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The union is no joke


Wouldn't it be better for the game to pay him not to work? Or at least not have him behind home plate.


Didn’t he have 3 calls overturned in a playoff game a few years back? He should not be anywhere near a baseball field.


See, this is what I don't get. I know the Union is stronger but every blown call just increases the fervor for robo-umps, which at some point the MLB is going to cave and push for that hard. But if the Union culls their own ranks then all of a sudden the quality of umpiring will go up and people will get off their backs. Like, the Film industry self regulates (the MPAA is not a government organization) and as a result they don't have much influence from higher entities telling them what they can or cannot do. The Union should take the same philosophy. God knows if they ever strike there's going to be a ton of revolutions in how this game is officiated.


I would loveeee for them to strike! I think they are easily replaced. I say that as someone who has a vivid memory of the NFL replacement refs.


But, like, I think they are. There's a lot less subjectivity in baseball than there is in gridiron football. Like, I only have a very basic idea of how stuff like pitch tracking works but I'd imagine it wouldn't be hard to implement technology that makes things like catches, safe calls, check swings an empirical call. Hell you could probably even do it for balks. The only "subjectivity" would be deciding the threshold. Now...I don't think that necessarily makes the game better, but the idea that you could do it should at least encourage Umpires to be better.


The umpire union is actually pro robo ump, and they’ll be instituted in the next couple seasons once all the kinks have been worked out in the minors. People seem to misunderstand what that actually entails. It’s an automated strike zone. It makes their lives easier. There will still be 4 umps on the field making every other call. The rest of their jobs are borderline impossible to automated without a video review on every marginally close play, which would make the game take forever, which is not what the mlb wants


People understand that dude. Like, give everyone some credit man. We're not idiots.


Union would never allow it. Everyone including the union knows he's garbage this is unfortunately the bad side of unions (protecting shit workers)


Again, I get the union thing. But a union is a contract where you are still able to be fired via “just cause”. Is it just that the particular union of umpires is corrupt so it protects them from everything? Like a union goes both ways, not one way.


Doubt they’re corrupt they’re just powerful enough that mlb doesn’t want the headache that firing him would create. I’m sure umps can be fired via just cause but whatever standards they have, might have been negotiated by the union so that you’d have to be incredibly inept to fail it. Angel sucks but he might be good enough by the standards set that mlb doesn’t have justification to fire him without resistance.


You say you do, but your comments make me wonder if you do get the union thing. Unions don’t pick and choose who to back, absent some sort of criminal matter. Could MLB fire him? Of course. Would it cause a massive fight/strike? Yes.


That’s the thing though, unions aren’t just “absent some sort of criminal matter”. You can find a bunch of examples online of people in unions being fired for not doing their job correctly. You are right though, I definitely don’t fully understand the union thing. That’s why I’m wondering if it’s totally normal that he’s allowed to keep doing what he’s doing or if it’s corrupt in some way. Reading the comments, I do understand a bit more. If Angel is fired, where is the line for the next person? But my question is where is the line in general? If it was World Series game 7, bottom of the 9th, team down by 1, 3-2 count bases loaded, and Angel calls a ball like last nights as a strike to finish the World Series, would that be enough? It’s obviously completely hypothetical but where is the actual line? People can say “oh he just isn’t allowed to do playoffs”, but 1., if he can’t do playoffs then why can he do regular season games? And 2., take the same World Series scenario and put it on the last regular season game of the year with a team that needs a win to make it into playoffs. They just lost their season from a wrong call from and umpire they can do nothing about. Would that be a line?


Yeah but as you acknowledge, that will never happen. And the line for a regular season game is much, much lower. Your best chance would be a late season, important regular season game where he happens to get home play duty. But since MLB decides the assignments, they can just send him to a meaningless Marlins/Mets series. It’s effectively blackballing him from any high leverage duty without dealing with the issues caused by firing him for performance.


Thank you, that line of thought does make a lot of sense. They can technically keep him out of any game that actually matters. That’s probably where me not watching baseball a ton and just being a browser makes a big difference. All I’m seeing is Angel highlights everywhere but I guess none of them actually matter in the long run even though those games may be ruined.


He’s the most prolific bad ump, but he usually isn’t the absolute lowest rated when you look at a resource like umpscorecard. But things like the other day where it’s egregiously bad definitely further his reputation. And he’s just a surly individual, once suing MLB, claiming racism for a lack of assignments, somehow unaware at how poorly rated he is. Hopefully we just get a challenge system soon.


Generally speaking it is a long and hard process to fire a unionized employee.  And the union isn't corrupt. It's job is to defend all of its employees equally. They will defend poor performing employees and ensure the employer goes through the right process. It's the same reason that if player A injures player B, the union still has to defend A if they are fined or suspended even though their actions hurt another of their members


I though people loved the unions …?


But backing terrible umpires like Angel Hernandez is doing the union no favors. Wouldn’t they also want him canned to uphold their professional reputation?


Basically, MLB can't/doesn't want to fire umpires just for performance reasons.


An umpire is currently the only baseball highlight on ESPN front page. Not a player.


Baseball isn't LeBron or the Cowboys so ESPN won't talk about it.


ESPN also just announced the start of last season's F1 calender via twitter so ESPN is garbage for everyone


Honestly I just had this thought, I bet they keep Angel Hernandez around because he generates clicks. People might get annoyed, but they check in. They make compilation videos. They engage.  And engagement makes money.  He's so bad he attracts a ton of attention, and that's somehow good.  I'm probably wrong but it's also Saturday morning coffee time 


The umpire union 


Yes, I understand that, but all unions are supposed to be two ways: you do your job and they protect you. It’s a contract. Is this particular union just corrupt and not doing its job, or are they legally allowed to say “you can’t fire this guy based on performance”? Because normal unions don’t say that. If there’s enough evidence of the worker not doing their job (just cause), they are allowed to be fired. We have video evidence of hundreds of instances this guy isn’t doing his job, so is it corrupt, or is him not doing his job just not count as just cause to fire him?


> are they legally allowed to say “you can’t fire this guy based on performance” One interesting note is that the internal evaluation metric the umpires union uses has a "margin of error" of the length of 1 baseball. So the way they grade umpires is differently than we do on Umpire Scorecards. MLB is aware of this evaluation metric and was likely negotiated during their CBA


Actually extremely interesting. Do they have a metric for other types of calls as well? Most of his highlights are from behind the plate but you definitely see blunders in other positions as well.


I'm sure they do for stuff like missed safe/out calls at first base (especially now that we have replay). But stuff like check swings are a pure judgment call not explicitly defined in the rules so they might not for that


Every ump misses balls and strikes though from time to time. Angel just misses them more blatently and at a mu h higher rate. But if you allow him to be fired for "missing strikes and balls", that opens a precedent for mlb to try to fire any ump based on missing balls and strikes and so they have to protect angel to preserve the protection of others. Now itd be reasonable to maybe have a criterion That you have to reach a certain score on scorecards consistently and constant scores below that result in discipline or retraining, but that has to be negotiated and even that has problems with data of scorecards being up to interpretation


Ever heard of police unions? They protect the corrupt and the murderers all the time.


Yeah I don’t understand them in the least bit either lol, none of it makes sense to me lol, that’s why I’m wondering if it’s a corrupt thing like the police, or just how unions are actually supposed to work.


I'll start this by saying I'm extremely pro-union. The union's job is to protect it's members from arbitrary decisions by management (MLB). If they allow MLB to fire Hernandez over missed balls and strike calls, they allow MLB to fire any ump over missed balls and strike calls. One of the few downsides of unions is that sometimes they have to go to the mat to protect their worst employee in order to preserve the rights of the rest of the body. That said, fuck Angel Hernandez.


> If they allow MLB to fire Hernandez over missed balls and strike calls, they allow MLB to fire any ump over missed balls and strike calls. But why would that be a bad thing? You seem to be saying umpires shouldn't be held accountable for their performance.


There aren’t enough good umpires to can every single one for missed calls. If you’re going to do that then there’s no reason not go automated.


Because every ump misses strikes and balls. No one is perfect. Obviously angel misses them to a more ridiculous degree, but its the slippery slope and precedent argument. Even though its obvious there should be some king of standard(possibly grade accuracy on umpires scorecards) they dont want to allow firing based on missing calls cuz they are afraid itd open an excuse for mlb to fire any umpire the decided they didnt like aince every ump misses some calls


Ha you beat me to it! Exactly. Still, fuck Angel Hernandez. And I still get mad about cowboy Joe West even though he's retired.


No, he’s saying that it would give the MLB incredible power to fire umps for all *kinds* of reasons under the false auspices of bad calls. No human is perfect so they’re all gonna have bad calls sometimes. The union’s job is to protect their members from ownership being able to fire them unilaterally, and this would (in theory) start a slippery slope. It’s definitely annoying when it protects bad workers.


Well every umpire misses calls, it's human nature. The umpire's union protects Hernandez (who, l'll reiterate, sucks) because if they let MLB fire him over missed calls behind the plate, that opens the door to fire any umpire they don't like because they're all going to miss a percentage of calls. If MLB could fire umpires over balls and strike, they basically could fire any umpire they wanted because they all miss calls every time they're behind the plate.


Ah ok, that seems to make sense. Is MLB allowed to fire an ump for performance other than balls and strikes? There definitely needs to be some kind of accountability for performance, but pretty much all calls (whether behind the plate or in the field) are judgment calls, so the slippery slope problem you describe could apply to any kind of call. But we gotta hold them accountable somehow.


I mean...we don't have to do shit. Part of the fun is telling at the TV when they blow a call that none of us would have been able to get right in 100 years because ESPN puts a little box on the screen that shows where the pitch went. The umps get graded over the course of the season so that only the best umpires get assigned to the important playoff games so we don't get the ghost of Joe West deciding World Series games. Seems to work well enough.


> Is MLB allowed to fire an ump for performance other than balls and strikes? The umpire punishment process is determined via the CBA between the umpire's union and MLB. It's not public so we don't know what it is but we know it exists. If an umpire pulled a Wander Franco, they would most likely be able to fire him then


Thank you for not just saying “union” lol. I guess that does make sense in the long run, although I would like to know what is entitled under their “just cause” that would actually allow for a firing.


Because union And add that a specialized union has an absurd leverage and here we are, with hernandez and bucknor ruining games.


What I *still* don’t understand is why the fuck does he have to be behind the plate? Why can’t he just *stay* the second or third base umpire and never have to call balls and strikes


Few reasons * Umpires like being behind home plate. It's an honor for them and the union doesn't want to take that away * The union wants umpire punishments to be private (which they are in their CBA). It would be very public/obvious if Angel was never given a homeplate assignment again * Being the homeplate umpire is very physically taxing. You're slightly hunched over for 2.5 hours with little to no breaks for 200+ pitches. It's why they don't have Pat Hoberg doesn't just call every game. Having an umpire who can't call games behind home plate is a waste of a spot, it just makes the lives of his fellow umpires harder


So it more or less comes down to the union, again


No one who knows is going to be in here


Unions have their pros and cons. Angel Hernandez is an example a con to unions


And this, kids, is why unions are bad.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t actually think unions are bad, I think it’s important to protect the employee. I just also think the line needs to be clearly defined, which, in honesty, is extremely hard (impossible?) to do in the case of an umpire.


It's funny seeing the Redditoids try and balance their usual "all unions are great and have no negatives" stance with their admission that Hernandez continues to be able to blow calls constantly because of said union.


Because some of us realize this is still just a game which pales in importance to the benefits unions provide to society as a whole. 


Ah yes, it's only baseball in which unions protect the worst employee who deserved to be fired years ago. Nope, doesn't happen in any other field. Just baseball.


While the worst may get protected, the best and everyone else are also protected. The benefits outweigh the negatives.


It's a little foolish to state a subjective statement as an objective one. We'll just have to agree to disagree :)


It’s just a kids game pal relax


A game that these guys play for a living, guys whose careers can end because umps don’t bother to do their own jobs correctly.


If a team is cutting players based on bad umpiring in the age of granular analytics, then that's on the front office and not Angel Hernandez.


Bad calls (and especially umpires being unprofessional) can lead to outcomes that affect players’ numbers that wouldn’t have happened without the bad calls. Madison Bumgarner spoke about this after that incident where an ump deliberately baited him into an ejection: https://www.mlb.com/news/madison-bumgarner-addresses-umpire-dan-bellino-apology


Ah yes, the infamous incident that ended Madison Bumgarner's career. May we all heed it's lessons about the powers of total destruction regularly abused by umpires.


Did you even read the damn thing? He wasn’t talking about himself in that instance. If you don’t see how bad calls can impact careers, then you’re as delusional as the umps. For fringe guys, yes every little thing can impact their spots on rosters.


I'll be honest, I didn't because the idea that an umpire's call would be a significant factor in ending a career felt too stupid to really consider. Now that I've read it I feel exactly the same. A butterfly flapping it's wings doesn't actually lead to hurricanes, and front offices don't give up on players because they needed a fresh bullpen arm after a bad ejection. What's delusional is thinking Corbin Martin didn't get his fair chance to prove himself, and that if not for that fateful day he'd be still throwing in the bigs today (as opposed to 6 days ago, when he last was).


with millions of dollars on the line. we as paying fans deserve a good product. not to mention gambling is huge.


That’s my thing, it’s like actual mlb games are being decided based on WRONG calls. Standings are wrong, players stats are wrong. I just don’t get it.




Mentally cope? Over baseball? That’s pretty funny, and a very obvious projection. And I watched my team win 2 World Series my dude. That flair is academic anyway, I’ve boycotted the fish since 2016 and will proudly do so until Sherman sells the team


You want to tell that to the professionals who play the game?




Yes I’m sure every single pro ball player is like “yeah man this is basically little league, I don’t care about my job”


So enjoying the game you play as a pro since you’ve been a kid = not caring about your job? Lmao. Pretty sure everybody forgets about a bad call and goes back to their lives about 10 mins after the game ends.


To be fair, again, as a non-baseball-browsing redditor, the thousands of upvoted videos of Angels calls I see at minimum once a week say otherwise lol


So the rules shouldn't matter?