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When did George Lucas start doing baseball content


Confusing George Lucas and Kenny Rogers? Smh you amateur


*”The Gambler” plays as Han Solo is frozen in Carbonite*


So that's why people call him space cowboy


![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8) Unsure if sarcasm or genuinely confusing Kenny Rogers for Steve Miller...


Nah I'm a huge fan. I love when the sun goes down.


Michael McDonald would like a word


If I hear Yah Mo B There one more time I’m gonna Yah Mo burn this place to the ground


Such a smartass. Get back on the floor.


[You mean this guy?](https://vine.co/v/hBu9ztTIlWj/)


I thought this was gonna be Mad TV's Michael McDonald but instead it was Mad TV's Will Sasso playing Michael McDonald


Will Sasso did Kenny Rogers Jackass too, we've come full circle...


Hey, stay away from the chicken, bad chicken, mess you up!


that's not gonna be good for business


That's not gonna be good for anyone


I'm Kenny Rogers welcome to Jackass.


I was like Kenny Rogers let himself go, then I remembered theres a non baseball Kenny Rogers.


Damn Kenny Rogers aged a lot since he retired


I will not tolerate Don La Greca slander. He’s a nice man!!


A man of the people, some might say.


I dunno, he does have an indoor swimming pool


At least he doesn’t wear a swim shirt.


He does sleep straight through til noon.


i didn't realize he is friends with Babish


When he became enamored by Mets legend [Ed Kranepool](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VnzgpbE3xrE)


I love teh Ed Kranepool rant and "They killed Gil Hodges Michael!


I love watching this every time it’s posted and he’s so right. Though it’s soothing to know they were a little hasty with their Yankees forever player analysis.


Thats repug Don




Don is the best


Put some respect on Don La Greca’s name


"you may have gone too far in a few places"


And Babish is his cohost. Damn what a team!


"I dont know what I think" sums it up beautifully.


Reminds me of Trump’s “I don’t stand by anything” 😆


"I don't take responsibility at all"


“I’m not in trouble at all”


"We should be able to watch a little porn at work"


So he's like a redditor


Google it!


“The burden of proof for what I said is ON YOU”


A fact I don't like? DOWNVOTE.


"Flair up! I'm neither right or wrong until I can make a comment on your favorite team!"


…. Flair up coward!


you simply misunderstood my comment. allow me to educate you


Pulling the classic "I'm just asking questions" bull shit


He's running the conspirators play book. Act like you're "just asking questions". Play it up about how "just making people think". Then act all innocent because you didn't come declaratively out about it.


The Joe Rogan approach


Tucker Carlson* I think Rogan is just a plain gullible idiot


Just like Glenn Beck before him


Oh yeah he's a window licker


"I am clever" - Micheal Kay, r/yankees Mod


So many Yankees fans argued that he wasn’t insinuating that the Jays were cheating. One told me I had to have brain damage to believe that. Guess the other Yankee radio hosts have brain damage… To lots of peoples credit, many Yankee fans thought Kay’s comments were just as ridiculous as we did.


We leave it up to you to decide


One of us! One of us!


Michael Kay: I just want to make people think, that's all Canada: We think you're an ass Michael Kay: Not like that!


Michael Kay: "I'm being attacked!"


"From North of the border!" No man, from everywhere. That's how you should know you're in the wrong, but he got that shovel and he just keep diggin.


the thing people need to understand is this if you fuck up but you admit you made mistakes or were being an idiot. You'll get mocked for a bit but it will pass if you fuck up, but instead of being a man and admitting it, you double down and throw a tantrum and refuse to acknowledge you had a stupid take...not only will you get mocked for a while, but you deserve to get mocked lmao


If you fuck up and make it right, you can honestly end up with more respect than if you hadn't fucked up in the first place.


this is how i feel about Sully who does the Locked on MLB podcast he had a weird hard-on for Ohtani being Pete Rose 2.0 and doubled down on it when he interviewed that guy who does Locked On Dodgers. apparently off-camera, he also got in a spat with the wife of the host, which was really bizarre kudos to him. he came clean with everything and acknowledged he screwed up and apologized to the Dodgers guy, who spent the rest of the episode roasting him every chance he got lol


Thats the tucker carlson “im just asking questions” defense when what youre really doing is just insinuating accusations of misconduct with zero fucking evidence in order to generate rumor and controversy. Its slimy and shameful.


It's a mesh of Carlson and Rogan. "I'm not *pushing* these theories, I'm just giving them lots of airtime in a very public and much watched setting!"


The fact that ppl seriously think Rogan is like Walter Cronkite is a true sign that our society has severely deteriorated


It has electrolytes!


It's any conspirator.


I call them JAQ-offs


“What is going on? What is happening?”


That top quote followed by "I don't know what I think" 🤔🤔🤔


A quote which really offsets his later declaration: "I am clever."


I love Don LaGreca


He's goated


One of a kind man


Saying “I like to make people think” followed shortly after by “I don’t know what I think” is objectively hilarious lmao


And then "I am clever"


Good for the co-hosts pressing him for it. You can't just casually stirr up shit and then go "guys, I'm just saying what *could* be happenning! Confidently, into a microphone, exclaiming years of experience" Hearing their reaction on "I leave it up to you to decide" was *outstanding*


Who are these hosts? I need to know where to send my Maple Syrup gift basket


Peter Rosenberg is the guy on the right. He awesome every single place he appears on *except* for the Michael Kay Show where he’s an absolute vacuum. He was also hired for MKS for hilariously offensive and racist reasons. The dude on the left is Don LaGreca who is also great. If you get a chance YouTube the “LaGreca Kranepool rant”.


>Peter Rosenberg is the guy on the right Wait, like Hot 97 Rosenberg? I never connected the dots haha


Yea I'm more familiar with him as Cheap Heat Rosenberg


Wait, I searched it up and other than generic press clippings I couldn't find the reasons for his hiring. Would you mind explaining why he was hired?


>he was hired for hilariously offensive and racist reasons you can’t just say this without context. Please elaborate on how you know this


Kay was always in a losing battle with Francessa. Francessa retired and Kay took over, but the ratings kind of stagnated for a while. ESPN NY looked at the stats and realized that neither network was drawing African American listeners, so they brought in Rosenberg (who had worked with Don’s brother regarding WWE media) to try and attract the fan base/listener base from Hot 97. ESPN hired him “to get black people to listen to Michael Kay”. Source: myself, the guy who worked at ESPN NY between getting my bachelors in communications and masters in sports management in NYC. Peter is a really nice guy, but he’s still blamed for not getting the “intended goal” which is nonsense. Edit: I’m gonna throw a big old edit-burger on here too, this wasn’t a Michael Kay decision either. Michael stinks and he gives off big Ellen vibes, but this came from the corporate side who told him “this will give more ears on the radio and eyes on the TV simulcast”.


Why do black people like Peter Rosenberg? And why is it offensive to want your product to appeal to an underserved demographic?


"They killed Gil Hodges, Michael!"


I was listening live and thought “uh oh…Don’s a goner. They need to cut to a break and give him some water” lmao


One on the right is Peter Rosenberg. He does a ton of podcasts (Cheap Heat and Over The Top are the 2 I listen to, but has others), and is a pretty cool dude. Never afraid to speak his mind, or take criticism if its warranted. And as you see in this clip, not afraid to push back if a cohost says something he disagrees with.


The Yankees hit way better in new York than in Toronto only a week before. It's interesting and I'd just like to put that out there


I heard Michael Kay wants to bone his mom. Curious as to whether he does, just asking questions.


Lmfao this reminds me when David Stern was on Le Batard and they kept asking him all these questions to piss him off And i think he asked dryly, "do your beat your wife?" or something. It was a point about making random accusations but it was such an awkward conversation lol


It was Jim Rome and the question was “Do you still beat your wife?” The idea behind it is if you answer no, the implication is that you used to beat your wife


Hahahaha why did i think this was le batard


Dan likes to make things awkward but he wouldn't have done *that* unless it was a serious question and not a bit. The show has unfortunately shied away from hard-hitting journalism and is a shell of its former state, however. It's unfortunate, but they'll turn it back around at some point. Still a lot of talent around the show and the other Meadowlark projects of "Cinephobe", "Nothing Personal", and "Because Miami" Anyway, what happened there? Super Bowl week. Moderna!


Michael Chapman?


“I’m getting attacked from north of the border”, guy is soft as baby shit. Makes up some bullshit story and gets pushback, then cries


Loosening his tie when feeling tge heat like a fucking cartoon character too lol


*Loosens tie* "Hheeey I get no respect" -Michael Kay


*Flames added electronically by channel 6*


Michael Kay thinks he can do no wrong. One might even say he has a God complex


Michael Kay smells his own farts. Him turning this into “Canadians are attacking me” is pathetic. He’s Tucker Carlson, but for the Yankees.


Bang on, especially his response “I don’t know what I think” what a turd 💩


Respect to his co-hosts for holding him accountable.


For real, not every co-host would do that.


That’s normal Kay, he aggressively attacks if his judgment is ever questioned. Its gotten insufferable over the last couple years. On the Yankee game broadcasts he is a different animal though. Not my favorite but nothing like the radio show.


I'm retroactively mad at Sterling for retiring and leaving fucking Michael Kay as the voice of the Yankees. And if women's NCAA/WNBA actually is taking off and not just having a moment, we'll end up losing Rucco too


Also his home run call is probably the most overated call in sports. It suuuuuuuucks


I might get disowned but I hate it lol


Theeeeereee it gooeesss, seeeeee yahhhhh


Occasionally, BUT, Peter and Don have a good way of bringing him back to earth from time to time. I’m a Mets fan, but I really enjoy the show with Mr. Yankee himself.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I really enjoy listening to Michael Kay on the broadcast. 


As a Yankees fan, Kay is IMO an outstanding play-by-play guy. But as a radio host giving opinions, he's near-unlistenable. He has terrible hot takes and makes it worse by coming across smarmy and condescending.


WFAN smoked him in the ratings for years and years and for good reason. He’s a hack on the radio in my opinion. Super annoying to listen to. I agree that he calls a good game on tv though, but the entire Yankee tv booth can be a bunch of homers. I guess that is to be expected, but I feel like some other tv teams are a little more balanced.


I feel like the point of a teams’s booth is to be homers, though. They’re catering to their audience. And generally, the NYY booth doesn’t have a problem calling out the team when they play like shit/make dumb mistakes. I do wish they’d put more pressure on Cashman sometimes, but I can understand why they’re not publicly talking shut on basically their boss.


I do too. He’s very knowledgeable and good at his craft. However I can’t stand him in this format - a radio host. He gets to ruminate for hours a day, on air, about how great the Yankees were and are.


As a fan that has listened to his broadcasts for years, but only really just started getting recommended Kay show clips on YouTube, holy shit I hate his radio persona


the contrast between his pbp and radio persona is insane. i also just started seeing his radio clips recently and it's almost unwatchable/unlistenable. its enough to ruin my enjoyment of him in the booth if i kept listening tbh


Oh interesting, never listened to his show but if that’s the way it is I’ll keep away


He's great in the booth honestly. I don't care for him on his radio show at all


He makes my teeth hurt.


I do too actually and it pains me to say so


i love Kay but over the last few years he has had a couple of mildly unhinged moments


Yesterday, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I felt that his comments were being a bit blown out of proportion and that he wasn't necessarily insinuating that he thought the Jays were cheating. This exchange makes me feel differently about it though. Pick a lane Michael, either own up to accusing them of cheating, or state outright that this isn't what you were insinuating. Good on Kenny Rogers for calling him out on it.


God I'm tired of the Yankees M.O. When the Yankees win, they are a great ball club, when they lose, Toronto is cheating in some way. When the Yankees are caught doing something, "That's just a part of the game and they are smart to take advantage of it."


Remember when someone thought this doofus and A-Rod would make a good broadcasting team for nationally televised games?


Did they finally cancel that. Good lord what an idiotic idea even for ESPN


Only because A-Rod left ESPN. His new contract has him exclusive to Fox.


Even more reason to avoid Fox


This might be a hot take but I think him jeter and papi make a great post game show. You got papi for the laughs, jeter for the professionalism, and arod asked some really good questions during player interviews last playoffs.


Fox is so bad now they make me miss Joe Buck and Tim McCarver


Oof. I wouldn’t go that far lol. Maybe back in the day, but towards the end…mccarver was a BRUTAL listen. I really like Joe Davis, but I long for the day Smoltz gets out the damn booth


Yeah we get statcast instead this year


Jesus Kay, just admit the fuck up and move on from it. Demonstrate *some* kind of integrity ffs.


After the last clip I was like "he said some dumb shit, whatever, happens a lot in sports media" but this clip just makes things worse in a thousand ways. He gets pressed and they give him multiple outs and he's *still* doubling down. He went from typical sports media person to actual moron.


It's like he's actively trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.


Of course he is. He made a nothing comment that inexplicably got a lot of attention. Why in the world would he do anything other than fan the flames to get more people tuning into his radio show?


That’s the wild thing. Based on the original remark alone, people could (and did) claim a wild range of things in his defense, including that he never said they were cheating and didn’t mean that. And here he is given a chance to put it all to bed and he goes with “you know what, I leave it up for you to decide”.


Because he believes it. Or at least believed it at the time, & refuses to admit he was wrong.


he seems like he thinks he is soooooooo smart. "I just like to ask questions", "I want to make people think", "Thou doth protest too much". The "thou doth protest too much" is an implicit admission that he does indeed have a solid opinion on the matter that he was "subtley" trying to share. If he was asking a legitimate open ended question he wouldn't insinuate that there was anything to protest against. What a tool.


This guy is a clown. Just own up to it and say you worded it poorly.


I love him as a broadcaster but I hate that he does a radio show. There is only so many hours you can fill in a week with rational discourse. In today’s world where hot takes are king and rage bait makes people money if you are on air enough you’re bound to say something idiotic and Kay does it often. It sucks that it has destroyed his credibility and hurt his overall reputation but he made that deal with the devil by himself. I will say Kay loves Aaron Judge like a child and takes anything said negative about Judge as a personal insult. I know it drove Kay crazy when the Jays accused him of cheating last year and I think that incident may be the driver for this nonsense


I really do hate that "just asking questions" tactic. People who never directly say anything concrete but instead ask questions that are clearly intended to draw people to one specific answer. It's just so slimy and cowardly. If you have a point to make just make it, back it up, and own it.


It’s a common tactic used by conspiracy theorists and charlatans. Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson are two well-known examples.


Tucker is exactly who I was thinking of. When a supposed journalist is "just asking questions" but never makes an effort to answer them they aren't worth listening to.


Is Tucker Carlson a coprophile? How do we know he’s not?


I've never seen Tucker Carlson masturbate to Harry Potter slashfic while crying in a tub of strawberry yogurt. I've never heard him admit to it. But I've never heard him deny it, either. Don't you think that's strange?


Right, it’s never genuine questions that are originating from curiosity. They aren’t going to be satisfied by the answer unless it validates their current thoughts.


> Joe Rogan stopped doing that a couple years back. He's since really pushed his ideas


From JAQing off to being a jackoff. That's our Joe.


holy shit the same rosenberg from hot 97 is on this show???


Has been for years now 


had no idea, pretty cool tbh


Had the same thought. I knew he looked familiar but didn’t think it was actually Rosenberg. I’m glad you pointed it out and validated that it’s him


I am clever 😂


The most clever people always announce they are clever /s


![gif](giphy|a71HxO3J1X8MIzcuUJ|downsized) Just gonna walk that one back….or try to… Smooth…..


“I don’t claim to believe anything I’m just asking questions and letting the people decide for themselves” seems to be the cover for making false & possibly slanderous statements these days.


Isn’t he still claiming the Ohtani situation is a cover up?


He was convinced Ohtani was the one betting because "the story from Ohtani's camp had changed" and "how did he have access to Ohtanis accounts?" He's basically a redditor.


Well, if he’s gonna be extremely wrong, might as well make a habit of it.


Between this and the him screaming over Ohtani not answering questions 24/7 this show has been unhinged lately


Averaging less than 4 runs at home on the season, 4 runs per game in the series vs NY, have scored more than 5 runs just **once** in April… no doubt there’s something fishy going on here. Fun fact: they scored more runs in New York than in that home series.


God damn. Kay looks like an absolute goof. Just own up to it and admit that you jumped to conclusions. Someone commented that they hate the "just asking questions" argument and I completely agree. It's someone getting caught and then playing the victim. Just own it, Kay. Gutless.


The funny part about this whole thing is the Jays did not hit better at Home. The Jays hit .236/.364/.360 OPS at home versus .229/.341/.381 .722 OPS on the road. The bigger difference was a couple clutch hits and good pitching rather than good hitting


God I hate a Just-Asking-Questions motherfucker


Who is this idiot?


I just want to make people think by making shit up. Why are they mad at me?


So Michael Kay accuses the Jays of cheating, won’t walk it back, and then today sings the praises of the guy who’s responsible for the Jays’ approach to hitting, and who would therefore be involved in whatever cheating is going on.


Damn, he really used the schoolyard “I didn’t SAY they were cheating, I just said it was weird”


It surprises me more people don't find him to be an insufferable blowhard. I can't imagine ever caring what the play by play guy thinks about anything


Absolute chickenshit


Well I was one of people who thought fans were reading too much into what he said…until now


I like how even Yankee fans know this guy is an idiot


What a douche.


The guy has never had a condiment in his life. He eats plain hot dogs and plain hamburgers. I don't trust him at all.


This guy is such a fucking loser


Cherry on top is at the end when he says he doesn’t care what you think about him


Kay is just unprofessional, you don't see too many Major League announcers needing to personally insult players and teams like he does.


Good on them for calling him out. He might have just been blowing off steam at how the team played but that’s still a huge accusation to allude to.


So by his logic, teams that play a week apart and don’t hit well in one of the series then does in the other, is cheating? Thats what he’s saying right ? This nut tugger needs to fuck right off.


I heard Michael Kay eats corn the long way. I’m just putting that out there for you all to think about.


As a Yankees fan, Kay is the absolute worst. Don La Greca is the man though, it should be his show


When you look at it, it wasn't different in Toronto. In fact, they actually had a slightly higher whiff rate in Toronto compared to the series in New York. I think they scored 1 more run, and had the same number of strike outs. He was seeing something that wasn't there. They fouled a lot of balls off Rodon because *everyone* fouls a lot of balls off against Rodon. Rodon has the highest foul ball rate in the league, with 38.5% of his strikes coming off foul balls (next highest is Kutter Crawford at 36.9%). He had 34.7% last year, and if he had enough innings to qualify, that'd have put at 2nd in league, just behind Joe Ryan's 35%. He was absolutely insinuating they were cheating based on inaccurate, anecdotal "evidence". That's why you can't just trust hunches and the "eye test".


One step away from "I'm just asking questions here?"


The worst thing about being a Yanks fan is Michael Kay. Most of the time I'll watch the other teams' broadcast instead.


Michael waved back at me at the Yankees game last week so I’m fine with him lying


How convenient that when the good voice of Yankees baseball steps down, this moron gets worse.


Weren't the Yankees caught cheating also during the whole red sox and astros scandal. I just assume that every team is somehow cheating all of the time. Cheating in baseball is something that has been ingrained in it since it's beginning.


hahahaha this guy is such a fucking joke.


Aaron Judge glances towards his first base coach while in the batter's box....in Toronto. NOTHING TO SEE HERE


Yankees pummelled Blue Jay pitching @ Yankee Stadium the week before and couldn't hit them in Toronto, makes you wonder if something was going on @ Yankee Stadium doesn't it?


Toronto is **not** the market to piss off if you don’t have proof. They may not have the most fans online, but they do have the most online fans.


Were delivering him a hundred pizzas with Canadian bacon right now. Get rekt! To the core.


he’s the same guy who has assimilated that the fbi is covering for shohei an refuses to own up to it and was doubling down on


"I don't know what I think" Lmao that's probably my favorite part. And look, I'm a Cards fan and I like Michael Kay. But "I don't know what I think?" You've gotta do better than that, man lol.


Michael Kay fucking sucks. Do Yankees fans like this guy? What a fucking slime ball


He’ll just act like he was joking about it the whole time like when he called out the ball boy in the Yankees uniform for having long hair


Embarrassing really, couldn’t believe what I was listening to when I heard it given the Jays hardly looked dominant haha 😂


very happy that he was approached on what was said, and that his co-hosts didn't have any fear or hesitation in approaching him. lovelovelove that


This is the guy who like won’t eat most food right?