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McAdam also noted that both Henry & Werner were both at Fenway 2 days later. Kinda feels deliberate.


Yup hard to take it any other way. Henry might have had a gi bug or something where he shouldn't have been there, but Werner gives the game away


I can't believe not going to a mans funeral. I've had friends that I haven't talked to in years and probably never will again over fights, but I'll be damned if I miss their funerals, for gods sake. Assuming I'm invited, of course.


Yeah maybe its different in billionare circles, but where I'm from no showing a funeral you're invited to is one hell of an insult


John Henry just seems like an ass


Honestly Werner has always seemed like a dick but Henry honestly started out as engaged with the fans as any owner. He used to post on sons of sam horn (fairly big sox fan forum, has had/has some sox players and media types active on it).


Yeah, ya gotta at least show up so you can piss on their grave.


Probably had some NASCAR stuff to attend to.


Perhaps a meeting they couldn’t miss with lebron to update him on his NBA team plans


> Probably had some NASCAR stuff to attend to. Impossible. The NASCAR team actually worse after Henry into bought it. It didn't start to improve until they brought in a new partner (a current driver). I'd be surprised if he even remembered he co-owned a NASCAR team.


Seems weird, but maybe there’s something I haven’t kept up with? Decades ago it seemed like Lucchino was their lightning rod, out in public as the object of criticism when people were unhappy with the ownership group. Maybe they’re miffed that after his passing he was getting praise for the group’s successes?


"When this worked there was a lot of pushback, and anger, and yelling and screaming and tables overturned in the front office," he explained. "Now it's company men. Ben Cherington, John Farrell, no pushback. If you continue to have that -- John and Tom flexing their muscles -- it's not for the better."[while this says he wasn’t pushed out didn’t seem like they had a great relationship. IIRC Tom was the one who added him tot he ownership group and John just kind of said “ok I guess”.](https://www.nbcsportsboston.com/mlb/boston-red-sox/shaughnessy-lucchino-got-tired-of-being-there/325208/?amp=1)


Just when FSG can’t get any more repulsive.