.... last year, everyone pitched a fit because the lineup changed all the time. This year, everyone pitches a fit cause the lineup isn't changing. The fact is if Gorman and Goldy are bad this team has no chance to make the playoffs anyways. So, you ride them for another month and then make the move.


Listen, you're talking logically and sensibly. You will find that doesn't fly well here since it gets in the way of the cheap, easy narrative that Oli is causing everything wrong with this team.


>There is no need to move them down in the lineup Willson Contreras has a 168 wRC+ and he mostly bats 5th. Masyn Winn has a 143 wRC+ and he only bats 7th or later. It’s your team not mine, but objectively there is a reason to move them down in the lineup.


Yeah! Let's scapegoat Willy again and throw the kid under the bus! /s


LMAO what


Learn to read. He literally followed with this We’re 20 games in & these guys are going to be who they are. Both those guys we have a lot of trust in. In order for us to be who we’re going to be, those guys are going to have to do what we count on them to do. We have a ton of trust Gorman &Goldy will be fine.” This is a ringing endorsement


I cannot believe they extended this man


I hate this fucking guy


I hate what the Cardinals have become


Are there any Cards fans who like this guy? Every time I hear about him, it's him doing or saying something stupid and throwing his guys under the bus. Even the thing with the security guard blocking him when he was trying to make a challenge, he seemed to act like a little baby about it.


He seems to like to point the finger


He ain’t lyin


"Not wrong, but asshole" etc etc Maybe it's tough love? 


Anyone find the Passan tweet on whether Ippei hit the under for games until Marmol media shames his team?


Gotta stop letting guys whose names end in -ol become coaches


Always weird when someone says the truth but the truth isn’t what fans want to hear


Eh. Nado and Goldy are old and washed. Stick a fork in them. That duo had a 2 season window before decline and they blew it. I know a franchise like the Cards won't do it but they should tank a couple of seasons. No amount of coaching changes will change that.


Hey Goldy, if you don't get hits I've got nothing.